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r� L .:' � ' ;`k � ��._ � �'': -... <br /> ia,�`;r�, <br /> � . _ ��Fr ,. - ��._��.. <br /> �•1 � .._ . ..- . _ _ ..- . <br /> : �� ' _ _. . ------ r--- -- ------ <br /> ::��111g�i�i�� <br /> a�_. 1U63�� <br /> �. �� - <br /> y�:�l TOCiETHER WITtt nll the improvementx naw or hercoPtcr erected on�he propeny,und ull cuxememx,appuncnonccR, <br /> x��� and tixturea now or hercafter a part of the propeny. All replacementx und udditions shall olra bc covered by thi�9ecurlty <br /> � Insuumem. All of�he foregoing i�refemcd to in thic Securily loattument ns thc"Property." <br /> ,�, "� BORROWER CQVENANTS that Borrower is Inwfully�eised af the extate hereby conveyed und hus the dght to grant <br /> and convey the Propeny nnd t6et the Property is unencumbered,except for encumbronc.:s of recard. Barnower wArt�utts and <br /> �' will defend generally the title to the Property agulnst all clairos und demat�ds,xubject to any encumbranccx af record. <br /> A THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combinea uniform cavenan�s for natianal uze and non•u�iform coverwnt� with <br /> :�v������"� limited vndadons by jurixdiction to constitute e uniform serurity inntrument rove�ing real property. � <br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lender covenent ond ogrec us Follows: <br /> ' "..�.�,�..x 1. Pwyment ot Principal ond Interesti Prepayment And Late Chprges. Borrowcr sholl prompUy pay when due ihe <br /> -��-�, principal af und interest on�he debt evidenced by�he Note und uny prepuyment and late chargeg due under the Note. -- <br /> --�- -°-Y�.:;�� 2. Ftinds for 7�uces and Insut�nce. Subject to Applicablz luw or to a writtan wuiver by Lender,Bo�rawer shall pay to <br /> �'""`�'"` � Lende.r on the day monthly puyments are due under the Note,until Ihe Note is puid in full,u sum("Funds")for: la)ycarly <br /> "�H',a�� tuxes and assessments which may aunin priority over this Security Instrument as n lien an the Property;(b)ycarly leaschold <br /> -- �--_�'"``s.;��,��, �• Payments or graund rents on Ihe Property, if any; (c) yeurly hazard ar property insuroncc prcmiums; �d) yearly flond -•- <br /> _ �*-- insurance premiums, if any: (e)yearly mortgnge insurance premiums, if any: and (� any 4umx paynble by Bcxrower tc� ___,.. <br /> — `''��•- > °� Lcnder, in sccordance with the provisians of puragrAph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premfums. Thcse <br /> ...,:�,,. <br /> ��.,:�;..�_�b. i�ems ure cnlled"I'sscrow items." Lender may,at nny time,collect and hold Funds in an amaunt not ro excced the maxirnum —. <br /> '�;�e,'•__. ' amount a lender for a fedetally related mongage lonn may reyuire for Borrower!� escrow account under the federnl Rcu1 � <br /> �-�'�.;L,,;i�,, Estate Senlement Procedures Act of 1974 As amended from time to tlme, 12 U.S.C.§2601 e►.cPy.("Pt�SPA"),unlexs anaher �.�� <br /> °" �-�T-•..�.�:' law thal applies to the F�nds sets a lesser amount. If so,Lender may,at any time,collect wid hold Funds in an amount na to � - <br /> — ="�4-=�'�•. .. excecd tho Iesaer amount. Lender may estimate Ihe amount of Funds due on the basis af curtent data and reaso�oble �� <br /> _-_ ""'°'-'-`�c►u•� estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or othenvise in accordunce with applicable Inw. � <br /> �� . �� The Funds shull 6e held In an instituaon whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentcdiry,or entity � <br /> --.-- �r� - � ' . (including Lender,if Lender is such an instiwtion)or in nny Federal Home Loan Bunk. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay — <br /> � ` "' the Escrow Items. Lender muy na chur�e Borrower for holding s�nd applying the Fundx,annuully unalyzing the escrow �-, <br /> -�� t' account. or verifying Ihe Escrow Items, unless Lender pnys Borrower interest on the Funds and applicablc law permits <br />" • �• .. Lender to make such a charge. However, Lender may require Borcower ta pay u one-time churge for an independent real <br /> � � estate tuu repcming service used by I.ender in connection with this loan,unless applicable law pravides athenvise. Unless un <br /> _�z•i' ,. agreement is made ar applicable law requircs interest to be puid,Lender shall not be required to pny Borrower any interes�or <br /> ,;;;,� , earnings on the Funds. Bortowr,r und Lender may agree in writing,however,thnt interest shull be paid on thc Funds. Lender - <br /> -_, "•` ' shall give lo Rorrower,withaut churge,an unnuul uccounting of the Funds,showin�credits and debits�o�he Funds und the o= <br /> =- ���� :.