�,�1�. . � . 93_
<br /> .: :; � 10�!3s6 � ,. ,
<br /> , ,�yrntnld m�y no longer 6oriqulred.N ttq'opcion ot Lendsr.IPrnopl+yelriwr+nco cov�r4a pn ihe`iuipunt�nd for.�he4tdod ..
<br /> ihq tcrdtr. requlra)p�pvided by�n i.mmurcr�pproved 6y 4endc��g�in 68come��v�iiable uW b obtqined�(lurrow•e{.aNJI pry
<br /> thn prcmium�xcqulrcq�a miintdn mong�go Inwrencs In ettcn,or to providc i�osa reserve,uinll�he rlquliFment fOr nwn�iYe
<br /> �nsurancQEndeliiacordaneewl(Amywduen�granxntbetwe:nHorrowerudLa�daor�pplleabialaw. . . .. ;
<br /> 9.finphtlon.I.eoder or ii��gem m+Y m�lsf rei�sne+ble eNria upon�nd inspatlon+of�he Propmy�l�uder�h+il alvq • . <<
<br /> • Eorcpwer naice u ihe dme of or pdor ro�n Inspa�ton e�ecifyiny reasonabla causo tor the Inspectlon.
<br /> ' 10.CanQemei�tloie.Tha proctod�of any awa�d or ddm for danugn,dira�or mnxquentia�,'Im m�nealon with nny
<br /> condem�yilon or dAer laking of rny pan ot iho Propeny,oc for mmeyan�v In Beu of conb:nxudon;nro hercby aUlyncd and •
<br /> thall bo pald to Lendec
<br /> - -°_' (n�Iw event of w to{al�oking of tAc Propetty.ICe prncccds shall tc appilcd lo the sunu stcurtd by thle Secudiy JnslNnxnl, -
<br /> �whtther or nd�hen dx,w(th any excus wid tu Eorrower.tn tM event of a puttil inking oi�Ae Ptoprr�y iq which ehe ftlr • - .
<br /> � muket vaice bi tAo Propcny Inmxdlatciy 6eforc�he taking I�tqual�o a grca!u than the enwunt oi the sums securaf by.thls
<br /> Securiiy Iastrumem(nvnediateiy before ihe tilcing,unias Bortower oM Luder ahcnvlse agree In writin;.�!a sumc stturtd Ay
<br /> th4�Secudty [nstNmnt shatl be rcduttd by thc wmunt of the praeeds muttiplied by�he[oiloxing frattloo: (a) tln.tonl
<br /> amount oi�h..+sunu seturcd Immediately beforc�Aa tslcing,diridrd by(b)thc fair marice�vaiee of the Propcny tmnxdl�tdy
<br /> - 6efore il»faking. Any bnlance shall be paid to Bortox•er. In�he evrnt ot a pvti�l taking of Ne Peoparty tn which�he fair
<br /> • wrkel v�luo oP tho Propeny inunediarety hforc Ne takin3 f�less�han tho emount of tix sumv accured fmmediatdy betae ttw
<br /> wking, unless Borrowcr and Lender otAerv+ix egree In wrEting or unless spplicablc law oUurniw provldu,�hc proceeds shall
<br /> . be nppllcd lo�Ac sums securcd by ihie Sccurity insuumcnt whciher or not tho sums ure then due.
<br /> If�ho Properry�is ubandoned 6y[iortower,or if,eRer notice by Lender to Borrower that�Im m�demnor ofhro to nulce en
<br /> award or u�tlo e clalm for damages, Bortower fails to rcspond to Leader wi�hin 30 dny�aRer�he date tAe noticc Is given,
<br /> Ler.dcr Is enthodzed m collat und epply the procecds,nt ics option,cW�er to res�oraiion or rcpair oF the Property or to the sum+
<br /> �� ucunv!by�hls Secutiily InsUUment.�vhether or mt�hen due. - --
<br /> Unlrs� Lender end Iiorrower otherwisc egree in writing, eny epplication of p�ocecds to prfnclpal sl�all r.ot extend or
<br /> postpone�he duo date of the nwnthly paymems refemed to in paragrsphs t and 2 or change the emount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Bortox�er Not Rtleasedi For6ennr.ce Ry I.ender Not u Woiver.Qxtension of the�ime ior payment or modilication
<br /> — of emoni�elion of�he wms secured by thls Secudty Inswmem gmmed by Lender ro ony suceessor In inroresl of Bortower shall
<br /> not operate�o rcicase the Ifabllity of the originnl ltorrower or 6ortower's successors in intercs�. Lender shnll not be required to
<br /> °— mnmience procccdings ngafnct any successor In imcres�or refuse a exmnd iime for payment or othenvise modify enwntratlon
<br /> �— a(the sums secured by �hle Securi�y h�stmmeN by reason of eny demand made by the original I3orro�ver or I3orrower's
<br /> - svccessors in inten;si. Any forbear�nce by Lender in exerdsing any righ�or rcmedy shall not be e weiver ot or preclude the
<br /> __�;� cxercisu of eny dght or�emedy.
