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<br /> �:=i condemnation ar other taking of any part of Ihe Property,o�fw conveyunce in lieu af comiemnation,ure hereby m+Ki�ned and
<br /> _,�..
<br /> _--__-�-�� shnll he paid to Lender.
<br /> -�_:--, -- ---
<br /> �f !n the eveut uf a total taking of the Pmper�y, �he proceeds shall be uppiieJ to Ihc Kum� l:ccured by this Secu ty
<br /> ---�q Instnimcnt, whether or not then due,with uny excess pnid to Bortowcr. In the event of u purtial taking of�he Pnqx�ty iu
<br /> ��' which the fuir murket vulue of the Prapeny immediutely befare the tuking ix eyuul to or greuter than the amoun�uP the tiuma
<br /> �� secured by this Security Instrumenl imntedintely befbre the tuking,unle�c Borrower und Lender utherwiu�ugrec in wriling,
<br /> ���l ,�, the sumc secured by Ihis Secpriry Instrument shall be reduced by�he nmount af the praceeds muUfplied by the following
<br /> �...
<br /> ---- - - — fractiun: (u)the totul umount of the sums s^.cured immeciiaiely before the tuking.divided by(b)ihe fpir murket voluc of t e
<br /> Praperty immediately hefore �hc tnking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event ai a punial �aking of the `
<br /> Property in which thc fair market vulue of O�e Propeny immediately before thc tuking is less�hAn thc umount af�he xums
<br /> --�L- xecured immediucely befare the tuking, unkss Borcower und Lendcr adx�rwixe agree in writing or unlcss upplicublc law _
<br /> --_',�� othenvixe provides,the praceeds aholl be upplied to the sums Secured by�his 5ecurity Inavument whether or nat the xum�Are
<br /> _ -._�..r�:: „� then due.
<br /> ,���,�;.,b„�.;,- ff the Propeny is ubandoned by Borrower.or if,aftc:r notice by Lendcr�o Bortowcr thut the condcmnor nfferti�o make
<br /> °- -_=:-�.�.�,•� an uwurd or xettle a cluim far damugcs.Bortower fuils to respond to Lencicr within 30 duys ufler the dute the naicc is given, `
<br /> � - ��.; Lender is Authorized to collect und apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restorotian or repuir of Ihe Prapr.ny or ta the
<br /> �t°:�,����"''� sums sec:ured by this Securiry Instrumenl,wqether ur not then due.
<br /> 'x=��' �;: Unless Lender and Borruwer otherwise agree in writing,uny applicntion of praceeds to principul r;hnll not extend or
<br /> �.��� •.
<br /> :..� postpone�he due date of the monthly payments mfcrred to in purugaphs I and?or chungc the amount of xuch paymcnts.
<br /> ---- I1. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender IVot a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment ar
<br /> � - maditication of amortizution of the sums tiecured by this Security Inx�rument grunled by Lender to uny successor in intcrc�l
<br /> __._.���:��:,� of Borrower shull not opernte to release Rhe liabiliry of the oriEfnnl Bormwer or Borrower�zuccessars in interest, Lender _,
<br /> • �., • ����. ` shull not be required to cammence proceedings ugninst nny succeswr in iuterest or refuse to extend time far payment or _
<br /> ;,r�.,.- „� ,
<br /> •�,,:;�" otherwise madify nmartizution of the xumti�ecured by Ihis Security Instrument by reuson of uny demund mude by the originvl
<br /> .s'�a eorrower or Borrower's successorx in interest. Any forbearnnce by Lender in exercitiing any ri�ht or remeJy shall nat be n
<br /> 1i'�. . � waiver of or preclndc the exercise of uny right or rcmcdy.
<br /> ,z:,�"k:,�t.. � l2. Successors and Aagi�ns Bound;Joint and Several l.iabiUty;Co-signers. The cuvenunt�und agrcemen�ti of this a
<br /> :��,�; Security Intitrument shall bind und benefit the tiuccesso�w und ussignx of Lender unJ Borrower,subject to ihe provisions oP
<br /> � ps�rugrnph 17. Borcower's covenums and ugreements shull be joint und severul. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> � '��6 `" Instniment bul does not execute the Note: lal is co-signing this Security In,trument only lo mortgnge,grunt and convey that
<br /> „';;�:. - Borrawer's interest in the Praperty under the terms of�his Security Ins�rument; Ib)iti not personully oblignted to puy the xums --
<br /> '•�:� :. ;. securcd by this Securiry Inr+trument;und(c)ngrecx thut Lender and uny rnher snrrowcr muy ugrec to extend.malify,forb�ar �_
<br /> �,� or make uny uccommodntionr with regurd to ihe tertns of�his Securiry Inslrument or the Note withcw� thut Borrower+ �,
<br /> :,- s:., . C0115CIIL �
<br /> - -_- ,��V ti_ ___ � , _ !3. LQaa C6erges. If 1he Inun uuu•red by this Securiry In�trumen� is subjec� io u luw which sets muximum loan
<br /> churges,and that luw iti finnlly inteipreted w thut the intereyt or ahcr loun chargez collected or to he coiic��cd iu conncctian
<br /> ��-'�+ • ' with the loun exceed the pem�itted limits, then: (u)uny�uch loun charge shull hr reduced by ihe amount necessary io reducc
<br /> �'"' °''"`" the churge to the pertnitted limit:und(b)uny sums ulrcudy collecled from Burrawer which exccedrJ permiurd limits will be
<br /> .•:s� �.:.t :?„
<br /> � �,. ` refunded to Borcowcr. Lcnder muy chcx►tie io muke�hiti rcfund by reJuring�hc principal owed unJer thc Note or by mukmg u —
<br /> �'� . dircct payment to Borrower. If u refund reducex princip•rl.Ihe reduclinn will be treuted nz u partiul prepaymcne without uny
<br /> p''�!• prepuyment churge under the Note. —�
<br /> „ �� 14. Notiees. Any notice to Borrower proviJrJ tiir in�hi�S�curiiy Imtrument shull t►e hivcn I;y dclivering it or hy
<br /> �� '' mnilin�it by fir.t clu��m•ril unle�+upplic:�blc luw requires uye��f unothcr meth�xi.Thc niHice shall lx Jirected to the Pro�:ny
<br /> �"'w' Address or:u�y other tidJress Bc►rcower designates hy notice tu Lendcr. Any notice tu Lcnder�hull Ix given by tirst rlaxs
<br /> �.,;. o. ..
