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..:y' l"•ytiC _ �iu :.' � .s is ='". ;_-� <br />_ �.t.Kr' __ ..__.. ,— ." —� .;�_�_� . . -. .. - <br /> ' .. �.. . . , _'it � _.�._�—__. . .. .. _,.. <br /> � - .. . -. . . _ .. .�. <br /> " " '_ ' . - . - .. - .._ " - i : <br /> . ...:i.'�,.,. ' � '_ <br /> , � . <br /> ,.r.:..r:r _ ..� '..�_. -' .. <br /> � �pplic+bla Uw m�y speclfX fot rcinsu:ement)4efore e�le of the PropCny'my pow�r ot e�conV��r 4 In tiit ,A � <br /> • Sccu�ity Inurwnem;or @)ent(y ot�Judpment rnforcing tNa Secudry Inst:umenl. Ttase condit on��rNUu�9ortowen'j�t,: '' <br /> p�y� Luukr p11 sum� whlch�htn wouid bo dta under Ihi�Sequri� Insuiiment uM thq Nae��If no�aetu�tlan.A►cl� <br /> occurttd�@)curea�nydeRul�of�nyahercavenMUOr�ramenii;(e)p�Ye�lexpenx.�Incartedlnenforcln�thltSaurity"'. '. <br /> inswmtnt,inctuding,but na 16n1ted to,reasona4la attortiey�'fu�;and(d)lakes sceh acpon ae f.ender nuy rawiuDly <br /> • require a uwro�het ehalkn of thb Sxurl�y Inswmenb Y.enderk rlgAU in the Property and Hortowerb obli4�qon lo py ihe <br /> sum� ucurcd bp tAle Secudty Instrumenf eh51( conNnue unchangcd. Upon rcinsl�lement by Burrower, thla Saurlty <br /> '� ° tnswmcnt wnd�Iro obligottom eccurrA Iwreby ehall rtntaln fulty;effettive as It no ucceicreqon hsd osCUrtu1. Hou�eveG this - <br /> r(ght to rcim�au ehill not�pplyln�he case of accelciulon un�kr pareynph 17. <br /> 1�. B�te oC Noki CAu�a o!Lan&Mttr. Tta Nae or aputlal imlrest in iho Note Qogcther with�hla Sawity <br /> InstN�ng mqy be sold ono or moro Nma withoat pdor noHce to Bortower. A saic may rauil in s change in!Ne rnqty <br /> (known as tho'Loan Servlar")tAat rnlleas monNiy paymenla due undcr�ho Note end�his Sxud�y InsW menl. 'ihuo�Iw . <br /> may be one or mora changes of the Loan 8ervicer unroiated to a sale of the Note. If thero i�a change of the Loan Serviar, <br /> Bo(rower wlll bo glven wrlRen notice of tTo chengo In eccordanco wi�h paregreph !4 ebovo end appIlcable law. 7ho ndlm <br /> - - - - will steto the nemo end address uf the now Loan Servimr nnd tho add�us to whicb paymenro should 6e made. 71w nodce will - <br /> aiw contafn eny other informatlon required by eppIlcablo lew. <br /> 20� Havardouv 6utul�nca� Oorrowcr shall not cauw or pem�l��ha,disposal,storegc,or rcicaso oi eny <br /> Ilazn�doux Snbstanc�es on or in wo Propeny. Boaowcr sha11 not do,nnr cJlo•u anyone ciw to do,eny�h(ng effceHny Uu: - <br /> Property Nat is In vi6L11ina of anY Euvixbnmeukl ta•+�. The pn'cedin8 two s�:atea�ces shalA aot epply to the prrsenw.u'se,oe <br /> s�oraY�e un Jm Propeity ot smnti qvanfiaes of Nazaidauv Sti.bsraaces�Aat en:gececally mco�iatd to bo epprop�iato to r.o�m�t . <br /> ratd�Wial uses enp to mnimenencv of rP,a Ptoperq. <br />..__._,-_..