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<br /> ��theop�Ipr�oi I:epder, it�mortp�e(n�pvrence covenja"Qn iAe�mo5�'nt�d tor tM perlad thet La�der iequiral;.
<br /> ,� qmvided by"on�nuror�ppraved by l.enda ipin baccma wdl�ble�ad�e obsdawd,Sorrorer�hdl piy tAe promipm� .
<br /> roquJrod w.�n puim m�rtpRo inuunnce In dteat,o�.W provide�lae�tat�ve,�tntil tiw requiromrnt tor marsjite• ,
<br /> inuan�rn�%in�ccord�Aceat�h�nyNrittrnoQro➢mmtbetxamBorroxer�edt.enderorappIIubie�n+. �
<br /> 9.fa�pesUaa.Ltn4er or iu�Pens miy m�ke raaoA�ble rntriee upon�nd inepallonp ot tM Pro�y,Lrnckr eh�11
<br /> �ivoDortowe(nuticeacthAdmaotorp�ot�o�nlnspecrlonepoolfyinQraaon�bleuueetoetMtnspecton.
<br /> 10,CouAomnetinn,,ThB�rroccrds of�ny aw�td.otcliJm for d�m��ea,dirxc or conxquentiil,!n connx[ton N1th
<br /> ,eny conde}y�iµt{on,onmhc►1+kin�o!m�qrt of the P�op�iYy;pr for wnvey�nco In Ileu ot coMemn+tton,rro horeby
<br /> �eeitneQ inJ+th�ll:tia qld t6l.sndct. "
<br /> In.t(yp ovent oi-a tote►taklnE ot the Property,tha procoods ehe11 be npgUod to the sums eecurcd by thie 3ECUrity , - __
<br /> ' ItiittUMtntiNh4t�ttorratttiendue,Nithr�nyeiaropidwBorcoHa,Inthaeeanto�sprnldukleyptttaPropenyin
<br /> xhlCh:tM Alemvket value ot tM Properry Immedi+uly 6elore the q�1n�I¢6qSu1 to or QrateetMn tMamount ot the
<br /> . � su�he.cecured by�his.6ocudry Instrumcnt Immedi+teiy 6eforo the ukinQ,unitse Dortoxer�nd Lendet ottrorxiso aErea
<br /> � In��INnQ,tt�cuma exured by ttda SecuAty Instrum:nt shal I be reduced by the amnunt oi the procade multiplled by
<br /> the tofio�in;lt+��lon:(�)the totd�mount ot tha sume securcd immedi�tely bfore tho u�ing,divided by(b)the GJr
<br /> msrkat Yatue at the Properry Immedlitely betoro the ulcinY.A4y bdtnco efitfl bep�id to 8orroeet.In the event ot�
<br /> • p"rtid u�ina ot tM Properry in eNchtha Gir mvkea vdue ot tha Properry{mmodi�tety be[oro tho uking te lese than -
<br /> tMsmountotthesumasecutedlmmedi�tslybetorotheuking,unleeeBorronesandl.enderothecwlseagreeinNriNng _
<br /> _ or unle+s app11ub10 law otherxise provides, the pracads shall be applied w the euma securcA by this 3ecurity
<br /> lastrumcnt whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> — — (t tho Property is abandoned by Horrower,or il,atter noNca by Lender to Borrower that the condamnor atfcre to
<br /> — m�ko�n awud or settle a cidm tor dim�ges, Borcower tdls to rapond to Lender plthin?0 days�tter ttw dsto the
<br /> notice Is given,�.ender ie suthoAzed to colixt and epply the pr«adv,et iu option,either to rcatoration or rep(r ot the
<br /> ,�,v;� Property or co[he sums eocured by this Sccurity inntrumcns,whetheror not thra�d�w. °-- -
<br /> Untas I.ender�nd Dorrower otheralseagree in writing,�ny�ppllatlonot proceeAs to principal6hall not txtend or
<br /> -- postpor.e tAo duo date ot the monthly paymente reterred to In perogrephs 1-nnd 2 or chenge the emount o!spch
<br /> .:•:f�=;r�,'� WYmente. c.
