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iNt s( ... �r+i � - - <br /> � "J. r.�! T i�fYY��wF_.• .... __ . . __.. <br /> NA <br /> �it. �.' ... - .. . . .. . - - . — _ _'_' <br /> _ � <br /> " "�.�__ n�._ . : :... <br /> aA.{ . ��.�a✓ b.�r .— . . • � . . —_ <br /> ; � ACKNOWLEDQ6M8HT OP DEED ON TlIUST �, � ��� <br /> TRUOTAII READ THI6 EEiORB 81C�MINf3: ' <br /> Truqorund�nMndNM111Ndocum�nlMUTrui r1��0areb��kuNl��0eWO1Trve�fnArtM�ma0�9��MtlNINi��fown <br /> plWroroWlWpflnfMMldolTnnlprorlM�luM�nH�lydIlfNMlrlpflh�ndoblf tl9npqTNObrtlxiA� InlM�vint <br /> a.atiunaerNeh.otobl plonunGnM�DeWothuttlnUU0lnp,butno111rt�IleO�am•unar�rqeRroeeve vrowrryw�d <br /> Dy tlM Tru�wlNfoue�ny�utlblU DroCNdlnq.Truelor rlpnwnb�nd wur�nto tlul MI��cknowledpen�qnt w��ex�Cutnd <br /> TNMabNorrlM�x�cutlonottli�D�WofTru�t UNIVBFDAL BUIL � A P11RTN@tSHIP <br /> . . . ' TNt10� - � -. . . . <br /> �'."" <br /> MARVIN @1GLfMA T�ua� JOFA1 . t8 <br /> - -- - DEL�D OF TRUBT WITH FUTURG�AQVAHCHB -- <br /> -- THIS DEEO OF TflUST,le mnOe ee of Ne_tlay of A�� ,19 9a by and emong <br /> __ °""� MeTtVOWr. �IY�L BUIGDEIL9� A PAR7tiFR3HIP� PIARVIN FI4GLFl9AP1 RND JOI¢1 K. PIO[tFIB �. <br /> __-���� - B25 FAST SUN9,E`P� GliAND ISW1NDr NB 68801 �'="--. <br /> � — wAOSe mallinp a40roea W (harem^Trvnt�+."wratha cr.e w mcvs). --.---= <br /> 1..=�� tASiru�lie. FIYE FOIlR'8 BAN[f �, �`.•_ _ <br /> '�� P 0 BO% 1507 GRAND I&LAlID NB 68802-1507 -� <br /> WhoM fMlliny addrtS7la p`braln"Tns�lro'1,er.d .�.;�j , _ <br /> ,,�►i+`A �M BweBCiery� FIVF POIKf3 BAlIIC , � �"`"4 <br /> ""^.,7': ;j�� A r . <br /> P 0 BOX 1507 QiAND ISLAND NE 6880?.-1507 . �'; <br /> { �,_ 1 who�e melling ac'dnu is (herein"LendeP�. r k� ,r� � <br /> V„ , <br /> � -.�t: FOR VALUAHIE CON$IDEMTION,InCludlnp LentlCls Bxf¢nalon 01 er¢tllNdCniifieC hera�n t0 ���:�,,.^'E�,+'. <br /> -.n <ff �l�` � <br /> _ i-,' i: (herein"BOrrower',who�hOr ono or mors)e»7 t1',9 tr�nt Mre7n uwlEb, j'z'"•� , ` <br /> - ;,'�1- Ne rcafft of wF.icA le hereby acknowletlged.Tn:slor hareby IrrevoceblV @rantq tranaf¢rs,conve�s 2:4 essigna to frualee,IN r ���` � <br /> ` TRU9LWITHPOVYF310F8AlE.torNebenefiter.dsecuriryolLender,underandeuWedtowotermaer�lwrr;i6manereinaftersel - �f�t c - <br /> ,.. � <br /> �•: IunA,M4 re�cr.c�cN,deseribed ea lollows: r-'x= : <br /> f' �f� t: IqT EIGfIT (81� JMUON SUBDIVIBION IN TIIE CITY Oi QU1ND I9Ll�LY4. E1�.4L ����:�.ii� - <br /> :�v^•�•. -' dOI.N�^aYr NEBRA.4L(A C - �� ..9 <br /> <;�lk� ",.e a'•'.-`,:;,<.;;t��._:: <br /> �n.