<br /> - t2. Sueeccwrs end Assignv Qoand;Jolnt end Severel Lleblllty; Ca•slgners. 7'he covenanis ond agrcements of thts
<br /> �� Sccudly I�Immcni s�all binU end �cneGt Ihc sucecssars anti assigns oi Lcndcr and uurm�vcr, aubjc�i w d�c prorisio�s aC -- �- -� � --- �
<br /> ` paragraph 17. Qortower's rnvenants nnd agrecmenis shnll 6e joint end aeverel. Any Ourro�ver who m-signs �his Security
<br />.:_.5i,�,���:' Inntument but dues not execute�he Note:(e) is co-signing�his Securiry Instrumenl only�o mangage, grent end mnvey�hal _-- - -
<br /> �-.-..y� Qorrowcr's Intcres�in�hc Propeny under�he�em�s ol'this Securi�y[nsimmenC @)Is nol persanally obligaced m pay�hc sunu - __--
<br /> �-Jr4 :_ stturcd by�his Security Insuunrem;and(c)agrees tUai Lender nr.d eny o�her Qorro�ver muy ngrce ro excend,madify,forbear or -.a�y -�_
<br /> '' r - - makc any attommada�lons�vith reFard to�hc tertns of this Sccurity Insuwnem or�hc No�c wl�hom�hnt Darto�ver'�mnsem. � - .tfk� �
<br />;;-.5����'',:,�.,r' 13.Loan Cherges. If�6e loan ucurcd hy�his Securf�y Ins�rumem is suhjea �o e Imv which sets muimwn loan charges, .,;i��!�-,�;,
<br /> � -�'; and�hnt law Is finally Interpre�ed so�hat�he imeresi ur aiher loan chnrges mllec�ed or Io be colltt�eA im m�naiion�vi�h the �� � - °°
<br /> J:���:, luan excecd�he pemiiued limits,ihen: (n)any such loan d�arge shnll be ndnced 6y�he amoum naessary m reduce�he charge ;,.,�.:;��: ,�,�.,y°-'
<br /> _�.'i , �o d�o pemifucA IImiC nnd(6)nny sums nlrcady collecied from fbrro�ver�vhich e�ceeded pemiiucd limiis uill bc re(undal to -�„_.
<br /> ��,5 . Davowee Lender nmy choose to make ihis refund by reducing the principal a�eed mider �he Note or by 1➢PAIII$ A dIR:CI -�5 d �'�.
<br /> ',S� - '"�:t paymem to Uorrower. If n refur,d reduces principal. Ihc rednaion �vill he trcaiM ns u paniul prcpryment withom any - �. •�!,� F..��
<br /> ��' prcpayment chargc undcr�iic iQu�c. � - ' "� r� -;
<br /> �'a� f,� I4.Notlms.Any noiice�n[iorrowcr prnvided for in this Securi�y Insimmem shall be giren by deliccring i�or by mailing ' � -, �+�e r :
<br /> „_,___p._ it by fint clau mail unlcss applicnble Imv rcq�dres use o(unothcr mc�hal.'Ihc no�iR.hall bc Jircctcd to ihc Propeny Address a_-�;, ��t�� F�`.
<br /> �t1��� ��� or any oiher nddrcss 6orrmver dcsign��es by notice �a Lcndcr. Any nnlice la I.endcr zhnll be given by firs� cluss mail �o � ;����� :.
<br /> �,s„f.��.. '_ Lender's address siated hercin or nny o�her addnu Lender designa�es by no�ice to I3ovmeer. Any notitt provided for in�his ' r4
<br /> .ar r;-,;S Security I�uwmem shall 6e dcemed�n have bcen givcn�o Uorro���cr or Lendcr ohen givcn a+proriJcJ in�his parograph. � p .��:'' r ' .�.
<br />. _c�.L ,�, I5.Corernin I.n�r; Severebilil�. This Securi� Inslrumenl shall be aremeel b federal la�r and Ihe la�y� of�he "�' ���-�
<br /> ', t R ! Y F Y � ,.T-..�..;.�.
<br /> ' -�� lurisdiction in whieh�he Propeny is IucaicJ. In�he erem �ha�any pravisinn or clume of�his Securiq• Irowmem or�he Note `r �g� �5,:,
<br /> -'.���� con0ic�x widi upplicablc law,s�mh conllic�shali nn�uffeci uther provi�inn.nf�hit Securi�r Inxuument or�he NMe�vhich can be h-t�t� ,�_
<br /> r.- given eftM�viihuw ihe mn0ic�inF procisinn.To�hiti end �he prm�isinn.nf thi.Se�vri�y In.uumem anJ the Noie nrc declared ::''(( t� :�.,,.
<br /> lo be uvcmble. 'r�lh � .
<br /> � 't
<br /> . 2 ' IG.QurroSeer's Capy.Darm�cer s6all Fe given one amfamurl cnpy of Ihe Yole anJ nf lhi.Snvrilv InurumenL . � l `
<br /> � ' , �,.
<br /> :�,t--; Fom�3028 9190 -..: ��i e �
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