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<br /> �I . ��Q dm�,��
<br /> �. FGnrd or Pro�rny Irouni�e: Borrowu shdl kap che Improvrnxnta now enlaM�or heruRer erectai on�he
<br /> �topcity Insureil ogilnil los�by tlre,h9x�Ma Include4 W��hin thc term `exleMcd wvcrogo' ¢nd any o�hcr hamMa, IncluAing
<br /> , ItooJs or Itoading,(or wMeh l.ender rcgulrce Insurencc.7his Incurance Ehall bo malmafncd In tl�a nmounla nnd Por�he perlade
<br /> that LenAer nqulre�.The insurauo carricr providing�hc insurmioe shall bo chosen hy Dorrowcr subJca to l.cndcr'e npproval
<br /> which shall nnt bo unrcawnnbly wiihhcl4. If Borrowcr fails to maintaln mvemgc dcurlNcd abnvc, Le�Mcr may, m t.cnder'e
<br /> � option,obtain covengo�o proiea I.cndcr'e righte in�ha Propeny In accordanca alth pamgrnph 7.
<br /> Afl InSUrunce pulicica anA reixwola s�nli bo ocrcpinbla to I.ender nal shsll Includo a standard mungngc cinuse. Lcndor
<br /> � Rhall havo�ho rlghl�o hoid tAo poNcks und rcncwnle.If l.cidcr rcqulrc�,Borrwecr shall promptly givc�o t.cnder ail rccclpis of
<br />� - " '� -" paid prcmlunu e�d rctwwal noUcce.in Iho cvem ot loss,[iorrower shail give prompt noiice io iho Insumnce carder anA Lender. � - -°•��-- -
<br /> [,ender nwy rnako proof ot los�If not mado promptly,8y Bortower.
<br /> � Unles�Lendcr nnd Dorrowcr othcrwiso agrm In.wdpng,Insurence procccda shall bo applicd to restorcJlon or repalr of Iho
<br /> Propeny dnmagod.if tho rcstomtion or rapair is aronomlcally tcnsihto end I.ender'e secud�y ie not Iesscncd.If�ho resmraUon or
<br /> i rcpair Ia nnt coonomically @asiblo or Lcnder'e securiry wauld bo Icsscned,tlm Insuranm prottcde shall ba npplicd la�ho sunu
<br /> sccurcd by this Sccuriry tmttumcN, whethcr or r.ot�hen duc, whh any excess paid m Borrowcr. If Qorrower nbandons iho
<br /> � -- ---- Proptny,or does not answer within 30 dtye n notico from Lender�ha��he(nsurnnw carrier hu offcnd �o uttle e c1a1nL�hcn -- - � --��- �
<br /> [tnder may rnllcel �ho insurenw proceeda. Lender may uss U�a proceeds �n rcpair or r.atore tho Propeny ar ro pay wnu
<br /> securcd Gy Ihls Securi�y Ins�n�menL whe�her or nm then duo.Tho 30•day perlad will begin when tl�a notice is given. __
<br /> Unless l.endcr nnd Bortowcr ochenviso egrce ln �vritlng, nny applfwtion of promds to princlpal shnll not extend or
<br /> —i poslpono tho duo daro of the momhly payments referrcd to in paraSmPhe I and 2 or change�he omount of the paymenta. If =_�
<br /> under part�roph 21 Iho Propeny Is acquired by Le�er.OorrowerS dght lo eny(nsumncro pollcles end proceede rctuhing from —
<br /> danago to tho Property priar to tho acquisiiion s6a11 piss ro Lender to tho extem of ihe suros secured by this Securiry Insuument —
<br /> -- ! immcdiutely prior to thc ecquishion. � �., ,�:.
<br /> � 6.Occuparvey,PraerraHon,Meintenence and Prutalion of-lhe Property�liarro�scr'A I.oan Applicaqon�Lraseholds. �-, _
<br /> ,.,,�yr,�.�j Uonmver shall occupy,atablish,and use tl�e Property a+Dorro�vcr's principal rcsidence wi�hin six�y days eRcr�ha execution of �, ',N�-.,-:.
<br /> �� this Secudry Instmment and shall wntinuo to occupy the Pruperty es Rorrower's principal residen�;for m Icas�one year efler ��;�:E��
<br /> __=,,n� the dnte of oecupancy,unlese Lender mhenvix n�nxs In writing, which mntem sAall not 6e unreasonably withheld, or unleu [v�._;�.�,.:�
<br /> extenualing circumstances exis� whlch are beyond Dortower's wntrol. Dormwcr ahell nal deslroy, danssge or ImpaG �he 4:='�:'�:—
<br /> -- .c �.s.�-
<br /> - - ' Propetly, allow Iho Propeny ro dctcriomte, or mmmit waste on �8c Propsrty. Dorrowcr shall bc in default if any forfciturc 'Y�s'='-.-
<br /> q���'. aNlon or praadlns, whuher civil or edminal, is begun Ihal In I.ender's good fnlih judgmem muld rcsuh In fodeituro of�he ,'��';i' -
<br /> - Propany or otherwi.ce m�tedally Impnir the Iien crntcd by this Sceuriiy Imtmmcnt or Lender's securiiy imeo:s�.Dortower may ,�.i�' ��.:
<br /> -� curo such o defeuh a�rctnstato,as provided in pa.rts,mph 18,by causfng thc uc�ion ar procccding to M disnusscd with n�uiing �sa,
<br />-„�ti!;,y;�� lha6 in Lendcr's good fai�h determinaiion, pnrludcs forfcimrc af the Qorrower's intercst in the Propeny or oiher maledal .��'�,'�::,���-.
