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<br /> :..;r.,� -` , . . .. ,. -� : ,
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<br /> � a. H�id�rd ur PeopMy Trour�nce. 9urrower ahdl keep tho Improvemente now exisUn� or herw(ter arected brt the :
<br /> - proppry lnsurqd against loss by firE, ha�arde fnciuded within the term 'oxtendcd coveragq'ud ony othec huardf.�ncludln�
<br /> flaads or ilooding, for whish I.�nder rcqulres insureuce.Thie Insurence shell bo n�alntelned in tha enwnN�anA for�ho period+
<br /> thaf l.ender requirw.'fhe Insumn�ro cattler providing tho Insurance chail bo chosen Dy Rottowcr subJect�o I.eidet'o epproval
<br /> which shaii not ba unrenson�biy wi�hheld. If Borcower feiia�o malmahi covcrnga dacribed o6ovo, I.ender may, at I.tnder'e
<br /> option,obtaln covcregc�o protcct l.�ndcr'e righte In�ho Propetly in eccardanco whh pamgreph 7.
<br /> All Insuranw pollcies nnd cenewnle shell Ix acoepiable�o Lendcr end eAall Inciudo a standard mongage clauso. Lcnder
<br /> sAall have tho right�o holA the policies nnd renawela.I/Lender requ(rcs,Dortowcr shall prornptly give to Lcnder all reaip�s ot
<br /> �- p�id premiums and rrnawnl iroticee.ln the event of toss,Dormwer shell givo prompt notico lo the Insurenco carAcr end Lender. _
<br /> I.ender may make proof ot loss If not n�da promptly by Bortower.
<br /> Unless Lender end Borrower othcrwiso agree In wr(iing,insurmw procecds sball be epplicd to restomtlon or rcpalr of�he
<br /> Property damagcd, if tho rutomtion or rapair Is aonomicelly fcasiblo and Lender's security is not Icssened.If�lia restotation or
<br /> repalr la not economically feasiblo or Lendcr'a seavity wontd bc Icssened,�ho Insurance procecds shall bo applicd to tho wnu
<br /> secured by �hle Secudiy [nswmem, whe�her ar not then duo, wiih nny excess pald �o Borrower. If Dorrower ebandons�ho
<br />� - -- Property,or does not enswer within 30 daye e notico from Lender�hat�ho Insurence cartier Ims otfered ro sGde e claim, Ihen
<br /> Lender may collect tho insumnce proueds. Lender may use �ho procecds io repair or restorc�he Propeny or �o pay sunu
<br /> securcA by this Secud�y(ns�Nmeni,whether or not then due.Tho 30-dny perlad wlll begin�vhen the no�lce Is given.
<br /> Unless Lender end Uorrower othenvise agnx in writing, eny epplicetlon of procecds to pri�rcipal sltall not extend or
<br />. postpone tho duc daie of the monihly paymente refcrrcd ro fn paregmphs 1 and 2 or chnnge tha ana�mt of tho paymenie. [f
<br /> --- under paregreph 21 me Propeny le acqalred by Lender, Uorrower's dght to eny Insurence policies nnd proceeds rcsulting from
<br /> — damage m tha Propetly pdur�o the acqulsillon ahall pass�o l.endar w the extent of the sams secured by this Secudty Instrumenl
<br />- - - Invnedlaicly prior to�he acquisiiion. = _ - --
<br /> 6.Occupniky.PreservnHan,Afelntennnee and 1'rotectlon af lhe Properly�Oortower's Loan Appliwtloni�holds. __.
<br /> Oortower shall occupy,esiablish,end use the Pmpeny ns Dortower's principal resiJence whhin sixty Anye etter tho oxecutlon of _ __
<br /> ��� �hls Securhy Insnumm�end sBall rnntinue to exrnpy the Propeny as 6ovo�ver's principal residanee for et leas�one year nfter ° ----�
<br /> - the date of occupancy,unlw Lender othenvise agrces in writing,which rnnsent shall no�be unreasonably wi�hheld,or unless _ _
<br />-----�-�- extenue0ng circums�anoes exist �vhich nre beyond Uorrower's rnntrol. Dorrower shall not davoy, damage or impalr the --.-
<br /> --- Propeny, allow IBc Propeny to detcrlomte, or mnunh waste on the Propeny. Dorto�ver shall bc in defeuit If nny forfdmre
<br /> ection or proceeding,whether civll or criminal, fs begun�hat in Lender'e good faith judgment mutd result in fodei�ure of the
<br /> --'•4 Propcny or otliernisc mau:dally Impair the Ilen creaied 6y this Sauri�y Insdument or Lender's saurl�y imcrest. Oorrower may
<br /> , y � wro such n default end reinstato,az provided in parngmph I6,by causing the nciion or proceeding ro bo dismiued�vith a mling
<br /> R..�� �he�, in Lcnder's good faith de�ermina�ion, prechides forfciiuro of�he Dorro�ver's interest in the Propeny or othcr n�etedal �.;_
<br /> ,��,�:� impairmcni ui ti�e litr cr.a;:d by 67fs S:�:rity I:ein:mtn! e:L^nd:i s�urit; lntemst. �ermWcr sqnll nlzn I�e in defeult if .-.- ._ .---.
