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� . A �� F7 ��� . _— <br /> �c -. 1k �� ' )� -.. t..nh�� {L . I_ n � - .-�. <br /> "- _-.l�a�J_�e.� tt- <br /> _ _1 _ .. i __'." `Sf✓JiufiiSL_Y.=�.f_:�. - - �.w.S�� - .-_ - — <br /> ��v��..''�"�'�:ti..� � � . � � _ <br /> ,.. :�� . �Q �1(y�'2�6 <br /> ---� � ,,. <br /> ' !. f(�eud or Proporty[oeur�er,n. p�rrower eh�lt keop tho improvemente noN xlelin�or Aeratter trccted on <br /> the Property fneured��tnet ip�bydir,b.hh:icdn tnclu�kd Ntthln the term •eytended wver�pe �nd any-otha Mzatde, <br /> Includin�floale or Iloodiny,fqa.wl�lnh;}.,voAar requiroe�Iruur+nce.Thle Insuanco ah�11 be mdnNlned in the�mnnnro <br /> �nd fnr the peAods thot Lender reqqi�Ya,TAn ta�ur�nce c+rrtec proWdina the Insunnce shdl be chosen by BorroNO� _-— <br /> eubjecttoLender'A��provolwAlchahnitnnt6ounrsawn�bly�ithhddJfUorroNerhlletomdnulncoven�edcacdbed =-__ _ <br /> �bove,l.ender mey,�t Lando�'e opdon,oDuln cnved�o to protcee Lendar'e rfyhte In tho Propetty In ucord�nce with =°=—` <br /> _ pnQr� h 9, „ <br /> _� �, , <br /> "'� AI Insunnw pofi.alce�nd ronow�in eAall�60�ccepubto to I.�nder�nd shdl Ircluda�eundad martpi cl�uso. � <br /> I.enda eMil have tho riQht to�q14�ha pollatae ind rcnexde. If l.ender rcqulrea, f3orrow�r sh�ll prompt�Qfve ro �rt� '- <br /> _v .�. <br /> :_� Leoder ell reaipts ot�eIA promiume pnd rcnewal nodces.ln the evtnt of los�,l3orrower shill give prompt not oe ro the �3'" 3 �;;-_ _ <br /> Insurancearrler�nd l.endar,Lendur mny mako�.rm►of lass If not m�da promppy by fiotroxer. � — <br /> �� UnlessLenderendi3��rroworotharwiaaegrooin.wtidng,insunnwproceedsehallbe�pplled�orearorotlonorrep�Ir {.�' <br /> ,� ot tho Property demeged,It the reetontton or repair ie aonomlcally(asiblo snd I.ender'ssecurity le not Itssened.ltthe ,t�:. <br /> restorallonorrepatrlenoteconnmlcaltyfasiDlnorLender'esecuAtywouldbelessened,theinsumnceproceedsshnll6e "- <br />,,� f.�:: �ppiled to the some sccured by thia 6ecurity lanvununt,whether or not thm due,aith any e:cas pdd to(iorro�vor.If N;; , �' <br /> .tc,xt•. Borrower�b�ndons tha Propeny,or dces not ennwer whAin 30 daya e notice trom Lendtr th�t the tnsuronce urdor hns ,:,.,-__ <br /> ` ` ot�ered[o ss��1a s clelm, tAen l.ender mey coltrsct thn insuranw proasds.Lcndsr mey uso tho procecda to repair or �f '=' ' '` <br /> - tcatorothePropertyorto�ysumnsecur<d6y-ediqSecurltylnstrument,ahetherornatthcndue.71�e30�dsyperiodwill -- <br /> � , < begin when tho notica ia gtven. t �'; <br /> : Unlessl.enderendlSorroworothorwlae�greeinwettinp,enyeppHcationot procadoto principilshillnotettondor f,: — <br /> '' pos tponoiheduedataotthumontbiypaymentsrsterredtotnparographslend2orchnnaothenmountotthopnymenw. ��+!, - <br /> �``� � ; 1!underp�regraph 21 thn Property ie acquired by Lender, f3orrower'e dght to eny Insumnce policirs end proceedo �z� <br /> - resulting trom damaQo to tha Proporty ptior ta t6n�eqoisition ehill pasv to I.ender to tho eatent of the sume secured by ��.