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�" �" i� i � -` , `�sl �-- <br /> �^ � �-• ',=h_ � - -- i,z.,..;,, i m- . . —. <br /> ,r -�yS",'• .�'w.:: �'�tiuiwi��J+w W�49M�iWii�ri�-' - . ._ - - . r� , . <br /> z� <br /> i condemnmlonoroiher�ekingofanypa�toilhoPropetly,orfor�onvoynncoinlleuotconAOmlfiIIon,� re y�elg'ntdand <br /> I �hpl I be pcld eu l.ender. <br /> i !n da ovem of a total taking ot�he PropeRy, �ho procude ehnll be nppllcd to Q�a snm� secarc0 by dde Saudty <br /> Inilrumen� whether or nol then duc,wlih any cxttu paid�o Bortower� In�ha orem of a pahlal taking ot�he(Rop�ny In <br /> whlch tho�alr muket valuc of tho Propcny Immcdiatcly Actoru�ho Inking la a�unl�o or grcatcr than�ho ninoum of thc cunu <br /> cecurcd by thle Suud�y Instmnxm Immediaroig bckro�ho�aking,unics�Ronower er.d Lendcr athenriso ngrco In wriiing, <br /> � �lw wm�sce�ucd by this Suuflty Instmmem shall bo rcduced by�iw amount of tlw proccede mW�iplled by�hv following <br /> - • frnc7lon: (a)�hc�otal amount of thc sums seeurcd Immcdiaicly bcforo Ilre iaking,Jivided by(b)�ho fair msrkel vnluo of the , ,.._. _ _ <br /> 1'lopeity Immedlaloiy 6etorc�ho taking. Any baia�a shnll bo pald �o Borrowcr. In�hc cvent of e panlai laking oi tho <br /> " Propehy in whlch iho fair ma�ka valno of tho Propeny InmicAfaiely Ixforo�ho�aking la Ics�than the mioum uf tho anme <br /> suurtd immcdletely beforu tl�e 1.'dcing, unlcss Dortox•er nnA Lcndcr oihenvlse ogrce in wriling or unles� npplicnble Ia�v <br /> o�herwlu provides.�ho procecd�shall be applicd io tha sums securcd by thie Securiiy fns�niment whether or not thv sum+ere <br /> then duc. <br /> If ihe PropMy is nbandoned hy 6orrower,or If,n�cr notice by l.ender to 6ortower that tha condemnor o(ten�o make <br />� � - an awerd or sct�le a clnim Por damagcs,�ortowcr fails w rrsposd ta kxnder within 3D daye n�cr thc dace the notice is given, __- _._ <br /> Lendcr ie emhoriud lo wllec�end uppfy�pracecds•a.e ia opdau.eiJxv to rcswratinn or rcpair of thc Propeny or to�he <br /> sums r.ecuad by this Securiiy InsttumenL x�Ret.0.r w not tAen due. <br /> Unles�l.cnd:r and Oofm}rer aA.rwise a�rte in�vritiag,my appliruion of praceeds�o pdncipal shnll not extend or <br /> - - Fws�pone th¢due daro of ihe nwnthly paymcme referted to in poragraphs 1 and 2 or chmge Ihe amount af sach pnymcnts. <br /> 11. Berrower Not 72ettased� Forbwrantt Uy 4rn1xr Rot n Rakca h�unsion of the �ime for paymen� a . <br /> -"� modificaHon of emoniza�ion of the sums securcd by�his Secumy Inswmem granced by l.ender w any suaesmr in intatex� - • -- <br /> _° of Qortower 5ha11 not opence w release�he Ilabillly of�h:original Uorto�ver or Bortower§suceessors In in�eces�.�.ert3er -_ <br /> e� shaq noi be requi�ed ro commenee proceedings ogams� nny successor in imerca�or nNse to exrend tlme for pay�n.,»ar =� <br /> _._,.t„�,,,,.ry- otlienvisc modify nmonia�tion of Ihe sunu sewrcA by�hfs Secumy Instmment by rcamn of:my demand made by�he originol <br /> ,-�"�T.';`_-� Qortou•er or 6orto�rer�suceeswrs in InMms�. Any Porbemm�ce by Lem.l:r in ezercising nny dgh�or rcmedy shall not be a R._ <br /> waiverof or preclude�he exerei:e of nny righi m remedy. �. :�r � <br /> - � 11. Successors and Auigns Oouud�Jolnt end Serernl Llubility;Co•signera. The covenxnia end ngmcmems of�his . <br /> � E�t� Secnriry Instrumem Ehall bind nnd benefi��he successors and nssignc of Lender nnd 13orto�ver,subjeci io�he provisions of i-:;�� <br /> �=�'''�''� patngreph 17. 