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�� �,11,�' � _ " ,t y _ � - _ <br /> } . . . n3 � , - ., . , -.�ri,: .. . <br /> , �' 'r. <br /> � � "ti._..__.�..� _�� _, ._..�, -. <br /> 1 ., .. <br /> _ _.�I� <br /> '1'OQIiTHBR WITfi atl�M Improvemcnte now a h4rcaitar erected on Ua pruprnY.uM UI taumeN����L <br /> �nd Oxturc�now or kercafler a pnt of the propMy� All mpiutmrnb�nd�ddl�loro ihdl dxi be coverRd by t i�3aurity <br /> InaNment Allo/Uwtaegoln�brcfsrtedrolnihisSavrirytnstrumerttw�be•Protxtly." <br /> B(SRROWIiR GhVI3NANfS�h+t Bortowcr Is Iawfuliy eeised ot iho estue Ixrc6r canroytd and h»tho right to grant <br /> and convey�haP�openy u�d�hu Oa Proany le uneneumbercd.exttq Por encumAruices of mord. Borcower wurann and <br /> — wtli defend guxralty tta tlllo to ttw Pmpetly egalnsl nll cialme und dcmonde,i�bJccl w my encumbrenc�a of rccord. <br /> THIS SECURI7'Y INS7'RUMBNT combina unifam corenuu� fw n+Nonal um ond non•unlfomi coeemnu wi�h <br /> Ilmited vmiatiom by Judadictlon to wnstitme a uniform secudry Inetrumcnt wiedng rcai propeny. <br />_—_—.� ,.. .�• -- _ <br /> UNIFORM COV[{NAN7'9. Borrowcr and Lender covenant ud�grco w foltows: <br /> 1. PAymtnl of Priatlp�l�ed InttrcstS Prcp�ymeM uxl L�le CMryea. Bortower aAill pmmpilypay wixn due�he <br /> pdnelpul of anA Intcrcst on�he debt evidenced by�he Noto nnd uny prcpaynxm md lete chnrga dno nnder U�o No�e. <br /> 2, FLnda tor 7Mxta�nd IatuMnn. SubJcct�o oppIicablo law or to a wrllten wpiver by I.cnder.Dortower shall p�y to <br />— _ — Lendcr on�ho day monthly paymen�s aro duo under�ho Note,until tho Nao i�p11A in fuil,a snm('fimds")for.(o)yeariy <br /> ---- �nxes and asseumenu whtch may aneln pdodty ovcr thi�Suudty Inswmcm u a Iicn on t6o Propeny;(b)ywriy IeaseAotd <br /> --__.=-_ pnynxnM or ground rents on �he Property, if nn�; (c) ycarly hazard nr propeqy insumnu prumiumr, (d) yeariy Ilood _ <br /> --- — insumnce ptimimns,if eny;(e)yeu[y mnngago nsumnco premlums, if eny; nnA(q nny sums payn6le by Bortoxxr to <br />- --� eacocdance witA tRe pmvCstons of pamgnph 8, in Ilen of�ha p�yment of motigage Insurenw premiums. 7ficw - <br /> -�;,�:.�4�-:�� Itenu are caAted'Fscruw Items.' I.ender may,oi any�imo,collxt nnA hold f4nde in en nmounl not m excecd the maximum <br /> --i..��;��� eawua4 a trm�r for a federally rclated mort�i3e lonm m�y rtquiro Por 6ortower's curow accoum under Ne federal Real <br /> .__�.;;,;'' Estxte Sealem✓:ni Proccdurcs Act of 1974 as am:rA:d from timc�o timc, 12 US.C.A 2601 er nq.("R6SPA'),vnIeas aratP�r <br /> :,=�;,,,.'•.,x,. Iaw tiw.t epplfss to�he Ivnds uu a Iesser umuni. If so,Lender uny iime,collat end hotd GLads in an artwunl na to <br /> -��,,�;S, ;,,�; exceed [Le taser emoum. Lender may estimaie �he emount of Ponds due on �ha basis ci cuc�eat data end reasomD'✓: <br /> - ' e;6mates of expondituns of fuwre Cscrow kems or otheiwise(n accordance ei�h pppIIcaSle lrN. �--- <br /> fb �' The FLrAs ahall be held In an instiwtion whose dc sits are Insurcd b e fed�:ral a er.c inslnimentalit or entit <br /> r il,a.; P� Y S Y. Y. y - <br /> ;.y_,,p; �, (ir.cluding Lender.It Lendcr is such an inslitu0on)or in eny Rederal Ilome Laan BanR Lendu shall npply the Mnds lo pay _ <br />- ��i'�.