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<br /> ,,:, .
<br /> i��- � . . . ,
<br /> ACKNOWL,I'�OEMEN?OF p�Efi OP TRUiY . :
<br /> ., tnueroqpe�ur►ASeeconeear�hk+: ' ,.'' , ,� ;• ,,, t9�'r'''��� :
<br /> . .�� r�� - � �:-�- �"�' -� a- _ -i, . .
<br /> u Tr�oiirn�f.ir�eir,.�p.exy�,.mn�r�u.ew�a.�w,m.w.wwa�r�.naM+.ma��++ewarwva,�w
<br /> awf w.Mn�w�earn��oro+oaNe�bwnw�yan�rw;uqm. oaqwomaTruNanen� Mm+
<br /> ¢I.�� wWN.qMWWaTiueClnduNnp:Mn Nda,tlNt�qW IP .
<br /> 6�1�11i� n�ie � aiiy ol�l ptaNtNn,1,frutlor rptNMtt�M +ib M�l1hM IM ' tiy.,
<br /> .. TnNl6rwar. •k.eunonaa»DwaarruN.�. . �Be - �'.ud St
<br /> - �•�.�,... ... �-� .. . - B
<br /> _ _ :. _ , . . . � �: w. •. - -
<br /> , . :� . . .
<br /> . TruNa
<br /> (Benediet P. Wa}ainger, Peraornly)
<br /> THIS DEE6 Qfi TBU9T,I�m�0e u ol N�_19th_d�y ol.�l��guft— ,19_99�.,by fnd�mony
<br /> IheTNN04�A � �nnn Nnr �____„�_. ., �!penedict P �Va9•� g•n ,
<br /> ,.
<br /> -- whow mainnp ki'di�b 123 W Th�rd Crand Ieiend. NH 688D1 �hereln�Trvttar,"wheu�x ons or mon),
<br /> :lr�
<br /> -`��� tMTN�bl, F�vn Pelnt� A�nk w N�hreRkw r.�.ry�..+��.+ ,
<br /> ....-....� .�...�.��.' WhoNm�Iliny��Or0i11e— (i��{ltl,-NE-6880.'�1507 (heroln'TNitM'1,�nC -.
<br />__,_�_ 1hn 6elieNFlary, F�ve Pelnte Benk ,
<br /> _:�•e`+'"_im''�
<br /> whoae+nHlinpadCrnfla P n u.+ �an� r.rn.,a �.�.�,",,,_.,�±,�F�ugp2-05D7 (heretn`LanOeY'}
<br />��Y�` FOR VA4UABLf CONSIDEMTION,Ineiutling Lendere extenalon ot credit IdeNtAMI heroin to � ,
<br /> w i' ..
<br /> r. i�. -$-H8ft0illCt P- Ws�*�^8^� (harein"BorroweP,whe��er one or moro)and Ne Wst herein creatad,
<br /> x�'�d*it_. ihe recalpt ot xfilch I�hereby ecknowladqe0.Trustor�ereDy Irrevocebry gmnte,Iranafers,conveya end eulyns to Tmelea IN � '- �
<br /> •,=?:.4��:'%� TRti3iWIYNPOWEHOFBALE,forthebenefitenCaecuriryolLanAer,underantlsubJecltoNalermsenAwnEWonehereineRereel __ - .
<br /> :s:�%t:" lorth,th�e real propdty,doxdbM u Ioilows: —
<br /> !'"i:.: .:}: _
<br /> � ''�s. The Northerty Elghty (80) feet of the WeateNy Twenty Two (22) feet, of Lot Four �
<br /> ":"%�:''�:^�' (4) In Block Sixty Stx (66), in the Original Town, now Cfty of Grand Island, Hell --
<br /> � » .
<br /> � County, Nebraeka, together wlth ell perty wall rights thereto belonging.
<br /> �� r"��'� TOyeMer with eil bulldinq�,Improvoment0.11xWrea,alrools,alleys,pneeaqeways,easemente,dghla,pdvilepea and aDPUne• �`���'.- __
<br /> - ` nances IoulaE tho�eon or in enywise poMlning therero,entl the renl�,issves end profile,reverelona enU remalndare thereol,end �s -�-
<br />�-•`I;`�-:�E::�`•'- wehpemonelproDetlythatiaetlechedtothelmpwvementseoeatoconetitutenllxluro,Inelutllny,bulnotllmlleAto.heallnpenA +.,`5:_,::-�,-'C;��`;
<br /> ,-t s- ' coolinpaquipmenkendlopetherwi�hlhohomostoedormad1a11nlereats,ileny,whic�intereaiaereherebyrelea5atlenAwalved;ell i�- rr�. �g� ��r _
<br />.�;,yf,_.�`j,`F olwhic�,includingroplecemenlsantledtlltlonalhareto,lahereEytleclaretlloboepertoNhsreelasleteeecuredbythelienollhle „ f..
