,t �l1� .: .: _-.-.,,. r. .. , i , � .. - . 1. . .. ___
<br /> �: . �� r. __�. . _ .a_:._,_ J.. -- — ____- _
<br /> � ' .. . . . . .._ '_—_'_ _.—_..
<br />. �. y .. - . . _ _ , '.
<br /> ��$- 10y''380� ,�
<br /> 1. Payment ot Ptlnclppl,Inlercst and L�te Chuge. Bortower shell pay whcn duo�ho principil ot,and IntsioN oo,
<br /> �M deW ovldenctd by ihe Notp And Iaro charga due ondenhe No�o. •
<br /> 2. Monlhiy psymenle of 7Lxee,tequnnte�nd Other CMarytee� porcower shall includo In ach nwmhly�ynxnt
<br /> toge�her wi�hYiw pdncipal w�d tnteret�ro set fotlh in�ha No�e end any Iate eharga,nn inswlimeni of any(�)luea and
<br /> specid wxssmentn IeviW or to!x Icvied against�ia P�openY,(b)teauhold paymeN�or ground ronu un�he F'ropeny.�nd
<br /> (c)prcmlume for insura�uo rcquircd by Paregroph 4.
<br /> Bach momhty(nstallmrni for liems (a),(b) and(c)shall equul onrtwclQh ot tho nnnual nmounte,a� reasonebiy
<br /> estimated by I.ender, plu� an unount sufflcient to ma{ntein an nddulonal balanca of nW moro than one•s�x�h oP �Aa
<br />- --T, esiimaled emoume. Tho PoII ennual amoum Por cach item shall be occumulated by I,ender wi�hin a pedod ending ono
<br /> month betoro en hem would buome delfnquent. I.endcr shall hold the amoums collectW In wst to pay Itcme(a),@)and '" " —
<br /> (c)beforo thcy becomo dclinquent.
<br />-- - - It at viy timo�ho to�al of tho paymems held by Lender for fleme(a),(h)and(c),�ogc�hcr with�hc Po�uro monthiy
<br /> paymenb(or such Itcros pnyabla to 4ender pdor ro ttro due dsece of such iiem+, excccda 6y moro thnn onasixth �he
<br /> c;ttmated emonnt of paymems nqufrcd top�y such liems when dua,¢nd It paymenls on�ho Nolo nro cumn6 then Lender
<br /> � shell eiJr.r rcfund�ho excess over one•sixih of tho estimated paymente or crcdl��he excez�over one•sixth of tho estimated
<br /> .__._____ pay[ceatsto suhssqu:M payrc�o7a by portower,m�hc opdon of Ilortower. If iho rolal of�ho pnymente mada by Bortowcr
<br /> fw ittm(aA(D),c+(c)is iasufficuYt�o pay tho I�em wM1en due,�hen fiorto�ver shail pay to Lender nny unoun�necessery to
<br /> idaxq up tho de£r•iettcy en or befoce�he dnte�hc hem tMCOmes duc.
<br /> . -=�j�_: � As used in this Szrnory Inumrent,"Sxrc�ary"mrnns Ihc Secrctary o5lfouslr�aad U�Gtii lkre[op.r.er.�a hL+on c�r
<br /> -� -- �dtaignoa In any�Yar in whlcr ttn:Lender mus�p�y a mor�a3a insuraoee pcemium to ties Sec1eWry,e.r,h mmtidy paynv:N
<br /> ._„�;;�� � ahnll�nlso lnclude cither. (i) nn installmer.t of the annnal nwttg+�a tnsucance pnmium ro Oe piid Cy Le�r to tAe
<br /> __,—� Secreu�ry,or pq a monthly chsge instezd of e mongaSe insurnnce prrmium if this Sceudq Instrumem is hald by the
<br /> -____ Secrctary. Fach m�szhly insmllmem of th.mongagc insumna prcminm sRall be in nn enim�m snfticiem to ecenmulata tYx __
<br /> rn,� full ennual motlglc insuranca preminm with Lender one month pflor ro tAe date the PoII nnnual mongage insurana .
