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<br /> ..�rf�°pM�p'�om.x�oow�.rid�k ��iw�r�bYo�ou�anq���n�u�{� nw�.uuot�4�etW°n':�y'°�M•xwaN+��roo.r� :.
<br /> �by�Inwc�a0kl�le+M�m�y MMmM�a1��p(+Iy,i��1Utt����w�1 �ucMontiblM�nMel�Wxi�1M
<br /> oVf p�yupaiwohoondWOn��At�nd�raMY�lOn..i�nAND��G�?IlolProoMd�bin6�qMQnN��M11rw1�xMePapol�OOM
<br /> iMdiNd�MO1�nYWY��!v0(1MMiNAN�ereuAinUa��� tlMrwnO�rMMrwnMr.MyUn�DPN�dNMNN�WbrpMdb.
<br /> TfNMOr. .
<br /> ary�l6fniM�p�bYbnqr.UpontlM0yCw�i/�uQf�n�wntofWNuRher�uridM,aN�ny�C1YYk�naNpMqooN4lnp
<br />. tordemnC�dwl�k�maMrldN�MwbLMAMt'lU1MN11n1h�propaH�LMMrm�yInlNOwn0l�ctN�,bulWii�MOODXWHOnWdo -- - _
<br /> . . . . fo,�nd . notk�badNMnCUPOdTNaNCinCwiihoutrNN+��GTruNatrom�nyo6lip UOn�docnyCCl�:TlCfl�rru:larh:s �-,. ___-- - -
<br /> �pnW�N to do�M may�iw tlo u�Y,aMr�cl l(rMrqk Me�wry lo proMel tl»Mourlty 1�1rw6 Truqa NrMI,Im+n�6M�y
<br /> uponMm�ndM�rNOrbyl�nder,p�y�oUndertll,coeni�nd�Kpp��MlneurrW�nd�um��xpmdWWbyL�Wninwnn�ctlaivA�
<br /> nw�xKeiN���ndKOl�h�brpotnprip�IabqiltnewUhinM�M4t��rwn�IlMGequfluNpra�IGedIntMNOM,whkhNNI1W
<br /> WaW lo tl+u nAebNdmu ucurM her �tmrier f�ell"nnt Innhr�ny Ilablliy WuuN ol mylh7rp N m�y do a omN q Eo
<br /> hMeulldN. - .
<br /> 9.HuifMue M�MiMM.Trv�ta MNh k�ep tl+s ProR9mJ�n ocmpl�ance with�il�pplluAN I�w�,adln�ncM�M rpubtlonp
<br /> � - rNatlnp b IqdUPhtu}hqqlpng�,�Yi�o�mn++mr.c�laeUnrt(r,mincthrety rolenad to horein a�°EnvironmMhl Lfx»'1.Tnnla Mal
<br />- kwplMPrepbriytrM.ff4m. ���iyba��Ge4�tlem �RC4Mld0(A01160ftOxIOUIIAM��YEt1Y1fOtIMMI��L�Wt(CWNC1NNyfMMflAM
<br /> �xNna"Fjrtarc��cUCMe�I`t4�la'7•Trootarp nraLyw,pryanlnondnprewnlrtoLentle�NAlfherouenoHaurdou�M�Nrl�l�onor
<br /> uiM�rtMPrt�per�;T�v41�1t�Rr�1��r�eafo4i�;nmryiN�nono�aharmies�Lena�r,itstluectoraoMCer�,smnlv�eea�Mapmtr,�o7
<br /> �ny euceaxr0 to lenrke'e Intere�FtrsnLend e�alA7�ady sntl�tl clalmf,E�m�ye�,loun and IIaDUitla�r1Anp In conn�ctlon wllh
<br /> tne RDra�nb,uee,GI10oEak n tlanepwt ol en'1 Hazadoua Malerisle on,under,lrom o�ebom me Propsrly.7HE FOHEOOINO
<br /> . _
<br /> `- ° tp,µ�qnn»nl ol q�rtM.Try��or Aar�,try pselp�a 4r Landor Ne rcnu,lesuee end Orofie of Me Properpc provlded th*�Trufta �.. . . ..._ _.