�<.:_ <br /> t � <br /> 7-t », Topother with atl cvlldinQS.ImDrovemnnh�,rt:Mrea,etreate,elloye,paaeagaweyg,oasemonte,dghW,ptivilegos end apputlo- �_- �Y t'���_ <br /> � i-,- - ��� nancealocatedt�OrqmorinnnywieepoMiningGCaretAandtliurenla,lasuasendD���e.revenlononndremeindorsthnreol,end � -,- t ._� <br /> o--�rp�t�}e�, 6uM6¢�r3onalproporlyNatis4ttrtc�adtolholmprovamanMeoeatoeonnfiWt9911xIUnt.hir.hiUinp,butnotlimiledlo.hnadnpantl ,-��•� � -_ <br /> ���, )� coo6npeQuipmanEendtogatlinrw�Ihthohome8leatlormnr�mllnMrsete.11eny.wMehinloruatoewhorebyreleasedanOwelved;ell _ 1 . � i;;; <br /> � :?-: ofwhleh,IncludinpreDlncomuntaundadditionn4tivretqiahnrabydaclaradloCoepnrtof�norealeatnmsocuretlby�ho�lenofNb <br /> � :�' '-���' Deed ol Trwl entl nIP ol lhn forefloinp 6oinp to horein as lho"Pn;porcy". t'_�',;'��. .` �� <br /> .,_.r"t�a.j . . ..,�;:�. <br /> .�.� .�. . _., <br /> ''`�i('i.° :�.- i ._f_i'..:.St�::� <br /> ,����'�;;_��.-,�• This Deed ol TruOt e�ell secunr(n�tliu payment ol tho printipai 6um.unA Intoresl uvidonw0 6y o promissory nole or crodit . <br /> ' tr si <br /> ' agmemem uaiad Alk,'U�4T-23� 1993 ,having e meNdryAale ol F6BRUARY 21� 1999 -, ��� <br /> r�E1�4 �Jy�� In the original pdneipal amount of f 55���� ,entl eny and all modi(ICalionA exlensions entl renowals � f� �� <br /> � ?�� thereof or thereto srttl any end nll Wtura advences end readvoncos l0 13arrower(or eny ol them il mow Nan one)�ereunEUr � �', '+ 4 -�� <br /> � - 1�. pur6vanito ono a moru promiasory notes or credit egreemnnta(horeln euilnd"NOtay;(b)Ne payment ololher euma advenced by --� ; �� <br /> a��� , -- LonQertoDroloCtl�esecurlryolthoNOto;(c)inepodormonr,00lellcorenonlsantlagreemonteolTmstorsellonhheroin;anA(�nll �� ; � d ,�- <br /> prBaent enC future Indebte0nosa end obiigaUOns ol8orro�vur(or ony ol lhem il more than ono)to Londer whelher dlrocL intlirect, i-- �. f, �+__ <br /> - ;�ta` ebsolNe or wntingenl and whothur edsing by nole,guarenry.overdralt or olholwise.Tho Nolq�hla DeeA ol Tmst enA any entl ell .:j. ..j � <br /> � r;: othor0aventethatseeureNONOteoroUerwisoexeeuletlinconnec�ionlnerewith,inelutlingwi�houtlimilatlonguaremeos,socudy �-,.-., r -: <br /> ` egreemaMa entl e5signmonLS of loase6 anA iente,5Aa�1 bo relerretl to�ereln as fhe"LOan Insuumnnts". �-_' <br /> ����_ ' -� Tmsior eovenanu and egrees wiN LnnCOr as tollows: <<.- <br /> �', l.Paym�nt ollndobGdnu�.Nl intlebtedneas sncuretl hereDy shall Do pnitl when tlue. :�� ��i�t ,• <br /> ,_�'l� crea etl horeby ia a lust e dyprlo�liee on ttPie P perly.ezcept Ior�lions e�nd encumbrances sat oh�by Tmstor n,wriling e�nG '�t �i+];r-_ <br /> �_�jn . ' `�•� dotiverotlloLandorCOlorooxocutlonoflMSDeeAOlTruet.entllheexeculionontldoliveryollhisDeedolTmsttloeanolviolataeny . - - <br /> - "/�"�^`�,i Conlrar,t Or otAOr Obllpalion lo which Tmstor is subjoel- <br /> 3. T�xea,An�am�nU.To paybo�ore tleLnquanty an Wxos,spoclal assessments anC ull othor cnarges eguinsl lne Properry . � � <br /> - . .