I �P� ��j y_} l ._ ._4 . . . . l .
<br /> 1 _
<br /> J , � .��.._. �..�.._�._._. _....` rv4�lla�P• " .' �i. .
<br /> �"����.iM
<br /> 1v�N6.�� - � - .. - .—..
<br /> ��.:� 93-'sm►�sn ,�.:-._
<br /> -_....-� �Fn;3;: - :—
<br /> "' !3� Lan Chv�a. If�ha lan ce.ured by�Ai�Secudty(ns�mmant is subJut to a I�w whlch�e��muimum lan r?T= �
<br /> e �S'.Yf:' clurae�,�nd th+t I�w b M+lly imeryteied sa tA�t tho fntere+l or otAer lan charQa collecled or to be w�lated In connecilon ;' ;.�% � .-.--
<br /> ' wlth Ua lan excad the permined ltmi�e,Nen:(o)�ny such lan chatge ih�ll ba reduced by the�noum necess+ry to rMnoa �,, �+ "'-�d� -
<br /> +,�n d1;tr� �Ae char�e�o the pertnitted Ilmh;�nd @)any eume alrady wlla�ed hom Bortowor which exceedeA perml�ted Ilmfia will �5;� f�� ;'.
<br /> , be rcNndcd to Bortower.Lender rtuy choose w mako thl�nNnd by reducing tAe princlpd owed under�ha Naa or 6y nuking ,f+e `:
<br /> , 'R'�'., q dlrtCt�aYrnent lo Borrowe�.!(e rePonA rMucn prinelp�l,Qw redns�lon wfll ba traied oe o partiol pre{wYment without _ � .-7� '
<br /> �r �Y PreqY�nt clyrge under�ha Nae. '' t
<br /> � - -��- 11. NWka� Any naia to Borrower provided far In�hi�Security Insuument shall be given by delivedng it or � ,�, '� - �;�_
<br /> . . � by maltfn9 i�by first cias�mail unlese eppliable I�w requirea use of�nahar methad.The naiw shail be dira�ed ro the
<br /> `z !' ,"� Propeny Addre.0 or any aher eddrua Bortower deslgnFtee by notice to Lender.Any naice�o Lender shatl ba glven by i�,' 1j{ � "°
<br /> � .^.�:;�:2', first ci�zf m�ll to Lender'e addresf stoted herein or�ny aher address Cender designnue by notice to Bortower.Any notice , � •'•„-.��-'•,��•�.:-�`
<br /> provided foc In�hie Securfry Insnument shall bo deemxd to b4vo been given to Borrower or Lender wM1en given oa provided ;;"' ' -, ;"�.� ��:
<br /> r ,
<br /> In�hb qr�graph. - 7 �
<br /> S - 1S. (iovtmin4 Lawt�renbtllly. Th(s Secudty Insaument shall bo govert�ed by tWenl low and Ne Iaw of�ho
<br /> � ' Judsdiction In whkh the Property i�IocetcA.N�he ovent�hat any provision or elaus¢of thie Securiry Instrumem or tha Note � f,'� �
<br /> ��-�� �''`:`�"��� conNcte with�ppiicablo I�w,sueh conftie�ahall not effa�othcr provisions of iAls 3eeurity Instrumem or�Ae Note which I ��� � ,_ ,.
<br />;:c_:ar.,�_::��._ �s.. ' . .
<br /> i an be given etfut wltiaut the wnNcting provision.To�his end the provialans of�hie Security(nsuumem and�he Note r ; '
<br /> `Y are deciued to be uverobla �°�
<br /> . ) :
<br /> -�-�t 3��6_ I1. Boriower'e Copy� Borrower sha116e given one wnformed copy of the Note nnd of thie Secudry lusuument. ��` " `
<br /> ,�,-.--;� 17. Tronster ot ibe Property or a Ben:tic(al[nteral tn BorroNen If all or any pan of�ho Propeny or eny � ..-_s.
<br /> � -t ;�y Inlerest in it ie aold or tnnsferted(or if e beneficiol intera�in Iiortower U sold or trensferrW and Dorrower is no�e namral �.}
<br /> person)without 4cnderY pdor written consem, Lender may,at lia opilon, requtro Inunedlate payment in PoII of ell sum+ { ���n,��
<br /> + `j; securedbythisSecurirylnstrument.However,�hleoptionshallnotbecxerdsedbyLenderifexerduleproidtitedbyfederel -. ,�., •, .I..,.�;,,;r:
<br /> - ��f�:= law u of the d�te oi thia Securit Ins�mmem. i „r- - 'S- t< r'.