<br /> mail to Lendcr�addre�s.tutrd herein or uny othcr�►dJrctix L.enderdc,ignuic�hy nwirc to Borruwcr. Any natice providcd for —.
<br /> " �,�,�;•, in this Security In+�rument shull bc decmed ro huve Fxen givcn ta Borrowcr ur Lender whrn givcn us pmvided in this `
<br /> ' ��,�—'�.=.; ^ purugruph.
<br /> ,��,` � 15. (:overninR Law: tieverability. Thi+ Sccurity In�lrunxnt .hull Ix guverncJ by federal luw and thc law of the _
<br /> •d :�:: . jurisdiction in which Ihc Prop►;ny iz IcxuteJ. In the�vent thut any rruvi+ion or rluu�c of�hi.Sccuri�y Im�rumem�x the Note
<br /> � ,�,;,- contlicts with upplicuble luw.,unc�ontLct�hull no�affcet�ither pri�vi,ion.of this Sec:urity Insuvmenl ur Ihe Notc which run �•
<br /> ;��� '� b�:Fiven effect without thc contlicting pnwi.ion. To thi. rnJ the pruvisiuns of thir Scruriry In,trumm��unJ the Nrne ure
<br /> �-'•` • declured to be uvcruhlc.
<br /> .. .� �" � l6. Borrower's Cupy. Rorrnwrr.hull Ix givrn uiu cunliirnxJ ropy ut'1hr Natc and of this Sccurit��ln�iniment. �
<br /> � � . .�^.. �_
<br /> ��. •: 17. 71�ansPer of the Prapertv or a Beneftciul Interest In IWrrn�rer. If nll or w�y purt uf�hr Pn��xnY ur uny intcrcrt m �;
<br /> .:.. o... it is sold or Irunsl'erred lor ii'a lxneficiul imrr�.l in(iorm���rr is zold ur Irun.fcmd and Borrower i�nut a naturul perxonl _
<br /> r�r `�
<br /> '.-�:: � , withuut Lender's prior written conxem.Lcndrr may.ut ii.optiun.rcyuirc immcdiuic � men� in full oi'all+um�secureel by
<br /> � ,'.`�,:' ° thi.Sewriry Instrument. Howcver,lhis opiun.hull not Ik cxrrri+cd :ry LcnJcr if rrcrci�e i+prohibited hy federul luw as at'
<br /> the date of this Seruriry Instrument.
<br /> � �+�: � If l.ender excrci,es thiti option.Lcnckr+hall�ivr Borrowrr nutice ul'tircelrrati�►n. Thc nc�iire�hull proviJr a p�ri�xl uf _
<br /> ., not less than�(1 day+from thc Jiuc thc niili�:c i.Jclivcrcd or mailcd within which Burruµrr mu+i pay:ill.umti+ccur�J hy thi,
<br /> ' • „ . . Sccurity Instrument. U Borcowrr fail+ tu p:�y thrxc tium. priur tu the expiratiun ��f thiti �xri�xi. Lcnder muy invuke uny —
<br /> remeJic.(xrmiltcJ by thi.Srcurily In.rtrununl without lunhrr nixi�c ordenumd on l;urruwcr. -
<br /> �� t8. Burrower's Right to Rcinstute, 11'Burruwcr mcr�.r�huin canJitian,. liorro��rr •h.dl havc �hc ri�ht to huvr _
<br /> � enfarcement of this Securiry Intitrumrnt Ji,rorninurd a�any timc Fxiur tn thr�•arhrr��I: �:u S duy,lor�uch othcr�xriad a+ i
<br /> . timgle 1•amdy--M'unnir�1ueiFreddlr�fuc l'\IFUR�I I\51'Nl�1E\f l nurnm l'u�cuanl. 9�911 �p�nr a�4��p��;��� �
<br /> .�i� -
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