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- ;ri �'�` ��r� .. . _ <br /> � _ _ <br /> - - - . -,...;: <br /> __ _. . <br /> ; `� ._ .. .. �h1111��iM�•;... :,��.«.—' --- _ ... <br /> �.�='.�. �93=ZO�3i . <br /> pymtm�mAy no longer be ra�uirc0,at the opilon ot Lcnder,lt nwngago Insuronca mverugo(in�he omount end tor�ho perlod <br /> th�t i.ender ieqn�rq5)proviAtd by an Insuror epproved by I.cMer egain bccomcs nvMllablo end I�obinined.Bartower eLall py <br /> tha premiume rcqqlrcd ro nu�imaln mongago insuranco In cffcct,m�o provido e Iose rcservc.umU tho requlrenxnt Por mm�gega <br /> Insbronce errJeln nccoMnnco wOh eny wr{tten ngnement 6ctwecn Efortower and I.cndcr or applicsDlo law. <br /> 9.InspttNon. Lcnder or ita agent moy maka rcasonable cntria upon and Insykctlons of tho Propeny.Lendcr sball givo <br /> Botrowcr no�ice nt tho tima of or pdor to ai Inspec�ion s�ecitying rcasonnble cauae tor�ho inspcc�lon. <br /> !0�Condemnptlon.7Ue procecde of eny oward or clalm for Jamngc�.direct or mnscquential, in rnnnectlun wlth eny <br /> condcmnatlon or othcr taktng of any pan of ihe Propeny,or for oonveyenco in Ifcu of mndcmna�lon,erc hercby assigncd e�A <br /> . shall ba pzld lo l.endca • - <br /> � In�ho cvent of e lolal laking of tlio Propeny,tho proaeds shnll Uc epplied to�ho Euma sccurcd by�his Sccndty Insuumcnl, <br /> whe�her or no��hen duo, with eny excess paid�o Borrower. In tAe cvent ot a parlial taking of�ho Propeny in which �ho feir <br /> . merket veluo of Ilto Properry immcdinlcly betore�ha�aking is equal lo or gra�ter than�he nmount of�lu sunu sccured by thia <br /> Secuflty Insuumcn�Inuncdiatcly bcfore�he�aking.unless Borrower end Lcndcr o�herwise agrce In wri�ing,�he sums sceurcd by <br /> thls Secudry Instn�ment shall be reduced by tho amount of tho proceMs nmltiplied by �he following kaalon: (e) the toiel <br />� �-� �— amount of the sunn secured ImmeAlately beforc�he�aking, divided 6y(b) the fefr markct valuc of the Property Immediaiely - - �--- <br /> before�he �eking. Any balanee shall be pnld to Dorrower. In the event of a panial tnking of�he Propeny in�vhich the fair <br /> nurkct valuc of the Propeny Immcdlalely bcforc Ihc leking is less than the emount of Ihc sunu secured immcdiatcly betore the <br /> teking,unless Bortotver and Lender olhenvise egree in writing ar npplicable la�v othciwise pmviAes,�he proceeds shall <br /> . be epplied to�he sums securcd by thia Securiry Instrument whether or not the sunu are then due. °° <br /> If�ho Propeny�is ebandoncd by Dorro�vcr,or if,aRer notice by LeuAer to fiorrower thnt�hc mndemnor offers�o mako en <br /> — awazd or seltle e clalm for danuges, I3orto�ver feils ro respond ta Lender within 30 days eller the date the notice Is given. <br /> ._� I.ender is awhortzed to colla�and nppiy Ihe procceds,at its op�iun,ci�her to ra�omtian or rcpair of the Propeny or Io the sums -_ �-" <br /> aecured by this Secudty Instmmem,whether or nm�hcn due. �:,�__ <br /> ="'�� Unless Lender and 13orrower nlhernix agree in writing, any applica�ion af proceeds �o principal shall no� extend or rt,'--,_.__ <br /> �.,w_, <br /> — postpone tho due date of the�mnihly p�ymems rekned to in paregmphs I and 2 ur chnnge�he emount of such payments. n.Mti'.`•--""�' <br /> �:r•:.,- <br /> _T���� 11.Qorrower M1at Releamd;Forbearance Uy Lender hnt a IYniver.Cztension of the tfine tor payment or madifica�ion �;.,�_, <br />�=_`_"-'_'°-.� of unortization of�he sums recur«I by�his Security Insvumem gremed 6y Lender to any successor in imercs�of Borrower shall f' s�-� <br /> a:r. <br /> '�"X'a''3�� nol opeRlC to rCleaze Ihc liabilily of Ihe originfll Oorro�rC�or pofro�ref's suCCCtsors In lntCrCal. LcndCr shall nol bC ml�Ulrtd to �� : <br /> ,�4�.� mmmence prora�dings pgainst eny successor in intercsl or refuse to exicnd fime for pnyment or aherwise modify amonizatlon <br /> � pte of tha sums securcd by this Securiry Ins�rvment by reamn of eny demand nude by �he original Qorrower or [lorrower'e ��,�` <br /> �f�-Sf'�, suocEssurs In InlercsL Any forbeamnce by I.ender in exercising nny right or rcmtdy :h�il not be n�vaiver of or paelude�ho ��,, <br />,:,,,+}�/., '� exercise of un d h�or remed 1���1�' '-- <br /> .