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�.6, �;�.,��� .:� - .. .. �.� - - --= - . Y � <br /> .,v. .,'1;��id� u;. <br /> _ .,_.� <br /> � ---=-- -- - " _ <br /> ..��1 <br /> �.. .,.a <br /> ��.��:_ --- � --� 91—ie�aas <br /> _ _.,�. _ appUcob{o Iaw mxy apocify for t+einswtement) beforo sale of the Property purwent to any power of sole contained in tt�ir <br /> . Security inu�trumeot;or(b)entry ot w judgmen[cnfo�ing thir Sa,vrity ina�bw�u��e. 'f'i►uae i.o�hliiio►is ai'�ihilt Bot'iowcr: tnf <br /> � paya l.ender all euma which then would be due under this 3ccuriry Insuument and the Note aa if no acceleration had _. <br /> - occurned;(b)curee any default of any dher covenents or agttiements:(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security <br /> Inawment,inciuding. but not limited to.reasonable attnmeys'Pees; and(d)ukes such sction aK Lender may rcaconably <br /> --��-�----- --- - requit�e to assure that the llen of thls Secudty Instniment,Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the <br /> suma secured by this Secudty Insuument shall continue unchenged. Upon reiostc+tement by Borrower, this Security � <br /> ' Instrument and the obligations secured hercby shall remain fully effective as iP a�acceleratlon hed cecumed. However,thin <br /> -- tight to reinatate ahall not apply in the case of acceleratton under paragraph 17. <br /> _ �,r 19. S�k ot Note;CluO�e ot I.oan 3ervker. The Note ar a pactial interest in the Nate(together with this 5ecurity <br /> _ lnsttument)mAy be sold one or more timea without pdor notice to Borrower. A sale rn�y result in a change in the entity <br /> _= (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly paymenls due under the Note and thia Securiry Instrument. There also <br /> -_-_- ___`;� may 6e one or mon chunges of the Laen Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Nae. If there is a change of the Loen Servicer, <br /> J` � ^ry �_„_3 Horrower will be gfven wdtten nudce of the chenge in accordance with pa�agraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice <br /> __ � will state the name and address of the new Loan Servlcer and ihe address to which �ayments should be made. The natice will <br /> _ �N;_�� al�o contain any other information required by applicable law. <br /> 1A. H�ardous 3ubrUipcea. Borrower ahall not cause or permit the prescnce,use,disposal.atorage,or release of any <br /> -- Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyonc clse to do.anything affccting the <br /> �--��-� ..i� Property that ic in vloladon of any Environmenta!Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use,or <br /> - storege on thc Property of smell quantities af Hazardous Subatances that are ger�crally recognized to be appropriate to namal <br /> - �=-� residentiel uses ar►d to maintenance of the Property. - <br /> --"�' ��� Horrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation.claim,demend,lawsuit or other action by any - <br /> .��� � overnmental or re lato a enc or vate involvin the Pro andan Hazardous Substance or Environmental <br /> �.,��:;:_� g 8u r!' 8 Y 1� P�Y 8 Pei►Y Y <br /> _��^°,� Law of which Borrowor hes actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any govemmenwl or regulsrory _ <br /> -.- - authority.that any removal or other rcmediadon of any Hazardous Substance Jfecting the Property is necesrary.Borrower <br /> =�-,�' shall promptly take ell necessary remedial ecttons in accordance with Bnvironmental Law. <br /> - " -� _ As used in this parag�ph 20,"Hezardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or I�azardous substancew by - <br /> ';,;,,�,,,,;_+�'� Envirnnmental Law end the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flarnmable or toxic petroleum praducts,loxic <br /> - pesticides and herbicidex.valatfle solvents,matedels containing usbeqtos or formoldchyde.und rndiouctive materlals. As <br /> --=_ , used in this pnrngraph 20."Environmental Law"means fedeml laws and IAwe of the jurlsdktion whare the Propeny is IceAtod <br /> '""'� thWt rclatc to health,safety or enviranmental protection. <br /> --- NON-UNIFORM COVENAIJTS. BoROwer and Lender funher covenant and ogr+ee ag follows: <br /> _= 21. Accekratloni Ramediea. Lender slwll�ive notice lo Borrnwer prior to ncceleration foliowing Borrowe�'s <br /> --•:r=��"` brench oi wny covenant ar agreement in this Security Insl�ument Ibul not prbr ro occeieration nnder paraRrapi� 17 <br /> � .