.;,�,tl•� }ti--�::1���� U°r-. .� � . �. c -Jni....
<br /> J. . . ,�"'u. .�.fE�. ,. Ji..�..:.i� - t -ns _ks,.7
<br /> � .-' � .��'�'�_..41ya�.-�uiLA+.�' _. __ . . ._ . . _ ;,.._
<br /> ._.�,�-_' � . g3N'14'7►905�._ ..
<br /> . ,. ..
<br /> ., .. . - : � •
<br /> .hkii�lmCN ih=iil hw�N�opUon k�ks aN«id�MoNU dlieiNlor� td�ppb iM�ud��hoa�d�,af�w d{duatNO fqR�
<br /> d o3in�nd�xpmN�Nwrrb by.it N oamwtbn wRh woh h4eNdr,upon mY h3�btW(���i�d AM�Y�^d I^Wdt�91 k'
<br />�.....� LmdM m�y dltlmth�.o�to�Ppty+q�uch i4oetW�,�Iqi wch d�dpGikn�,to th��Mlontion o►tM RoD�W��^w�oondabn��r�
<br /> ---n�� LindM jn�y.dKNmhr.MY�tpp et.Req�W�to hA�EtNn�1MM_do��xttndpj fp�t➢on�Nf dw dN�el�nY PIYmMI�und�r� •-
<br />��;, th�Notr.o{wt��nydltwht wwndNahx�yndr:M9�WiRWi'U�d��hdlp�p�WtoTtWtor. � '. . .
<br /> E.�►itl�tnw�F�SIN�Nr.�pen th�xtUrrr�n of�n EYMt 01 Pdwh AxWnl�r, oRM�ny wH M Nk� or fp�l proCMd'np,
<br /> x ✓ � CMM1MCdO N'hW,�MIUII�M������MdN��NIHMi 10(h�ROpNM���dN mry N fu own dlw�nUpn,W I witheut pb6971is{1 10 d0 f0. �
<br /> md withput�4{bi't0 or dwn�nd apon Ttu�tot��d whAOUI�NN�1.p Tru�to�from riy oblqubn,dQ my wt xR�A Trv�tor Ai�p�Nd
<br /> �„f E._� bp1 t1iN to de)ft�d mN��do�nY oth�I WI N dNtn�n W�N1'ry to ptotKt 1��Heviiry h�rw1.T�u�toi�h�M.(mMW l�t�ly u6on dMmnd
<br /> _,;,;�rY tfi1t�`lat by li7idor,pay t6_lsnda+ip eost�'aad oxpsiea Lrycurted end eume arpeided 6y lendN h canneetbn whh the�x�wN�Ly ,
<br /> -,-��*�.r�;, ;4ind'eY of.fii�19j!OOhO�WhN.to0��hw whh ht�rwt thawn�t th�d�(wlt ryN p�ovldW-M thr Nou, tvhkh tl+Nl b��ddN to th�
<br />`-:'rr,>}. �� Y�d�04iUpm�ieautHhe�hy.lmdMRh�NnothwrnyF.bKtyb�ewwo{eny�hBOhmey Booromittodohuwnda. _
<br />=;��i,.;.���"=:4 Y,ry�;tp�fam fi1�tM�N.Tmrtor�h�M kN��+r iYop�rty In complimcs wflh ell�pplioebN I�w�,Ordlneneo�nd n0uldbn�oUflqP.lo �"'
<br /> _ � s.�_.
<br /> '��^`rui,��1i'i�j. NdmnGl'hYOiene oi ynvirodpte{�td vtotaution leolNotNsN nbrtM to h��ein e�•EnvNOnm�nld L�wa'1.Tm�tor�hdl k��P th�Vrapul y
<br /> i" "'.'-�.���',;;', hN Irom�Y�ubp�nCN dlM�ed�0 6�huuGov�or loxlo unde�ny Envkonm�nlA l.�wt(wtlwlW�N toLtr�d to hadn��'BNUdov!
<br />_.".'-::t.`i'fdt tAU�bN•1.Trv�lor h�t�by wonanU�nd apmmb lo Lendn thtl tha��n no 11�=udou�M�teld on o�undv th�%oP�rq.Trv�tor
<br />�--�::-:,,.. _.
<br /> _.,._.-,--,.-'�;•� hadry�9ten lo qdfmnily rdd hold h�rtplM�L�nd�e, la dir�crou,offleub�mRbyKa nd�i!�U, nd �nY wa���on to L�ndn'�
<br /> °__-'___--___.