<br /> _n:a,;�= I1. Borrower Not Reteued; Forbcanace By Lender Not�Weiver. IIrtension ol the Hmo tor payment or ._ _
<br /> moditiwtion ot amordzation ot the eume secured by thia Security Instrument grented by Lender to eny suxeasor in ��,_
<br /> ^F•`-%�?� interest ot IIorrower shill aot opente to rcleasa tho fl�bility ot the original Borcower or Bonower'e succcasore in
<br /> 'n.�..'��r' inteteat�I.ender ehall not bo required ro commence procadings eg�ine�any euceessor fn intereat or rotuse to ertond __
<br /> 1�!�� f; d mend midn by the o iginel Dorro'wer or�Borrower'stsnixcesmres n intcra�aL Any torrbearaneo by Lender ir n serciaing „q��g—��
<br /> eny dPhtor mmedy shill not bea waivcrot or preclude theoxua3so otony dght or romedy. �—'�—
<br /> :'=2` 12.Succassare�nd Assi�ae Dound;Joint�nd Sevenl Liabllity;Co•sl�nere.7rio coven�nts end e�reamente ,,��
<br /> '* t ot thie Secudty lretrument sAall O�na�nd 6ene�it t6e successore anu asaigns oi�cnder and Horrower,subpco io.ihe �,��
<br /> ' ' provisions oT��regraph 17.Borrower'e covenants end egreementa shall be joint end severel,My Borcower who co•signs � _,�
<br /> _�ti'�'-�,'�,� . thia Security nvtrumrnt but doea not exxuta tho Nota (e) ie co-signing thia Swurity Instrument only to mortgage, ;����_
<br /> .;�j;%;r;, rant end �nnvey [hat IIorrower's tntereat in tho Property under the terme ot thie Socur(ty Instrument; (b) (e not �y< r,
<br /> ' t � �rsonally obligsted to pay the sume sxured by thie Security Inatrumenp nnd (o)egras tAat Lender end my other 4)�3}� ��-,�+�
<br /> �q�'� Ltorrower m�y agree to extand,modity,forbear or meke any exommodations with rogard io the terma ot thie Secudry 1�''>' -; r ���.
<br /> �_ .,: InstrumentortheNoteaithoutthatIIorroNCr'sconsent. »° - �n �':;•
<br /> 13. Lmn Ch�rees.lt tho loan secured by[hia Secudry Instrument ie subject to a law wNch sete me:imum loan * r
<br /> h1' charges, and that law ia tinally interpretcd so that tho interest or other loen oharges collxted or to be colleated in ;� ' "t ��'�:
<br /> �y,- connection�vith tha loan oxceed tha permitted limita,then: (e)nny euch loen charge shall be reduced by the amount ,,� '
<br /> ' - n�cessary to reAuce tAo chargo to the permitted limit; and (b) any avms elready wllected trom Borrowor �vfiich , -,;"•.., i "
<br /> ---��'���"'� e:oeeded permitted limita Nill ba retunded to Dorrower. Lender mey choase to make thia retund-by reducing the �'��', +-::�1.:'y:��_,;_�
<br /> ,;�.. ....L � -�s;.`:'::;'�;;:.�"r t a
<br /> - principal owed under tha nota or by meking e direct payment to Dorrower.If e rctund reduas principal,tho reduction ,�4�- �
<br /> .,-} �'" willbetrwtedavepartielprepaymentwithoutenyprepaymentchargeundertheNote. i�y3',��-..-
<br /> ��; 14.NoHces.Any not�co to Dorrower provided for in thie Secvrity Instmmentehall be given by ddivaring it or by _.`, �,�`�,'•rf-:
<br /> � �- mefling It by first clas�mail unless applicabla law requires um ot another method.Tha notice shall be dirated to the w...s..�,ri z ��
<br /> � - Prop.rty Address or eny other addresv liorrower designates by notico�o Lendea Any notice to Lender ehall be given by ` �:A ,,rnt�i���- ;�'--
<br /> � first class mail ro I.ender's edJress ateted herein or uny other eddresv Ixnder designates 6y notice to Borrower. Any - ,t`�ti��`� . ` �
<br /> , , --� notica provided Ior in this Security Instrument ehall be dcemed w have bcen given to[3orrawer or Lender when given - t' �.�r,,�pbi_`-.:
<br /> ' ' u prov�ded in this paragraph. pt ;�� �� r �f�
<br /> { .' IS.Govcrning Leiv;Soverobllity.This Saurity InstrumentaTall be govemed by tederal lew and the law ot the � �,:,., - -"`.
<br /> � �r�- jvrisdiction in�vhich the Property ia l«ated.In the event that any provision or ciause ot this Security Instrument or tho ��,{�`,� �t �-��;:�
<br /> --�- Note conilicts with epplicabla le�v,such cantlict shall not eftect other provisians ot thie Security Instrument or the Note l}q�-�,._,
<br /> _-, }'�<' which can be given e(�ect ivithout the contlicting provisian.To thie end the provisions ot this Security Instrument end -_��:�„yy +':
<br /> • ' theNoteeredeclaredtobewverable. �- .'^:r��!--��'.
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