�+•=-','s �� '�row Irenu. Lertder m3y na ctwge Oortowcr(or holding end nPplying tht FLnJs,ennually analyzing �he eserow <br /> eccount, or verityfng the Escrow I�ems.unless Lender pay� Ilorrower imercs� on ibe Mnds end epplicable luw permits <br /> ' � �����=�- Lender to ma6s such a char e Ho�rever,l.ender mn uiR 6ortower m e one•time ch e for¢n inde ndent real <br /> -..`iS�.:,,- � 8 � Y� NY ar6 P� <br /> - ��r'-.''�r='��` estete taa r.poxing service wed by Lendrr in connection wuh�his loan,unless applicable law p`ovidee othernisa Unleas an <br /> - �'0'�5-:J'.`. agrcemen�Is made or applicable law rcquircs imcros��o bc pald,Lcndcr shall not bc rcquircd lo pay 6ottowcr eny Intcrcs!or <br /> -- �-�"` � '' eamings on�he F§�nde. I3orrox•er nnd Lender may agrce tn writing,howcvcr,�ha�intcrcsi shall be paid on the f�nds. Lender <br /> ����,,.;?;_�:>F'. shall give l0 6otrowcr,without chargc,rn annual acmunting of ihc Punds,ahowing credi�s end dcbiu to�hc Punds nnd t1,Y <br /> - ' ,�� ' puryose for whlcA each debit�o the Nnds�vas made. 7Te f4ndc:uc pledged u oddi�ional securiry for eli sums securcd 6y <br /> �:.�..�':�,.,;.<<:�`. �hlsSccurirylnswmen6 _ <br /> ="4 �' ? If the Pun&held by Lendcr exceed �he nmounts pemiittcd to Dc hcld by nppiicnble law, Lender shall accoum lo - <br /> ��- fL�rtower(or the excess NnQs In accordanee wilh�he nquircments of npplicable law. If 1he emoum o(ihe Phnds held by [yjit?�� � - � <br /> � - " Lcr.der ut any qme Is not suflidem to pay ihe Escrow Itcnn�vhen duc. Lend.r may so notfry Dorrower in writing,and,in �� <br /> `^ ".' such cnse 6arro�rcr shall pay�o Lcndcr�he amount necessary�o malce up ihe deficicncy. 6ortowcr shall meko up�he .`c-�'--.-_ <br /> . � ' deficfency in no morc Nan uvcive momhiy-��ymems,at Lenders sole diuretian. - - �°� <br /> ^} Upon paynum in full a(nll sums mcar.d by ihis Security Insuumen4 Lender shall promptly rcPond to 6orro�yer xny ���%M,;_.�-; <br /> �..s3, �un&hetd Ay Lendee If,under parsgr�ph?I,Lender shall acquirc or sdl�M1e Propeny, Lender,prior w the aequisition or �7 �'^;�;.t_sie:=��- <br />� - -� ' sale of�he Propeny,shall apply nny �und<heid by Lender o� the �ime of acqulsi�ion or xnle as a cmdi�ugalnst the sums :r":^4��---- <br /> __�-:,, srwredby�hisSecuriiylnsimmem. �` �`- �;T: <br /> - 3. Appllca�lon ot Poymenls. Unless applicable Imv provides o�hcnrise. nll paymcros received by Lender under -� ;�_� <br />- ������ pamgraphs 1 and 2 shall be applicd:firsL�o nny prcpaymem charges due under�he No�e;second,to amoums payable under ��,'i+,';'�„1�-:'1,�._,r" <br /> . paregraph 1:tSird,�o imercst dur,founh.