<br /> 1' i q ?+. hlxwl.from�nd ep�h�t�nY�nd �7 eqimr,dxn�ON,loxn�nd fi�bilnlw eNhp 6 eonnwlbn wi�h�h�prnmu,uw,dipenl or
<br /> y.,`.,�F_S;�i� IIYUpOf1 OI My II�S�lAOY�M1�11IJ�0��unde,from or�baut Ih�P�opeq•THE FOREQOINO W�TIEB AND REPPE6ENTATIONO, __
<br /> � ,,.:.,... muer. ---
<br /> f0.Mel�nnwnt ol MnU.Trv�to�h�nby adpn�lo L�ndu�h�nnt�,bwN nd pmfib oi�h�Vwpury7 V��dd th�t Trator�h�N, —_
<br /> ,�t,.�,',,,.,�� ualA th�oacumna ol M Evmt ol Ddwlt hewnde.hw�th�dqht to oolNel�nd nuln wch nn1�,Mw„�nd prolip n ih�y bwom� —_-
<br /> •- - du�nA pry�bN.Vpan lh�otturr�na o1 m Ev�nt ol DJwN,L�nder mry,Nthe in p��wn or by�pa6 wMh or wllhout bdn9Ni„Y !�
<br /> . `=•..; tolbn or piouMh9,or 6Y�rwNw�eoPOlnpd bY�eoa�t�nd without upud to 1h��diqwry ef lu eaudry. �nUr uPOn md nAe c.::-: _.. _ _
<br /> .�`- , -�`� � ponwdon ol �h�RoP��U', or�ny D��t lhu�al, In lu own n�m�or in thr mm�ol th�Tm�ur, �nd do �nY�oU whF:h N d�n� ::;.,.,_•�-...
<br />-}!'•n."<�"°'� nw�ry or dnln4b�o Pr�nrv�th�v�N�,muk�nbi�itV or tmt�bifiry oi lh�ProPNty.or�ny put th��wf or hUu1t lh�nN.Naou ;; -
<br /> ".::�^, °;'.;� lh�inrnm�lhad�om or PtoUOt Ih��wudtY hnml�nd,with o�whhout ukin9 ooueJon ol th�P�opn1Y,�w Por or othuwlu wilwt �•�•u°--.
<br /> '..':{'- ': lh�unU,bwo'nd pro11U th�nof,inolud6�91ho�e D��1 du�md unpdd.�nd�PPN Ih���mb I�n ca�b md�zp�nm ol oP�ulion md ,iC%;y7��
<br /> a�;'.����•;n� �'' aollwtlon hclud60�uom�Y�'bo,upon�nY hd�bt�dmn��em�d h�nbY,dl h�uch order u Lmdn m�Y d�Urmin�.Th��ntuhp uPOn ;�;._,��,
<br /> .:•,,5�;�?'�;��� �nd Ukinp Pou�ulOn ol lh�ProPe1N, the ooll�allon ol wch renb,iuue�wd Proliu�nd the�pplb�qan thenol u dar�ald,�h�0 not ;":,�:r,:-�.
<br /> �. .:-;'�n'�^�' cu��or w�N��nY dd�vll or notiq ol del�ult hnwnd�r or invdid�b�nY�ol don�N mPOn�e b wdi ddwll or punumt 10�uch notic� �,. '4�jji.._:
<br /> . .L:^ ..?q:. rrt..: .Sm;_
<br /> of dJ�uit�nd,notwfth�t�ndlnp Ih�contlnwnc�In Poneadon of the ProD�rtY or 1h�mlleation,ua�ipl�nd�pplintlon ol nnU,b�w�or .�e:�:.,: .
<br /> �� D�oli14 md Tru�b��nd L�nd�l�hdl 6�Mlfll�d to�ae:dn�w�ry dyht Omv'd�d lo�In my ol Ih�Lom Imtrur��ia or 6y I�w upon '}�'.-:
<br /> -- �r'- oxvrt�ne�al�nY Evmt of ON�ull,hNudfnp wilhavt frtniteleon ll+s dpTl le�suei��th�Dow�r of uq. ForiLV.lonAry r!php�n! {i�': ���i.'
