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<br /> .. le.MMe�Mn�w MN�i.ns � .- • � . . � � �,-., �-' - .
<br /> � � . (�)Wm�wr(N11MM�1.�iineden el tM 1'm�for piimvlt R�medXkNbn of th�wMl�Nwnd 6y ehli 9wqAt:fMp�trntM .. -.
<br /> � 'bjr Lmdw to�ny wtawq,rll 'tM+„Q10orrowM�h�Y noS op�qt�co rN�;ln ny��«,th�K�bNrty af th�oi�MA IWnoww .
<br /> . - rid lorrowNy w�er.�h htN1M.Undn eheN not b�'tpvyW to bemm�nu prooMd!Mpo KN+M wM wao�p�or.n(uN te .
<br /> �xtM+p tYn�for pprprn!OR othrvrlN modify�mort6�tion OA th!w+M i�w�b by 1hN OMd of TrvN by rwwn ot.�ny dM.ntnd� �
<br /> mw�h'm},Pr�,,�eoirowN�n.d�orrowa'�rrow�wnh!�tK.�a,, .... . .
<br /> " - " ' "lb)L�nNJs h�.WMptit��(�cthp th�M�tMit�ol*nk oMit pN16n IIi6N tor th�O+Ym�n!ol nY obliptlbn hN�h rtNnibnW� .
<br /> . -:__ -_, - - end whhaul dfwlNQ Ih�R1n pW�NurQ�el thN Owd ol T�w1 u2¢n nY poebn of Ih�RepMy not th�n or lhw�tolo»nNw�d w ,_ .___-__
<br /> .. . . ._ . . :_____-_.
<br /> Nqurhy for�h�fuli NnaMt q,��Nj�n�ld eiynbnr,4��{dN �1`qn tYm to tM�nd wkhwt notia(0 tNR�}1 q� Y Hrwn�o
<br /> tl�¢M.p7��md�A�mNurHy er Ntw rry ef 1��t«m�o1'ny,�e6Nq�tion�.tn�t ar.n�o�n«MeuqMO«,(W��NM{�a nbonvN,
<br /> .--_- or NvN to b�reN�d or r�eoovWM�1 nY Ilm�tl l«fdW{optbn�nY C�rO- . MIUP.pf.J�l,oj�hl,((op�y(v)Nk�or reN�ny
<br /> �--- otAM�ddHbn�1�titY fer rry ellq�tbn hx�in m�ntbnH,or Ivll m�k� IPM;MM,�Iry��Mn'kl wRh d�Dten N
<br /> --°' r��bntnxno. 1fRMx1MJi.V�?M1 j1
<br /> .—_ !0)1�»Yy LwMw INI�WYvw�My fonEMnnu by lm4M N i4N1n/�NyqINfA�,}p��yh�( d�r,or o�h«wN�
<br /> ---- d1o�dW 6y �PPIk�6N Nw.Null nol 6��w�k�r of o�piw4d�th��xee ol'Mf�N10h'n�1�t�w�wN�:Th�Prowrrnml ol
<br /> _ __.-----.� hNrtMU or th� _. .. ..
<br /> _: P�yMMI 0�!�%M 01 Olhtl Illfl�01 O�1UaM py 1W10B�HII 1101 b��W�NM 0�LMdN'�Ibllt t0�OC�I�I�{�{^� �.
<br /> , .Sr—� m�lwily e!1h�h4�blMn�NaurN by 1hN C«d of Trvn.
