' +s�'�h�:� ,�; j, _
<br /> F ' `.:�-- -- f.::.�.r. _..,_....�__... ..,...---� c . __-, _.—. . --, -_ - --
<br /> =...u{�.� t .. . . . ... .. ... .. � . - � � . .
<br /> _-- .+ . .... . . . . . .... .
<br /> .:. . .. :. �g3. ��� .
<br /> 1Mp(t�p�riyN�qYkrnWOrm�gW�l�nQNkMlIMwtlNpptl.o n InIq�0Y1rICrywlvlrElRerMbn.io�ppya�FAPt9bliiif�
<br /> �Nwaio�orrptMtMrom�Ilpqlband�xp�nM�IneurtWbyNlAC�in�oXOnwlth�ue�Pr�,upon�nyJd n�NCiMW
<br /> r�io�+yuv���ueoonNU�o�n ut«N�a i�rm�bM�1oW��f�!u�000�a��roc w:�roiM�i�bn�a++!n+i� xN�nda�oo+a�•
<br /> �NM 9tu�y qY�undM 1M NoM.O�oua�nY�YM ah+wndM o�Mi�unEa.MY un�ppllfd NM�Mail b�prfa q
<br /> I,f«IMiNr1b�Yy LMMr�Upon tl�acurNna ot�n EWn1 o10M�uNMrwndN,a If�ny fot U qk�n a 1p�I prouWlnp
<br /> i Comm�nqWwhlthtMl�'tiAlyd��nINObLindNilnMrNtInM�PrO�»nyUndariuylnlboivndIl�rCr111on,but1r11h0u1bblqpNo�iO,Qo ..
<br /> � fpr�w� hIM bdqind m�y�iw doiny orytlgiN�ict II d«ma i nie�iry o pro�t p��wcur(ty hi ioR Tryib�dul.lmn�NN �
<br /> � uppnC�m�MmKHbrbyUne�r,piybUnNn�leo�N�nd�xpm�IncurtW�nd�um��xp�M�dbyLenElrinfAnn�ctlonwidi
<br /> I t�e�x�rclwby Gndvofth�lorpofnp dyhb,bpNherwiminterettlieraon�tthedsGultnteCrovldedlnd�eNOts,whle�rMtlW
<br /> �dAW b tM iM�bNdnea aecurM hsrWy.Lbndu�htll not Incur�ny II�biliry bec�uas of�nyth�np It may do or omN b do
<br /> MnuM�r.
<br /> -- Y.FNSwdOw MHMINI.Truelm�heil kwp M�Properry In complNnce wltl�all eppllwEle lew�,orCinence��nA rpN�llonf
<br /> t0latlnp to Indu?trlel hyplene o�en4lronmOnlal plolOCUOn(oollecUwy relerrW to hereln ea"Environmenlel Lew�'�.TN�N�rM�ll
<br /> ' k�f�sPreqktyh�homallwb�t�ncs�Owmedlol»h�zudou�orloxiounAeranyEnvlronmantall.�w�(collecHwlynNrcMlo
<br /> MrNn nt"HetarOOU�M�Iedal�'1•���or hereby wuranW entl reprofeNe to Lender Net Nere ers no H�arOOUS MUSrld�on or
<br /> — untlsrth�Propey.7rvBOrhe�ebyeyrw�tolnAemnlyenAhold�armbwLentle�,I�edlrectoraoHlcer�,employeeseM�p�nb.�nA
<br /> - �ny sucauon to L�nd�r'�IntuMt trom�nC�9einel any�nd ptl cqlmti Eam�per,IoeHS and n�binue��dnlny In wnnecqan wIN
<br /> -- t�e pr�np,uw,tllpONl 0�U�OtpOfl 01�Oy H�Gt00ue M�leddlD 00,unEaa from o�ebout the PrpppAy THE FOREli01N0