<br /> t1 - �::, DeeA ol T�uSilnd!II 01 Ule lorepoing bolnp rolorretl�o horein ea lho'ProD6h�'. f�'n�� 1 �xi: ���
<br /> 1 t' ,}��.f � - _
<br /> '��F"+������ Thls Deed ol Tmsi ehail aeeuro(a)tho payrnent o1 Ihe princ�pel eum entl inlorest evitlonced by e promissory note or eredil ,���i,�",:.��.
<br /> t .:i
<br /> i 3 - '. r ) -.. .
<br /> „ } . -': epreemenl dale0 _pyyya(�.p +00�3_--.heving e metutlry tlato ol Auguet 1. 1998 , -_: � y > --. .
<br /> a � '�`t ' in the alyinel Drincipal em0unt ol 5�.11D�-nn ,entl eny end ell modilitallona,exlensions nnC renewals {, ,ti�f F i `,�:
<br /> � '-��•.• ihOrOOt Or Nereto 0nd eny entl ull luturo edrances entl reativancea lo Borrowar(or eny ol them il more Ihan ono)hereunder ��zS��,r, � ,,��;�.`;
<br /> �.f.i�.:-��;6? '�S.."i::':e:.:��±-�:
<br /> puteuenl lo ane or more promissory notos or credtl egresments(naroin calletl"NOte');(C)Iho paymem of o�her sums atlranttb by *s_-
<br /> ,"•'•r:�'�a�� LendertoprolecllhosacuflryolNONOIO:(c)NepodormencaolallcoveneNaentlugroementsofTmatmsellonhhereln;and(d)all --1F.���%-��;-
<br /> _'� preaenl antl Nluro intlobtednoss end obiigatlona ol Dotrowar(or eny ol tham II moro Ihan ono)to Lendor wheNOr dirocUndirect -- `6 - �' .
<br /> � , �{ ebsolvta or conlingonl end whalhor edaing bymte.guerany.overdrell orolhorwise.Tne Note,fhis Oead ot Truat entl eny and ell ;: �-..- �,t.,`
<br /> , - otl�ordxuenUlhataecureNalloteorothelvriseaxeeuteAinconnocllonlhorowilh,ineludingwllhouttimitetlonguarentees,seeuriry y � , ;+
<br /> �� - `-5; fl8roemenU entl es518nmenW of laases entl rent&shall be rolorrotl to horuin ua Iho"loan instmments'. �� Q�
<br /> .;ag'�._ huator uranflnle ond egreea with LenACr ae lollowa S'�S�y�° , °'
<br /> r,•�� � L Caymxit ol Ind�blMna�.All InEeUletlness securod homby shail be paid whon Aue. . � �-
<br /> -�.�:;� 2. Title Tmstor le the owner ollhe ProOerry•hea the dght entl eulhoriry lo convay the Properry.and werrante thal tho Ilen ,;�;��, `���.