�.,�,;-��:.` unlesa Appllcable law provides otherwisel. The nMlce ehoU Rpecify Iwl the defAUl1:lb)the Acllon requfrM to cure the <br /> - �` """ �='�-�:` de�AUlt=(c>a date�not leas tbpn 30 doys irom the dwte t6e nolice ix gfven lu which the default must be - <br /> -=ti��'�.'.�„ cured;and(d)thwt fallure to cure the detwult on or befon the dpte specifled in ihe notice may r�walt in accelerallon of <br /> _- _ - thr sums secured by this Security Inst�ument And xale of Ihe Property. Tbe �otice shaN iurther InPorm Borrower of <br /> �—�'��,� . Ihe right to relnslate aner wcceleratlon and Ihe right to b�ing A court action to�ert the non�existence ot A dePault or <br /> t�:•� ���;'�'d� • Any other defenae ot Borrower to accelerpqon And sole. IP the default is pot cured on or betore Ihe dpte specifted in <br /> _ - - " �_r- the notice�I.ender at ils optbn mey require ImmediAte paymeot in tull oP all sums secured by this Secu�fly Instrument <br /> :� �� � without iurther demand wnd may invoke the puwer ut sale And any otqer rcmediea� permltted by applicable law. - <br /> ��"`�-' Lender ahall be entitied to rollect All expenses fncurred in pursuing the remedi�s provided in this para�raph 21, <br /> '"� '=�"�="'••v�.-`li�� including�but not Iimited to.reasonoble attorneya'tees and costs of titk evidence. <br /> �:��'�:`�-�.:;• It the poae�of sale ts invoked�7lrustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any part oP the <br />--_-s- ____, ,,,,,..�; property Is located end siwll maU copies oPsuc6 notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower Aad to <br /> '���"��'`����' the other persons prescribed by applicable law Afler tMe time required by applicable lew.7lrustee shall give pubik <br /> ��=W�,�:`•�;, •� notice of sale to the persons And in the manner prescribed by applicable law. 'Irustee.witBout demand on Borrower. <br />__:'`�}�.�"--` "' shall scll the Property at public auctioo ta the highest bidde�at the time wid pince aad under the terms designoted in <br />::�r��w�r���e...•r • <br /> .. .�:.. y:�,s.•. the notice oP sale In one or more parcels and in any order'IYustee determines. 7lrustee moy postpone sale oPAll or Any <br /> �`��'����`y- desi nee ma P urchra e the Proic rt nat une�1e at the time s�nd plpce of any previuusly scheduled swle. Lender or ifs <br /> �,•�;c � Y p S Pe Y Y <br />-�-'`- =f��`'�`�---�==-� Upon receipt of payment of'the prke bid,'tYustee shall deliver b Ibe purchnser 7lrustee's deed conve.Ying the <br /> `'�'�"� ' �• . �,�„ Property. The recitals in the'Ibustee's deed shall be primo facie evidence ot'the truth oP the sWtements mede therein. <br />_`->`-:' �� � ' 'llruatee ahall appiy the prcec�eds of Ihe sale in the fdlowing order: (a)lo all caW.s and expensex of exerc(sing the power <br /> ;� ,,,,.,�p.�... . <br />. �°.. . ��r�7R i. <br />�•�.' `" '�� �; <br /> �r�n . � <br /> :�:- <br /> .'i � <br /> - ' ,� . <br />. . , y!'f�y.,. .•. - <br /> .� � . � .. <br /> �i� . <br /> ,�4 .. <br /> .. „ . <br /> V�-'�. Fi�rm 302tl 9l9Y rpa,�r J�J n MiAes1 ° <br />. �� �. h ... .-.i.-- --. . .. .. � . .. . . .. _ ..y,: ,- �...+:. - -rR�+Y--�---- . . <br /> . r�, . <br /> Y�..._ . . . _ _ <br /> ` �_YWI i ��, � . <br /> -_.._,_ .---_____-___.__ �'_'_'___ _ . , .. . .. _ .. ..., . _ . . . . .. ...-_ ___. <br /> G..,A�'-..-:•:. .� '� . .� •• .. . .. „ <br /> . t��� - � � , .� . . .. , . <br /> ��"`��v... <br /> � . . ' <br /> � , ' <br /> .�ri?{i�. . . 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