<br /> --`� 10.HfM�Am1n)W RMM•Trueior hereby esslgna to Lende�the renW,1e5u6a end proNe o1lhdPropany;Drovided tl�nl7ru ta _- _
<br /> � - '�� Meli,untiltl�eOCCUrronceol�nEventolDll�utl�ereunde6havethedqhllofAtl6clanCretelneuc�rontal6fu0landprofiUai�ey
<br /> � . �-!';� psy�Dte.U Y Pa bY 9e
<br /> -. ,, becoms due�n0 Don the ocournnce ol�n Event of odaul4 Lentler mn ,either In raon or e nl,wIN or wltl�out
<br /> rnSi',�'i,7?! btlnying eny eolion or roceetling,or by e rxeiver�ppointed by�coun and wi�hom raperd lo tne adequecy ot IH secuury,enter —
<br /> , �:' ' uponondqkepoa»uPonollhoProperry.oranyparlNereol,inibownnameorinthenamaoltheTnietee,endtloanyeclnwhichll _
<br /> x.,i��e. MemsneevuaryordnlroWetopre�ervothevHUe.markMabilflyornnlablllryolthaProperry,crenypnrttheraotorintermtNerNn, � _
<br /> '�-�% Increaie Me Income Uerelrom or protect the exuAry h¢reol end,wlth or with0ul lekhtp poueeslon ot Ne PropOrty,6ue f0�0� o!��-- -
<br />- - ,��;��-��:- mherwl»conxt me rema,It�vea ena profiU thereof,inolutlinp Ihose Denl Eue and unpald,end oppty the eame,lep coaU�nE ____
<br /> , -fr�y expen�eeofoporellonen0collectlonlncludinyettomeye'tee�,uponanylnOeE�edneeaeecuredhereby,euinnuchorEereelender -.- _
<br /> � .) , . ::' msy Celermine.TAe entednq upon end takinq posaesslon ol the Property.�he collxtlon ol euch ronte,I�vae entl prollte snd the •�-'-'-�
<br /> S' -` ;�., �pplic�llon tliereol e�ePoreuld,ehall not cure or walve eny Cetaall or no9ce ol delaull hereunAer or Invalidate eny act done In ,,., r� _.
<br /> �} ". 3'�• retponaeto�uchdet�ultorpurwantlowchnoliceolEeleultand,nohv11ha1entllnpthewntlnuencolnpos�e�lonotthePr�or . .
<br /> - Me collactlon,recei0�and eDP��c�tlon of nnla lesuee or profi�e,end True�ee and LanAer enail be entltled ta exerclee every�pht s+_k, `�5��'�
<br /> _cL—�_� DroviAedlorinenyoffheloanlnetrumenleorbylawu➢onoceurraneoolanyEventotDefaull,Includinywl�hovt1lm11etlonMedpht - a
<br /> + � � '��"- toexeraeetnepowaroisaie.turihar,LOndareri8niaendiemu�7iu5ui�d6t(tti'vya.iugraphshallFacumulac�:o�M;endlnnoWe;e -T'.�� 7 �' -. _. ...
<br /> y�- . ` . � --- ..
