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<br /> ='.1� � pedods that L,ender rcquiren. The insurwue cwricr providing Ihe inaurance shAll be chosen by Borrower subject in Lcndcr�
<br /> _ — �' n�mvAl whirh Rhnll nM hn omrnw►nnhly withheld if'Rnrmwpr feila m meintain coveryge�scrlbed above,l,ender may,at _
<br /> Lender s apdan,obu�in coverage ta pratect Lenderk rightR in the Prope:ny in accordance wi�h puraRraph 7.
<br /> � All insurunce policies und renew�ls Khull be acceptable tu Lendcr and chall includc u stand�rd mortgage claur,e. Lender
<br /> � Rhall have the�ight ta hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requirex,Borrow•�r yhall promptly give to Lender vll recefpts
<br /> y of paid premiums aad nenawal noticea. In the event of loss,Borrawer aholl give prompt notice to the insurance carrfer and
<br /> _ _s_______.___ ____ _ Londer. Lender may mnkc praof af lass lf not madc promptly by Bnrrower.
<br /> ' Unless Ixnder uncl Borrower otherw ise agree in writing,insurancc pracecdx�hull be Applied to rostorntion or repnir of -
<br /> _�'.� the Property dumuged, if the �egto�ution ar repnir is economicully feavfble und l.ender's xecurfty is nat lessened. if the
<br /> �' restomtion or repnir is not economicAlly feasible or Lendrr's security waul� 6e Icssened, the insurunce proceeds shull be
<br /> _ - applied to the ssums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument, whether or not then due,with any excesx pnid to Borrower. if
<br /> �°�r� Borrower abandons the PropeAy. or dcea not unswer wilhin 30 day.r•a nolice fram Lender thAt the insumnce currier hus
<br /> ._�=��;;�� offered ro sen{e n c1Aim,then Lander muy callect Ihe insurAnce praceeds. Lender may use tlie proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> .--�.- _.__-F.-;� the Propeny ar to puy sums r;ecured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day period wlll begin when
<br /> j the notice is given.
<br /> - � =-��w� • Unlews Lender nnd Borcower otherwise ugrea in wri�ing,uny nppl�cauon ot proceed� to principul sholl not extend or
<br /> - -,, .'� postpone the due date of thc monthly payment4 referred to in purugrAphs I nnd 2 or chnnge the umount of the payments. If
<br /> ��-'"-t•., under peragruph 21 the Pmperty is acyuired by Lender, Borrower's right to uny in+urance poliries und praceeds resuUing
<br /> - - from damage[o�he Property prior lo the ucquisitian shall pasx to Lender�o the extent of the sum�secured by�his Securiry
<br /> �.����'' Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> - �•^:-� � 6. Occupancy� Preservation� Malatenance and Protectio� oP Ihe Property; Borrower's l.opn AppUcatlon;
<br /> - �""�� l.easeholde, Borrower shall occupy,estublish,and usc the Propeny s►�Borrower's principnl residence wlthin sixty days ufter -
<br /> j`'��' the execution of this Security In�trument and xhall cominue to accupy the Prnpeny uz BorroW••rti principal residence far ut
<br /> � �'� least one ear after the dnte of occu s�ne unless Lender o�herwise u reex in writin which cansent xhalt not be
<br /> ; 'i!4�_.� ^� Y P Y• B 8�
<br /> ' - unreationably withheld,or unless ex�enunting circumstunces rxist which ure lxyond Burrower's control. Borrower shnll not
<br /> ;.� :v;;s;;Z,
<br /> f`,° des�roy,damage ar impair the Property,albw the Property to deteriorAte.or commit wuste on�he Propeny. Barrower tihall
<br /> ' '��' "`"`���''� be in defuult if any forfeimre action or praceeding.whether civil or criminnl, ix begun thnt in Lenekr�good fuith judgment
<br /> •• � "'�'�`""` could result in forfehure of the Property or othenvise muteriully impair ihe lien creuted by this Security Instrument or
<br /> ' �t�"'3 ` Lender's securit interest. Borrower ma cure such u defuul[nnd rein�tate,su� ravided in Arn ra h 1 ti,h cuusin the action -
<br /> •�"::��-,: Y Y P P S P Y B
<br /> ' •'`::s• ,; or procecding to he dismissed with a ruling that.in Lender�good failh detemiinu�ion,precludes forfciwre of the Bortower's
<br /> �� interest in the Praperty ar other muterial impairment af the licn creuted hy Ihis Security In+trument or Lender's ucurity
<br /> '•� ��� � interest. Borrower shall ultio be in defuult if Borrowcr, Jurin�s the loun upplicution pr�xess, �e:�ve mutcrially false or
<br /> '� j �;�Y�:;,n,�,.. inuccurs►te information or slalements to Lender(or fuiled to pmvide LenJer wilh uny muteriul informu�ion)in cannectian with
<br /> � ' :,�,�;;,;�,�; the loan evidenced by the Note, includinR, but not limited tu, reprcsenlalions concemin� BoROwer's occupuncy of�he
<br /> �q tiY y -- Property as a principul residencc. if thix�ccun�y Instrumen�is on u icu.chold.Bormwcr+huil cumpiy wiih uli�he prunsion+
<br /> " ,�'�* af the leuse. If Barrowcr ucyuirex fee title lo the Pmpeny.the Icusehold and thc fec titic tihall not merge unless Lender ugrceti ■
<br /> , , to Ihe merger in writing.
