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�] ��"� 10'�3fiC� ' ' ' ;:": <br /> 1T.7'n�ee ot tha Propeity,a�Rerv;tltl�!Ipterest la Bortowen If dt or any�wt of thq Propercy or�ny Intercat in 11 _. <br /> iq soid or tnn;kmd(or if�bene0cl+1 Imerat hi Bnnower fe eotd or troneferred and D4rrower(a nol a retorol perdon)ai�hou� <br /> Lendtr's pdoc wdtlen copun6 [.erder rt�, at 1{s o{eion r ulte Immodl:io paynxn� in fulb of alI aums cecurcd by�hl� ` <br /> — Sauri�Y Insliumehl,'Howover,thl�opllon shail nol Ae exercfsed�y l.ender If oaerclse le prohibitcd by fp0era►law�s nt�ho da�e <br /> �- ofif�I�6ecudtytr.5tmnxnt, <br /> , I(l.ender enercisca�hle opllon,Lender shsll givo Donower noti:c of accclereflon.'Ifio noAca shall providp a perlod of nol <br /> len itw� 30 daye from tho d��c ttw noila Is dellvcrcd or nt�ilM wilhin wUiclr Borrowcr mus�pay all sunu sccured by this <br /> Stsudty Instiumtiit.lf Borrow�r falle�o poy Ihe:o sunu pdor�o�he czpimtian of this pedod,Lendcr may invoke any ren:ediu <br /> pertniqM Ey thla� Sesudty Instmmcm withwt Nrthcr notlw or denwd on Rorrowcr. <br /> 11. Mortoxer'e Rieht M Rdrofde. If ffortower map annfn conditlone, tlorto�ver shali have tho d&ht �o havo ' <br />._ .._, enforcen�ent of�his Secud�y InxtmnxM dlsmntlnucA et ony ilnw prim m tl�o earlier of: (e)5 days (or such o�her period a+ �,,._. .,_.___. <br /> appIlaDie Inw nu a f for tcinsutlmeni foro salp of thc Propen <br /> y pai y } ¢e y punuant to any power ot enlo contained In thl� <br /> Seadq tnstrunxnR ot(b)eniry of oJudgmeAt rntorcing thb Sccuri�y fnslmnxn�.7Toso mnditlons ero ihat Rortower:(a)paye <br /> Lendcr ell wma which�hen u•ou�d tib duo under thls Suud�y Inslmnxnt nnd Iho Noio as If no eaclereilon had occurrod;(D) <br /> cures eny defauit of any oiher eoven3nts or egrunxma; (e1 pape all ezpensea(ncurrcd In enforciu6 thie Secudty]nswnxnt, <br /> includin� but not Ilmitcd ro,rasonuble anomcYe' [cee;and(d)�akcs such nctian a�Lcnder may mawnably requira to auuro <br /> �hal�he Ilrn of lhi�Sccud�y Instrumem, Lender e dghte In Uio Propeny flnd 13ortowePs a61fgaHou w�y the swns secured by <br /> _._ �hls Security Insuunxm sh91 continuo unchenged. Upon reinstemment by Bortower, �uv Secvnty [nswanv� and Ihc <br /> obligaUons sccund hercby shall rtmain Polly effativo az If no ecccleratlon had occunsd.However,this rigfit to n4.astetc s6all <br /> no�apply in�he caso of acccicra�lon undcr paragraph i7. <br /> . 19. Sale ot Notei Change of Loan &n�lctr. 'fhe Note or e panial imerat in the Norz (toa<�chor c�icS tRu Security <br /> Insnumen0 may be sold ono or morc dmes wi�hout prlor notice ro Borrower.A sale rtray result in a chr:.�-a ia�he uttity(known <br /> ac�ho'Loan Servicer')�hat mlleca nwnthly paymenro 8ue unda�he Noie and this Sesvriry[nurume�.li:erc ziso m3y be om. <br /> or more changa of�he l.oan Scrviar umtlaied to a sale of�he Noie.It there b e changr af the I.oan Servicer,6�rroRer will h <br /> given written norice of�he change In ecwrdance with pa�egraph 14 above end eppticable Iaw.'ihe no�ix will state th:name and <br /> �------ eddrea of the r.ew Lwn Scrvkrr arcJ�hc addrcss ta�vhich paymcnts slmuld bc made. Yhe eaice will elso mntnin eny otMr �._, _.... ..