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�. r�:� `r.�r-� - .. . ... . �� : ..:. ���e.._ , ._ . . .-, r --� --- <br /> � ' <br /> ' . - �J�' . J.yRh;}� � _ •r" . .. <br /> i�_s.f.._..�.r�.��.._.s..�rr�raur:.0 .n.��u.i.a..9. ". _:.�r_�__�'. . ,- ' " <br /> ::,Y:;�lA'51;; ' 1 � ' <br /> -:��.;,r::n ti,�,F.,;,,� 93- aaa��� �r: , -- <br /> r,, �� �. � . - <br /> a, ,e"�!i � . <br /> � ,�'", - d A�sipnor harebY cove pe nnd werrante to the Aeslpnee Ihat 1N ABd�Ot1or hae not executed•en prio} <br /> �.,_ , ,° esaipnment ol the Lenee o�oi ita rIyFE t�He end Intoreat Iiioreln or the rentnie td accrue thereunAai(b)/�p�a��i no` <br />- : i} peAormedanyeolaexeoutedsnY In�WmeniwhlchmlphlpreventtheAaelQneelromopenllrpuMle►pny tfisfermaoM <br /> condiGonfhereol,orwhlchwouldlimll�hsAaalpneelneuohoporetion;(o)AUlgnorha�nolecceptedfenlu�lMl.�eNfp! <br /> �nYperIodeu�y�entrothecurrontperlodlorwhichrentheeelreedybs�omeduenndpeyebb;(�tl�ere �nodetauNnoW <br /> �.��a�.:.�' exlilinpundertheleaee,end(a1Ass!gnorheanotexeculedorprnntetlenymodiflca�ionoremendme�IwhateverolthnLee» _ <br />' �:'�' ' ekhM orAlty or In wridnp excapl ea eelloAh In SChaluie B,end that the Leaee la in lull}orce and etrocL �_ <br /> .. � <br /> �.. , .,_ ` �=� <br /> '� `�,,c;� B. IT IS MUTUA4lY A�REED WITH RESPEQT TO EACH LFJ18E THAT: � <br /> , <br /> _�.; 1. AsslpnoeherebYpranlepermissiontoAaslgnortocoAeclupon,butnolpdorloeccrua�,e�lren10.1stuee,� � � <br /> , andprofilelromtheealdPremiseeendtorelaln,andueaenyenJoylheeame,bulreservestheriphllorevoke6uahpermeslon �, <br /> . .. etenYtlme,wilhorwithoutceusa,bynmlcolnwdtlnaIoAasignorbyceNliodmalleentrotheeddres�herWnatterprescribodbr �� �_, <br /> eendinp no9cea In any event such permission toASSIpnor ehe116e eutomaACi�lty ravoked upon dNeuM,by AsMpnor In fh0 ---- <br /> paymentolnnyoltheObllyatlonaeecuredherebyorinthepertormanceofanyoWIgallon,covenenLe9reamentberein,inseid ��'� _ <br /> �.,"r mortgpge or tleetl ollroet In the lease or In any olthe Obltyatlonssecured hereby,or In eny eeoudnp document pIvon In � - �- <br /> ,� - ° connecllpntherewHlL(a11o1whlchwillbereferredtohereinae"IMiaulY'),IntheevenithnitheAwlDn9eehouldrevokoquch - _ ` <br /> , permiaSlonorefterlheoccurrenceoleDefeW�,thoAsslgnea,mayeUlsoptlon,alternoVlioatlontoAa6bnor,bycetlifledroail,to � R,ti � <br />" !•.. ..� theedtlresaheroineRarprescdbe0lorsendingnollcea,direotenY orellotlhetenanlsoithePremi6estopayloAsslgnee,fle t r�k�_3n�-. <br /> eyenls or Ile ariomeys such ranta Issuea,profits,revenues,Caposit0. righte end 6enefil8 ea mnY now be due or shall ,4+; ,�,. ��;��_; <br /> ;:, �„r :; herelnaflerbecomeduB endAsslpneemeycollec11hennme.TheatAdevltorwrlrianaletemantofanof�cer,a9entoraryorney fr�tf,v7L ;, - <br /> �,� olAsalpneeeletinglhattherehas6aenppelaultshallcona�HuteconcluslvaevldencathereoLandanylenanttootherperoona �s: �t __— <br /> IeaulhodLedanddlreutedtorolytliereon.TheAsalpnorfunheragreea,thatintheevenithepermlalonlouseaMreleinthe �i�y <br />, - renle,Income,isaues,doposlteendproflis,shoultlbeterminetedorupontheocouranceofeDetauH.toimmedlatelytumovet !.t.'v "' <br /> � toASSIgneealthellmeendinlhemannorrequeatedby Aesignee,nllsecuriydeposileorolhermonlesdeposltedbyLessec� ,,, r ��L$s:- <br /> of Ihe Premisee in accurdance with the provlslone of the LeaEes. .'