<br /> nrnsi'n� �s�du thp panpmP� ��II b� cumul�t.L� w71h. md N no waY� IimdRion on. Lx�d�f� 'ryhif and wm�dn� ua'x any j[�-� Pr � — -
<br /> � o�dma�nt of luq��nd�anu�eco�d�d���h�!lM Ropary.Lendeu�rmlee�nd Ihe�eeWu�h�y b Lib:e to weovnt only le�thon -';t 'E-��--�
<br /> . .'� � nnU�etaalYraeiAad. � :�.5>,
<br /> y - -:��_� fl.EVmLO1�AuAt.Th�followF0�h�lcon�tltub�nEV�nto/OafiWlvnC�tthi�Ow0olTrttn: �t,in� `-'
<br /> (�)Flilure to pry enY btt�iknant ol Drh<ipd or fnbntl ol�nY otM��wn weuud het�by wh�n Cw; r : ��
<br /> a�.. (bl A.6ro�eh of o�dehult undu my providon ronUimd in th� Nm�,thb Deed ot Trv�6 my ot 1h�Lo�n In�vum�nu,o�my �
<br /> olhv lien or mcumbnnc�upon ih�P�op�dY:
<br /> -..!�-"�. Io1 A w�N ol�x�culion a �Il�chment or mY ivnlu r ' t .�i"
<br /> � pro<�n�hnit M entenJ�0����Tmsto�ah'.th�hdl becom��Ilen on lhe 1 ->�..•
<br /> ''` ProP�ity o��n !'i.�:=.„�.; -.�.'-
<br /> Y Partlon tha�ol or intue�t lhemh�: � ..:�-..�.:, ' �
<br /> 'r �... '::a•.s:f (d)TA�n�hdl be flied bY or�Oein�t Tmrtor or Bo�rowe� �n eetbn under anY D����nt o�fuWn lederd.�dte or olhar�t�lue.Inv " -:t`s t�,�
<br /> ,�..,... . �''n'..''.'':rd+� :
<br /> - ot npuhtlan rd�lin9�o bmkmplty, In�oNeney or oihe� �e5a1 lor dablon;ar them �ho116e eppoNlad �ny Uu�pa, weaHer or �f �t T-�. .
<br /> '��,r fpold�tor ol Tm�tot or Borfowar ot o(dI o�my p�tl o1 the Po�pa��y,or th�roM�,bweo or D�a�����hueof,ar Trwlo�or Bo�wwer ��,�'��F.
<br /> � - ����' �hdl mak��nY pene�d auipnmenl lar the benelil ol ewditou: '` t;' �. . 4.,-?).�
<br /> � (a)7Fe�dn,uenda,laem,a�eipnmen6 wnveyanee or fmther eneumbwnee ol ell or eny pmt ol o��ny fntere�t in the P�oparly, `: -'��=1i'df s-
<br /> � uther vo'unlerdy or Involunt�dN�w��houl lhe azpmu w�inen eon�ant ol Lendu;provfded Ihat Twb��hdl b�permitted to execate �`��':!� "�!���
<br /> , •luae of lhe P�oDe�ry thet doe�nal eoN�in�n optlon ta purehe�a enA the U�m ol whieh doe�nol ezaed on�ye�r, ���[�'�..
<br /> ' " �� 111 Abmdonment ol th�ProP���y:or , '.;.'.'.^'
<br /> - ' Ip)II TNator I�not en IndNidud,Ihe louenae, �ele,lron:lar,usl0nmant, eonveyanee or eneumbrenee ol moro lhen e lotd '��SdY-"s.-��
<br /> ol un �rc�nt ol lil�eo� or�tlon)IU luued md ouUl�ndln �loek ar II• ulnershi 1 e lotd ol M/� pereenl of . �-�.
<br /> P P Y ( V P _ �--. � � ti'..
<br /> �-:�'�+ putnanhip hrimen�dudn0�he Oe�lod thb Dead ol Tm�t�amain�e fen an lhe Pwpmty. -• -
<br /> . _t+��.:;r,P�- 17.H�m�dMr,A<eda�ikn Upen DH�ult.ln the event ol�ny Event ol Del�ult Lendee mey,wfihout noUce exeapl u�aQaiwd by lew, i•,,;j�,,�'_�.��;_
<br /> `��f� �� deehte nll Indeblednau �aeurod ha�aby l0 6e duo �nd peyeble end lhe seme ahall Iheroupon beooma due end p�y�bla wilhoul eny �-:� •
<br /> puqnlment,d�mmd,pmte�l a nollea ol�ny kind.Themefler Lendar mey: � .� t`-�
<br /> �. (��Demend lh�l Tfu�lae exerdw lhe POWER OF BALE amnled hewin, end T�wlee chdl thamdler e�uw Lw1o�Y intem�l _ [.
