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��.. . _ <br /> := :� , <br /> � : . , ' ' " . <br /> . <br /> - : 93 i0'�258 <br /> ' payrnenu,wAlch cro rcfertcd to in P�nsnch 4�pr ch�n;e�!w�nwunt of such p�ymeme. Aoy exces�procecJi ovet rn � <br /> . , - uRWnt YIRd IO(lfy�II WtltY1d10g ItldGbtd11Ef9 YtIdC!�iW NO[0 fulA 11117 SCCYf1ly In5t1UnleGl 611811 bo�tilld t0�110 CNIly: . <br /> Ieg�ItYmt dedlAercto._ <br /> �- 6. Fea. l.ender rtuy collat fae at4d Ch�rgw eu�hor[zcd 6y iAe&crc�ary. <br /> 9. Groun�l�forAocekralloeofDebt• <br /> (�)Dtfauk. [.ender may,exttpt en Iimiled Ey regutaqona Issued by�ht 3ecremry in Ne wu of paymrnl def�ulte, <br /> requlrc immadi�te ment In full of�I eums ucurcd by th(a Security In�wment If: <br /> (p Baroxer fwlw by fallidg to pay In PoII xny mon�hly payment rcquircd by�his Sccudty Instrument prlor <br /> . ro or on�he due d�la of the next momhlY WYmen� or .">_°' - <br /> (if)Barowtt deGultn by fdling,fa�pedad of�Iny days,w pedorm�ny aher obllgatlona conulnM In thi� <br /> sau�d��ty Inslrvmenl. <br /> (�)B�k Wlliroui Credll Appror�l. Lender eh+ll,I►permitted by�ppilcoble luw�nd wi�h tla prio�approvd o�iM <br /> SarctuY rcqulro Immldlne paynxm In NII of ail lhe eums�ecurcd Oy�hl�Sesurity Inswnxm If, <br /> (i)A�I or put oP tha Propeny,or a benoficid Imercst In a trusl ownlnq UI or p�n of tiw 1'ropehy�1�soid or � <br /> ahnwlso irwnskmd(aher�h�n by devlee ordescenq by tha darower,u�d <br /> — (Ip 7ta Prvpeny la na accupied by�he purch�scr w Qramco ae hle on c�r pAncip�l rcsldence,or�he purchescr -- <br /> o� gruueo doc� eo occupy �ho PropenY Mn hb a hcr ercdU ha� no� heen epproved In �ccordnnce <br /> whA tho rcquircnxme nhiw&crc�ery. <br /> (c)No 1Wlrer. If elrcumsltt�x�acur thal wouid pemiit l.cndcr to rcquiro immWia�e payimm In futl.Dut Ltnder <br /> doee not uiro wch peynKnta,l.enderdae no�w�ivo Ita dgh�a wiib rcap�et�o subscqucntevcnte. <br /> (d)Re�ul���of HUU Becrehry. In many circumsmnaa rcguloilona Ixsued by the Secretary will 16nit I.end:rb <br /> righu� Ih�hc cose of paymeno def�ulte, ro rcquirc Immedinto pny�ncot In full und forcclosc If nolpx Id. Thie <br /> Becunty Insuument da�not uuthorlu eccelerailon or toRCtosurc If not pemiltted by rcgulatione of the SuM1IPI)'� <br /> - � (t)Mort6qe Nat Insured. FSortowcr agrae thai should thie Secudiy Inswment and�ho notc acurcd�hcre5y not -� ---��� <br /> be eligiblo(w Insur+nceunder �heNo�lonal HousingActwi�hfn B �ontha fromttw <br /> datc hcrco6 Lender hs option end notwiths�anding anything in Paragmph 9,n�quirc Immediaio paymcm In _ <br /> full of ull eums secured by�hia Secudty fnsnument. A written statemem of eny authodu4 egen�of�he Sarctery <br /> — daud subuquem to 8 �noniha from the datc hercof,declining to Insuro thie Saudry <br /> Tnsuument end�he noto secureA�hercby,shall bo deemed conclusive proof of such Incligiblll�y. NotwiiAst�nding <br /> �ha foragoing,this option may not bo cxerciscd by Lendcr whcn tho unavailability of insurance Is soicly duo to <br /> _ l.ender6 feilure�o remit e mongage insuranee prcmium ro tho Secretary. <br /> --� I0. Relnst�lemca6 Bortower hae e dght to bo rcinstatcd if Lendcr hm requirc4 Immedia�o paymcnt In PoII bewusa <br /> ;�;z� of Borrower§failure to pay an emount duo under�he�Notc or�his Secudty tnsuumcnt. 