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��� 3 � :; � , rf ._- <br /> .r�.Q�_ <br /> ..s:.__., "-.�' �fieE[GLi '`5Aw! - -.. . � ,..:.:. .. -..�:_"_ "�.__ ___... . . . —_ <br /> � ..y . - �—__. _ <br /> `�fl S. <br /> sSri _iF., -- -- . _ <br /> ti <br /> 93= 1o"r�90 <br /> pnymente,whlch ua rckrrcd to In Paragreph 2,ur chmga�Ae nmount of such paymen�e. Any exceas pruoeed�oxee�n <br /> �mountrcq nlrcd to pay all oms�anding IndeMedness uMcr�he Nae enA thie 3ecud�y fnsuunxnt shnll 6e peid to the enliry <br /> legdly enlliled�hercw, <br /> B, Fbp, l.ender mey colicct fua and chugee authorized Dy�he Staciary. <br /> 9. Uroua4�forAccskntl000tfkbt. ry <br /> ie�quro�linmedi�io�psm�Yni In full of�all�eums ucurc4 by�hi Sceudty�(nss n�ent If:n�ho caso of p�yment defnuiu, <br /> (p Borrower de ouits by failing to p�y In tull�ny momhly pxymem rcqnircd by�hia 3uudry InstNmenl pda <br />. ... .,-,� �o or on tM due dote of�he nex�momhly prymcn�,or �„ _ . _ . . . <br /> (ii)Borrower def�ults by failing,for a perlod of thirty days,to perfomi nny othtr obligailons conmincd In thi� <br /> Security tnstmment. <br /> (b)6ue Without Credlt Approval. I.cndcr s6ell,if pemill�ed by applicnblc Imv end wlih tho prlor epprovnl of the <br /> Secretuy rcquiro Immedi9io paymem in Nll of ell tho suma secumd by d�ls Security Insirumenl if: <br /> (p All or pan ot�hc 1'ropen9,or n beneflcial interast In n�n�st owning nll or pan of�ho 1'topcny,le sold or <br /> oiherwise�ransfemd(othcr then by devise or desccnt)by tha Ilorto�ver,ond <br /> ..-�---�--_ <br /> (IU'flio Property le no�oecupled by ihe purchnur or gmmee na hia on c�r principal rcsldcnca,or�ho purchnur --- <br /> or gmniw doos so oaupy tho Ropcny but his or her cmdi� lias not Ixen upprovcd tn accnrAanca "��----------�- - "� <br /> __— wlihthom.qnlromrntsotthoSwroinry. _ <br /> � (c)No Welver. If clrcumstances occar that�vould pemil�ta�cr w rtquut imm.diate paymem In tull.but Lender °— - __ <br /> - cSoe�co� niro saehp�yments,l.eeder dna+nai wa(ve lis rigAts witA rcspc+et ro suDs:qcent ovents. �'��-�_--�- <br /> u��,� (c1)Ote�ui�ore at 6lUID SzcmCa�?r. In many eireums�ancos reguWHons�ssu�ed Ey tM S:cn;tary will Ilmh LcndcrY F��" <br /> „�„�,.. dgMs, in tlio case oipaym:m Miaults, wrcq ulro immediate paynr.nt in full and for.rtoso if noi p,Id. T1ds .°_�.4-- <br /> ��� Sceumy Instn�ment das not authoriu eccelers�ion or Porcdosure if�wt pxvnitted Oy regetatlons ottho 9ecrcmry. � `�- <br /> �t�]� � <br /> ;�_-- (e)Mo�lgege T(et Jmsured. Ro�rowcr agrces tha�shauld�his Securiry I�strumrm and the nmc sccund ihcrcby not � _ __ <br /> i-,; bc digtble for insnrancc undcr �hc Na�lonal flousing Act wiihin B maaths from thc , <br /> �Ja', date hercof,Lcnder m�y,al its opdon nnd nmwithstnnding mphing in P.�ragmph 9,nquiro immediaw payment in '�'�+ <br /> :.-:�r.:l�.;= ' full of ull sums secured by ihiv Sceurity InswmeN. A written s�memem of any awhorized agent of ihe Secrct¢ry :'•��;�>i._4�. <br /> + ..�lt'� dated subscquent m 8 mOtlths fmm�he datc htreot,declining�o insurc ihls Stturiry �-_-��" +- —� <br /> -rt -tE"' Insuumem end ihz mte secunA therc6y,shall b:Aecmed rnnclnsire prewf of xuch ineligi6iliry. No�wi�hs�andfng :4�"G'!- <br /> "-:�h,::�:..' <br /> ` ._.,,r.:, �ha forcgoing,�his opion may noi bc excrciSeA by Lender ahen the una��ilabiliiy of insurancc u solcly duc to ;:��;;:,'.jt;y�=}�!