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� . I'? TS-���5, �i i 3?(c* '. .i_ .. :' , _' , <br /> .. e:i:�: , n . <br /> ..� ._ , 5 '� `�`.. <br /> t i .. _ _ <br /> q �{' 't ! 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Incutred9ndwhEtherlllEOrmaybedireclorindireci,dueortobacumnaue,nus�(�iuOiuGi���4"viR,prmfiryars6COndary, ' �� . �� .�. <br /> � Ilquidated or unliquidnted, or Jolnt, several,or�oint end eeveral, ell such debta,Ilabililies end oblipelions boing herofn �. • <br /> ,-- �` collectively roterred to eometimes es the"Obligallona'�;and y-;. '� <br /> ��` . 'd�P10: Perlorm�nce and dischnrge ot each end every obligation, covenant end eyreemenl ol Aaaignor � ' <br /> � � conlained hnretn or in eny auch moriga�a ordoed o1 trust or eny note or bond secured lhereby,or In eny oblignlion oreny ... .���� � <br /> � .- socudng Oocumonl pivon in connedion vnth eny ol lhe Obiigali0ns eecured hereDy. -.� � <br /> � - A TO PRO7ECT THE SECURITY OF THIS ASSIONMENT A3SIGNOR AOR6E3,WITH RE3PECT TO EACH � . r� <br /> - LEA8E: .. '�,���' <br /> _ . �, <br /> � • 1. Yo Ceilhh�Ily nbide by,porlorm and discherge oach end evory obligation,covenenl end apreemonl of the Leu�» �' , ' �. <br /> _ . byLessortobopodormed,togivaprompinoticelotheASSignaeofanynoticeoldelaultonlhepartolAesipnorwilhrespecllo j' � - . . <br /> � . IhoLeasereceivWlromLeaseeorguaranlor,tage�herwithenuccureleandcompIotecoDyofeny6uchnollco;allheeolecosl t � <br /> end oxpense ol Aseipnor,io onlorce or secure the poAOrmance ol oach end every obligelion,covennnl, condition end f . <br /> � �. agreementofthelonsobylholesseelo6epeAormed;noltomodltyoNnenywayelterthele�mcoltheLeese;notloterminete 1' - <br /> ��-� � the term of Ihe Lease nnd nof lo ucceD�p surrender o1 tho reNS thoreundei or to waive,ezcuse,condoneor in eny menner � • <br /> reloaseordischarpofhoLosaeethereunderlromlheobllgfltiona,covenants,condllionsentlagreemenUDytheleasaeloba p ' - - <br /> peAOrmed,fncludinp�hoobllgellontopnythorenlalcelledlorthereunderinthemannerendattheD�eceendtlmespecilled , - <br /> ,. � therein,ond Assignor Uoes by�hose p�asenls expressly roloaso,rolinquish nnd surrender unlo lhe Asslgnee ell Aesignor's � . . _, <br /> ri8h4powerendeulhorfylomodiyorinonywayelterthelermsorprovfsloneollhoLeaso,orto�erminatethetormoraccepte i <br /> surrender lhereol,end eny attempl on Ihe Rert ol the Asalgnor to oxercise eny such right without lhe written 0ulhority end <br /> �- � conseM o1 the Assipnao Iho�olo beinp first had and obteined ahall conslltute e Default of Iha terms hereot,ae definad <br /> � <br /> horolnaNer,entitling Ihe Assipn¢e to decinro ell sums secured hereby fmmodlately due and payable. <br /> � 2. A1 Assignor's sole cost ontl expense to appoar in entl dolend any eclion or proceoding erising undor,growing � <br /> out ol or in any manner connocted wilh ihe Lense or the obligations.duties or liebll�tios ol Lessor,Lossaa or fluarentor <br /> � Ihoroundor,and to Day ell cosls nnd expenaes of the Assignee,Including ellornoy s lees in n reasoneble aum,In nny such <br /> . � ncllon or proceoding in which Ihe Assipnea may nppear. <br /> 3. Thel should Assipnor Inil lo mnke nny paymenl or to do any act es herein providod,then the Assignee.but <br /> wllhouloblipationsolodoontlwilhoutnolicelooraemandonASSignor.andwilhoutreleasing Assignorlromanyobliga6on <br /> - harool,may make or do the snme fn such manner ond Io such extent as the Assignea may deem necessary to protoct 1he , <br /> sacuriy horoot,including specifically,wflhout limilinp ils general powers.lhe right lo eppear in an0 delend eny eclion or <br /> , . proceodingpurponinptoaftecllhosecuiilyhe�eoforlhorighlsorpowersoftheAssignee.andel5othorlghlbutnollheduNlo <br /> porlorm on0 discharge each ontl every obiigntion, covenant and agreement ol Lessor in tho loaso containe0:and In <br /> � ozorclelnp any such powers lo pny neceuary costsand expenses.employ counsei and incur and pay reasonoblo attornuy's <br /> loos. <br /> J <br /> I 4. TopnyimmodialelyupondemuntlnllsumsoxpendedbylheASS�gneeunderihuauthorilyhereol.togelhorw�lh <br /> � Inlorost lhoroon ol ihe hiphasl�ate aet lorth in nny of Ihe Oblipalfons secored hereby,end the samo sheil be edded lo tho <br /> Obilpnllone and ahnll bo securM hereby antl by Iho anid morlc�nc�e or deed of Irust <br /> 5. ThalASSignorwillnottransferoiconveylolheLesSeotholeelitletolhetlomisedPremisesArnnypurtlhorool. <br /> - unlo6slhoLOSSOOOasumosinwritlnpantlnprees�opoythedebtaecuredherebyinaccorGancewtlhlholorms.covenanlsentl <br /> conAllionB of Iho saiA nolo or bond seCUretl by G&itl moApa�Je or deed of Irusl. <br /> , + <br /> .� ,... .. . I . <br />