<br /> `�"'°"��a' �tull,unHlMncaurunceoNn.E�entotDoln�Ithnrayndur,havoNntlpbtlowlleclendrelaineuMrenN,USUesenAprofibuMby __
<br /> -_-°��.-.-.-3- Gwm�dyo ortd peyable.Upon the xcuRanr,e G ert WPntN Dohtnit,lenGer may,eftner in pereon or hy�pen1,wiM or withal ____
<br /> �:41y��C��,�,�;�� brinpin9anyaCUdnorpraeedln9•orbyartcaluorePOC�ntml6YncaiNenAwl�houtreperAtoNeadequacyollbeecurfry,enta `,,..._,
<br /> uponenOLReposesis�oaWMeCropOrry.orenypnMlhnmcRinlluownnameorinlhenemeoltheTNSlee,enAdoanyecbwhlchll , -
<br /> rt'�1 tleemaneceamryordnlr�t:InWPreeeivelhevutuo.rtlN$Rtttlllyorrin1ab111y01N0Ptoperly,orenypartthereolorinbresllMrMn, _:
<br /> h�. x eZ1J Inr,tale l�e Income Ihe�n,f�nm•or pr9tect IAa seCVdry hnr•nY end,with or wRhout taking poeaeuion of Iha ProDerty,nue for or � _< -__
<br /> , s>+ 55�}� Nhere{ee cNlect Ne renta,IanuRa anA MNIO thereW,t+xluCinfl t�ase Pasl dua and unpel0,�nd�ppy t�e eame,Inr coeb uid "
<br /> � F� ���.. expen»ec7opareBonendwllec�enJnr.InJlnOattemnys'tc�a.uponnnyindebiednesesecuraOhereDy,e111neuc�orderesLenGr o-�`m -
<br /> -�,�� ma delermina.Tha en[e�in u on and In'J�� seeslfun ot the Pro p oTils end the �`�-,.
<br /> Y 0 D 0 Do parry�the collecfion ol eueh rents,Issvee enG r
<br /> ' ;`�r�, 'f'� sDPllcetlon Nereot ea eloreaal0,a�Wbnr.t wn�or ws�Aie any Oelault or notico ol deteWt hereuntler or Invelidate eny acl done In �'' ,vb_ _
<br /> � '"" responsetoeuchEelaWtorpurauunitosacnnqllcoN2efsa1lend.notwlNs1en01npUOCOnfinwneelnpoueulonotUePropertYOr N�4:,..`
<br /> � z-�y the colleetlon,rxelpt enA applice�on ol rente,laeues cr proflu,en0 True�ae end Lender eMil ba entitled�o axarolx every dpht �� ' �—
<br /> �P � � w� nnnn6����+avumentsorb lewupanoccurrenwotanyEventolDelauRlncludinOwiNOUtlimi�alionthedpht '�,«F'� —
<br /> provH_�._--.any_._. Y ... ___
<br /> 'f ��Y7i4r;�i� toaxarciaeUiapowarofealo.FuMOr,Lendetedghtsendremedieeunaortnlepam9�aphnnanbocummauvewim,entlmnow¢ye -��,{
<br /> ;'1( ,, Ilmifallonoa,lendeleflghlsandremetliesunCetanyessignmentollaaseeandrenbraorAOtleguinaltheProperry.Lmder,Trustee _
<br /> e ������� anC V�e roeeiver 6hell be Ileble lo eecount only lor ihose rents eclunity roceived. {�:°p ' __
<br /> `
<br /> �pr�i��! 1 t. Ewnb M DMwN.The Iollowing e�all eona�itute an Event ol Uelault under IMS�eed of Tnret ��`�; }f� ,
<br /> (e) Fallura to pay ony Installment ol pdncipel or tnterost of eny olher sum seearod hereby w�en Cua �Lc, 1 ..