<br /> , Y E ^
<br /> � -.,i�,.�1��_ i(Lender exercisa thia opdon,Lender shall give Barrower notia of eccelerution.The nmica shail provide e period � _!+ o. � -�
<br /> _���,�.;,�,�, of not lesa�han 30 dny�from the daw�ho nodw ie del(vered or mailcd wiU�in which Borrower must pay�ll sunu suured , � � �,..i'r�,'}� ''�
<br /> � y �-:•
<br /> ;- •�!C� ; by�his Secudry Inswm:nt. If Borrower feila to pay�hese sums prim w the expiretion of thte pedod.Lendcr may Invoke �.:;:i:?"?si s�:,et���
<br /> . . any remedles permittcd by tht+Seeurity Inswmem wlthout Porthcr nditt or demand on Bortower. j� '; ...�����.�,��1�%:`°.
<br /> '��'r;-��",( �- I8. Borrower'e Rfgbt to Re(nstate. If Borrowcr mceu cenaim m�di8ons,Borrower shall have thc d ��o heve °e` -�
<br /> enforam:nt of thia Secudty instrument dlacontlnuW et any time prior to the wdicr of: (e)S days(or sueh o her period . �-1(�r�'�
<br /> � ' . aa appl3cab:e lew may spceify Por relnstatement)before sele oP�ha Propeny purcuant�o eny power of selo contained In thls - � -y
<br /> '`` .,�-3ry:a;:rar..:n,�:r @)er.try e!e judgmrnt enfnretna�his Sceuriiy Inswmen6 Thosc wndiUons are�hal Borrowu: ` � + r;� J.
<br /> r ' '�, '��- (a)pays 4ender ell dume whlch lhen would bc dae under Ihis Sccud�y Instn�ment and�he NWe es if no aetelereqon had { .
<br /> - . - occurred;N)oiuea xny defauh of eny other corenenu or egruments:(c)pays all expenu�Incurted In enforeing�his Securiry E� -.- 7 - ,.1 j`y.
<br /> -{� Inswmenl,including,but not Iimited ro, rcasonsble ettomcys' feea;end(d)tnkes such acNon ee Lender may rcesonably �3�. q� -`�1� �
<br /> -Y"'��'}': y 8h P� Y B P Y f4., ,h-
<br /> �c r � require to assutt that the Ilen ottNs Stcurit Instrument.Lender's d ta in lhe Pro rt and Bortower's obli ation to a r � ,,;..�, 3�4;:,
<br /> ; -�.�:._jr.:, �'...c'. d; �.••. . .
<br /> ;;�, - Ne sums suured by thia Securiiylnswment shall continuo unchanged.Upon reinstetcmcm by Bortower,�his Securi�y In• . ..,.��t�,,;; j
<br /> "t'�Q�:,"� strumont�nd tho ob7igariona raured hereby shall remain fully effeetive u if no eccelera�ion Aad cecurred. However,d�is , yt;�� --�.
<br /> �. rlgAt to reinstata shatl na epply in No case of aeceleretlon under paragreph 17. "1Y �{' S'.
<br /> � � 17. Sale of Note�CAenge of I.oan Servicer. Tho Note or a paninl interest in the Note(toge�her w6h this Suurity }!,�li'�' �E�
<br /> Y..�,
<br /> IoswmenQ mey bo sold ono or morc tfines without prior nodcc io Dorcower. A sale may result in e change in Uw entity ,� 1#f�,
<br /> � ». (known e+�ho "Loan Servicer")thet collecn momhly payments du:under the Noce and this Secudty Instrument.TM1tte '°- ,�1��1`�_
<br /> '. also may 60 ono or more chnnges of�he Loan Servicer unreleted w e sale of�he Note. If there ie a change of the Loan � Fj'4 f s�:-
<br /> ��,•• ��� Servicer,Borrower will ba given written noiice of�he chenge In accordance �vi�h paragraph I4 ebove end epplicabie law. . ������i�
<br /> TAe naioe will suro�ha nnmo and eddrcss of�he new Loan Servicer end the nddres��o which payments shouid be mede. 1f,*.:; s.