6orrowerk rnvonams and agrcemems xhall Ae joim miA uvernl. Any Oorto�ver who co-signs�his Secnriry - <br /> a.e.S:.��r.� <br />�»';r''_�.;%- Insuument but does no�exewee�he Notr. (a)is co-signing ihis Secarity Inswmem only�a mortgage,gnnt nnd convey�h:n '::�':��. <br /> i'�`,'�' - QonowerY Intercxt In�he Pro rl under�hc temis of this Sewril Insirumem; (b)is nm personally obliga�ed�o pay the sums -a;�•'� <br /> X:'c.�'�;'... P� Y Y �i <br /> =}��i-,-,.; secnmA by�his Securi�y Insuumem:nnd(c)agrees�ha�Lender nnA any oiher Qorto�ver may ngme�a extend,modi(y, }�ir'l;�_;� <br /> t ��_�_ or mTke ony acwmmodations with regard �o �he iemu of�hls Secun�y Inswment or �he Note �vi�houi �ha� BorrowYrk f;}���,i��[� <br /> .> consen6 ,fyh;7'�l�l�'�� .. <br /> - -'+r-'� • 11 Loan Charces. If�ho laan xecured bv�his Securily Insln�meni ic subk�� �a n law which sels maximum Iam ��;,} -- <br /> � "- ;" eharges,and Ihat law Is Mally intzryrc�ed sn�hat Ihe Inlerca ur oiher lonn rharges collecled or la be collected In connec�ion �i t� ,::_-- <br />;l�i,;,_.;•i;`��:y� wi�h Ihe loan exreed Ihe pemiiued limi�a.�hen: (a)any such laan charge..hall be rtduced hy Ihe nmoum neceswry to rcduce �,it�i�t.n �-�_.<. <br /> -•`r:j:'r,!L�'�."� �he charge�o Ihe pemiineA IimiL•anA(M1I any xums alrcady collecicd from 6ovower wM1ich excecded pemiiued limi�x wlll be f%r f:�+r2����i�a?: <br /> •:J`:iF•-,;�i`�., rePonded�o Uorto�vee LenArr ma chasu lo mnke this rcfund b reducin ihe n�i �I owed ander�he Note or b makin a ' r��f;;.fu4".�b",��,. <br /> � d ; Y Y 8. P� F• Y S tS;'.,; <br /> dircci paymem m Aorrower. 1!a rcfnnA redures principal.ihc rcduciion�cdl be�rca�rd as o panial prepaymem withom any ��y.��,r�4�.�A�; -.: <br /> r, , �. Drepaymem ch:vgc nnder�he No�e. `•.'K4�f�aF f�F'�t��'.-� <br /> _�,�,__��,_, .. , t4. Nollees Any no�ice�0 6orm�cer provided for in Uiis Securiq�Insuumem shnll be given by detivering i�or by �.'„!�; h f�,,�.:_ <br /> . .) '��, malling it by Ita�class mail unless npplicablc law rc�ryirc.use of nnmhrr med�al.The no�ice shnll he direc�ed ta ihe Propeny �;�{h ` '� <br /> - AdAress or any o�her nddmss f3orm�ecr Je�ignates M1y no�ic.m I.rnder. Any noiice�a Lender shnll Ix given by first class `,K� - �-.�- <br /> 1+ �''- mnil lo LenJork address xinled henin or any o�her uJJre.,L.nd.r Aesigna�es 6y no�ice lo[3ovower. Any nolice provided far ��� f�.,,�;5�;--- <br /> '�r�°,.';:;; in �hfs Secudq�Inswmem �hall 6e JecmeJ Ia have heen gi�rn Io �onower or Lender�Uhen giren a. provideJ in Ihis f�'�r„/,,, �/.:'�_:. <br /> i t £� d' . <br /> ' pamgreph. -��_ r - >-. <br />� � -.:� I5. Govrrning l.ow; Severabilily. 7hia Sccuriiy Insinimem shall bc garemeJ by fcJcral lan�nnd Ihe law of ihr � -• ; _': <br /> h jurisdiction in�vhich Ihe Properly is locmed. In ihe erenl�hu�nny pm�isinn or clnu�e of Ihis Securi�y Imtmmem or�he No�e y ., .,c . <br /> .::4i.;t�,Y r:: conilicis wi�h applica6le law,such cun0ici 9�a11 not ntfect mher prmi+ion<of ihi,Securi�y Inxwmem or�he Nn�e a�hioh can � �;41 ' /Lx :4'�' ' <br /> i,+��<f,+lV�� be givcn e(fect��ilhoul Ihe cnnfliclinp prorision. li�Ihi.cnd Ihc pro�'isinns nf Ihi.Securily Inslrumcm nnd Ihe Nolc nrc =���y„i�.'S{';Z?