<br /> , �k'.' prcmium is duo to�he Secretary;or if Uils Sceurity Insuument ie held by ihe Secremry,each monihty cT.rrge shall6e M an
<br /> ���� emount equal ro one•twelflh of onrhslf perttm nf ihe outstanding principal balance due an the Note. � —
<br /> r � g; (f Oortower tenders�o Lender�he full payment of nll aums securcd by�his Saudry Ins�mmem.Oorrowerk eccoum ��
<br /> '� -��?-r`{�� shall be credhed wlth Ihe balance rcmalnin for all inslallmen�s for imms (a).(b)end (c):uid any mongage insurance .�„ry5'-
<br />':T,. ,�,, .i1'.��=.
<br /> '�i��� premium ins�allment that Lendcr has not be ume obliga�ed to pay m the Secrctary,end Lender shall pmmptly rcPond any _'_. .
<br /> , ++!��•� excess funds to Hortawer. Immcdieiely pdor m a forcclosure sale of�he Wopeny or iu acquisi�ion by Lender,➢orrowcrl �„ y.����«
<br /> ,�q s,' eceoum shall be eredited with eny balance rcmn;ning for ell Instellments Por items(e),(b)und(c). Fe. ''?
<br /> ��.�",,F�' 3. Ap_plicatton oiPaymen�i. All paymems�mdcr Paragraphs I nnd 2 shall be applicd by Lender a.fnt)�ws: �dxY - �
<br /> a�17� a T1Hti"1' lo the mortgege insurenm prcmlum lo be paid by lender m ihe Sare�ery or�n the monihly charge by the - `��-
<br /> , ���?;�.,�t'�; $�CICI instend of ihc momhly mohgage insnrance premwm; --'� � -
<br /> , C�F�„'Q�,�a eny texes,speclal aueumenis,leuchold pa��menu or ground rcn�s,and firc.Oood nnA othcr haznrd ?:'•y��__ __
<br /> �r S`,11„`;� inwranceprcmiums,esrequirtd: _ ,j�"� —
<br /> -+'!t�`,�:^"� Ti11RD,lo imCresl due under ihe Noce: �_�^�
<br /> f'7 . -'- �uU �iumnufii%dii4iiv(Ih2pdn.�ya7a::h:Y.c::: ?-.:�� . . . .
<br /> 1��(, .i:. .`�� ssmr�.
<br /> � ��� �,lo lote charges due unAtr�hc Nou. ����I S y �,
<br /> .�rf ,�c�,` 4. Firc,F7oad and Other fineerd Insuranre. Uom,��cr shall iraurc nll impmvemem,on�hc Propeey,wheiher now 5 ,�� ��€-
<br /> ����� �� �4 In existence or sub uently erecicd,agalnxt any hn�ards,ca nai�ics,end con�ingencies,Including fire,for which Lender -t ,. r �„
<br /> .N�l!s�a+r nqulres tnsurance.�7 ds insuwice shall lx maimamed in the amounts and for�fie periods thai LenAer requires. 6artowet , ;; �t Y �:.;
<br /> � �`)q!i�'f; ahall also insuro all improvemeNS on ihe Rapeny,wM1elher no+v in eaistence or subsequemly crectcA,nFninsl loss by Ooods --�-,s� r�-:
<br />. =n4t�t��f��� to the extent rcquircd by the Scereiary. All mmrance shall be cnrried�viih companies approved by Lender. The insumna r__ ..y�,�,�(.,,�„St,%-_�
<br /> tU`l�yc��` policles end any rcne�vals shall IK hcld by Lender and shall include loss paynble cim�ses in favor uf, nnd in n Pofm t i`+�t� is1�< it-.
<br /> � >; i;� ++Q,r{S �._
<br /> d eacptable lo,Lender.
