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<br /> ,�� per�ads that Ltnder requires. The insurruxc carrfer pravlding tha inaurance Rhall be chosen by Borrower subjar to Lender's
<br /> —° ' approva!which ehall na be unreasonably withheld. If Barawer fails ta maintain coverage describ¢d abova,L.endw may,at
<br /> _` Lender's optlun,obtaio coverage to pmtect Lendera d�hte fn the Propetty in occordance wi�h�wragraph 7.
<br /> _ A!1 insurence polici—end mm+wnlv Nhull he accceptahle to l.ender wui chall include a standa�d murtga¢e clouse. Lender --_
<br /> :�� shall have the�ight ta hald Iha policles ond renewolK. If Lcnder reyuirc�.Borrower shall promptly giv4 to I.ender aU receipts
<br /> ; of pdd premiums und renewul notice�. In the event of los�r,B�irr�wer shall�ive prompt notice to the insurence curier ond
<br /> Lrnder. Lender may make pnwf of lox�iF nat madc pmmptly by Barrower.
<br /> -,� Unless I.ender and Borrower ahenvlxe agrce in w�iting,inFUrunce praceeda rhull be Applied to restoration or rcpair af
<br /> °- ----------° -•� the Property dnmaged, if the rr.st�rn�ion or rcp�dr i+ econamically f'ea,ible and L.enderR securfty is not lessened. If the
<br /> "`�'� '„ �estaration or repair is not economically Feurible or LenJeri+ xc:curfty would 6e lessened. the inaurance praceeds shall be !
<br /> - - - _— applied to Ihc sums r,ecured by this 5ecurlly Inaltumcot,whethcr or not then due,with any excesx paid to 9orrower. If
<br /> _ �_x��: Borrower obundans the Propeny,ar dac4 nat unswer wllhin 3l1 duyK u notice from Leuder that the insurance carrier has
<br /> a
<br /> --°— -�'� offered to setNe a cluim,then Lender moy collec�11x inKUr�ncc pr�Keed�. Lender may use the pmceeds to repair ar restore
<br /> -=:j the Prapeny or to pny sums xecured by thiA Securiry InNtrument.whethcr or not then due. The:i�-day perfod will begin when
<br /> ---- �'=:��r ;; the notice is given.
<br /> -- .�,,R ' Unless Lender and Borrower od�envize ugree in �vrfting,uny upplicution of praeeds to principol shall not extend or
<br /> .., ..• d"
<br /> _ _______�__ �-�•-1'�'_•-� poatpone the due date of the monthly payment4 mfcrrcd�o in purogroph� I aad 2 ar change the umount of the payments. If
<br /> --'_=:;Jr,� ' under purugraph 21 the Property ia acyuired by L.endcr.Barcc�wer� �ighl�o uny insuriuice policies and proceeds resul�ing �
<br /> -°_- from dumAge to the Property prior to the ucyuixition shall puss tc►Lender la the extent af the 4ums sseeured by this Security
<br /> '_,_�.,�,;, Instrument immediately prior to the ucquisition.
<br /> ____—�,� ,.��.- -- 6. Occupancy. Preservallon, MAintenonce ond Protecllon of the Property; Borrower's Loan AppUcation; �
<br /> —` :_��-= Le�seholds. Borrower shall occupy,estublish,nnd use the Pruperty ux Borrawerk pnncipal residence within sixty days after
<br /> —_-„�__G�.:. ;" the ezecution af this Securiry Instrument and shull cantinue lo occupy the Propeny ati Borrower's principul residence for ut
<br /> __ ,� .__ - - - �,,
<br /> leuz:t one year ufter the dute of occupancy, unlesa l.ender oiherwise ugrces in wriling, which cansent sh�ll nut I�e —
<br /> —��..,r� ,�..,-=
<br /> -- � -:,..�,_• unreu�onably withheld,ar unles4 ex�enualing circumxtuncex ezist which ure fx:ynnd Burn�weris control. Borrower shall not
<br /> —•---���� `' °•:— ' destroy.damage or impair the Property,ullow thc Pmpeny ta dctcriorulc,or cc�mmi�wusic an the Propeny. Borrower a�hall
<br /> ��'�,.;;;,, . ,,;,, ,. 6e in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding, whc�her civil�ir crfminul,ix Ix:gun ihut in Lender'.s goad fuith judgment � _
<br /> _ _-
<br />