<br /> . P (b)AbreaCholwdo(aullunderanyprovlaioncontelnedintheNOte,IMaDeedolTmeLanyoltheLoanlneVUmenU,oreny =I` 1 i .-�;—
<br /> �f� olhet Iien or eneumbrance upon tho Pro08rty, "1�i�� ��fi �,'�•
<br /> `i1S (c)Awtltolezecutlonoretfac�mentoranyelm�larpwcessehellbeontere0egalmtTrustorwhichsnellbeeomeellenon _ �, q��r�,_
<br /> - -�"i(- Ihe ProDenY or any poNOn thareoi or INerest therein; .
<br /> u y[-�y�• (d) There shell bo Illcd by or egalnst Trustor or Borrower nn ection under eny presant or loture lederel,state o�oNer X��� -, �� ��iL
<br /> '-. �`�!^.s� slalute,lew or regulatton mlaling to bankruptcy,InsoNency or otnur reliol br Cebmre:or thero ehall be nppointeO eny W elee. 'yl,� }+�f?��,:.1"^(�_�
<br /> n `,s!'' recolverorliqWdatorolTruslororBorrowerorolellorenypartoflhoProperty,orl�erenU,issuesorprofiUfherool.orTrustor ���� r�� {- '�`,��? � -
<br /> � - �or, or Borrower aholl meke any goneral essignmonl lor tho bonefit ol cretlirore: '�.,• � .-7'�- -. .-
<br /> y -- - (e)Tho 8810.Uenslor,lease.easignmenq wnvoyenco or lunher encumbranco ol all or eny patl ol or eny interost in Na i�0�4 y __
<br /> -f --�-'�� Proporty.etlhor volunlndly or involunle�ity,wlNOUt Ihe express w�irien eonsenl ol LonEer,D�oviOed that Trustor thall be �ip��::y, .,
<br /> �i _'S- �� pormittedtoexecuteeleaseolthoPropertylhaldoosnolconlninanopllontopurchaseenClhetoimolwhlchdossnotoxceM °-- ,
<br /> -,-.�_ oneyear, r :rl4,>.
<br /> �-� (p AbanCOnment of Ihe Proporly:or '� ' ,-: •
<br /> ry ,,
<br /> (g) IlTrueto�lsnolanindividual.lheissuanco.so�o.trenslor.assignmontwnveyanceorencumbrenoeatmo:eih?nnmul �t. , ' . _
<br /> ,"rE;.� r��.- .�
<br /> ti<��" ol � Dorconi ot(If e coiyora9on)8s issued end outstendiny alock or(il e partnership)a iolel ot � pnreoM of - - ,_
<br /> n _ `- ('_` parinershlp InlerosW during Iho periotl this Daod ol Tmsl romains e Ilen on Ihn Proporry. , '
<br /> -��'T 72. RxnWNKAceNu�tionUpon��lauO.Inlnoevenloleny8ven�ol0olaultLendermay.withoutnoNCOexcoptnsreqWreeiby '� F -�f°-��iE ��
<br /> y�i Y�1
<br /> t ' - lew,tleciere ell Indobtadnoss sawreA hereby to bo Aue antl payeblo entl Ihe same shnll Ihe�ovpon bocomo due end payabla �+i
<br />.vx;;r{.�' „�` withoW ony presonunont,domand,protest or nolico ol any kind.7horealmr Londcr may. ;� -�,_.''
<br />�.,'� r:i+y;�p:; (e) Dmm�ntl Ihat Tmsloe exe:cise fho POWEH OF SALE grenlatl herein,end Tmstee ahail thoreallar couse Tmslore 7�..- �;
<br />-�"��„ ;;;�i;y,:. INUrest in Ihe Propetly lo b0 so1C enU Iho procoods to bo dislribule0.ell in Ihe manner providod In tho Nubreskn Tmsl Deede : -
<br /> -4 ti . ACC d-.. �! .
<br />-- ' (b) Exerciae eny antl ell tlghls provitlatl br in eny ol tha Loan Instmmenla or by law upon occurrence of eny Event ol �� . � -�
<br /> '-��1. .>.;.;.�.' DefANtenA . '
<br /> " (e) COmmence an acUon lo(orectose thle Deetl a1 Trust es a mcngage.P➢VOini n receiver.or speclficely enlorc9 eny ol iha
<br />_ ' � �•ii.`��' GOYE08n1911Bf20L - .