——, _ <br /> - - InPormaUon requirud by applipble law. a-----_... <br /> -= 30. lfarardou�Substanns. Dortowcr shail not ceusc or permit ehc presence, use,dispos�A, horap,e, or rcicau of eny _ <br />-_-_-° Hazardom Substanms on or in thc Propeny. 13orro�vcr shall not do, nor ellow anyon�eC� e� du, enything e(fecting the �;,y;,_ <br /> -' - Propeny �hat is in violatton of ony Cnvironmental Law. 77ie precedins nvo semences dzil.�o.r,apply to�he presenm,use, ar o <br /> -_— storege on the Propcny of small quentfdee of He7ardoua Substences�hat ere generalty vaa�gnizrd�o be appropriate w nomial �,.f'r .. <br /> — residemial uses and�o main�enance of the Propeny. "'-`-`-°"='-�- <br /> -- Oorto�ver shall promp�ly give Lender wriuen no�ice of any Invesqga�ion,clafm,dema�,�lawsuit ar other actfon by a� - <br /> ,"i govcmmemal or rcgulatory e cncy or privaic pany:nvolving Ihe Property end any Hazardow Subs[nnre or Emfronmemal l.asr � �+ <br /> � of whlth[forcower has actua�knowledge. If[tortower Ieams,or Is no�ified 6y eny govcmmenlal or rcgula�ory euthori�y, thaa � r =� <br /> � eny rcmoval or ather rcnwdiatlon of eny Hazardoue Subs�unm effecUng�he Propeny Is neceunry,Oorto�rer shall promp�ly ta[ce <br /> ti,J„ all necessnry rcnudial ectlons In eccordance with 8nvironmental Luw. - - <br /> sX�f; As used In this pata§reph 20, 'Herzrdous Subs�ances' are those sabsiences defined as toxic or hverdws subsiances by �qy,q���.�- <br /> ;- F.^.rlrenn�r.:el aW sra t:e !�!!melr.; :ubstsr 4:: ga:.^.!lr.:. k:ra::r.:. c�l::r I�sn:r.�b!e cr ta�?c �tm!eum Frc,.^u:ts. t�zi: �,,;,�;,� -- .- <br /> ' % pesiicides nnd herbicidu,volaiile solvents,nuiedals mmaining asbesios or fnrmaldehyde,and redioanive nwtenals.As used in �r+ ��++«Y� ,�,�- <br />�:'��'� �his paragr�ph 20, 'CnvironnxnWl law' maans federsl Imvs ond laws of�he jurisdic�ion �vhert the Property is loca�ed �hai � y. {� ��?'L�ti��. <br /> rclaretoheaith,safeey orcnvironnxntal proaction. � ,� � -��,,,,,,E: <br /> NON-UNIPORh1 COVCNAN7'S.13orrowcr and Lendcr Ponhcr covenam nnd agree ac follo�tia: Y�" �����L�;t. <br /> .'- tL Accelcrotloni Remcdla. I.ender shall gire notice to Oortox�er prlor lo acceierellon follmring Qorro.rer s bmucb ,#a�ta,�, ���� '%: <br /> of any coren�nt or ugrcemenl In thls Sccarfty Instrumcnl @ul not prlor to ncceleretion nnder paragrapli 17 unlesx �y��r �:. <br /> � - � appllcoble law pro�ida otherx'lu).The noilcc shull specify: (o)Ihe delnul4(b)ihe etllon requlrcd lo wre the dePou11; �'��j�p°�<�„'`�� ;_ <br />,r�i;., (c)a date,not iw than 30 dnys from the dnte the no�lce Is given to 6orro�ccr,by�Hileh Ihe defnult must bc wred� ond (; ��n}j�p,�)t�. P���- <br /> � � (� �A�� tolium w cure Ihe defnull on or bePore the date specl0ed In the notice mny resull In necelerotlon of the sums �$ -��tiy-i{,�S �a;. <br /> }°� securcd Ay�his 3ecudty Insirumrnt and salc of�he Roperty. T6e mtice shall Pariher Infonn �orrox'cr of lhe rlght to :� � ,_ <br /> �� �Sl rcinstate af�cr aacicrotlon