�? � 1 - '= - s --
<br /> 1 �. _ ��'_�, .9. _�,� —
<br /> r�.��'1 - _ �_ � s . . - ----�
<br /> s �! e A._..ri�i�� ...:.�'�17'+°�'��IC��'m�s a..'=.�,m�.o,+.dr... ++�eWS++:_. . _ _.' _.' . .
<br /> -_...,.�C� .N;; '�,Y . _ , _ '' .
<br /> .. . 19�,sot'�i� ;`>
<br /> � ' �, o«rr..or;rrw.rMb'a� M.ISt.wc..�e rra�clbn at w rioveHl)eorronK�.�n�.Ap�Naiqo.p •: ; t�;.
<br /> Botrowce shAi�DCCppy a1�b11di LW uce fl1e Ptop�nY u farroweP�pt4�eip.�.rctfdarce withfn�x ,d�Yt .
<br /> ,. ,I,(�� iA�) o �Ix Sen{rftY 1M!���l unUnup w aaupy�he C'roPCnY u�Orrowcr�i P�4��
<br /> fo��klM Ode /11ot;di4,dMb o('qMiyNncY�unbN LaWeF pTRlwlra yfK+In wtWn�.w61�h carent�htll n81¢0
<br />--- Jd�¢�D1Y�tith �MWl�eiuh��ln�circumqmu�exf�lMfikA�tebeyoM8ott6ret.�control.bq+rowa�lrll�oi
<br /> , � mq u
<br /> ' ��py��rn►t+a+ �fi��Pei�Y�stlow Uie PropenY ro deterto�ite�a eammt�wii�nan�ha PrqkttY•9arower�ull _
<br /> _ ' be"In defwh It}�Y� forAyt��m S91w pjqte601h� whed�ee elvll oe crimLW�b be�uitAs�tie Le�dae't�flldt Judpnent ,
<br /> couldr,aWel�rv,Knln�m �{fi P�8'f�!l49ru{AenrlbmuerWlyimp�IrthelkncrcdedM'thliSearirylnpnpneilfal.endtr'�
<br /> = jeG'urity Inkrek�. � ,�r�n.�Ur�'i�detwl�uid rcin`uie,o ptovtded in pux�nph 18�q'cwein6�he.acUOn or.
<br /> ,_
<br /> prac�edin�lv bp t(ffm6Nal�wli,M Y1�UnglhMr,in i,ender'�eood hl�h dNnmiln��bn.Praludd�torfelh�ro of tAe Baro+�er'i '
<br /> � y��Kq{�.�rypp ;6n,ah M {�ii��fp.�d+t�^�of�he Ikn ere+usd.by�hia SetuAry taanunenea isnder'� ry.
<br /> »"i'i."� tMerNt,HdreoAY��+ . IA1ov4Cit(Q�A41f�i��R4troxer,durinQtlwlan�ppllc�bdnProeed�NvenuurLltyht�emin�ccuntC
<br /> n- c?� � . , or . (n ten�k�;(h�:fdtod w vldo 1.snder wftA wy nutetl�l inform+tton)tn connccilen wlth�he�!M6 -- -- _-
<br /> < T{mjl�yi°r'. Io.
<br /> d�1A�nsee OY�a ae��ndnamp butnnt dmR to�:repteanuNm�conceMn Bortower9 occup�ncy ottlie PropenY u
<br /> _���_ ap�incip�lre�Mimce•IP�hlc3ecur�iy.innMmrntl�on�tusehdd,8arower�h+l�complywid�dl�heproviibn�ofdwleue. __
<br /> ' `=,: !t�orcowt+fiC9l�irof faa Htla ta tha PmpFdyr the laxtwld cnd�he fu iiile ehail na mer�e unteu Lender�Qra�ro the _ _
<br /> mer�er!n wtipng.. �: y_
<br /> fa'�c'{� 7. Rot ot Leoder'o�W!qle G�Ne P[open9• If Borrower tdle ro pe�torm�he eovenuiu uid�aramenU
<br /> ,F ., r� � cauafAOdinthh�v�Ylnstmment;onll�Frola�IpiaRIM'�^S�+trtuydynitlantly.atka4ender'�tlghufntheProperty E y
<br /> " (wcJi�u�pmcoeding Id bMnkNp(ay�ptAb0.tn,far ca�idom�kion or[orfelp�m or to entorce hwi ot te;ul��lons),tAen 4ender � ,,; . _
<br /> �ri'�{�r °^; nu do�ndpty fnr wh�tovor ie nocazirY tn p�ule:t tha v Lie of the PmpertY and Lender'�righta In tbe Propeny.t�duY .�:.
<br /> <r �+>; � ��ona m�y incinda p�ying�ny aume cecured by�1fan,w�Ich.tw pdori�p over tN�Saudry fnsnyment.�ppeutng in court, rt+_' +.