<br /> -�•��-�`='.��r;; In ihe evem of lose, 6ovower shall give Lender immcAia�c notice by mail. Lcndet may make proof of lou if na� . .;.!y�4���jt;.;r-�
<br /> ' made promytly by Dortower. Cach insumnee company conxmed is hereby amhorized mid dirccted io meke paymem for t it? �' i;_°��
<br /> ���'"-�.�• such lose d�rccily�o Lender,ins�ead of to 6orto�ver�nd�a Lendrrjointly. All or nny pan of the insurznce procceds may be - �C .. a,. _ �_
<br /> -- . -'� epplied by Lender,nt iis op�ion,either(a)�o�he rcduciion of�he indeb�edness under�he Note and this Secumy Inswmem, ' �y 4 it ._-
<br /> .+Y(��' f rsl to eny dclinquent emoun�s epplicd in�he uMer in Paragnph 3, nnd �hcn �o prcpayment of principal,or(b)�o �hc .-�t+s�4 � �
<br /> �r�""�; ' rcsmretion or re a�r of�he dnma ed ro ny. An u 6ca�ion of�he roceeds to the rinci it xAall no�ex�end or st ne '= 1 �'{�"'4;"�-
<br />. ,,d P 8 P P�. Y PP� P P P� W P� ��,8-•r�:�.S
<br /> t 3 - - �he due da�e of�he momhly payments wh�ch are referted lo in Nvngrxph 2,or change�he nmaum o(such prymems. Any ' F.'�����};n
<br /> } �' - excess insurencc pracecds over on nmoum rcipiired io p�y all owsianding indeb�cdncss under ihe No�c nnd this Sccumy -,.��� )r�}� �' �"�-
<br /> n;t InswmeN shall bc paid lo Ihc enlity IegnllycmilleA thcrclo. }
<br /> q���� ti:�t, In�hc evcnt of forcclosure of�his Secufiy Inswmcm or mhcr uanslcr oi�itic m�hc Pmpcny inm ex�ingui�hc��he ��: �� �-��,-
<br />,�.4SYqt[�e�'_ ';� IndeM1tedness,ull righ4 iitle and imercst of Dono�rer in nnd�o insumnce policics in force shall pass io�he purchnsee _..�, _ l� , _.
<br /> S 1 f -. S. Occupancy. Preserrallon, NulNenence end Prolecllon of Ihe Properl��; Oorroxrr's Loan Applicatlon; �, �- --
<br /> ��i�y�'�`1_--.: Lensehoids. Iiortower shall occupy,eslvblish,and use Ihe Property ax Oorto�rer]principal rcsidence wi�hin sixly days -�r�� ri� �_
<br /> _ - ` afla�he execution of ihts Seeurity Inxtrumrnt and shull cuntinue m cecupy ihe ProMny as Uarto�verY principal residence .
<br /> .v.�1„- t'. J . ��:
<br /> for e�least one year after�he daic ofocwpancy,unless�he Secrctary dciemiines�his rcyuiremem will cuux undue hardship ._,�_.;..,;_ ,
<br /> for 6ortowrr, or unless extennating circunii�ance. exi�t o�hich arc beyond 6oRO�crr's comrol. 6orto�rer shail nolify dti -�
<br />. r%:;�;�' �-- Lenders of any ezienualing eircumslances. 6orto�cer shall nol contmit�easte nr de�lroy,damage ar subslanlially change -� -` � , , _
<br /> �� .���. �--�_" the Propeny or nllow�he Pm{rnr�o daerioa�e,rcamnabic��rar�nd tear excep�eJ. I.ender ma��mcpeci ihe Propem if the ,';�,�y��S;fA:•��.' .
<br /> � }.�_ q� Properiy is vacnm or abandoneJ m the loan is in de(auh. I.ender may�ake rcaconable a:�inn�o pro�ec�:md pmceive sech �)4i111 -
<br /> � vacent or abandontA Pro rq. 6ortower shall alm 6e in defaui� if Iiurro�rcr.dnring �hr In.m appLcauon process,gave �y/�
<br /> ,�iy l ''. materially (alse or inaccuralr infomialion or xlatement. lo Lender car failcJ to prm��dr Len.'.tr ��ilh any materi:d .,i;iti+t�- .�
<br /> -.�:i:;-y;.�.='•.-' infonnavoN in coanenion wiih ihc loan c�idenccJ by�he Ruie,incluJing,bm na� limi�cd �n.reprcs.m��iuns conceming - �"�';:
<br /> -;:;�'��i4°,,:�,`�; Oortowerh acupancy of Ihe Ponprtly as a principal recidence. I(this Securiiy In+irumm�l is en a Iea.ehnld.6orto�rer+hall �,lyl��lti�Y�;`��_'i��
<br /> {( r .; ' corcFlc wi�h�he prov�sioro of�Cr leue. If Oorton�er acy�:ire.fee�iile io�he Prupenq.O:r 1ca�.holA:md fee�i�le shall nat � -F I
<br /> _J�� +.i� Fk mergtd unlea Lender agrce<In�ht merger in wriling. 1�G,�
<br />��a�!t�..r<:�I�,�S• 6. Cherges lo Oorrox�er and Proteclion of I.ender:Righls in Ihe Praperl}: 6nrtoi�er shail pay ali gnvemmcmal , '•• . "
<br />- `:t:�.•.� .-; or muniripal charges finu and imposiuort<�t.v are nM ir.cluJed in Paragraph?. Iiorroner shall pay Ihae abligauon.on 7 -::-'.%.i'C:.�.