<br /> �,�� - Ilmltetionon,LenAeredghUendremedieaunderenyassl9nmentolleaseaendrenbrecordedeqelnalthoProporry.LenCer,Truatee ._
<br /> (s�'`4.° end Me receWer e�ali Do Ileble lo eccount onty(or�hose renle aclually received. �,, E �! -� ,
<br /> c.�� - ;�;,� 11. Ev�nb M GhuX.Tho lollowlnp ehen eonaiitute an Event ol Default undor thla Doed of TruaC �t � 1�5)� -s,t�Sr_._
<br /> f'_r _ ;;)� (e) Feilure ro pny eny inalallmont ol pdncipal or intareet of eny olher sum eecured hereby whon duo; _ :1
<br /> k;, (b)Abreao�otordoleultunderenyprovlsloncontelnetlinNeNOle,UleDee4olYrusLenyolthoLoanlnstrumente,ornny �x � '
<br /> othor Ilan or encumDrence upon tho Property; 7 : { �
<br /> "� '"• (cJAwdlotexecullonoreftaehmonlorenyeimilarprocesas�allbaente;edegalnslTrualorwhichshallbocomealienon : +r r�-
<br /> , .�� :;! tho Proporty or eny poNOn f�ereof or Inleroat thorein; °; � +t}v�ry:
<br /> - (� Thoro ehell be filed by or epelns�T�ualor or Borrower en ectlon undor eny present or fuWre lederel,elelo Or ot�er -„-� _ . i� � ���'�
<br />__ , �� : � '�- eletuto.lew or�egutefion releting lo Uankru0�cy.Insolvency or olher reliel lor Aobtore;or Nore sha116o eppoinloA any Wetee, • -� c�> _
<br /> ,..�};:;,::,-�•� rewNororllquldatorolTrustororBorrowororofellorenypatlollheProDQ�Y•ortherenle.lasuoeorOrofluNOroof.orTrualor -�. ,�,r�_.`_,
<br /> or BorrowBr shail meke eny gonerel essignmenllor t�o banofll ol crodnore: � � .A�° ::
<br /> �{aa y '�'; (e) Tha eela,iransiar,l0ese,esaignmonL convoyanco ot lurlhor encum6renco of nll or eny paR of or eny intorest In lhn ..• . :� -
<br /> '}t.c..: Propery,eitl�er volunle�ity or Involunterity, wiihovf tha expross wdtton consoN ol Londor,provldeOlht�1 Tmator eheil be � �
<br /> 1 porminMloexaeuloaleeseolfl�aProDoMthaltloosnolcontalnenoD��ontopurcnnseanatnetermolwnichtloesnoloxceod ,:j[,ilf�tr"�l}� q�SC•'_:
<br /> t f �;�i one year, ,• i9 ' ��� 32i_,
<br /> ,. ,�. �_;_ ; (p A6nnOOnmuntof Ne ProPetty.or .,' rj4��`i�4 -� .
<br /> n l ,�g`�_ (g) IlTrusloNanolenlnClvl0ual,tne�ssunnce,eele,translor,esslynmon4convuyenworencumCraneootmorothanatotal �,:,.� -_ �. �-
<br /> � �f}S��-�+;, oi poreoN ol lil e corporatlon)ils IssaoA nn0 oulslanding sloek or(il n pertnerehip)e totel ol pereanl ot .. �`''s_: -
<br /> _��5�s,;,�"� pnAnorehip INeteals tludnq Iho porlo0 Nis Deotl ol Tmsl romeine a Iien on Iho Proporry. +
<br /> . +��'_yt•,...:- 12.HemWNs;Aeed�plbnUponDN�uB.InNOOVanlofenyEvenlol0elaullLentlormay.withoutnoGCeexce0�eerequfretlby r -
<br /> --+ • �-,�J lew,deelare ell intlebtedness seoured hereDy to Iw duo antl poyablo enA No samo ehell Moreupon bewme due end poyeble '"' „_r, - .�` �-
<br /> withoul pny presenimonL tlemand,protoat or nofice ol eny kinE.ThoreaRur Landor may. � �a -.���-�`;}l�. '
<br /> t -- _, . � (a) DemanA 1he1 Tfuslee oxerolse IAO POWER OF SALE graNOtl horein,end Tmsleo s�all therealter wuso Trvstor'e
<br /> intoreal In lho Proporry to bo 6oitl end Iho proceeds lo bo distributotl,all in t�e mannor pwvidad in Ne Nebreske Trust Deada „ i - . -
<br /> AtL' .
<br /> (b) Exarciau any entl ell rlpMa provitlod lor in eny of Iho Loen InslmmeNS or by law upon occurrenco of eny Event o� 1+ - - ��
<br /> . ��`.• DeleulYena ,,:r � .
<br /> - - � �-�: (c) Commencoanncnonfoforocloselh�sDeedolTmslesemongago.aOPOinlareceivur,orspeciGwllyeNOrceanyollno .
<br /> - � covenanle horoof. '� .