<br /> , ' ',r pp�l�$rusonn6lo qnamoye'fca onA entorinD on�ha Pra�Erty�o mrY,o repalro. Al�hough Lender may uka xdon utder 1 , —
<br /> t' x �c �., q�i p�re;nPh 7. Lemisar daa nn�have ro do w.
<br /> r;x'' •� S��!� M unnanre d(sburud b LenAor under�hte p►mOnPA 7 shell Decome�dditlonil debt of Bortower escurod by thla , _
<br /> �,��� ?A.yf, SxuHry Inttmmanc Unlos�Horrowor and Lender�grro to aher tertns ot payment,Uxse unounu ehdl har Inttrtast hom '� • 'i� �-_
<br /> ; �� �G F
<br /> � f he due oidicbumsment xt tho Noto roto anA iANhbe peyAble,w1�h interest,upon natca hom Lender to Borcowet requestlng t i` � .—
<br /> "4 '�`��� WYmenL '
<br />';������i:tt�j:� !� AWris�{etnsunnce. IPLendorro9ufrcdmnrtQogainsuru�cet+�condidono(malcingUmlofnsccurcdby�his , . ,� �
<br /> � !�y+3�i Securiry Iottmmont,Borrower sMdl pay�he premium�rcqulrcd to nvinWn the maqgage Insurance in effea.[t,tor�ny � . ��'�'�
<br /> �,���p �� «uon,�he maRBegelnsurenca coverogo raq�dred by Lender lapsw or oasa a be In eftect.Burcower sTwll qy lhepremiume �� �; ;.��. _—
<br /> r x- �yui��ta eEatn a;�ar.ge:;alr'..antie.11y c�uN!Ieet en�he monange inwnnco OroviovslY in eff¢cl.at�cost subsnnflally s j:: ` � -_
<br /> ' , �����'- equivalemtot�acost�o8ortawerofU�emnndegainaurenoepreviwrlytnofkct,fromanattemstemortg�geinturer�pproved —
<br /> ' „•1`,�, by Lendu.Us�bttamixlly equlvatent mort�ago Inwrana covenge Is not aveIlable,Aorrower sh�ll pnY ia Lendc��h month ��-j{' kff r�{^„�, �
<br /> � � S '� a sum el to ona•twellth o[�ho ycorly mnrtpaga(nwmaa premlum be[ng pald by Bonower when tha insurance rnvenge
<br /> If 4� '...�/�:� ►ops:d or ceased to De in eHect. I.endor wlll accept.u�mnd railn these paymenes af a losa reserve in I:w oF morlg�ge _ .,�r�X����� r_3 f—
<br />';;='��f.-.-,.•: ensuranu.Locs rcurvc pxymxma mey no lon�er be rc4aircd,ot�he optlon of Lender.ft mortg�ge Insunnce coverage(in -:_��:,.„�i� ...,,, �
<br /> � Y •�
<br /> �,} t_i ��r�h 1he amount end for�hc periad lhet Lcndor rcqnircs)provided by en Insurcr epproved by Lender egaln becomcs avefiable �k�r' r �h1�4--
<br /> (��1 4� and Is obtolned. Bortower shnll pey tl�o prumiums required�o meimtin mongage insur.nce In e(fec�,or to provido a loss �f.��'iu , 1 + rk,� �
<br /> ��,y -� rrs:rve,umil tho requtrcmem for martpapo insamnce ends In eaoNance wiN eny wri�ien agrcsment bUwoen Borrower , ,.•V d „�* "'
<br />�i?�./?�+ .(�,� a�d Lendcr or epplicablo law. � -
<br /> � y
<br /> �� �- ,,- � 9� Inapcction. Lenderor its ageni mny mnke�usonablc entrics upun end inapections ottha Propeny.Lendcr shail �-' ` 'i3� S�._ i a� '
<br /> <f�� - .. givo Borto�ver noHa et the�ime of ar prior to nn inFpeceion specifyins rcasonable eeuse for Ne Inspecrion. I'- � r' -���-
<br />-; �'�� - �•�. 10. Candcmnnt(on. Thc proaeds of eny e�vard ur claim for damxges,direc�or rnnsequential,In wnnation witli �.l �, fF,i�;.�:
<br /> J
<br /> � .._ ,- enywndemnntionorathcrmklnpoFnnypartottlicPmperlyorPorconvcyancoinlicuofcondemnation,erehcrebyeuignrd � -', i } •�c1�',�
<br /> f + �>„ end shtli bo pnid�o Lender.