'Ihie dgh�epplles cven aRer -- <br />�:_:_:;� forcelosuro proceedings ere Instituted. 'lb rcinstaio tho Saudty Insuumcnt, Bortower shall tcnder In e lump sum ell <br /> --- emow�s rcquircd tabnn8 Bortowerh eecount curtcm inciuding,ro tho extent they are obliga�iom of Dortowcr under�hts ��? <br /> � Secudty InsuumenL foreelosure cosis end reasoneDlo xnd cus�omary attomcys'icce end expcnua Pn�ptrly u�.,wiated with -- -� <br /> :� tho forcclasuro proceeding. Upon reinsietcment by Bortower,tAfs Secudty Instmment und�ho obII88II0119 IAAI II SCCUft9 <br /> shall remain In e(fu�es if Lender hxd not rcquircd immediate payment In full. However,Lender i�nm rcquirtE topertnl� — <br /> �'?`� reins�atement if: (p Lender has eccepted relns�alement ef�cr the commencemenl o(forubsure pracedings within te�o �_ _ <br />,-:� yeers Immedietcly prcceAing �ho commencemem of n cumnt foreclosurc proceeding, pi) mins�aiement will preelude =-- __ <br /> _.._� foreclosurc on differcnt grounds h�thc fmurc,or(iip mins�acemem w(II edvcrsety a(fat the priority of�he flen crrated by - ___ -- <br /> �._� �hfa Sccurily Inswment. — <br /> v� Il, Borrower Nol Released; Forbenranee by Lender Nat n 1Polvee Extension ot�he timc of paym cm or F�= __;,,,,,� <br /> modification of emonizeiion of�he suma saurcd by this SecuritX Instrument graNCd by Leudrr to any successor In in[eres� }T+�. - . <br /> of Uortox�er shnll not operete lo relcnse�he Ilabflit of�he ori mal Uortower or 6ortower's successor in inlercst. Lender ��?•°-�±:.;:�� <br /> Y F �s �t -: <br /> - �a shall not bo rcquircd to commence pracedinge ngainst my auccessor in intereat or rcfuse to extend tlme for payment or tr+ryi7fq,�j}3�- <br /> otherwise modify amonize�lon of ihe sums securcA by ih�s Security InstNmem by reuson of eny demand made by the �� � y � .- <br /> 7 ,� " <br /> � odginal Rortower or Bortowert snccessors In Interes�. Any forLeerance 6y Lender in exercising eny righ�or rcmedy sliall /�P[PIf -- <br /> ` not bo a woive�of or preclude�hc exercisc of any dght or remedy. { .��}�i��t <br /> �,-,�;y 12. Succeasars und Assigns 6ound;Jolnt end Scveml Llablilfy;Co•Signero. 7Te covenants nnd egrcemcnts of � t f!� �,.� s„�. <br /> ;i� this Secudly Inswment shall bind und benefi��he successorx nnA assigne of Lendcr und Bortooxr,subjat w�he provlsions ��a��� ,r vht['_�_ <br /> �-° Security Luh nunt bu dacs not cxccmc thc Note�(a}Is co-signing�his Sccunty Inswm ni only to nmrtgage,sgi�rant nn�d �s�t ��,�`i?ii'^ -+.�-=: <br /> '--� convey that�ortowerk Intercst in�he Propeny under the iem�s of ihie Securiiy Insuumcnt:N)te not personnlly obligated�o Fzi ��� r%� � Y�'�-� <br /> pay the xums aeturcd by�hls Security InswmenC nnd(c)ogrces�ha�Lender nnd any aher Oorrower may ngn�e to extend, F` ����� � <br /> modify,forbear or make any nccommodation.+�viih rcgard io the�emis of ihis Secumy Instrument or the Note widiout�ha� t` �i� �� k x� :: <br /> 4 "� Uortowcnc�on:ent. <br /> � 13. Noticea. Any no�icc lo Hortowcr provided for in�his Sauriry Insuumem shnil 6e&iven b�dclivcring it or by � � 4�)'�'��,� ? - <br /> j` j. mn l ling It by f int c lus mn f l un less npp lica b l e l a w rc q u i re s n s e o f w i o i h e r m e i h o d. T h e n o u c e s h a 1 be d i re c�e d w t h e � �� i�'�j r� � .. <br />-,..