<br /> No remo0y haroln contorrM upon or resorvetl to Tme�oo or Lender is ImenEeU to ba exoiusivo ol eny oNe�remedy�orein,in tho �!� :-
<br /> ' Loun InSUumonb or bJ law p�ov:Cetl or pMmitfud,but each 5hail bo cumuielivo.shull bu in addilion to avery[+Ih¢r remnAy Bivo^ I � �
<br /> -� � horeur.der,inthOLOenlnsWmontSOrnoworhor0atloroxl5tingntlawOrinequityor�ysletu[e,enOmuybeexerci50dconcurrontiy, ;�':'�-�
<br /> t�- �:
<br /> � . IndeponCOnly or euccosskely. I . .
<br /> 13. Tru1t10.T�e Trustao moy resfgn et eny 6mo wilhoul causa,end Londor may et eny limo nnd wiNOUt causo eppoint o
<br /> - 6ucco550rolBUUStiN[CTfuslOe.True[oo6halln01bo1fabloloenyparty.incWdingwilhouUimllolionLOntlo48ovoWer.TmStororeny
<br /> - " . purchnsnrolthoPrope�fy.loranyloseordamngounlosstluomrockloseorwinfulmisconOUCLOnOSha11no1boroqulreEto�ekeony i
<br /> 0ction in conneclfon wllh Iho enlorcomunt of Ihig Dood of Trus1 uNOas InEomndiotl,(n wntin8•lor ell cos15.componsalion or
<br /> � oxpenses whlch muy bo essociate0 thorovri�h.ln etltlition.Trusteo may Docomo a Du�choser e�eny sele ol��o ProDam'GuO�anl or �
<br /> ... „ •. ,
<br /> ,._.. .,
<br /> .-.-`.---./`--' _'__.�___""__""'____.�._.�......,..�.......n.e..�..d su...on�nmm�n N mn Pr000rN.09 orovided 6V law:o!5811 Ih0
<br />_ __ _. _ - anwr mv Wvm��oa.o y.a...a....o.o...i.w....�.._..._�.__._'"_"""' �__'_ _ _ • • " ' ._
<br /> - � � PropoM1y a9 a whob.or In 6opOroto Darcels ot 1019 ei Trostoo e alscrol�on. ,
<br /> �.�� tC. Feef anA E�p�n�n.In tho ovent Trustoo solls tho ProDOrry�y oxorc�sa of power ol salo.Trustoe sha�l be onllOOG lo eppty � •
<br /> eny salo procao0s firsl to paymunt o�n��eosts onO expansos ol o:erc�aing po�vor ol6elo.incluUing all Trus�ea'e loos,enE Lundore
<br /> anC TNDtao s ettorno�e leo0.ectu9iry Incvrtetl�o o�enl permlited by eppliceblo law.In Iilo evonl Borrowor or TNStor o%orelso9 ony
<br />... - ; :- dpM proWOOC Dy�ow to cure an Evenl o�De�aWL Londar s�sll bo enfllod to rocovnr Iwm Tmstor ail Cosb en0 oxponses eclvelly
<br /> -'`� - - fncurraA�9 o rasuli ol TN51oP8 OoIaVN.Inciutling withoul!ImltEltfon 9��TNSIOe'e end ollomoy'e loo&�o No oxtonl pGrmltlotl by
<br /> ' ePRIfCaOlo law.
<br /> - . •: 16. fuiun Adv�nesi.Upon roquosl ol Borrowor, Lontlor mey.et i�s opnon.maka etlditiona�enO lulure etivancos and re• :
<br /> .r� ? eEvaneee lo Borrowec Such eCvences end roaEvenwa,w11h tMOws117�oreon.snall bo 6ocuroG by thla Doed ol Trusl At no timo snail .
<br /> ;,•� �1,_'1- NepdnGpalemounloltholnAebmAnoseeecurod6 InleDoodolT�usL ofInc1�tl1nQeymsadvancotltoproloct, osokadryolU+ie j
<br /> �' �eo0 0l Trusl exceed Ihe or�ginnl p�mcipai emoum sla�oC horo�n.or S�uo•oou•uu -whic�ovor ie preare�� . . � � •
<br /> �r. `), i
<br /> ,"
<br /> • ,
<br /> �
<br />