<br /> ���• - ° ' 7. Protection oP l.ender's Ri�htg In Ihe Property. If Borrowcr fail, to�xrtom� thc covenAnh and aFreementti
<br /> :�;�° conloined in �his Security Instrument,or�here is i� Iegul pr�x:eeding thu� muy signit7cuntly uffect Lender+ rightx in �he
<br /> .;e�, Property(such us a praceeding in bunkruptcy.��•�n;��N,for rondemniuion ar fartciture or to enforce luws or regulution+l. ihcn
<br /> �. Lender muy do and pny for whatever i.nece�st�ry to protect Ihe value uf ihe F'ropeny and Lender's righh in Ihe Prnprny.
<br /> . ��,.,• . Lender'.s uctions muy include puying cmy sums+ecured by u lien which hu�prii►riry uver thi�Serurity Instniment.uppeuring -
<br /> ` in court,paying rcusonnhlc utromeys'feex und emering un thc 1'rnprny to m.ikr rcpair..Al�hough Lcndcr muy iuke uction
<br /> . ,.,�,,,� .. � under thia pamgrnph 7,Lcndcr Jocti not hs�vc to do,o.
<br /> �,,, e Any mnounl+ disbuned by Lender unckr thi.pmagruph 7 shull Ixrromc udJilionul deht cif Bcirmwcr xecureJ by thi�
<br /> � � � Security Instrument. Unles,Borcowcr and l.rndcr ugrce�o other tcrms i�f puymrnt.�hc.c amountti.hull bcar intcrrst t'rom�he
<br /> ��� date ot'ditibursement •ri thc Nntr ra�c und shull he puyahle, with intcrcsl, upnn notkr fmm Lcncler to Bormwer reyuc�tin� -
<br /> . �.,� . payment. -
<br /> >-.�+� .•�� •r. 8. MortsaRe Insurance. If Lcnder reyuircJ mortgugc inwruncc us a runJition ol'mukin�Ihc I��un.ecurecl by ihiz °
<br /> �'�^�• b-� "`�� Security Inxtrument, Borzowrr tihall pny �he premiums reyuireJ w muin�uin �hr mongage inwrunrc in effecl. If, for any f
<br /> ' „��..
<br /> �. }_ reuson, �he mortguge inwrunce rovcru�� rryuircd By Lendrr I+ipses or cca.r+ iu hr in rfFcc�, Borrower .rhull puy 1he i._
<br /> � �.;.�;:.'•� premiumx myuircd lo obtuin covcruge +ub�luntiully cquivalent tu �he mixt�:ige in.w•ancc previoutily in effcct. at a cotit �
<br /> •• �° xubx�untiully cyuivcdent to the roti�to Bormwer ol'ihc murtEa�c inxuranrc previou�ly in et'fcct. 1'rrnn un altemate murlgage
<br /> '� ' - ' • insurcr uppmved by I.ender. If.uhxuin�iulty ryuivulcnt murtEagc intiurunrr ruvrra�c i.iH►t uvuilable.B�irrowcr.hull puy w _
<br /> � :;��' .: Lender each mon�h a zum eyual tu anc-iwell'Ih oF Ihe yearly monguge in.arance premium lxing paid hy 8orrower when ihe _
<br /> , ;y,-;�,,� ...... .. insuranre covcrugc lap�ed nr ccased t�.lx in cl'tcrt. Lrndcr��•ill ucrrp�.u�r and r�lain tlir+c�ia�•mcnls c�+u I�►s.re�crvr in lieu r-
<br /> , : �,. of morl�tuge insurunre. Losr rc�crvc paymrntx muy no longcr Ix rryuirrJ. at thr��ti�m��f'Lender, if murt�age imurancc
<br /> •� _•� covcrugc(in thr amount and li�r�hc peri��d thui l.cndrr rcyuirctil providrd hy un in+urcr:1�/(lIY1Cl`lI Ily Ll'f1lIC�II�!UIII IXl'OOII'\
<br />. . uvuiluble und i+abtuincd.8urrow•cr�hull�iay Ihr prcmium+rcyuiitd to maiut:�in monEuge in,uranrc in�ffccL or to proviJe u `'
<br /> �. � � loss rexervc.until Ihc reyuiremcnt tiir murlE:��:e in+uruncr rnd+in arcurdancc ��iih:m�� ��•ritt�n ii�.rcement iktwecn Hurrower E
<br />. � .. und Lrndcr or applicablc law. I
<br /> ' 9. Inspcctfun. Lcndrr�x it�:�grnt may makr re:�ti��nahk rnlrir.u��m and in.prrtii,n�ul'ihc Pruprny. L.rnikr ,hull
<br /> • givc Barn>wcr ni�lirc at Ih�timc of ur pri��rl�i iut inyxcliun r�xcifrinp r�a,unahk rau,� Gn•Ihc inyxcliun. =
<br /> I U. C:undemnalion. l'hr pr�kcrd+of am•:���:�rd ur claim ti�r d:mui�r..Jircrt�,r r�m��yuential. in runnrclion �eith an�• E
<br /> .-
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