<br /> - In�hc evom of e tornl uJeing of�ic Propeny,tlic proccxds shall be applicd to the sum+savrcd by thls Security Inswn:em, ?���"j.% '�'f '-
<br /> �t-�.---- u'haher or net then duc,wi�h any excese pe�d m IlarroweT. ln the evcm of a panixl teMng of�he Property In wlifch tho �i�s��;i��li�`�-':i���---
<br />-lf.'��c'yr�;;'-i����� ����ke�.atuo of Om Propeny immedixiaiy baforo[he�aking is equal to or greazer ihan thc emount of tha sume ucured �jn(S;:s<:�;"�a+;��•',;',.-
<br /> ��• by thieS:caripr insuvmem immcdimely bcfiim thc iaking,unlas 6onower and Lender oiherwise egtte In wdting,thc sums �';"`(��'r�r ' �.1'�it .'�
<br /> ` ;5� sccund Dy�his Security [natrumcnt s6n11 be rcduad by thc emount of ihe procccds muitipl[ed by the tollowfng Gection: ;t,,n �,.�G�., ,i
<br /> �$� } '�_._� (a)tdc taal emoum af tlm sums secured immalimoly beforc ihc�aking,divided by(b)�he fair markel valuc of tho Property > .��,1,`
<br />�`;:��_.:', � immedleteiy beforc tlm tnkinp. Any bnlonce shall be pzid ro Borrowcr. In the evem of a panial teking ot U:c Propcny in i :�i�y��S) � ��+- _ ; ,,,�
<br /> -' which the fair mnrket vaiue of�he Properry immedietely before�he taking Is Iess than the emount of�he sums secured im• !-�.;ri:�,:%�.�:. . ,.
<br />'A����'* � � medlotcly beforc thc taking,unluss Durcawcr and Lender othernise ngree in writing or unlcu appiiceble law ahernix pro- =��. �
<br />..�.. . ?
<br /> ' - - vidcs,the procceds shnl�be npplied tu die sums secured by this Security Ins�rument wheihcr or not the sums are thcn due.
<br /> �� '"''"' � If�he Property is ebendanrA 6y Qurra�ver,or i!,elicr naice by Lender�0 6ortower�hat the eondemnor ofkrs ro . , ,
<br /> '���Y � - make en uward or senie e claim for dmm�ges.Ourro���er fails w rcspond�o Lender�vithin 30 days afier the da!e the notice �
<br /> c'-��: �-- � " is given,Lcndcr is amhoriud�o colla�nnd epply�he praceds,at its option,either to m�oration or repair of the Property .�':' _
<br />=5Y' . � � i or ta thc sums secun:d by Ods Sccuriry lnu�ument, whc�her or na tMn due. �`` ' �
<br /> ,�-"'L ' Unicn Lender and 6orco�rcr ad�crwise egree in writing,any application of praceds a principal shsll not extend ..
<br /> -� - er postpone�he duc dote of�hr.mnmhly paymcros ceferrcA to in paragraphs I ar.d 2 or change Ne amount of such paymems. .
<br /> 11. Eorro�rer Nal Rdcesed; FurLmrance By Lender Nw n�5'a{��er. Gxtemion of�he time for paymcnt or
<br /> medifiw�ioo of�moniiation of�he sums saurcd by this Securitp Inswment granted b�•Lender�o eny successor in interat
<br /> � of Borto��er shnll nol operalc m relco5c thc liability of the original Barrowcr or porroW�er's sucttssors in intertsL Lendcr ,
<br /> . shnll no1 be mquirod ro commence pmceedings agair.se any successor in interest or rcfux to ex�end time for payment or
<br /> . . dhcrxis:mcdif+/amoKi+aliun of�ic sums saured by this Scturiry�Instrurc:cnt by rcazon o(any dentand madc by lhe original
<br /> - - Qorto��er or Bo�ra��er's m�reseor�in imerest. Any forMarence by Lender in exercising any right or ren:edy shall not be
<br /> ...r�...n,�hidn�hr eacmire of anv riehl or remedY.
<br /> - " ^ ��1]. Succetsan nnd Ats7gnc Bound;JaiN nnd Severnl LlabfGq�;Coalgners. The mvenams ano agrccmems of
<br /> - � Utfs Saurity h�mmem shnll bluA and bcncfit thc successors and assigns of Lender rnd I3orcoucr,subjcct to�hc provisions
<br /> -� ���t`��� - of paragmpM1 I"7.Ourtuo•cr's ca�enoma end agrecments shall be joint and ureral.Any�orrower�rho m-signs this Sccunty
<br /> ' -. . Instmm[nl bul dncs im�ececmu the fvnte(a)is coaigning this Sccurity Inswmenl only to mortg�ge,grant and convey d�at
<br /> � -� - - - Oortnn•er'a inmrost in thc Pn�pMy undtt�he temis of this Securily inslrument;(b)is not personally obiigatcd�o poy thc
<br /> - � sunu savrcd by�hic Sxuiiry Inummcnt;and(H egrccs�ha�Lendcr and eny othcr porrou•cr may agrce to cx�end,modify.
<br /> . fo�bcerormckeanyascammodntionsa�ithrcgurdtothetermso(thisSecurirylnstrumentor�heNo�ewithautthatBarrowcr's
<br /> _- - MnFenl. +�'7'�`�
<br /> " . '%�'� , uwesxean..�ioi �.,.�Lr NEBRASYAvaxxt� aq rv�a.�/sc'�s���
<br /> • �. ,.-"�. . _
<br /> � ' ` �
<br />