end Ihc right to brin�a courl acflon to acscrl the nan-existcnce ot a defnnh or any od�er ����{fj,�l'�k-.,� _ <br /> I�' detence of Qorroxer to eccclerntion end mie. It�he defnull Is not cured on or befom q�e dnte spedficd In the natlm, � . �t ,ls4 ,_ <br /> -_-7'� I.ender, at IU oplion, may ulrc Immedlete payment In full of ull sums secared by�his Securi�y Instrumenl xi�hout f' ° � �19i �: <br /> t>�;� futlher demend und mny im�o e the potirer of sale nnd nny olher rcmtdles pemillled b��nppIicnble Inw. I.cnder ahell be -- - '!= '"-.. <br /> enllqed to collecl ell exprnses Incurred In pursuln�ihe remedles provlded In Ihl.a paragrnph 21.Inelnding,6u1 nm Ilmilttl }1:+�� , .- ': ��� �4ti.. <br /> � �� lo,rcasonebie attorneys'fces nnd costs o�tltic evidenm. � J � -•x t <br /> `� If thepo xer of sale B Inroktd.Truslec shall record a nolice of deioull in ench wuniv �n nhich mry port of tlie �i` �? s �� .a�. <br /> , Property Is laated and shall mall coples of xuch noflce In �he manner prescrilxd b��applica�le lao�lo Oorroxer and to r ti�_� ti:__;_��{ + /�,�.;�� <br /> the olher persom prescd6ed b��applitable Inx�.Afler lhe Ilme reyulred U��nppllcnAle lao�,Truslce shall�h�e pnblic nollee �> �.� �hl�F`y, : <br /> of sulc to lhc peraons nnd In Ihc manncr prcscribed b?�opplirnblc lo�e.7'ruslce,�dlhout dcinxnd on 6orrovcr,shall sclt c.,ttt��-:.��y.'� ,�x-�S•�.� <br /> - lhe Properly el pu611c euctlon lo lhc highest bldder ul the Iime nnd pinm end unAer�hc lernis dcslgnnted In l4e nofice of ;;,'�;,;.�(����°'�/1+i•��i-_ <br /> sule In one or mom parcels and In any arder Trustee defennlnes.7'ruslee mai�postpnne xnle nt nll or nny parcel of the Z��{t�l��x ���t.�i �; <br /> PropeAy by pubiic nnnouecement nl Ihe�Ime und pluce af an�� prcdnusly uhednled sale. l.cndrr nr Its deslgnce may 'i�y+� 7 +;�y AM1t�5 " <br /> purcAuc thc Property nl nn��aalc. ; R`a,�i ,_ <br /> �/lt'• <br /> : ,,:^`; -.. _. . <br /> :� Po�m 3028 9/90 t�7 �;� ' ' ' <br /> i -.,. v.;.s...�� <br /> ._ '-.'! !,f.i%- <br />__ 1'{.y <br /> ... . 1:. .'f.'.' <br /> {�...� •cl' . <br /> <<j;. <br /> r` � <br /> i E-- . T , - - e - -- - rl �-s�:, utR� ,c�;�r -- ------ < : " r� ' . <br /> t �.j . f 1 � ��l <br /> � . . .- .. ' . : - �. .l- - . . - . . . + <br /> _- , . . . _ _ . - _ . +:: . _ . . <br /> .. <br /> :;. . . , . .a . <br /> t.., ..� .. .�___ .`.. . . . ..: � —__1._�—_____._—_ __ <br /> _'___ � _ _' ___ _._ _. _ _ _. _ ..__,_ - _ <br /> . . .- .rr: __ __._. __ . --_—_-_—_. _ __— __--.____ _ �—_— _ - __ ._ . <br /> , ,� <br /> •t . • . . . - - - - � . � . . <br /> t _ �� .. - . .. . �� {!P:'i�' . .. . . - .. . . ��•" . <br /> .. .. , . . . i;. <br /> ��Y _ ' „ � • ' .. � . , .. . . - • . ' . - �. . <br /> , . <br /> �- �. - . - � ' . .. - : ...� . - . . <br /> -,:� _ _ __ "_ ' _. . : - '� -. .. . '� . . <br /> . ,. . . . ... ... . . - ' _ . .. . - _ . .. .. _. . .. . <br />" . �f� . . . . � .. ' . . . . . . . . " <br /> .. . . <br /> . ' ..." . " .� � . • � <br /> . .. - � . . ' �� .. .. .�. . .. . .. .. - . . - • <br /> .. . .. ' . . . 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