�;: � Propeny Addrcss or unp other nddrcss 6onower designa�es by no�ice to Lender. Any no�ice to Lender shall be given by fy�•�7 _ <br /> { .__ �rst cisu muil m Lendert aAdress s�a�ed hercin or any addrcss Lender designmes by nrnice �o �ovower. Any no�ice r 1�..��iy " <br /> rovided for in�his Securf�y Insirumem shall bc dcemed io havc becn given�o Bonoa�cr ur Lendcr whcn givcn az provided � � t �. 4 � - <br /> P .1 5i a�; <br /> m thie paregnph. .>1+'';��;�,:�)1 L - <br />- l4. Coverning Law;Severebllity. "Ihis Sccuri�y Imwment shall6c go�emed by fcderal law and the law of�he ,f�,t,r;.��;.,,rr „ � �. <br /> judsdiction in which Ihe Propcny is loca�ed. In the eveN�ha�any provision or claux of this Securi�y Insumnem or the A� ���,� _ <br /> Ho�e conllins with appIicable Inw,such conitic�shail not af(ca o�her pmvixiort+af�his Securiry Insimment er the Note �����-r�i i� <br /> ;}: <br /> - which can be given effec�wilhoa�Ihe con0icting provision. To�his end�he proaisions o(�M1is Securily Insuument and Ihe �.,;i�� ,�, --_ <br /> - :;`r:' Notc arc declarcd ro M severable. - °�" - _ <br /> - I5. 6orrox�er's Cupy. Dortmver shall lx given one confunn.d copy of�his Securi�y insuumem. - �.:��� � <br /> -�- 16. Assignmmt of Nents. 6ortowcr uncondi�ionally nsign.end�anxfen m Lcndcr all�he rcnts and revenucs o(�he � -. - _ <br /> � ° Propctty. 6o�roo�er aulhori�es Lender or Lenders agems Io irollect Ihe rcms and rcvenucs and hercby dirccls each Ienam of � <br /> ' the Propctty lo pa�•the rcros�o Lender or Lcndcrt agcros. Ho�rerer,prior�o Lender�no�icc�o fiortowcr of 6ortoacrl - <br /> breach of any covenanl or agrtemenl in�he Scturity Imwmenl.6ortowct shail coliccl anJ mttive all nms and rtrenues o( . - <br /> •V the Propetly ns wstee for lhe benefil of Lender and Dorto�cer. This assignment of rents conslimtes an absolule acsigmr.enl . � , <br />--s. .�:;: end no�an nssignment tor addiiional sauriy�only. � <br /> !� I(Lender R�ves noiim of brcach l0 6ortower. (a)all rcnls mccivcd by 6orto�rer shall be hcid by 6ortower u truslee <br /> for bcncfit of Lcndcr anly,lo bc appIicd lo Nc sums ucurc6 by Inc Jccunty inswmcm; lo)i.cndcr snaii uc cmiiicd a =_-==_ <br /> collecl md rceeive all of�he rcms of the Property:and(e)each Ienant o(�he Prapeny shall pay aii rcNS due and unpaid lu <br /> .'", l.cndcr or LenderS agem on Lenderk wrincn dema�id�o the�cnvu. - ' - <br /> ��-�i�� Dmrower has not exwuted any prior auignment of tM1e rcms and has not and wiil noi pcdortn any acl thal �vould -. <br /> -,_:,;+_; prcvcNLcndcrfromexercisinpitsnghtsundcrthisParagr�phl6. � <br /> -ti"" Ixnder sM1all no� be rcquved�o cmer upon,�ake comrol af or maimain�he Property befom or a(mr giving no�ice of r � . <br /> ' brcach to Dorrower. However,Lender or a judicially npPoimed receiver mny do so a� any time there is a brcach. Any j � <br /> �7," epplication of rcms shall not cure or woivic eny defauh or mvalidate any o�hcr rigM or rcmedy of Lcndsr. 'ILis essignmcm ,ry -- �-� ' <br /> - of rcnis a(�he f1ropeny shcu terminam�rhen tne deb�securcd by�he Secmi�y Inztmmem ic paid in tuiL ���.,--,--� - � <br /> �,' ^ ' <br />- -`I,,... ' <br /> :r.,;`. _ .. . <br /> , lO�FrJnfipaxrtl . ,i>�.. . <br /> �p-�` . - . _ . <br /> !'"' _.._. . . . �. <br />