<br /> ��S� f01�w�MH�n1 AMyn�Munil J�MI rM N�w�lY1MYt CNNHoM.Th�oevM�nq�nd�pr»m�nu h►nin eont�hH�h/M
<br /> "�`+�t,-, bad, �n1 IM ryhb hwwnde �h�N hun to, lA�fN��OIM�NCC�MOt� Y14 �NIOM OI LMIdN Mld TN�101. AN COVMMSI MO
<br /> v��'4� �pi�npU ol T�u�lor �hdl b� olnt nd �wed. iR��apthn� md hN4r9� ot tM u n �ol thl� D�l.-of Tmq er Poe
<br />�`(`;C'`:. ,..:, I v w W�
<br />;'Ya�t�},�Irw"1�: eonvMNna onl/�nd u�not l0 b�uwd lo hixpnt w d/fn�lM Orovwiom hewl,
<br /> V17r
<br />_:;��.r,'iy, . NI 1MW�H br N�WM.Th�w�tip hw�bY r1µ«t thN�eoDY ot mY nolk�ol d�fwh h�rwndw�nd�eoPV of�nY hoi�u ol
<br /> + ` `�dz NN harwndv b�m��Nd to Nch pery to lR4 Dwd o1 Trw�N tM�ddr�Nt tonA�bov�h th�m+mn Dtfwr3W Oy�DP�K�bM
<br /> �.,r..•..•„;i;� I�w.Exapl(or�nY othM notiu rpWrM undlr�DDflubq qw to b�pN�n h mothu m�nnv.�nY notia prpvid�d 1or n thb DNd of "°� -
<br /> c'.,-c;t-..�.;�is TNq �hdl b�ON�n bY m�ifn9 woh notiu EY nriBUd m�d�ddr�d to N�olho D��ti„,�t tht Wdqp wt fortA�bove My
<br /> __i�a..1,_';;',; notlu Drovldd tor in tM�O�W of Trurt MNI E�HhotM�9w�m�Tinp In th�mmnn dnyn�bd henh.ll Tm�mr I�mon lhm on�
<br /> -,.�..,r..;,e9, pmon,noUoe.at ro�M•dQr�o•�i Ponh.6ov�hdl ba notk.to.tl�uch Dmon�.
<br /> ��-::r::t.-.��;•.. (ll Inpwibn.lx�dv mW mak�ar ww�to b�rnadf naonabb�ntflN uD��d in�pwtion�oi th�PmD�rN.D�ovldM th�t
<br /> ;.�.5'•.::!�;,:{ L�ndu�ht!I pV�Trwmr notk�pdor to�nY�uch M�P�ctbn�D��VNy nuombb aw�N�nlor rd�ud to l�nd�rY intlrl�!fn th�
<br /> �r:-i:.;�,1�..a VroD�1{Y.
<br /> '��"C•:��:+:',:�^... 191 p�conwY�. Uvon D�Ym�nt of dl �um��ocur�d bY th:�De�d of Trwt, lw�da �hdl n9uut Tm�tN to rwonv�y lM
<br /> ;�`!'��.{` Propery nd�hail wrtmda thb Dud of Trurt�nd dl notp wld�neN9 Nd�bbdn�w��cur�d 6y thi�Dnd of Tru1t to T�urt��.
<br /> '��t'�?:i' %� T'u�be Mill qconv tM ProD�ttY wRhout wunnl �nd wNhout chu e to ths �non or u�om lepd entklad lhv�to.Tru�lor —
<br /> `;�:'r1.•:,}"� w v a v v N
<br /> %,.i.�..,.� . � �htll prydl eort�of nwrdalon,if�nY.
<br />.•-��r..�, ".�7':3 (M VNqMI PfO�MtlYi EICVIIty AyfN�M116 A��dAiHOMI N Wlity I0l tI11 pryTM�OI Ih�NOb.Tfurtor he�by pnnt�L�nda undu �<>"
<br /> '����"�-�����J'� th�N�b�uk�UniPorm Comm�dul Cods�ucuriry inlero�t N dt Ilztmu,equiDm�nt,�nd othv penoml p�oD�rty uwd h conn�eqon E��'--
<br /> ��L. 1`. .,' �
<br /> ni�h in�nd ed�i�or"vnpmvwnw�i�ioui�d tn�twn.�nd nai oihemii�di�7iiid et drnniv'i"v`vi i yiri v:tt.i:.l s:t:::::we:d -.. ..-..-. ..--
<br />_ -.i±..:'. ;�;:�r-' hu�bY.ThD In�UUment�hdl b�wmuv�d���B�wdN AOrern�nt unda sdd Cod�.�nd th�Lenda�hall hrve ell tha dphta�nd [g(�:�==— '.
