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<br /> N�NuNIF01SMCOV6NA 8, Barrower�ndt.endertwthercoven+ne�iM euf�lbw� � ,
<br /> i7 Frr4elowrohot�re. 1fl.eMkr ulrcst diat�(M rpen��nNwundet ur6rop19 t.e m�yln okeihe
<br /> poxc� r�kw,a� at��hp�m�in�r•p�'k ni���W.''u�eMllbarn�Pi�a�o�on«+.Si���Tn��a
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<br /> u - uaK��.q o�r;NerMVOited,. q��1lr««e.nwfe�oraer�Yltt�x.eAcor.q.4.nhkM.�r'vM'tortY�
<br /> p��7 Y�ocWaaW�Wla�Nt�ot �Mkel�tMewR�inV���b��qMlRwSo�Orfqwt! ,w .;,
<br /> :, • to tlw W1es VenaM p+��d br.a�W�I�w� Afler the tt�n9u Ey INS,7�rYqM�wrff�
<br /> �iialke of.Mlf u 1M l�ner W f�IM Yw�MI Otre �by� 4w '(YrMet�wflhal ae�e�
<br /> . q' qNN eell fYtl Y!Orblk wetio�10 tAe OfdOlr�11Ae tltpe ind pi���d Y�Mf IM NMM
<br /> - - : ... . d::ty�oia5 ita ua{ uP �aoae w uwro�p�rcclsa� an ocder�wtc�Aefermt�e-+ 'ttrx�ee nu�y poM
<br /> rM of Ml�iM��rroKnr�r eNe��eawM��teMt��1 tAe tlnN. oUta o���7 W'a'b�N9� _ " ,.
<br /> Mlq UIM�II�b`a I�e�y�elt��w��M � �iq�*eluf�dellrcr�{o the P�rcAaser 7lruaee'e Oeed ca�rey q�M ..
<br /> p ry p�t7y. ��ie tl�e'f1�w1��cA�Ae pHe41 hek eyIpeMY d Iruth of tRe suleMt�b m�ie�e r t�i. ,
<br /> '�YwINt1�Yl�pqtAfprocvM�o f Ihl w F e fet h 6►d l o rr lns o r d e rl (�) lo d l c o s l e �n d e x p e m e a d e x s r c t+M 1
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<br /> pf IM���r pN�mor�t fhe nae�t•lh�tln�e of Ihe uAq6n of def�ult,�nd'reRwna6ln��llaneY+ ��
<br /> 1�aw��i t 1 M N Ay awi(b)to ul wn�d eecurM 6y i h b&c ur fly�ia frumea lt�nd(c)wn y ezceas to Ibe peraM+or Prteon�
<br /> • , k�eMNRdtoib. . . .
<br /> " 1ti Retonre��acl. llpon Wynxnt oi p�l sum�securcd by this Securlty Ins�Nmem,l.ender shall rcquest 1lustee a
<br /> recMqey�ha Propcny ud th�ll surrcnder�hb Securi�y Instrumcn��d eIl nacs evidonoing debt sceured Ay Ilds Sttutiry
<br /> • Ins�rvment o 7t�ixtw. 7tustte sh�ll rcconvey thaPropcny without warranty and wi�houl charge�o Ihe person or persun�
<br /> � Ieg�tty entl�ed to f�. Suchperson or persons shall p�y 6ny ncordallon cosia
<br /> ' 19: So6s111u1e 7tustte� LendeA�t lu oplon,may trom Ifmc a time remove7�slca and appoint a succe4wr wstx
<br /> to ony 7Yusla appoinced Aercunder by en Ins�Nrtknt rccorded 1n�he counry in which thb Seeurity(nstrumcat Is recorded•
<br /> . w�an conreyas!ce of the Propeny,lhe sucxssot trµStx chall suttecd to ell the fitte,power end dutles conkrted upon
<br /> 7tustaeACrctnpndDy appticableiaw.
<br /> .. � 2!.' Req�est!or Nolka. Borrower rcquau Na�copies o(�Ae no�ice�oi detault end eale bo sent ro Bamnrer§
<br /> -addn3s which is thc Propeny Addrese. '
<br /> � Ridera to fhla Sautily Instrumenl. ff one or more riders arc executed by Bortower md recocded�ogethe+with thb
<br /> -- Saudty inshumenq the rnvenmts-of each sucb dder sha11 be incorporeted into and shall emend and supplement �ho ...
<br /> - covenants nnd agrtemente of tAis Sceud�y Ins�mment as if thc ddcr(s)wcre in a p�n of�hie Sccudty(nsimmenl. _
<br /> [Check apylicabte box(es)):
<br /> - �Condaminium Rider �6raduatcd Paym.m Ridcr �Orowing Equlty Ridcr
<br /> _ ' ' `- `- . . _..
<br /> �Plenncd Unit Devclopment Rlder �Other�Spcify� —
<br /> _ BY SIONINd BQIAW,porton'er nccepts end egrees to�he�crme rnntafned In p�ges I ihn�agh A ot�hts Suudty
<br /> . fnsuumenlend In any ridcr(s)exceuted by Bortower end rccorded wi�h it. , .
<br /> es: �f"
<br />_ y/a'�� � � _�/A�__s�_���c�.NJ. O�_ (SCaI) -'�' --
<br /> l4f1RR L LARSOti oormw<r __
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<br /> S'fATEOFNBDRASKA, HI1LL Coumysz: `�'���r, � �x,__;
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<br />�= On this 44t� day o( ��igil8t, 1993 •��oR m�.�hc undcrsigncd,a Notary ., ___ .
<br /> .-i�.� }�:-: L-:i:�}
<br />-- Public duly commtuioned end qualifiM for said county,personally camc �•,,.,..
<br /> lIARR L LARSON AMD NIY 6 LrRBOH HUBB�ND AND BIFB •,'%��'�'�`���"`' �`
<br />- ,�o mc kno�m�o be thc ' --��:-- � � � -
<br />-- idenflcel person(s)whose namc(s)arc suburibed to�he forcgoing imwmem and acknmrlcdgcd lhe cxecmion�hcreof lo bc �� - -
<br />- tAe1C voluntaryaaanddeed. } ' . ...
<br />.= Nitncssmyhandandno�arialscalat p�D IdLBHD in said couNp. �hc -: -.,��,.�'�
<br /> `G. ,'s_
<br />- da�e aforesaid. . - � -
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<br />� ����p,�I �j� ROB6 T71 L R66� �..�.
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<br />:..� ��h�m'�F'�=� I2EQUFST IiOR RGC�NVEYANCG =- �-� -.--� --
<br /> _ TO'fRUSTEC: � - �•
<br /> . 7he undenigncd is thc holdcr of thc no:e or notcs sccund by this Decd of"Rusi. Said noce or notes.�ogcthcr�vith all
<br />-- o;her indcbtedness sccurcd by�his Dccd of'Rus�,harc bccn paid in(ull. You arc hcrc6y dirccted to canccl vid note or � ,r�'_ _
<br /> - notes end Nis Der.d of ltusl,whieh am delivertd hercby,and to rcconrcy,wi�hom wartanty.all the es�ate now hcld by you "����;
<br />._ under this Dced oi'Rust to th,person or penons Iegally cmitled�hcmw. � . .. ,:
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