<br /> �'-' � Tho notla will eiso conmin en other information re uired b e Iicabie law. � "R�"��:"��
<br /> ��� `- � 20. Ilazudoue SubstaYntts. Borrowcr shallQnot cause oPpermit Ihe presencc,us0.disposel,storegc,or release 1���{'`..,F+` ','
<br /> ' (�F�1 . otany tfu�rdoue Su6stanccs on or in�ho Propeny.6orrowcr shail not do,nor ellow enyone clse to do,anylhin6 effating �
<br /> i" 5k.-��:���`� No Property Nat te In vlolelion of any Cnvironmcmal Lew.The preuding two sentences shaJl not apply to thc presence. ��, p���•
<br /> uu,or storagc on ihc Prop:ny af small quanti�ic�of Hazerdous Subs�anmf thet erc gencrally«cogniud to bc eppropriatc
<br /> . , n -- ro wrmd tesidenlial usw and lo malnknance of the Property. �':.
<br /> °ti�:`: � ` - Iforrower shall promptly give Lender written noUce of any investiga�ion,claim,demand,lewsuit or o�her actian by .
<br /> if: '?:`.�•;..:' ' .
<br /> , - j E � any govemmcNel or rcgulatory egcncy or privete pany involving the Propeny and eny Har�rdoue Substanee or ,
<br /> it)`:";��;%'-. Bnvironmenlel Lew of xAfch Dorrower has ectual knowledge. If Borrowcr Icams, or is no�ificd by eny governmental or . - .
<br /> - . regulatory auNoriry,�nai eny removet or other remediation of eny Hezardoua Su6stancc e!(ce�ing the Propchy u nacssary, i
<br /> - Dottower ahall prompUy�eke all necessnry rcmedial actions in nccordance with Environmemal Low. i � ,
<br /> -�- ��� "� As used In�his paragr3ph 20."Haurdous Substancci'are thou substanees defined as�oxic or huardous subs�anca I
<br /> ��,�i�:.::�"?, by Environmenul Lew and the tollowing subseances:gawline,kerosene.other flammable or�oxic pe�roleum producu,roxic .
<br /> ��� "«�.'.t..:;4.:v pesticidea end herbieides,vola�ile soivents, materials eontaining esbestos or fomialdehyde, end redioactive materials. As �
<br /> - ','`�:�'%•.-'� used in�hls paregraph 20,"Environmemel law"means federel laws end I��vs of thejurisdiction�vhere iht Propeny is located - " � �
<br /> • ._ , �i�l���i�:i;�� . � —
<br /> :�'.
<br /> �hat rele�e to heal�h, ufery or environmcntal pro�ection.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. 6orcower and Lcnder Ponher co��enam and agrce as follows:
<br /> �- - - . 21. Acceleration;Remedies.Lender shall giee notfc�to Dorrower pdor lo emlernNon foltowing Oorro�rer's
<br /> - � broach of euy wr�enanl or ogre¢ment In thls Sttudly lastrumem @nl not prbr to ecccieretlon under paregraph 17
<br /> . udeas uppltcable Isw provldes othenvtce).71�e noUce ahall specity:(a)the defeuh;(b)the actlon requlred ro cure tAe
<br /> � � &[aWh,(c)e dete, not less than 30 days from IM1e dale the noHce b given to Oorrox�er,by Khlch the defnult must
<br /> _ ' - _ beeurcd;and(d)Ihnt fallure lo cure t6e deteult on or bePore the date speclfied In Ihe noHce may result In occeleraHon
<br /> - � of fhc 6unlv sCCUrCtl by lhis Sccurity Inslrumcnl ene salt oT lne YropcRy.Tne notice snaii iuriner iniorm Pwrtow�r
<br /> � � ot Ihe dgAl to relastale aRer ecceleradon end lhe dght to bring e wurl acllon to acsert the nonex6tence of e default
<br /> or�ny other detense ot�orrow'cr lo ecccieratlon ond saie. If the dcfwlt B oot curcd on or Ixfore the date specitied
<br /> �- - In[pe eolke,I,ender et ifs op:lan may requlre inuncdlate pnyment in NO of oll swns szcurtd by thts Securlty Inslrument
<br /> . , w(tAout Nrt6cr demmd¢nd may tm�oke tGc poxror of sale and eny olher remcvllca pertniltcd by eppiicable lew.Lender
<br /> � s6a11 De toUtkvl to mllccl ull expeuus Incurnd in pursuing lhe remttliea providcd fn th6 paragraph 21,tnciuding,
<br /> � � � Dut not Wulted ro, rtasonabte ultomeys'hes end cosU of tltte evidence.
<br /> ' ionekll Ifq f{aa<!o/fpagn)
<br /> ; •.,,
<br /> j �, ..il�
<br /> •,.
<br /> ,... �
<br /> . . - �
<br />