� -, , <br /> ' ' �'` thiaSceurirylnstrumsntimmediat<Iy priortothaec oieition. �.- - <br /> ,� �^ 6.Occupaocy,Presctvatiou,M�intenance iuA Protection ot tho Property;Borroker's Lom Appllatlon; ' %° <br /> `;�_�,,-:'? I.easeholda.IiorroNCr shnll occu�y,eatablish,end uso tha Ruperty es Borrower e principal residence whAln sirty daya i--.��-�-•" <br /> - - - ' etter tho execution ot thin Seeuruy Inetrument and ehnR continuo to occupy the ProQerty es Dorrower'e prindpal <br /> ''.�!.^� residence for at leastona year eher th¢dats o[ocwp�ncy,unl¢ra Lender otherwise+groea m writing,which conxnt shell ;�_ -- <br /> %"">���-J'�-;- notbeunreasonablywithhotd,orvnlessexanunrinactceumManceaoxistwhicharobeyondDorrowerecontrol.lforrower 'S':: <br /> ,�� `.;=�..��- ehall notdeatroy,damaga or impair the ProFcetf,el[ow tha Property ro doteriorote,or commit weste on tho Propeft . ��� �� <br /> - ,�.�� "; BorroNer shall bo in detauit il any(orkimre aetr.oa or praceding,whether civil or ttiminal,ie begun that in I.endcr�a � �� 't - <br /> r��" good faith juAgment wuld resufC in[odeiare uf the Rropert,y or otherwiso materially impair the lien created by thia -t�. <br /> �;,�!�.1���` Securixy Inatrument or l.enders cecurity intersst Dorrower mey curo such a de(ault end reinstato,sv providcd in E-: r ;:. �---- <br /> :• -_aL'F�. �; paragraph 1$ by causioII tA¢ ection or proceeding to 6a dismissed with e ruling that, in Lender's good teith �� - z<'y'y <br /> n �Y.3>. <br /> �•��� detamination,precluJa:s forteituro ot tho I3cttoo•er s intereat in tho Property or other materisl Impairment of tho lion j,: 1�, �r�� <br /> Ct..°•�Ay!hi°�•�_riry!ns�•vmce!�r 1 n�Arr u.annrytp intn�ent,RnrMwer ghall eira la in deteult if�orroaer;during - � ?�-_. . ._.. <br /> ; �f'��'r the losn a�plicetion process, gqve marr.rially falso or inaaurate intormation or smtoments to Lender (or feil�d to ��� �,-y��— <br /> ��� %", provide l�rnder with any materia�inlormaGma in rnnnection nith the loan ovidenced by tha Nota,includin@,but not k .�;— <br /> _ 1lmiteA to,representalions conceroina P.orroo�er's occupancy oi tha Property es a principal residence. If thieSecurity �n�:- �; -` `�t .��y'r <br /> - ":� Instrument ia on a Irasetu�ld,Dorro�vcr shnll cwnny�vith ell the provisions ot tha lea5e.11 Dorrons�acquirea teetitla to �'�r��' - -s �, � _- <br /> � -_ .' tha Property,tha leas°"hdd and thn&c GUU shnl[•crx merge unlesv Lander egroes to the merger in writiog. i - . ,� ��� �- <br /> ;- ��;,-;�_;..;-, 7. Protecdon oi Lendar's RiIIli4�ia the F4operty.It Iiorroner tatls to pertorm tho covenanta end ugrumertts ��Fv,.;r^ . .,,,•'�3.::_`.` <br /> . ,, wnteined in this Security Inetrmnan,err there is a legel proceeding that may signiticantly etloct Lender'e righra in tho �::±":,��, -_, � F, <br /> � Property (svch as n proceedinp in 6enlwQuy, probata, for candemnation or for9eitoro or to entorce lawe or ���' `"�' -�'��'!