- now or hercalter IevleO. - <br /> 4. IMUr�ne�.TOkeoplhoProperlylnsuredngainstAamagobyllro,hazartlsinclutletlwit�inl�elerm"oxientleCCOVE�Agu',anG _� , . <br />- � °�� � - such otnor haznrda oa LenAnr mey requtro,in emounro an0�v�th companios accepluAle tu Lender,nemirg Lender ee a�nOtl�t:onal • � <br /> - , "'�� named insuretl,with loss payable fo f�e Lendec in case of bss under such polklos.tho Lender is authorixed to aOrysl caRe¢t enO ` ' � <br /> . � compromise.etleloimslhorounderenCS�allhavelhooptionolapp�yi�gellorpaAOlthelnsurenceproceeAS(i)IOenyinCeDtoAness { <br /> � - sacuroEhureDyend�nwc�orAOrasLentlermaydolormine.G�)�otneTrustortoDeuseAlortnerepalrorrestoro�lonofihoProDerry I <br /> . � �" or(III)brenyotherDUrDOSOOrobjectsafis�ectory�oLenCer.vilhoutnflecFngthe0eno11�ieDeedolTmsUorihe�utlomounteocurod , <br /> '� ", .:��� herBDy Coforo sach paymenl ever took placa-Any appikation of proceeds�o intlebletlness shall not e:tentl or pos�pone the Uue . <br />� ��li dete ol any paymonte under tho Nme,or cure eny de�oull thereuntler or nereunder. ` � <br /> 6. Etcrow.Upoo wri¢en demand by lontleq Tms�or s�a��ray to Lontler.�n such ma�ne�es Lontler may tlesignato.suflicient � <br /> � _. <br />—�+�'� sumat0onsbloLendermpaynslheybecometluooneormoreoltnolonowmg�qantazee.essassmomsandomercnargesnga�nei - <br /> -'��-1 Ne Property pq iBO premiums on I�e propofty insurance reqWred horeunder,and(ifi)Ue premiume o�any mortgage insurencu � <br />- - roqulretl Dy Lander. - <br /> � 8. M�Int�nane�,R�pain end Compllane�wil�low�.Troslor shall koop tno ProDahY�^Bood eonOillon ena repalr,snan j <br /> promplly repai4 or roplate Bny improvemunt which may Oe damegotl or Aoslroye0;shall not commil or pormit any wasle or f <br /> - ' � "" CetodoreUOn ot Ihe Propotly:shull not remove.domolis�or 6uDSteniie��y allar eny ol tho ImD�ovemonis on Ue Property.ehall not ' <br /> - CommiLsuffororMrmltenyeU[obodonoinorupontheProporryinviolotionolanylaw,ordlncnco,orregu�afio�:endshailpayenC <br /> promplly diaehnrgo ol Truslor'e cost entl oxpunso all Itons.eneumbrances entl c�a�Bes Iov1aA.imposetl or essossetl againsl No � , <br /> _ — ProPOrry c:sr.y v�.^.:.^.a:a.l. <br /> 7. Emin�nt Domaln.LonAOr Is�ornby¢ss�gnoA nll compongal�on.ewerds.damagea enO olnor payments or retiol(nareinattor <br /> '"',,.� �� 'PfoC08d9'11nCOnnottlonWiUCOndomnatiOnOrolhotWkingOtNOProDOhY0r0arlthareol.orloreonvOya�COinllou0lcondomna• ; <br /> �-°!�;";`-•'' tlon.Lendor shali b0 ontlllad at 11a optlon lo commonco,eppear In antl prosoculo In Its own namo any edion or prOC¢edings,enA <br /> -:���".'�•. 6�all nlso bo enli�loA lo make any tompromiso or soltlomonl in conneclion wilh auch taking or Oamogo.ln Il�o uvont any portion oi t � <br /> ��•� M!C]t!)Ib.wprsvevNOn9�n10•yp � ' - I . <br />- �IINNItpN1��NMCamv�plrv���MS�wpAfvs.��enl+aelnMWtf4 <br /> .. __ . __. _. . ��. _ . . _. _ <br />