�%` - <br />�tr:i' '.e' �.l!: 'iP: �..6�". <br /> - � - �`',�:,: 2. Notwilhstanding the provislona o1 parngreph 7 hereinabove,upon a el eny time eRer e DetauB,as detined ,---��_ <br /> - hereinabove,theAasignea,atllsoption,maydeciareallObilgalianasecuredherebylmmedlatetyduaendpt�yabia,endmey,et ' � � -,— - <br /> Ile optlon,wilhoul notice,and II eny such Obligatlone be aecured try deed of trual irrespeclive of whether e declaretion ol , ,:.kt`�-' <br /> � tlelaultunderealddaedofGUathaebeandelNeredloTrusleethereunde�,exerclseallrightsendremedle�contalnedineald ..-' � �S_-.�j <br /> - nrbyeyeMwllehorwlthoutbrinlgngeny�ecdtlonorProcQeeding,orbya�ecel e�r ob�beaPMl Iedbyecou�onileru�poneteko i,.;:',;.�;�'t���s� � <br /> pp • y �` <br /> oa�obtaln ndevattennnPe,lixo mlodtly e�nteanddoeny ce�whichlhoAeai needeemepropartoprotectthaeeoudry •f����''rl'�?�`�t� -�_ <br /> L I 0 -� �� 1 �:J,S �r <br /> - hereo},endeitherwithorwithoultakinpposaesalonoithePromisea.Inlfeownnome,suotororolNerwisecolleclendrxelve :����y �t��G,,,,- <br /> � -- ellrent0.�esueaendprofile,includlnpIhose estdueendunpnld,enyepprylheeame,lesscostendexpenaeaolopniaiio��nau <br /> � collection,InGuding,but not Iimited ro,paymonta lor wagea end payroll texea,compeneaUon ot managing ageM ond othor -�� ` ��.;,,��- `����s' <br /> maopgement costs end expensea, real ea�ete tezea entl aeseasmonta,wate�,sawer,ond eimilar churpea.�naumnco entl „ }�1�.+��F"� <br /> v,�rYer'acompensationpremiuma, roundrenls,cuslomaryrealestatecommisalon,endreasonnblae9omoyeteosendcoud �� . ;('�¢„4`•••� <br /> p .,-.,��•� . .,�.�:;, <br /> - cc+sls,uponanyqbllgationasecuredhareby,endlneuchordereatheAsslgneomaydolermine.Thoentodn�7uponendtakinp ;j���,,�t�..:_: <br /> - ' possesslonolthsPremisea,theco14ec1iaaolsuchrents,issueaendprofileandthoeppllcaLOnthereoteaaloreseid,shellnol • � �.�.t„� <br /> � wreorweiveenydelaultorwaYe.m:�liy,oraHeclnoticeoldetaullundereaidmoABeqoordoedollmatorinvalidatean ecl -::tz�;j,�,-�: <br /> � � donepursunMlosuchnotice.Assipnorherebyreleasesenyendallclaimewhlchilhnaormi hlhnveeflainalASSignoenr�eing :� � •--•�t't_�j;;_ <br /> outolsucheollettlon,mnnn9emenlopar�GOnnndmnintonence,axcoptinglhollabllltyolRssignoeloaccountfornmounts � . ' .. ; 9 � <br /> � . collectcd end expendeA by i�. .. '. .'�' `:�,�'.�_ <br /> 7;�'� ,� �_ .. <br /> n�F...__-..