^vs�� <br /> }� dcdm�dwlk.�..rable. '•;�}°T, r"`�r�}i�5(:`. <br /> � � -� 16. Ilurrm�er'n Copy. 6orta�rer.hail be giren nne canfnnnrd mp�o(�he Kate and of this Securiiy In.tmmem. � . <br /> s � 17. 7}nns�er a(ihe ProprNy nr n Ilenellclnl Inlercsl In Borm��rc If all arany p:m uf�he Propeny or any imcrc��in � i +i,t-� <br /> a ' - i=.; � !� _IC:�.. <br /> � - ?: il is nold ur InimferrcJ(nr if:i beneficial inlerc>I in Bann�cer i.wld or Ir,mdcrntl and Oortao�er is nol:�nalural pcnon) � ._ r ,;r <br /> - �aithoul Lend.rh prior�rrit�rn conscnt.Lcndcr ma��.:�1 il�uplian.rcquin immcdia�r paymem in fWl o(nll wm..eaucd by ^ � 2� - <br /> �S i;,. ��,�,,< ihis Security Ins�mmem. Hm�erer.ihi+opiinn,hall no�M c�eni.eJ hy Lender i(excai.e is pruhibi�cd hy fcd.r.d lam ac of �+�7y� a��e� °� <br /> f� -- Ihe date of Ihi.Securiry ln.lrwnenl. ��1"'�Y� - � � <br /> ,-r.! i' . ��;. i i(Lender ra.rcises ihis npiion.Lendrnhall gire l3orrmcer mnict nf accderalion. The nmice+hall pmvide u ptriai nf r,'��,� a �.,. ,�r•:i <br /> ..i`�'�i-:.:.�. '�` no�less Ihan 7Udays from Ihr daic�he notim i<delicered nr mailed x�iihin whidi Ilnrtancr mu•t p:�y by�hi. �a{Ai:%!`.; . <br /> �' .sr..�..: ... <br /> ;g!'r�+�,i:�;�i Seeutity Instminrni. If i3nrtmrcr(ailx lo ryi)- Ihc.r .nm.prinr la Ihe expiratinn of ihi+ �rioJ. I.cndcr may invokc any �4�'�')�;.r...' •_ . <br /> '(P;a:.:'� . <br /> r-.-.��('"�,d���, remcdicx pcmiinrd Fy Ihi.Seairily Inammcnl aithom fnnh.r nntice ur Jtm:wd nn R��mixrr. �_:':;'; . <br /> it.{�:_ �;:',�-Ci- 18. Rorroo�er's Rlghl lo Reinsm�e. If Bnrrnucr mr.�.anain cnndi�inn.. Rmru��cr .hall h:rce �hr rigM tn hare ��,�1;;��,�. <br /> '' �:�:�;_�,�i_ enforcement of ihi.Securilr In.lnunenl di.cnnlinued a�am lime pri�+r�n�hr earlitr nL' (:n 5 J:q.�or.uah o�her�x ried as °t%�!�.:;-;� . . <br /> ,._ <br /> .,ii34�'. . <br /> � Sm5lrl�nnil�-FannieVneFrtddir\Lvf]IkUR\II��7Hf\1F.1T��lunom�fo.<nu.n 990 �ryz.J..lnryen� � . <br /> . . .j�,� I+ . <br /> . -£;i.T:4�_-�— ' _`— _—'_ _"' _"_'". � . . -- _ -" � .' _ . <br /> . . r ' - ��. . .. - .. . � - . - � _ . . .. . .. . . _ . <br /> . . .. . _ � : . . . -. ' . <br /> . _—'__"_— ." ' . ..- . - . . <br /> L____`_. __. _____ __.__ ._ "._._"__— . . <br /> —� �"—' _' _— --. <br /> .._, _. .. -. ... .> . ..,-. . _ _ _ "_.____— _ —'____---_�.— � -__ ' " " __'__ <br /> � . . ,. <br /> r --, .. . . �'� i' , . _!- " .. . . <br /> �I� . . ; � . . . ' .. . .. , . . . <br /> ..��i�� .. _ .. . ' .. . . <br /> ``: .. . _ . -�-i. . . . _ . <br /> i , ., <br /> -' - . : . . . i . .. . . . - . <br /> , . .. <br /> , - ..i ' , . . . . <br /> ," . ' _ . .' . , o . . . <br /> ie � . <br /> \�` - iL _ . �r � - :- y - .�S - � .. - - . <br /> x � y <br /> ' � F.� � n `Y :_) • __ <br /> Y � I . � A . ' � � . . <br /> . <br /> .. � �t) � <br /> � :. ., �. ,. . . <br /> . ... <br /> . <br /> ', <br /> � <br /> _ . . -.. -. -. . � � _. <br /> .,- . _, .. -.. .i. , ' ::. <br />