� ,' <br />� regulations),then l.endur mny du end pay!cr wliatever is ncc�ary ro protoct the valuc ot tha Property end Lendor e t"��%'^ 7-_:s... .��='" <br /> rights in the Property.L.endurs actiona may iucludu paying eny suma eecured by e lien which has priority over th(n ��-° _ ;�, <br /> _ _ , , Sceuriry Insirument,appearing in court,paying reasonable ettorneys'fces and entering on tha Property to moke repeira :,, ,;�`..,'�,��r_�: <br /> ���• Althou�fi Lender muy teke action under thisparagreph 7,Lender docs not hava to do so. � ��i �.. �:,r <br /> .�`,y',r.' A�•amounts diebursed by l.endu under this paragraph 7 ehall becoma edditional debt of ISorrower sxurcd by�hia . 7;f_.i,i::_,.;.;:A�'__;',_ <br />-"-?�������%�' ; Securii Instrumenc Unless Burro�rer and I.ender a ree to ocher terms of inent,thesa emounts shall bcar inwreat ••-�•- � � <br /> - �,. ?{��Si,�� y & PaY �'. ,',�.F�h,; .,...•:,._ <br /> ,�L_,:;;:9,{;, � irom the Aare ot dinhunemcnc ut the�ote nu and shall be�yable,with interest,upon notice from Lender to 6orrorvar (7f;f� -� �til`' <br /> ,;� +'�: requcstinB WS'ment. F�v���"R�,[� .--. �_ •.'. <br /> f�,,�n". 8. �lorigage Ineuc�nce. If Lender required mortgage insuranee as e condition ot making the luan secured by ihio �- Sy�� t . I� <br /> }r,j`f��'� Securiip Ine[rumem,Iiurro�cer shuli pay thepremioms required to maimain the mongage insurance ineftect.lf,fornny f�t - . ' <br />�.>>'`E7.=';.:._ reason, fio mortgege innuranee coverage requieed by I.ender la�es or ceazes [o be in effect, IIorron�er ahell qay tho � `�- % ti��� <br />_ : ,�.. . .. -�:7•;--. i . <br /> ::'i.j�4:!i: premiums rcyuired to u6roin coverage subean+.ially equivelent to the mortgage insutance previously in etfect,et e cost - . <br /> - . � substentially equivalunt to �ho cas[ to Uorrov:er of the mortgage insurance preriovsly in etfect, from an alternotn - - "-`� ' � � <br /> -*,..:�' mortgage insurer epproved by Lender. II sutstantially equivelent mortgage insurance coverage ia not evailebiu, - .��:� -� ��!' <br /> , ��j�r�t;����� IIorrower sholl pay to Lender wch month e sum oqual to ctte-tx�eltth of the peafly mortgage insurence premium being _ :' ' <br /> ,.�i1'i`;)�-•_, paid bp 13orrower�vhen the inenrance corerege lapsed o:aased to be in eflat.Ixnder will accept,use end reuin[hese - - <br /> �";�'�t,v�� • payments es n loss resen•e in lieu ot mortgage insurance, lnsv reserre paymene: mey no longer be rcquinA, _, �� <br /> � �,(.` F�rm 30t0 9/90 � ' .. <br /> ��-6flRlEl�c�ovo� .n o .�• �mueb_ . •. <br /> - vCl'f`.f�� i , � • ' <br /> �� �!r!i �_ _.v:ry,.�."_"_,—_.-_'. _.__ _ ... ,. _ . _ . .. _. _ ... . .__ . ._ _. . ...-. _ . _ .-. . . <br /> �:Ay <br /> ,�- . <br /> .. . ...: ... .. . ' ' ', . . <br /> .�',- ' . � - . <br /> ' - . ".di,�. �- . , <br /> ��} . , � . . � . " - . , . <br /> -.. � . .. ... � .. <br /> J .: . <br /> - � <br /> i ' l <br />