� �. purpose for which each debit to the FLndx was mude. The Funds ure pledged as udditionul security for ull sums aecured by <br /> -__: ,�, this Security Instrument. —" <br /> - _����-�. _.'-� , If tlw Fund� held by I.ender PxCPP(I �IIP mm�un�s �ertnined to he held by upplicable law. Lender shall accaunt�o =___ <br /> �`�` `' � Borrower for the excess Funds in accordunce with the requirements of upplicuble Inw. f�the umuunt of the Funds held by <br /> " '� � Lender at any �ime is not sufl icicnt to pay tIx Escrow Items when duc.LenJcr muy so nrnify Borrawcr in writing,and,in <br />- ""� �A� xuch cuse Borrower shull puy to Lender the umount necessary to muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall muke up the -- <br /> � 'o' '�"' ' � deficiency in no more thun[welve monthly paymentx,ut Lender's tiole diticrelion. <br /> . •..• - ' Upon puyment in full of ull sums secured by�his Securiry Instrument,Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower miy -- <br /> • Funds held by l.ender. If,under purngruph 21. Lender zhall ucquire or sell the Propeny,Lender,prior to the acyuixition or <br /> � ��* � sule of the Property, shall upply uny Funds held by Lender ut the time of ucquisition ar sale ux u credit aguinxt the�umti __ <br />- ��. ° ' ., secured by this Security Instrumcnt. � <br /> ,• 3. Appllcation oP Payments. Unless upplicuble luw provides othcnvisc, ull puyments received by Lcnder under <br /> �-���• • �� paragmphs 1 and 2 shall be upplied:f nt,to any prcpaymcm rhurgeti Juc under�hc Notc;xecond,lo umounts payablc under � <br /> � ` paragmph 2;third,to interesl due:founh,to principul due;und lust,to uny I:�te charges due unJer the Nole. = <br /> ��""�' ' a. Cl�arges; Liens. Borruwcr ,hull puy uU tuxcs, usse,smcnts, chnrgcr, tincs and impo.itiun, attributuble tc� Ihc "- <br /> ••� � Propeny which may�uain priority over this Sccurity lnstrument,and Icauhold payments�tt grouix)reniti,if'i►ny. Borrower � ,_. <br /> . shall pay Ihese c�bligutions in the munncr providcd in purngraph 3,or if not paid in thut munner,Borrowcr shull puy thern on �.< <br />, ' ' timc direcdy to thc prrson owcd paymcent. Borcowcr tihall prompdy fumi.h to Lcndcr ull noti�c.uf amaunts lo bc paid undcr ``' <br /> '" - this p;uugruph. lf Borrower mukes Ihese paymentx directly,Borrower shafl prompdy furni,h to Lender receiptx evidencing � _ <br /> , : the payments. �:;r; <br /> _,, Borrower shall promptly dischargc uny lien �vhich hns priority over this Security In.tnsment unless Bonower: la)aLerees - <br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation xccurod hy the lirn in u munner ucceptublc ro Lender;(b)cumest�in good fuith the <br /> ' ' lien by,or defends uguimt enforcement of thc licn in, legal pr�xccdings which in thr l.ender;opinion oprrate w prevent thr <br /> .„ ,. � • ° ' enforcement of the lien:or Ic)secures From thc holdrr uf thc lien an agrcement sutitifuctorv to Lcnder xubordinnting the lien <br /> • . to this Security Instrument. If Lender determine+thsit any purl uf thr Pmperiy is,ubject lo u lien which muy ullnin priorily <br /> ° over this Security Instrument.Lender muy givc BoRUwrr�n�Nice iJentifying the lien. Borrowrr xhull�u�i+fy the lien or �ake ,• <br /> • ` one or morc of thc uctions set fonh alwve within lU Juy,of the givinE uf notice. � ' <br /> � � .. 5. HAZard or Property Insuranre. Borrciwrr.hull kecp thc improvcmenl�now cxisling or hercattcr enrted on thr ; <br /> � Property insured uguins�loss by fire,haiards inrluded within thc tcrm"rxtrnded rovcrage"and:my uther har.s►rds,inrluding <br /> • �� „ floods or Ilooding,fnr which Lender rcyuires insurance. This insurance zhall fxx mrintuined in the amnunts�►nd fo�Ihe � <br /> . i <br /> . � <br /> . . , Form J027t 9/9Y ��wgr?uj n�a.�.0 k <br /> � <br /> i� <br /> . E <br /> „ h <br /> �� • <br /> (_ <br /> - � � <br /> ., � <br /> 1 � <br /> r � <br /> ' � <br /> � , <br />