�o principal dur,nnd los6 to any Inte chnrges due under�he No�e. ! �•.�.'.^��;--'-';�:-::.. <br /> 4. Chnrges; Llens. 6orro�eer shall pay nll �azes, a+sessmenis, ctiargcs, fines and imposhions euributablc ro�he . �+.`�. :���.��'"�' <br /> -;i?�� Propcny�vhich nmy mmin priority ovcr�his Sauriry Inswmcm,and Icaschold paymcros ar gmund rcnts,if any. Dortowcr % - <br /> • sAall a �hese obli ations in thc mnnncr mvidcd in ara ra h 2,or if not aid in that mnnncr,borta�ver shall a ihem on ;�•<•-�':"�'��_ �� '�- <br /> P Y B P P S P P P Y . . .-K ,,:,`Yi;_. <br /> �ime dircetly�o�he person o�ved paymem. Oormwer shall promptiy fumish m Lender all no�ices of amoums�o be paid under t-f- :<��; <br /> �his pamgra,nh. If 6ortuwer makes�hcse raemems dircnly.6ortower shnll pmmptly furnish�n Lender rcccip�s evidenring �� � 3" ; -�: <br /> =- -- - :;j thc paymems. ' � ifS[-`-�. <br /> 6orro�ver shail promp�ly diuha�e any licn���hich hnz priority oscr this Sttnriq�Ineirumem unless Uono�rer.(n)ugrees � ��i?�* • <br /> � in oriiing�o the paymem of ihe obtiga�inn secured by�he lien in a m:mner ncceptuble�o in gixd fni�h the � -I5�:` <br /> � , --�_ -` fien by,ordefends against enforcemeN of�hc lien in,Iegal procecdings whi.h in the Lender'.s opinion operate�o prerem Ihe `��;q.�_� <br /> � enlosement of the lien:or(c)xcures Gom the holder af�he lien an agrcemem sa�isfuc�ory m Lender subordinaiing�he lien +� �'�t";,;� <br /> . :i`:;'..�`; ...�i��.�c,�,_. - <br /> . � m this Security Instrument. I(Lender de�emiines�hat any pan of the Propeny ix xubjm to a lien which may ouain priority z i�+ �� _� <br /> 1 . oecr Ihis Security Insuumem.Lender may girc Dorto�rcr a nolicc idcntifying�hc licn. Rovo�eer shall satisfy Ihc lien or�ake ��••� t L � <br /> ;��- one or morc of thc ac�ions set(onh abovc�ei�hin 10 daycof�he giving of naice. �_ �t4� ` , r -'� ' <br /> , . � -. � 5. Ileznrd or Property Insuronce. Uurroncr.h:dl Aecp ihc improvcmrm.nmc exis�ing on c�rca(�er crcct.�d on�he '� � �����+'- <br /> �- � No n insured a ains�loxs b �re.ha�zrde includ.•A uithin�he�enn"ex�endeJ corera e"and any o�her ha�ard>.inckdin � {��•.�.r+�f�1u. <br /> g - P� Y 6 Y & F � r � � .. <br /> . �4C ��,' 1loods or Ilooding, fnr whirh Isnder reqnires incuranee. This insurance shall be maimnined in �he amoums and for Ihe �+iy�� +��� ,+.-� . <br /> Si��t � . <br /> ` ,_[ 5�rt���Y�{���� .. <br /> • 1� fum�.101s 9/90 fMg�7nJAry�ui � �t •{t ' <br /> . � <br /> .i . . ',� ��} . .. � <br /> _ . . -___. , � , . <br /> ' [�R��/Sv�t�.4.)4(� :� t�l...'�-fL_ .. .._ . . , "�I.t:� _ . . �:t.:: ] �. . :,d., s:x::•uFt:U:: .G`r': ei:�-,4M1<S� .y�'et-.1.. _. . . ' _ <br /> �-, '\ 3� . . . � ' � <br /> '`A--;i . - , <br /> ���i.-y� �b•,l:�li�'�.i:' . . . . <br /> ,S'.' . - � � _ <br /> . . . .. '3': . - . <br /> � .;��.,'...-. ' - . . . <br /> . . ti. - _ ' _' . - . . , <br /> ` [ ' . <br /> ; f . ' <br /> , : • <br /> � " � '� ' ,__...,��_._. ,. ..__-. -_ -�._ <br />