<br /> � impairmenl of�ho lien crca�cd by �his Stturiry Inswmem or Lcnder'e security imercst. Oortowe�shall also bc In Aefaull II - v�
<br /> '_ ;�, Oorcower,dudng the loan epplicadon process,gave nwledally fnlse or hiaccumte Infonna�iun or simements ro Lender(or talled _i��.�ad �_,,�_
<br /> �; m provido Lender wl�h eny mmerial infomintion)in connec�ion with�he loan evidenoed by�he Nole,including,but not limitcd >:J ,,�1.i
<br /> ' 'f; �o,representntlons rnnceming Dortower's occupnncy af lhe Propeny us n principal n:sidence.If this Secudry Instrumem is on n - .-" , �
<br /> �t ��i „ lu�sehald, 13orrower shall comply with all �he provisions of �he Ieasa If Uorco�rer acquircs fee �itle to tho Property, the - ��+ a ; :r�
<br /> -�;;';::�:' � Ieasehold and lho fce t(de aAall not merge unleu Lcndcr agrccs�o thc mcrger in�vri�ing. ;�:a�:;�'��;_�
<br /> ' ,-.q,h � 7.P�otcctlon of Lendrr'a RigMs in the 1'roperty.If Qorrox•er fails�o perfomi ihe co��enams end egrcemenls comeined in -� � ,-�• ��
<br /> � n¢I� I Ihis Secumy Insltunten6 or tqem is n legal praceMing ihm may significantly nffecl LenJer's righ�s In�he Property(such es n " � -�;- ,��� ,�
<br /> �-°y=`i ' proceeding in bnnkruptcy,proba�o, for mndemnaiion or for(ei�ure or m enforce laws or rcgula�ions),then Lender may da und �,?4�,;, i'; ;f�e'
<br /> � � pay for�vhalever is nccessnry to pro�ce� �he valuc of tl�e Propeny and Lendcr's rights in the Pmperty. Lendcr's nctlons may •� �E -
<br /> � + -
<br /> - -�• Include paying nny xunu xewred by n lien which h:a priori�y over this Securiiy Instrumrn4 appearfng In mun, paying �.- r 4� �, ,-
<br /> �s, reasonable nttomey:'fea and entering on the Propeny to nv�lee repairs. Al�hough Lender may�ake uc�ion under�his paragteph ` '�; Ak h�',:
<br />.. .� .. =�e,:� 7.Lcnder does not hnve lo do sa. ��-��.y ` �,.;'-�_�
<br />. .^i`:-b_; I Any emaums disbursed by Lemler under this parngmph 7 shall become xdJi�ional deb� of f3�rrower securcd 6y �his ;:i??:�i��-%,�.•,.:�- >.:;,_
<br /> Y �- � Secudty Insuumem. Unless Oartowcr and Lendcr aFrce�o o�hcr�cnns af paymem,�hesc nmoums shall bc.r intcrcst from tht r- �: ° -'"" '�-
<br /> da�e of disbursement m the Noic rntc end shall be payablc, wilh Imeresi. upnn no�ia frum Lendcr m F)nnowcr requesting �� -.'i,. ;�
<br /> payment. �� � ia "_,
<br /> I - B.111orlgnge Insurenm. I(I.endu rcyuircd mongage insuranm as a mndi�inn ot making�he loan securcd by�his Securi�y --.°- � � - §i ..
<br /> ,�, -i,' InsWmem, Uorrower sfiall pay ihe premimns rcquired to mainu�in thc mongage insur;mce in effea. 1L for nny reaxon, ihe hr�t _ .;.,,.�.-.
<br /> _ mongage insutanee carerage rcquired by Lender Inpses nr ceaacs tn be in effcct. Uurmwer shall pay�he premiumc rcyuired w �.��'-.;:���SA�;�i?;''�`.'-_;
<br /> ob�ain corerage subs�amially eqnivalem�o the mongage insuranee previously in effca.:n a cont wbs�amially cquivalent ta�he '• ' �-h -�
<br /> �i"�� �� cost to Uorrower of�he mongage insurance previomiy in e(fec�, !rom an altema�e mongnge imurcr appmr�d by Lender. If ���'"
<br /> , ,�s.s�f'Yt��� substamiall mvalem mort a e inxunncc rn��cm c i.nm a�ailahic.IkxrowYr sh:dl � lo LcnJer cach mnnlh a sum ual to �'��, ..,
<br /> -..,h. A;,._ Y�q � F F F R Y MI -
<br /> i''� one-i�vel(Ih of Ihe ead nxtti a e insumncc remium bcin ud h Ikxro�cer uhen�ht insurance cm�cra c la url or ceased lo
<br /> - ro Y Y' F F P F{'�� Y F P� '
<br /> ,.E.y:<� be in e(fecL Lender will accept,u>c and re�ain thes.papmenu u. a Ino-+ re�en�e in licu nf mongage inwrance. I_u.s nxrce 7 .
<br /> y�..��j�. Fo�m30Y8 9/80 -
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