<br /> � `'i' lime direclly lo �he emily which it mved ih pa�m:m. If lailure�u pa} �.au1J adrerxly af(M Lrr.d:t�mlerca in �he p'. . � .
<br /> - P(opcny.u(+on Ler.dcr's reyucsl Rortaaer sh�:l pmmp�l�fumich lo Lcr.d:r ceceiph evidcnring Ihc�e pa�men�� ). � •. .�
<br /> "�j„;�Z• If 6orrower fails Io maAe th.m paymcnR or �he pa�mcros rcyuircd b��Paragraph ?. ur (ml�tn per(omi any uther 1 • .
<br /> "�'*' covrnanls end agreemenn comained in Ihi�Securily Imlrunr.m,or Ihere is a Iegal praeeding iha�ma��a�gnificamh�a(tect �
<br /> - �� � �'-, LenderS righls in Ihe Propeny(mch as a p�aeeding m hanAruplcy-, for cundnnnalinn or to rnforce lau•or regul�uon�l.
<br />�� c._.. .... . ` .:+:
<br /> ..- --. ._ . . . . . . - - ' ---- -- '---'-'..-'_�___r.�-"---'---"--a",--�._:_.�_n.._.... L �
<br /> _ °—_ _ prcn�.enocr maj w anu par v�w.c.c� o�mc..aq ..,p�..�.....�. .............. ....�..�.y ...... ......... ...t............ ....�....�. � . . .
<br /> ineludu�g paymem o(�azes,hvard mwrance and nther ilems menlior.ed m P.v�aF��F��'-� -
<br /> Any amwnts disbursed by Lender ur.ds this Paragraph>hall beco(ra mi add�lfoiul debl:d Durtu��er and M.ecured - ,
<br /> " by this Sxurily Inswment. 71KU arnour,u shall bcar iNCrtu fmm Ihc datc o(df�bunnncm.a1 Ihc Nu�c raic.and at�hc � .
<br /> - optEon of Lender.shall M immatattly du:and payablc. !
<br />� '�,�:--��� 7. Coa'�toaratfon. Th�preceeds ot my award ar daim kr Jamages.direcl or cunuyucmfal.in cunnrclion utth any �
<br /> ' ���3 mndcmna�ion or oci:cr laking o(any part o(ihe Property,ur fot cum�c��an.c m placc of cundcmn,niun,art Ixrcby as�igncd j
<br /> � and shall ht p.ud w I.endcr lo Ihe cxcent nf�Ec full:unounl of�he indeblcdnc•��6at rtmaint ur.paid under the Nole and�hi. 4
<br />- Saurily Inswmenl. Isnder shall apply wch procttds lo Ihe reJu.tinn of the indeMedne.a m�det�he Nu1e.nJ Ihis Saunt}
<br /> _ Insuumenl, fint 10 any dclinqucnl amuunLa applicd in Ihe urder prorided m Paragmph 3. and Ihcn Io prt a��meN uf
<br /> - ,�- '� principal. Any applitalian of Ihe pnxceds lo Ihc principal ehall not cxlcnd ur povponc Ihc duc da�c of IRc momhiq
<br /> � :';fi��..r .
<br />. �N«:•d�NCm '
<br />. -.�
<br /> tl
<br />