� <br /> , `� P,;�, Lendzrl tellnrc to rcmit e morigage insurance p�eminm lo tEe Secre�ary. �{A�¢' - <br /> -ro+�- 10. Rcinstatemem. Bortowcr hns n dght eo bc rcinstamd if Lrnde�has requircd tmmediatc paymem in PoII bccauu - M1��� �-a��--- <br /> a�, - of Dortower§ feilurc m pny m emount due under�he•Note or thi�Securiiy Insvument. 7his right epplies even nfter -��;:°�`, . <br /> „+F � forcclosurc praceedings auc �mtitmed. 7b reinstate ihe Secumy tnctmmem, Sionarer shall tender in n lump sum �II '�� � -_.- <br /> amounis ulrcd�o:brin flortowerf acrnunt curreN including,ro the exiem the��ars obliga�ions of Uortower under Ihis �- l� <br /> ° unY - ��ytryy jti p�m�n�,fnreFln.�ve mc�s und n•acona6ie nnd cus�omarv nnomevs'fce.;md expenses propedy sssaclaled wilh j �- �-� ___'- <br /> ' 1� �rj the forcclosuro procee*ling. Upon rcinslatemcm by DoROwer,�Ids Se:urity�In.mim.m end the obllgnllom�hn�il securce - �,. ..— <br /> �•..�_;�:.;,.��` shnll remafn in ef(ect es if L.cndcr had not reyulred immcdluic paymrnt in full. Hmvever.4endcr Is not rcqufred�opermit '-. t,_4F;z�._, � <br /> . �, reins�a�ement iF. (i)Lender has uccepted rems�aiemem nfler�he co:nmencemem ot forcclosurc proceedings wfihin Iwo j��.� y k ::-- <br /> � yeus immediately preceding�he commencemem ot e camm tomclnsurc prceeeding, tlp rcinstatement will preciude r�-- Jf�"�_,_ <br /> (oralosurc on dltfereN grunnds in the Pomrc,or(iiil rins�a�emem will adversely nffec��he priod�y of the lien crca�ed 6y ' ��t� <br /> IhlnSecurity Insaumeni. i��.'; �i- f ry�in,-. <br /> �� 11. Borrower Nol 62eltased: Forbearance bT Q.ender Not e �5airer. Excension of�hc Ume of paymrnt or . .r ��;��v;� <br /> �- -'F' modiflcation of nmonization of tite sums sewred by�h�s Securit�Inammem 6mmed by Lender�o nny suceessor In Intercs� ��:_- : ! ->f� f�tY;:;- <br /> ` - '� ha o ot be r cnq uired toPe m�mence eproceediniabi�litnimt�an��suecessar n�imercs�or rcfuse io ex�nd ilme foresapoiemdm �� --j>>�y`l�j���''11��a',',�E <br /> _�•tr-�.,i:'�:� othernise modify emonim�ion of tl�e smns scarcJ by �h1i Securi�y Insuumem hy rcason of any demand n,ade by �he )^i��,�;���ti�.jC,_.tii,'. <br /> - ,-�f. odgtnal Do�rower or porrowrrl successors in imercs�. Any(orbcaranm by Lend.r in exercising eny rigM or rcmedy shull . J( <br /> no�M o waivcr of or prcclnde�hc excrcisc of nny righi or rcmedy - � 'i�:�,��. <br /> , , _-:is�.� 12. Successors ond Auigns Oound;Jolnt nnd Several Liobfllly;Ca-Signers. The covennms cmd agreemenis of _ � _ _E� _. <br /> � 5-- _` this Security Inawmem shall bind mid 6ene(i�he xuccessors anJ msigns of Lcnder and Dortmeer,subfeci�o�he provisions - ., -� .�.- <br /> ,� of Paragreph 9.b. DortowYr's cormanls mW agrcememti shall bc joim :u�d scvcral. Any Oorrox�cr who caalgns �his ���-� �i - ,\C�._ <br /> i -:� Saurity Instrument but Ares noi execme the No�e: (ai is co•signing�his Security Insuumem only�a mon�age,gmm and , �r: � - - !'% <br /> .,� _.' com•ey�hat Fiortmrer�ir.irre�in�he I'ropeny under t!:•temis of�his Securi�y Inammenr.�hl ia no�persona Iy a61igated to � l� a- ,_�. <br /> �1,�1'�� pay�he sums securcd 6y�his Security InxwmenL•anA�ri nFrca�ha�Lender:md any o�her I3ortower mny agree to eatend, t�,'/ ''�,�'�ry - -� � <br /> l r�(at�. modify,farbcur or makc any accommaf�tionc with rcf�rA lo�hc Icmr+of�his Scrurip•Ins�mnunl or�hc Notc withou�Ihat � t�1�),�� <br /> yi��7!-��� Bo�13.r Notices.