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_��:.��,��:. .� �� .�. � _ -- .- <br /> '-���� _ _�. ^.. � n.II...�l"' ' " .L � _ - � �.Y�- <br /> -�: <br /> ._. .-� n . <br /> �.�4"���. � � 1� T � . <br /> . �. -- -- , yl--/o�.�� <br /> I condemnation ar ather tukin�{oF uny purt of tha Property.or ior ranvcyance in licu af co�uicmnutian.ure hereby arai�ned wid <br /> -� �.- - rhull be paid to Lendcr. . <br /> _��.-� In �he even� uf u �otal taking of the Propeny. �he praceedx tihull he upplicd io �hc r;umx sccured by �hf� Security <br /> Intiirument, whether ar not then due,wilh uny exccxs puiJ to Barmwer. In �hc evcnt of u puniul tuking of the Pn�{+rhy in <br /> -y <br /> which Ihe fAir market vulue af the Property immediately hefarc the tuking i�eyuul to or grcater�han ihe umc►unt of�he�:umx <br /> --�;�.______.____ ___ securcd by this Secudty Inslrument immcdiutcly hefore the luking,unles�Burrnwe�imd Lendcr ulhcrwiu uprce fn wrhing, <br /> the sums�secured by thie Securlty Inslrument shall be reduced by !he unK�un�of ihe prucerd.mul�iplied by the following � - <br /> ��� frnctian: (n)the tatal omount af ihe xumA secured immediu�ely bt:forc�ha�uking.divided by Ihl thc fuir murket value uf 1he <br /> �' Propeny immedintely before the laking. Any baluncc chall Ix paid u�Borruwcr. In the event af u puniul �ukin�nf thc <br /> property in which tho fair murket velue of the Property fmmediutcly br:forc the �uking iti less�hun thc um��unt af the xumK <br /> - = xecured immediuiely t�efore�he laking, unlcsx Borrowcr nnd Lendcr o�herwixe ugree in writing or unleys upplicable luw <br /> _ � otherwir,e provides.�he proceedx shull be applfed to Ihe!�ums secured hy Ihis Security Inxlnimcnt whethe�or nat�he sums ure <br /> then due. <br /> �m,�...,�;a If'the Ptoperty i�:ubundoned hy Bortower,or if.ufier notice by l.ender to Borrower�hui the cundemnor affcn to muke � <br /> ---�-- -- -- _-____,;� un uwArd or�ettle u claim for ds�mageti.Barrower fuils to respond i�Lender wilhin 3Q duys ufter the dute the notice is given. <br /> Lendcr is amhorized to collect nnd upply�hc praceeds,at its option,eitl�r to restorution or rcpair af the Propeny or w the <br /> �� � suma xecured by�hi4 Securiry[nstrument,whethe�or not then due. <br /> --"—"''•'T'��._� Unless Lender and BoROwer otherwise agc�ee in writing. uny npplicution of proceeds to principul shall not extend ar <br /> �=-"�'� .:��� postpone the duc datc of the monlhly paymentx referred to in pnrugruphs I and 2 nr chunge the umrnmt of xuch puyments. — <br /> _ �.-.. <br /> __� 11. Borrower Not Released; ForbearAnce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extensian of thc time for ppyment or <br />- - ° _„ � ; n�odiGcation of umortizatian af the�ums secured by thi�Secu�ity Ins�rument grnnled by Lendcr to uny succesxar in imeretit i <br /> '�::;w�� o f B o r ro w e r shAll not o p era�e w release the liobility of the originul Borrower or Borrowerz surcessors in intcrest. Lender <br /> �,J_�'.:�, � �vhall not be required to commence proceedings agaimt uny successor in interezt ar re fuse to ex�en d t i me f o r p a y m e n�o r <br /> . �°-°� othcnvise madify amortizution of the sums secured by thix Security Intitrumcnt by reuson of uny demund mudc by the originul <br />