� 6orcower shall promptiy give I.e���srit:rn noUco of my iaveuigxtiom c[a�m.demacA,[awsult or other ection by eny <br /> govcmmentel or reguietory egency or privue p9rry invoiving�he Propeny and any Hazardons Substenco or[3nvironmemel <br /> -- 6qw of which Bortower has actual Iu�oivleAge. if Oorrower lewns, or is notifled by xny govemmental or regulaiory <br /> - nmhodry,that eny removel or other remedietion oi eny Hazardous Subslnnco e(fecting 9ie Propeny is necsssary,6ottower <br /> �-- shall prompqy�eko ell neeessery remeQinl acHane in eecordanoo with Environn¢mnl <br /> As used in thia paragreph 20,'Hnuvdons Substences'arc thou mbstnnoa defined as toxic or hazerdous subsiances 6y <br /> __.,.,,,. L+nvironmentnl Le�v and�ho following subatances: gasoline,kerosene,o��er Ilammable or toxic peiroleum produc�s,roxic <br /> -.--- pes�icides end herbiddes,volatlb soivems, matedel�comaining asbestoe or form�ldehyde,and redioacOvo matedele. As <br /> uxA In this pare�raph 20,"Qnvlronmenial Lew'means fedeml lews end laws of the Jurisdic�lon where Iho Roperty Is laa�cd � . <br /> ____ chatrciaiotohealth,sahtyorenvlronmemelprotection. � _ <br /> - - NON-UMFORM COVCNAMfS. Dortower end Lender furthcrmvenem end agrce es follows: - <br /> �-- — 21. Accekraflon{ Remedlee. Lender shoil glve noqtt tn Borrower prlor to acceleralion fdlowing Borrower's ------- �- <br /> -� breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument @ut nol prlor to ncceleraflon under pongnph 17 '� .:_ <br /> � un!»,spp!ltsb:e Is�proNd�othem•1�). The nuilre sksll:�lF: (s)tA:detaull;(b)the esllaa reqpired to cure lhe ---- - - ----- <br /> �.�„�--� detault;(c)a date,not lesv thun 30 days from lhe dale Ihe noHce Is glven to Dorrower,by xhlch tAe defmilt muri be --- <br /> ,�--) cured{and(d)that fpllnre fo cum lhe defeult on or be[orc the daie sptclfied In the notice may result In nccelenllon ot -- <br />-�-�*''�.F�'.--'�° Ihe sums secmxd by this Secudty[nsirument ond sale of the Properly. 7'he notltt ehnll Ndher In[orm Borrower of ---- — <br />��'iti`��,.'.` the rlght ta rctnsta[e after occeiernilon end ihe right to bring n rnurt acdon to assert the nomexistence of a defeull or ,�'$=;_s�;_ <br /> ��rr�t any other defense of IIorrower ro aceeleretlon und sele. If Ihe defaull l��mt cured on or bePore lhe date speclliM in �'f}�j�s: <br /> ,-yy;�' thenolice,LenderalllsoptlonmayrequlreimmedintopnymentlnNllofnllanmssecuredbythis&cudtylnstrument �.er; -!- <br /> _ .,,.ti:'_� xilhout Nrther demnnd end muy Invoke thc po�eer af snle nnd eny o�her remcdics pemdltcd 6y upplicabte Ivw. ,���:;.�,-�s,�:.' <br />. %�i -r.. I� P 8 1� P 8 V � �:,, <br /> Lender sholl be enfltled to wllect dl e: nses Incurred in urcuin the remedies rovided In �hls aru ra h 31 ,�f���1_rr�,=,p�. <br /> k fi including,Aut not Iimiled to,reasonnble nttomeys'fees end costs of fille evidence. � f�"r/�--. <br /> , '- �-ft If Q�e wer of saie is Invoked,7Yustee shnil rewrd a notice ot defavll In caeh pcounty in which nny pnrt ot lLe t ii��#Q�'f}4N'!t - <br /> �`t��J�' he other��rsonn reurlbeJ be1e�Ilcnble6law.