<br /> 7 Oorrower,during the loan epplicn0on pmcess,gove mn�erinlly felse or Inaccuroto Infomiation or s�elemems�o Lender(or felled _
<br /> j'�c to providc lender�vi�h nny matednl InPonnntion)in conneclion�vith�he loan evidenced by the Nme,including,bm not Iimited _ _
<br /> •-'s,} to, represeNatlons concerning 6orrower's oaapa�y of�he Propeny es e principal rcsidenm. If this Securily Instrument is on n �
<br />.,;t?,-;�. leasehold, Oorrower shall mmply �vi�h all the prov(sions af the Icase. If 6ortower ncquirea fce ifile to �ho Propeny, �he ��+ __ �
<br /> IaueholA end the fce�llle shall not merge unless I.ender egrces lo the mcrgcr in�vri�ing. "'i� u�- -_
<br /> �`' �� 7.Protecqon of I.ender's Rlghts In�he Property.If Uorro�ver fails io perform the covenams nnd ngreemems contained in ✓y,�:;• ---
<br /> r;'i„�� ihis Savrity Insuumen6 or iherc is n Iegal proceeding �ha� may significantly n(fect Lender's dghis in�he Property(sucli m n ��`:�":��-�-`
<br /> �, a
<br />��"i.__�- proceeding In bankmp�cy,proUnta for condemna�lon ar for(etmre or to enforce Inws or regule�lons),then Lender may da and ':'`�i:'.::"�_��:-_-
<br /> -.. r.. . Y-'',, �rt ..
<br /> > pay far�vliatever ie nccessary lo protecl the vnluc of thc Propeny nnd Lcndcr's rig6is In the Propeny. Lender'e edians may �,��,,,ti. _
<br /> -- i_- , inelnde paying any sum� sec��rn{ bp a lien which has pdori�y over �his Securi�y ha�mmenl, nppearing in cour�, paying f��'����i}� �
<br />-.�•a�:�.; reasonable etwrncys'fces end emcring on�he Pmpeny to make rcpairs.Alihough Lendcr may Inke nc�ion under thif pamgreph .. � ,�,,;�•��..-
<br /> L r_ 9,Lcndcr dces not harc�o do so. "�"� �'} �
<br /> - � �
<br /> } Any amounts disbursed by Lender andcr Ih�s pamgraph 7 shall bcmmc addi�fon�l deb� af➢orrower seturrd by lhis , >"�`t
<br /> Securi�y Insuumem. Unlcss Uorrotver and Lender ngree�o o�her�enns of paymcm, �hese emoums xhall bcar interes� from dte � 9t .;�qs
<br /> _rv .� da[e of disban�mem al lhe Nole m�c nnd shnll bc paynblc. wid� intcns6 upan nolice !mm f.enda to �orrowcr requuling -�
<br /> paymem. � � t,�'�} .
<br /> �,: 8.Mortgage lnsurnnm. If Lender required mortgage insumnce ns a�rondiiim�nf making�he Inan saured by�his Security s _..
<br /> °' Inslmment, dorrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mongage incumnce in effttt. IL for any reason, �he - ; ; -';
<br /> - 1 c mongage insurance mverage rcquired by LenJer lapses or ceaces m 6e in efftt6 Bortmrer.hall pay�he premiunss required to . ;��� '
<br /> abmin mvernge subs�amialiy cquivalem m the nmttgage insur�nm previousiy in c(fec�.;n�ms�suM�amially equivalent w�he ('�'r- � a� `
<br /> � IP�; ,.,
<br /> �-'.���.:" msl to 6orrower of the nangage inwrance previonxly in ef@cL Gom an ahenia�c mor�gage insurcr approved by Lender. If ,,��'yyJ;.,�_t, a.•r
<br /> subs�amially equivnlrn�mongage inxumnn cnvernge is na availa6le. �orrn�ccr.hall pay�u Lendrr rach momh a sum equal m � - ' ��
<br /> ore•rn�clllh of Ihc yeady mongngc imuraMC prem(um being paid hy 6nrroerr�vhen�hc insurainr mrcrogc lapud or ccascd lo � '��;.;'�°�N�•�
<br /> ilf..
<br /> h in effca.Lcndcr�vill acmp6 usc ami rclain�hcx paym.nn as a In.c rocrrc in liru nf mongagc insurance. Loss reservc .'.h.•:;i:�
<br /> Farm 3028 8180 �u '�
<br /> r.w���s
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