�•`. -.,..•- -- - Y 6 Y• . _ . �r,•�..,..�� . <br /> -�-- u.Sucttssors entl Assigns ISOUnd:doint nnd Sererul U�6111ty{ Co•signers. 7LC mvenamx anu ogreemcros o� �ms -�-- "'- <br /> �dx -��,� Sccurily Instroment shnll bind and benefit �he successors nnd assians of Lender end 13orrower, snbject �o�he provisions of ?� T � — <br /> s�s� - parogroph 17. Bonowcr's mvennnts nnd ngrcememx shall 6c jolm nnd several. Any Bortower who co•sfgns this Sccuriry jl�Y� _ <br /> a/! t ' - Instrum:nl bm dces not execule Iho Nole: (a) is rn-signing�hi.r- Securi�y Insirmnent anly ro mongxge,grem ar.d convey�hat �(� ��n{i - <br /> `- � ._`: Borro��er's Imemxl in�he Propeny under We�emu o(�his Secud�y Insuvmem:(b)is no�pe'sonxlly obliga��Io pay�he sums -�l�jf�}J,:.�_. <br /> - sceun�d by this Securfiy Insuumem;and(d ngrces that LenJer and any oiher 13orroirer may agree m extend,modi(y,forbear or _ ��_� __:,.. _ - <br /> a� ,_;__ make eny accommoda�ions with rcgard�o ihe temis of�his Sccurity Insuumcnt or the No�e wiihom tha�Borro�ver's consem. �'`� r T s;� <br /> :i\i'-.,,� .�F <br /> 13.I,onn Chnrges. If�hc loan saurcd by ddx Stturiiy Instrumem is su6ja��o u law which eeu maximum loan charges, � ,:r-:-� <br /> �4;�,� and�ha�la�v Is finally interymted sn thm �he imercsi or ather loan chnrges collected or m be rnlla�ed im m�nec�ion wi�h�he - "'- vt <br /> �� ti;; loan execed the permi��ed Ilmi�s,then: (a) nny such loan charge shall be r.duced by�he amnum necess�ry�a nduce�he charge )�+';: � 2 ?: <br /> .4a�.�q>-'��� ro�he pemilunl Iimir,nnd(b)any sums already cullected Gom Durrmver�vhich excecded permitted limi�s will bc re(unded�o -,;� `,i: <br /> [lorro�ver. Lendor may choose m make �his rcPond by reducing ihe principal owetl under �he Note or by making a direct °'� � � Y-� <br /> f <br /> - � pnymem to 6orrowcr. If a rcfunJ reduc.s prin:ipal, die rcJuaion will hc treated as a panial prep.ryment without eny �'k' 1��y,�r�: <br /> _L'y.''"r �.� prcpayn�ynt ehargc undcr ihc Note. 3 ��°.j5eft i?�y�1 s.- <br /> 14.NoUces. Any no�ice to Oorrower provided far in this Secumy Instrumem�hnll M given 6y dclivering it or 6y mniling '.-jj;-s�h,:y<<,.;.�; <br /> -'- it by firxl class mail unlcss applicnbte Imv requires uu of ann�her meihai.The no�ice chali be dircetcd lo Ihc Propeny Addrcss -Y�`���} i;E y„ <br /> ``°`;��''- ` or eny oiher addmss 13orrower designa�es by no�ice �o Lender. Au?� notice �o Lender �h�dl be giren hy first cl:us mail to f���i'.-t�',��::_;�':;��-, <br /> ` Lender's nddress s�ated hercin or:my other address lander designmcs by nmice m Bnrzower. Any no�ice provided for in�his -"+ -.. <br /> - ��' Sccurity Instrumem shall be detmcd N have bcen given to Dorro�vcr nr I.cndcr o�hen giren a+pmvidN in this p.vagraph. S� 5 � ` �� <br /> • '�} -•��" 15.Governing; Seimrnbiliq�. This Securi�y Insuumem xh:dl be go�erned fiy feJeral law and �he law of�he ° i�< <br />:"..,;..r.-.-. .��?���r��.�', �'-�� <br />._ ..-iii•:� jurisdic�ion in which �he Pmpeny is Inca:eJ. In the e�•ent �hm any prorision or clau.e of�hi.Secarity Inxvmnem ar�he Note ; �Y.....,°�''}''.?E' <br /> '` �.:-"�� rnnllicts wi�h applica6lc la�v. such cunflict shali not af(cc�.nhcr prorision+of�hi>Saurit� In.�runxm or�hc Nole which can hc -. .� . ,r},;.�: <br /> .��F•'.;'�T' given effect �vi�hout�he coMiaing pmviaoa To tlii,enJ ihe prori.imm�l'�hi.Sccuriq�In.vum_nt and thc hote arc declared � -:'1!;'.-' <br /> - ' "�� �' tnhcscvcrable. <br /> ;�:; <br /> _. 16.Uorroxer's Cop��. Wnro�cer ohall M1e giren ane aonfnrmeJ ropp n(Ihe Na�e anJ n!Ihi.Sauriq� In.lrunum. - <br /> .:��1�:- Form 30Y8 9�90 '� � <br /> `vr�•'�. •1. PeWJa16 - .. <br />_ � i <br /> : <br /> � ..�.: �-... _-r. . � _. �. � _���-• . � . . . <br /> � C. ^ . -� . —� .— .. -. <br /> $��. � � <br /> '•�.: .� � _.._ _ . _ . ). . � . .. � . . . . . <br /> � . 1 n- <br /> -.�.. _ _ •�.. ' � ' . <br /> - 1..... .. "� � .l � . . _ _. . .. . <br /> .:y� _ .. � . .. .. 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