�ARerithe tlme rceuired by ad bleablc�lax,�e7Yustee hnlro`rre�ublic F�*kti��,r;' ��- _ <br /> - Y ' <br /> '! P� P Y PP 9 P➢ E�' P � <br /> 1 11 5 - l <br /> - r ,�{f notice ot sele to lhc persore and in the mmmer prescribed by oppllable In�r. 7}ustce,whhout demand an BorroRer, , �� « � <br /> �'?y�rb ehaU se11 the Properry N public euclion lo lhe hlghest bidder ot Iht Hme nnd place end under the ter+ns deslgnated in -: �,,� � � <br /> .�- r$�,- Ihe noticc aT sefe In one or morc parceis nnd In any order 7Yustee dc�erminea 7tustee mey poslpone ssde o!ull or onq ;` �1' - <br /> �����, parcel ol the Property by public ennouncement et the time end place ot nny prerlous)y scTtduled ss1e. Lender or tts - ' `YS������:;� <br /> .�I!��t,� designee may purchase the Property et eny sale. ' �.-�tF1 �� ,. <br /> Upon rccelpt oi pnyment o[the price bld,7Yustee shai! delher to�he purchaser 7Yustce'e deed wmey�ng Ihe ��r y_! <br /> �t�; Property. The recl�nls In the 7Yustm's dmd sheil be prima fecie eddence of(he lrmh of the slatements mnde therein. � ;,i y t =:_ <br /> i faH� 7Yustee shull apply O�e praceeds oi lhe seie In lhe tollowing order.(o)to nll rasLS and ezpenses at ezercl�ing the paKer , � : � j � -. <br /> ; } -.�� -�r��f�i.}'. <br /> `< � r ;�� �+ � <br /> �i�SiY;� ' - .•i j,'' <br /> �.. 1 - R <br /> M1,: ' ll4 <br /> '\Yq. :�[\.� <br /> �h t �T' . 7a/ <br /> t�E1 <br /> . j�.tC/" .�}..M1J; • <br /> ,.�:;)•:t:C;� ':��iiiJe.� _ <br /> ":.i�.v .-��. <br /> �C: .:Y?^Y�l�'ii <br /> �rt <br /> r�F, <br /> ' `` ,:ry�..•,�1f.' �, <br /> : . _„r.,T.�-------�-T --------- - -- --�-- .�- - - <br /> � <br /> � . � � . '�'`�t --C- ::5�:� . . . <br /> - :; , .. - `� ..._: . _- : , . _.. -:: '• - . <br /> ._ _ � ._ t.� _- ..' ` . <br /> -="- "_°'--� ' -.s ._ .._ .., ,_ .� .."-- ' ----". � -r- `� �.,_ .. ' .__' ._ .. . . <br /> - - -- - - - , . �-- - — - __= � <br /> �''.i. / 7i � _ z•.. - ' .. -'.. . . - .. . : ..: . - <s7; - .. . - . . . . <br /> 5 <br /> r - �_t .r ;' . . . . � .. �t i' �' r ._ . . _ . <br /> t e . .. �Jr . � \ ( . ' <br /> 4 . i <br /> S � <br /> �i 1 <br /> - 7 � -. ,, � �� . . ` .. _ <br /> � �: .,�f . /- � . _ . . <br /> - t; �1� �.'< �'1 tc ,. .. ' . , . <br /> (/ - � - f . rf�!(c : �. .i i .. . . . . <br /> .r - �. - U \ \ y - -. ' . . <br /> . }{5� . � � .- k . •. : .. _ <br /> ' �ir � .,r ; . " r - .. � � . .. � � - <br /> a i:� � <br /> _7,'J ` - . ' _ . s i � r . _ _ - <br /> ,: -n ' - • . : . .. _ <br /> . T , �: . :, � `•- _ _:. 't . <br /> i �, <br /> � , . •`-' � <br /> , <br /> ,3 , ;. , ` � <br /> . � � <br /> .� , , : • , <br /> � "` <br /> . '.;; <br /> . . , <br /> - , .__ . <br /> . r. �...,., , .ti . . . . . .. _ <br />