<br />��`:`��+;jS;-'•_ �.� No remuCy herein conlerred upon or roserved 10 Tmstoa or Lender Is m�enAeU to bo exclusive ol any other remntly herein.in iho � � _
<br />--�;., �y,.y��:` Loan InsWmonts or by law pwWAeA o�pe.m�ltotl.but onch shzll be cumulolive.sholl bo in etl0iibn�o overy othor remetly givon
<br /> � �ereund8r.in��eLOanlnstrumont4ornowornereaNe�o��elingallemorinequlryorbys�aluto.endmayboo:erdsedconcurranlig �
<br /> . � InOeponCently or auccossWeiy. '1
<br /> � . 13. hmtae.Tho Tmslao mey res�gn el eny timo wN�out ceuso.end LenEOr may ot eny fimo en0 wiNOUt wuso appoinl a f
<br /> � sucwssororsubsliiNeT�us�eo.Trusteoshallnotbelinbleloenyparty.inc�udin8withou111mi1ntio�lender.EOrrower.Trustororeny �
<br /> purc�asorolthePrope�ry.loranylossortlamageunlossCuolorecklessorwilllulmisconducLantlshailnolbereqWreOtoukeony �
<br /> :�. ..
<br /> � ection in connec�on with tho onlorcement ollhis DeeA ol Trusl unbss�ntlomniBOO.in writing.lor nll cosls.componse6on or �
<br /> �-±%-.: __,._ ox0enaos whic�mny be essociatutl lherowith.ln etl0�lion,7rustoe may bocomo e purchaser et eny salo ol lhe Proporry Gud�cioi or
<br /> _ ..' _ ' '"_"' '_ ____...�_ �
<br /> U�QOt��O O�We�OI 9�10 g�9nlatl�a�Uin1:pOSIpOn011t0 6610 oF au or uny pomon a�ma rmpam/•ea prw�aea vy�aw,m ev�����v �
<br /> . - . �+} Proporty ae a wholn,or in suDareto parcols or lo�s et Tmstae's tliscre0on. �
<br /> � - 14. F6���nd Fapon��s.ln Ihe evont Truslee salls the Proporry by exeraso ol powor ol sato,7mstoo s�ell ba enti�oC�o appty ,
<br />- -� � . eny 6alo proceoOS firsl lo paymonl ol ell cosU anC oxponsos ol oxnrtlsing pmver ol sato.includmg a�l Tmstao's lons,entl Londo�e �
<br /> fln0 Trustoo'e ellornoy s leos,ecNally IncurroA to axlo�t porminnC Oy appliceDla law.In IAO evonl Oorrowor o�Truslor exercises eny
<br /> - ."' Hg�t pfovltlOd by law lo curo en EvON ot DotaulL LonGar shall b0 entitled to rocovUr lrom TNSbr e11 cosis entl expense!aetuelly
<br /> Ineurrod G7 9 roSUlt of TNStofe Oe(aWl. Indutling wlthout Iimitailon all TrosteCe entl Hliomoy'9 fons,to Iho mclant permill0d Oy .
<br /> � '� ,� .. ePP1leaDl9law. -
<br /> - - �� 16. Futun Adv�na�. Upon mpuost ol Bortowar,lunCer may,at its option.mako e00111onal enG IuNro uEvancos enA ro•
<br /> , ; ;;�.:.,� edvenco9tO80fNw8cSuChBdvencti99nAroeMBnca9.w11hInIBrO911h¢r0on,5hnllbo68CUrftlbyNleDaotlot'fruStAtnollmoeheil .
<br /> - {.;";,�;.: , IAOptlncipalemovnlolNOindobindnosssocoroEbytMeDoodotTmstnQllnqlpCing¢umlBAvOnC�C�optOlocllh06oCUtilyolihl9 �
<br /> �i`�• R - Deed ot Trusl,exceeA No original pdnclpnl emount stetnE huroin,or S b5 c�U Vll wMChoror is groutey � � .
<br />-� :.n: �?' • S
<br /> . ..�
<br />. • _ - i . �.
<br />� : , .t -.'•' :�
<br />