�: ' ;�t� <br /> - 3. The Assignea shall nol be oblipnted 10 peAOrm or dfschnrgo, nor doos Il horoby undoMke to pedorm or �},: , �,� <br /> .; - � Olseharge,enyoDligaflon,duyorllobiliryuntlerthaLease.oruntlerorbyreasonallhisAssipnmenLAssiflnorshailanddoas � ;,��Ei�y <br /> herebyagreetolndemniylheASSigneeagamstnntlholdflhnrmiosslromnnyendallllablliry,losaordamagewhlchfimayor -. <br /> � miyhl incur under Ihe Lease or under or by rer��son ot thia AssiQr,;nnt sr.d c:e:d trc-ar�y and alt claims and demnnd . � �. . ' <br /> � whalsoeverwhiChmeybeessetledagainatitbyreasonolanyal:epedobligalionorundertekingonitap ntllopeAOrmorinthe ' �'- `���1�;". <br /> ° 1.,. � dischargeofenyolfheterms,covenanls.oragreementscontnmedintholoase;shouldtheAsaigneolncuranyeuchliabiliy, �- �� �i�,�.�t;;��:': <br /> � � " � !OS!ot tlemage undet the leose nr under o�by rpeson ol lhie Assi�J nmeM,or in the detense against eny such cleims or ���_ . :;�ea.�� <br /> . . demanda,thaemouMthereol,includingcosls,expensesandreasonableanomo slaes,topotherwithinteresttheroonetlhe �. � :'•�},;�:`��(_' <br />- hlgheslraleeelloMinenyo1lheObiigutionssecuredhereby,ehellbeeecured�erebyandbylheseidmortgegeordeadol ; <br /> � � Irus�endAUignorehallrefmbursetheASSigneetheretorimmediatolyupontlemand.unduponlhelailureolAasignorsolotlo ���_ - ' •- • <br /> . ,, . the Asslgnee may declare al�Oblipalions aecured hereby immediately due ontl payebte. - ' <br /> � " ' C. IT IS FURTHER MUTUALIY AOREED THAT: - � <br /> 7. UntlllheObltgntionssecuredheroby5ha11havebeenpeitlinfull,Aasignorcovennntsandaflreeslokeeplensed <br /> nt n good ond euKClont rental�he Premises and upon demand to trenslor and nssign lo the Asaipnoo ony antl all aubsequent <br /> Loasos upon oll or nny pnrt ol such Premises upon Ihe seme or substanlinily lhe same terms end conUUlons os ere hereln <br /> - Contalnod,andtomako,oxocuto,nnd0eliverlotheAssignoa,upondemantl.anyandeilinslrumont9thalmnybenecessaryor <br /> - OoSlrobte therelor,but lho terms end provisions ol this Assignment shoil opply lo eny sucn subsMuent Leaso or Leases <br /> whotho�or not so essignod and vanslerretl- <br /> 2. Assignorshell.uponrequoslofASSignee.lurnishilacomplelelislnsott�edafeoilhoroq�ostolellLeasesand <br /> olher lenenCies ollhe Premisos in such reasonabledetail as may be requested byASSipnee.Furthor,il requesled.Assignor <br /> 6�all tlelivor lo Assipnee executed or cenifietl copies of ail Leases and other wntlen ap�eemeMS,correspondence,and <br /> memoronJO botwCen AssiBno�and Lessees and o�her Ienanls senin9 forth me conVaduol nnanpements between fhem.Svch <br /> roqvoste m0y bo mfldo Ui eny reasonaDie Ifine. <br /> .._ 3. TholalWro�ol�slanvsnecificLeasesunderScheduleBherelo.sha�InolinvalidAleora��ectinanymanne4tho <br /> - � ponoral oss�gnmonl ol ronls end leosos provided lor herein. - <br /> ' d. Upon tho Oaymont fn lull ol o:� Oblfgations secured heroby,as avidencetl by Ne reco�dinp or fiGng of an <br /> inslrumont ol sotlslaction or lull release ol snid mo�gege or deed ol trusl unless there shall have been recorded another <br /> � mongagaordeodo11ru5tinlnvoroflhoAssigneocoveringthewholeoranypertolthelousedPremises.�MSAUignmenfsnall <br /> � bocomo null pnd vcitl un0 ot no olloct <br /> ' � U VO �.M A <br /> f <br />