� Any notice to Uortmver proviAed(rr in tl�is Se.urily In.lmmcnl shall h gisen by delivering it or by ,�• ��- ' �14��;vi�� <br /> ., j� {��� mailing i1 by firsl class mnil unlesx applicab)e law�rcquires use uf another methnd. "Ihe no�ice shall be dirccted w the y?�!�Gyi�}�,: <br /> - � '� Pro tl Address or an mher addrcss ponower dtsi mirc b noiicc�a Lendu. Am�no�ice io Lendcr sM1all be gircn by ��� �' <br /> _. .! P� Y Y' p • >' '� _ <br /> a ti 7�fY•fi� firs�clxu mail �o Lendrr's addrcss slattd P.ertin nr am aCArcc. Lender de�ign:nn by nouce m Ronm�rr. Any no�ice --��. -� <br />, +<.���� SS:? Provided for in lhis Sceurily lmwmcnt sh�ll be decmzd lo havr Fren given la I)urto�rcr or LenAtr arhen giren¢s provided jf- <br /> `:'�� �) m�hisparagraph. - .":� <br /> ;i�i. 14. Goeerning 71iix Securiq� Inamnxne..hall lr go.rmrd hy tid.ral Imv and�he I��v of�hc . .'� _ . <br />__ ''�� jurisdiclion in�vhich Iht ProM1ny i. loca�ed. In the e�rn��h:n any pmvi.inn or dauu o(this Securiq� Imwment ur the ., <br /> - ��'�i�`�`�•, Note eon0icls wilh applirablr Ime.wch cun0icl+hall nol afkcl oiher provi�iom of Ihi.Security Imirumem or ihe Note _, .� <br /> '-:. .: which ean be giren effect u�1i},�ul�he conllicling pro�i.ion. T�Ihi.enJ�he pro�i.iom of ihi.Se.�mty Im�mment anA the _ . <br />.. �'1ji;` Nom are declared�o bc sr�erable. - - <br />..: _ .'.ry�. I5. I3oimHCr'e Copy. Bortuwer aha116c givcn or.r con(om::;:.���of�hf.Scruriq�Imwmrnt. . . <br />: : •,�5� 16. AssiFnmenl o�Rcnls �ortm�c�ur.conJnicmlly:n�iFr>.m,t tramkn lo Lcndrr ali thr rem�and m��enua of Ihc <br /> P�vprny. Uortower au�hor.ias Lender m Lrr,dtr:a to colle:�iEr renb anA re�enun and heteby direck each�enam of <br /> ' ihe Propeny lo pay�he rrn�.m Isndcr or Lcndcr i:er:n:� Iloaercr,prinr in I_end:rl notitt�o Dorto�scr af Uortmrcrl � <br /> - Mcach of any co�cnant or u,�rctmcN in�he Srcunp I:�r::r.:rn6 Uurtuxcr+hail m0a�and reccivc all rent�and rc�cnuc�of <br />�`:i �• --ti lhc Ptop:tly as Wslec for Ih.I.Cnefil nf LeRCer ar.d R:r.�ntt. lh�.a..ignntrnl nf renh<un.uloies:m ah.olule a..ignmem � <br />� __._ end nm an azsignmcnt for addi�ional attnnty only. , <br />- - _ If Lcnda givcs nmicc of bmach to Dorm��cr. la)all rcm� Yf b� 13ortowcr.hall t�c hclJ F��llom�wcr a.w.�tt ; <br /> (nr Mr.ef�n(1<-rdce nnl�_ m M snolicd In tlic sums ueurcd M tM Securm InslrumcnC lb)LcnJcr �hall be cnli0cd lo : <br />�i..'; - collcn and reccivc all o[ih<rems of thc Propcn��:and lcl c:di�cnam of�hc Ro{+rrq .hall pay all rtm�duc,nd unpaiJ�o - <br /> Lcndcr or Lcndcr i agrn�en Lenderh wriucn dcmar�d�o Ihc�tnanl. i <br /> ^,��, �� J Dorrower hu not eaeeuled an��prior azsignmenl uf lhe rcnh and� and 4d1 no� perfonn any acl thal ��ould �- <br /> �^"����' � mrent Lcndcr(mm cxcrcisin ils n hl�undcr this Para r� h 16. � <br /> -;�i�l:'- - P % F F •V � <br /> `:,;:.t. �_ ;j. Lcndcr shall not bc reymrcd to emcr upon.take comrol of or maimain�Fc N�pcn. Fr[ore or aftcr giring nobcr nf <br /> -,:'��"`:,' bmach to Oorro�rcr. Ho+�rver.Lcndcr or a judieially apPuimcd ntcircr may du��at aay t�mc�hcrc n a brcach. Any <br />_ - �" " epplicalion of rcnts shall no1 eurc or�vairc any Gefa:lt or imalida�c any ulhcr n;�h�or mrnc.t}of lcndcr. This aa.ignmcm , <br /> _ - . of rcNs of Ihe Pmpeny shall Irrtninale�rhen the deb�acurcd by�he Saurily I��vum<m n�us1 in fulL � <br />_ i <br /> ,: � . ' � <br />_ .` $� ' . <br />. ... . .. <br /> .� iNC�t.'I�N[n� f <br /> ' . . <br />� .. .: - "': '� � <br />