<br /> -i• ••.�;;:; �em�diu of�neund perry wdrr��id Cod�in�ddition to th�dphb end r�m�dfu uubd undu�nd accordW th�L�nd�r Duuu�nt , ��{- —
<br /> � � �e �.�-_ te Ihp D��d of Tmn;D�ovW1d lh�t Lmda'�rqhb md temld�u unda thb panprlph�hall b�eumabiN�whh,md in no wry• ;��j`�� -�
<br /> ! � I'�m%�ilon on,lendv9�yht�end nm�di��undar�ny othor ww�iry�9reem�nt dqnad W Borrower or T'urtor. � � �"i -4 '��'�
<br /> -..•���-� �� � 1� LFms �nd Enwmbnna�. Trmtor hero6Y w�rt�nu �nd reDr�wnb that ther� le no dd�ult under the Providon� of mY ,j•j:���•:ry� i
<br /> �,'y�I; mo�0�94 deed oi w�t,laau or Durchaw wNmol datuibhq �!1 m �nY Wrt ol tha Property, or olher wnir�et, inUmment or _�_r v�- .i�"
<br /> 't f apmem�nt untlhulN9/fien ot onwmbnnea epafntl ell o�eny D+�t o1 the Ftoperty ItO�laetiv6 'l7en�'1,exatu�p w oi the d�te ol !�`h��;�: �`c'�f�'
<br /> � _- -.� � thi� Oe�d of T�u�t, md Ihn my �nd dl exi�Nn9 Liena �em�fi urvnod/ied exeept n d;eelowd to L�nder in T`uitor9 wdlUn .'(r' - -t �;- ':.
<br /> - ., , di�down o} Ilan� �nd eneumbrmu� Drovided lor heroin.Tru�tor �hdl lMely puiorm �11 of T�u�tor9 obfipattom, cov�nenb. FFi3v�` -5Yn ''�q` aj
<br /> `kt�t;�,.:;'.::',', reP�awnuUon�md wuontie�undv mY�nd dl ext��inp�nd lumra Uen�,shall promptN fonvud to lmder wpiea of�II noUco of ���1,�Li�._� t.u£,_.
<br /> I .,�)y�� dehuit wnt In eonneetion with my end eil exN1In0 or hwre Ltenr.�nd shali not without Lendl�Y ptlor wtilten oontent In �ny !.� -,�
<br /> - `'.5'.*S ' r F:..: .- ,,.:
<br /> - .. r,. m�nna�modity 1he D�ovlilon�of or e�low eny/utma edvenu�unde�eny exiatinp or lutme tlem. -,
<br /> 'Y :�" •�:`: y) AppYe�tbn ol P�ym�nb. UNw olhe�wlm m vi�ed by lew, sum� dd to Lendor hawunde�, inelud'n wi�hout fmiution �✓+-'�:'`.. "'��- �'`
<br /> paymonl:at prfnclpel:nd inleroq,intunnte D�e�••��,r.ondemnelion proeeed��nd r.n�.md nmfn.,eF.e!1 t:epF��eJ by Ce��Sa lo '" --�=' j i` `
<br /> �"!�-' the�mounN due end own0��om Trvrtor�nd bor�ower in auch order u Lendar in it�aole AI�eroUon deom�ded�ebie. 1{�,j} - -1 5 ;
<br /> IKI 6�v�nbYity. I( eny v�ovblon ot thb �eed o1 Tmrt eonlGcu with aDd���b�e I�w or ia decla�ed inwlid or olherwiae `��j��� � . i �_ �? --'
<br /> unenfaruabie,mch conlliot or Inwiiditv ahdl not ellect the othar Omvision�of th4 Oeed ol Tmtl or Ihe Nole whlch un be pNen !� „ .��---_ -
<br /> 1� �_ - elleet wilhout the con11io1h0 P�avision, end to th4 end Ihe D�ovision� ol th�a Deaa ot Trvat �nd the Note em dedared lo be '>��� 'h�"
<br /> �.1�..�i cevenble. �, � r f;-
<br /> w ., - , ' UI T�mu.The tmm�'Truelo�'end'Oo�rower'shall ineWd�both�inquier�nd pl��el,and when tha T�usto�and Uamwae�m the i��
<br /> y(y;��`�:n-`�',-� s�me Da�on{�L those lerme e�used in thb Dead ol Tmst shell 6e inmrchenpeab!e. �:,;: , , ,r;�`'`' -
<br /> � .�J�t�t �.°t•;� fml Oev�minp L�w.Thia Deed ol Trun eh�il ba povmned by the law�ol lhe 6�ete ol Nebiaske. - _ ���_�
<br /> Tmslor hu axawted lhi�Deed o17ru�t aa al lhe dNe w�i{len ebove. i;� t--- � `
<br /> , .:}ii} __ }S•` `.:
<br /> ` y�y�
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<br /> .'!+' '.�� Q IpBB Hubnel B�nt ol Comm�rt�Tm�t�M 6eN�p�Aux�nbn.OMOIn.Nebn�b
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