<br /> eroated horeDy la o first en0 ptlor Iion on 1no Proporty.excopUor Ilens antl encumbrencos sot lotln by Trustor In wri0np enA •"a "- , ,
<br />- -- `�` OallverodloLOntlerbeloreexecullono�1h16DentlolTmsLentltheoxeculionenAOOliv:ryolthieUeedofTrusldoeanotvlolaloeny � Gt"* � "
<br /> -, contrecl or oNOr obli8ation lo which Trustor I5 sub�ed. � 'N�r� -
<br /> 3.T�zt�,�»�ttmmU.To pay belore Uei��puency etl iaxos.6poc�al nssessmenLV anU eii other cAarges egalnst lho ProDerty '': �
<br /> ��� now or horoelter IovieO. ' '�
<br /> �y 4. Intunnco.TOkoopNOProportyinsu�etlepninstAamegobyfiro.�aza�CalncluUetlwillNnthoterm^exlBnEeOCOVetege',en0 1- .-
<br /> - - 6uch olhor�a[erUS ae LonOCr may�nquire,in amounls and wil�eompanios aceoD�ebie�o Lender.neminp lender ee an etlOiuonal f ,.;;�,,;� :��_•�,;r-
<br /> ' IIp1110d 1116Ufp0,Wllh 1058 Qfly0DI010 010 L2ndOL 10 CA58 OI 1059 V�dBr 6UCh p011Ci85.�AE L¢�00f 19 9uihOd2fd l0 BAf u5i t011pM BfIE t '� t��, .,
<br /> �� `��"°'.-�' compwmlm.ellclelm5lhnreuntleronESha�Inavathooptionolappiyingallwpurtot�heinswancoprocceds(i)tosnyindebtednnss F�-"''r":�
<br /> ���! 'S- `" socuredhoreDyandlnsuchor0eresLende�may0otermino.Glmt�oTrostorto�ousetlfortnerepalrorrosloreGOnolthoProporry r"" '� -
<br /> _::�: �� or(III)IOrenyolhorputpOSeoro6jed9a11siaclorytoLUntlnrwilnoutelloUinBNel�enolNlsDee0olTNSlbrthelullemouniseCUroG � �
<br /> horoCy bOtoro sueh DoYment w•¢r�ook place.Any applicatio�ol D�oceeCS to indebleAnosS s�all not extan0 or postpono tho duo - -
<br /> �'� - duto ol eny paymonLS undor Ne Note.or wre nny deleW�tnoreuntlo�o�hereunEec I
<br /> ��+-'� 6. E�erow.Upon wtlltnn demnntl by LenEar,Tros�or shali pay to Lendar,in suc�manno�os Le�UOr may Eesignato,svlfiNOnl �
<br /> sumsloonn6loLOntlnrlooeveslhavEacomaduoonoormoreollhololtowinB:(i)a�ltaxos.auessmuntsendo�harcnurgosagainsl ___
<br /> Iho Propory.(Iq 4ho pramlums on tho propetly insurenco reqWroE horoundnr,nntl(nf)tho premlums on any mongago insurenco
<br /> �'-i,�';�•-:� reQWred 6yLnnaor. �
<br /> � -- � 8. M�Inlonunco,flep�ln enA Complience witn Law�.Truswr snan kaep tna Proporry in gooA contlition ena reD��r,shun i
<br /> - .'^t�'',,;: promply ropotr, or replaco eny improvomoM whicA may be tlamngaA or tloslroyM:shun not commit or pmmit eny waslo or ;
<br /> dotorlor811on ol lho Proporty,s�all not romovo.Oomolish or sub3WMlally allor eny ol Iho Improvomen�on tho Propory,s�elt nol
<br /> � . _ comml�sullerotpermll0nyecllODOUOno��orupo�NePwporty�nviolationolanylaw.ortlinanca,orrogulation;andshailpayend -
<br /> ,,, � promptly dischargo el Tnls!ore co6t enC uxpe�se ell llenl.e�cumbronce9 end charges IorieA,Impose0 or e55esseC agalnsl ihe -
<br /> Properry or eny part tho�oof.
<br /> - � ' � 7. Emin�nl Oom�M.Lenaer ia noroby essigned all componsetion.ewarOS,Uemagos end othor paymonls or rnllof(naruinaflor �
<br /> • °,'�`, ��- "ProeeeAO')IneonncelionwilheonAmm�nllonoroNOrtekingolNnPropuAyorparf��nroot.orbreonvoyencoinlivuoleondomna• ;
<br /> tlon.Lentler 61�011 Co enlitlod el ils oplion to commonco.eDPea���entl proseculo in 1�e own name eny ec.ron or Drceootlings,and
<br /> . ' '� 'r 61181161b0 DB Cn��ICC 10 m8k0 9ny COmplOmlSB 0�60�IICmOnl10 CO��OLGOn wlih 6uCh Ieking Ot OEflaya InII1�qV00t EOy POltl00 OI ��
<br /> .�
<br /> i. �
<br /> - _ .: , xeCS�!)Pk�wM���o..¢nn�wae �
<br /> .� . .' ` O11NMl:%NIlMelfemmYpTM�WS��IU%4XmliKCNNfb��l�
<br /> :, :.
<br /> ...• ' .�J�i
<br />