<br /> - ' - h the Pwperty to 6e aold md cha proeead�to ba dlsbibalad,all in tha manne�D����d�d in lha Nebuake Tmn Daed�Acl; �� - "'� `�'�"�
<br /> �� (bl Exe�dsa �ny end ali ripht� providad /o� in eny ol lhe Loan In�lr�ment� or by law upon oetu�ence ol �ny Evenl ol �
<br /> ,. iC '
<br /> Delaull;end i
<br /> fa)Cammente en actlon lo loweloae Ihia Oeed ol Tmp a� e mo�tpepe, eppoinl e wceivar,o�spaeilically enbrce eny of Ihe . _ . '
<br />� � � covenenle harool. '
<br /> No rcmedy he�etn tonlo�rod upon or rosorved te Tmelce or lende� ia inlcnded lo ba erdusivo o/eny oiher romedy howin, in Ihe Loan �
<br /> Inalmmenle or by lew p�ovided or pe�mitad,but oeeh shall 6e eumulal've,�hall be in eddiiian to every olher romedy pWen he�wndm,in �
<br /> tha Loen In�6umenh o�now or ho�wfler oxi�tinp et ien oe in equiiy o�by�lelale,end may be exarcieod eoneurwnlly,indeoendmtly o�
<br /> nutte��ively. .
<br /> 19. Tmtle�.The Tm�lae mey m�i0n nt o^Y timo wilhoul eouea,ond Lende�may al eny lime end w�lhout eavse eppoiN e wcceoo�
<br /> o�wbtllWie Tm�tea.Trv�tee�hell nol ba liebla lo eny perly,indadinp witheul fmilelion Londer,8onone�,T�atlor o�my Dwrhem�ol .
<br /> , the Pmperly, foI eny lo�e a� demepe vnlen dae te �aekien or wilifel mi�condoel, and eheil nat be ieQUimd to tete nny ecllon in - _
<br /> eanneolion wilh(he enlo¢omenl ol lhi�Deed ol Tmtl anlon indemnilitd,in w�il�np,lor oll eo�b,compmeelion o�expmw�which mey
<br /> � be euociulod Ihamwith.In edEilion,Tmeiee may bocomo e pwcheeo� el eny eole ol Iho Pmperty (judaiel or undo� tha powe�of eelo
<br /> � � p�ealed ha�dn�;poet0one Iha enle ol ell o�any porlian ol Iha P�oOOrty,eo p�ovidod by Iaw;o�sell�he Pmperly e�e whole,o�in�epe�elo
<br /> - / p�¢el�or iot�al Tuetee'e disaelion.
<br /> � 14.Fe�end Eapm�u.In�ha evenl Tm�tea�elle the Prove��y by exmc�ne ol powe�al�ela.Tru�tea she�l ba enlitled to epply eny�ela
<br /> j pmttedo Ilut Io pnyment ol eIl eort�and ezpcnta�ol oxercieinp powe� al�ela, incbdfnp oll La�too'�lec�,end Lender'�end Lv�tce'•
<br /> - � etlmney e loe�,eelueliy ineo�md le azlenl peemillad by aDG���eble laav.In Ihe nvenl�onowa�o�Tmolo�eaorciee�any riphi D�ovidad by
<br /> len lo ewe en Evenl al Dalnvll,Lender ahell be onlitled la�ecovm f�om Trv�lor alI w�U and exponee�eeWaliy incaned ee a�esWt of
<br /> - - � iN�tofe Celevll,IneWE�np wllhovl Ixn�teUOn eli INe�eO'o en0 atlo�ney"�iee�,!a Ina enent pa�m�t�od oy�pP��ceuia ie�v.
<br /> 16.Fuluro Advenoas.Upon�apvo�l ol Omroweq Lande�mey,et iU oplion, meka addilionel ond fulme edvaneee end wadvm+ce�to
<br /> - Oonowor. Bueh advenro� end�eedvenco�, wdh intaroal lheroon, ahe�l be�ecerod by thie Daed ol Tm�L At no�ima shell tho p�ineipol
<br /> _ emounl ol lhe fndablednan�acu�ad by lhi�Doad al Tmrt.not ineluda0 svme edvenced to O�oloel the�ecvury ol thia Doed ol Tm�t,
<br /> ' � eM<aad Ihe o�ipinel p�ineipel amovnt nlated he�ein,or/ 50.00 ,v�hichever is p�eetar.
<br /> P •
<br /> �
<br />