{}-1 ' 1 ,_�_�E_"1° _ _ i i,e__ .� � _ �� .. __.
<br /> - ��- ' MIMIIM�O��b - '�-w.fr.-+--u`rw+i�°��— • /� •:_ ..
<br /> � . _.._.". f.. t�'10'7'�
<br /> ,
<br /> �. i. � � ,:.
<br /> � � �. 7:Ptqtrl�tton o�L�nM►'�RlyliN(n th�Prop�Ay. X Bomww MM b p«wnn aN oov�+rx►.ne sqr�xnNy��N
<br /> .:� a�e 6�Ar 1nNnxmn4«m�n N.kW�dh.. .i 1�1 t^�r��I�a l«waY npM+In�n.Prcp«M twa�..r woo�arq M -� ..
<br /> ..--, .:..6 Wmpl%propM�r Iw tonaMm�ion M a lo Miblq NM q nP�M�9nH,MMI LNrdv eMY d0 M1d.MY t0I wiWNM M i�f9wMy;'" ..
<br /> ro wawe m•w,.a�n.rroa�+r ra�«iaw,rqmR h mo vroo«�r. �Ma«v.a�+,.my Mwa.or�v�.«n.�x..ouna sY.Mn.. :,
<br />�,.�a�,� - 'wl�Ch M�gdaly ovw lM1�u1y M+burn�nL�PGM+�9„oou1.Oqi+O n+art+AN MIOmN�MM�nd M�!t al��OMN lo m�M �
<br /> _= rpYy, Ay�wpU Undtt mry qk�ktlm undw thN p+np�ph 7.L�ndq doM twt Mv�b do w. ,
<br /> - � ' My�nqunl�WWx��d 6Y 4XtdM un6r Mh DwO�7�MY bwOnfl Wd11onM GM d HatNWi���d b/thY B�wrM fii�FlxMM. - �-
<br /> UIIIM�BOROWM YIA LMIdM�QfH 10 ONM llfifl9 OI p�)711MIL IhK�rm�Ml��hN M�t Nlu�nt kan ti��MN ol dFbunxn�rA H IM NW��" —
<br /> �7l�md�hY De MY��M�h N�wrt,upon nWla tOn1 LMWn b lOrtaw rNNM�i qN�+�^� � �
<br />=_--- 8. Mortpq� Inwnnc�. 11 lmNr rpuWd malq9�NwMna��� tonditlon of nWdn9 tM bn NaxM bY INi E�anMY
<br /> .. - � M�bwtNfi6 BMava�hN qy iM M�!�kW to m�hiW iM mvWp�hwnncv In�d.II�(�tr�ny�aaoon�lhf maiGfr�L�sYr'.i1t0 . . . . -: --- .. -.-.
<br /> .. .. - cq'�nps n0�4rd EY UndN Mptu G CMrM to M N MNt6 BOrtOwM�hll pay IM P�� n0�'a to ObINn om'rW�MiMWM11/
<br /> :" p�A.WM to m.m«�a9e hwwna v�«bu�N n.ma,u�co���u��wWH NuA'Y�M a m�co��lo saroww or nN matp�p�Inwrr�a
<br />�"�'"l� prMOUSy N dl�ct, from �n YIrnN�matp�y�N�ww pprovb by Undr. N wbtl�nlMy puNWnl matp�p�N�uma ta+np�b nol
<br /> .. :'�
<br /> _ -- -. �rWbN, Baroww eMl pry 10 LanOw Mch rtront�� sum �qwl lo onMvW1U ol Ih�ywy matp�9�h�unnos prKrl�wn W1q pNd b1
<br />--� `ti" .. Barowx when Ns N�unnca cov�np�Npt�d a aue� lo M i� Nl�d. lmder wil�capR u���nd rNaN thn�p�pn�nit u� Ia�
<br /> ' -.:�%-,�u .�
<br /> �-._:t.�---.,, reaerve In Fea ol malg�g�Nwnnn_ Lose�eswv�p�ymmu mry no bnyK W reQuked.�1 Ih�optlon ot Untl�r, M malqp�N�uancr --
<br /> :.,�at.;..���, arrrsW(h th�uraunt�nd for lha PMM IMt Landa reqWrn)Drovld�d b/m Nmnr Wlxw'�d by Undv�9�Mcam��rnMUM snA M
<br />- obUhed. Barowa eMl q'/ �ho premiumi reQutM lo miY�Wn morlp�p� heumnea In Mect. w lo V�aAN � b�a r�tw�. unt� tM
<br /> -i�'��.��Y-'��,�a roWYNINn!lo!IIIq19�9e YISCrYwO ef'A!N�aofdulCe WXh Ny WfMlfl��IImBf1l bNwOMI 8pf0'xN Nd L�nd+�Of ly1{�qhb Yw•
<br /> -- -• B. I�tplNiOt�. Lmdx a R��yant mry m�ke rafon�bN�ntrla Wrn end heMclion�o�IM PropMy. UnMr�Aa�pk�8arax�r
<br />.`=.. ::.��'J:�", notlee�t N�tYn�ot a pdor lo ui haV�on�Padyny rwsaubN cau��la No„�Melbn.
<br /> .7;::��:.: �-,;:` to.Cond�mn�tton. ms v� o� u,y awua a w�m ror am.pn. ar.a a conew+ruu� N com.�Yan wAn ry
<br /> �,- rs;.:�„
<br /> .,,.���:�:Ei; coMyn�nYm a other ukBy of�ny put ol Ne Propaty.a la canve�na„feu ol wndwm�tlon.a�henEy�selpiW�nd�hd W p+W ..
<br />�'�,?;`•.�=�.T`::i� to lendec �. ..
<br /> '. �•!�'��'�-.-�° In t0�wenl of�tohl Wdn9 of Ne Propc+y.the procaeda eMl be�ppNd to Ih� wme�scured by tAh 6ea:Ary IneWmanL whNh�u
<br />-' `:�-�!;?.,,...
<br /> . �ollhen due,wNh arry axeese p�lA to Bonaxtr. In Ne eomt ol�patlMl I�Idi9 ot th0 PropMy Yi whkli tl�e i�F mukd v�lu�ol lh�Peopntb —
<br /> �.-'-a_;;`t.' 4rvned�ley bsfae Ihe uldnp b equd to or peatar Itun the unounl of Ihe euma etarW by thie 8ewriy Risttxnmt immadrtey hNon tne [.".�±"`�
<br /> tt � - �; WMg,unNSS Barawa�nd teider othmN.S�e�ea In wrXYi9.N��umo�KUrM by W�Beoa3y MsWmnt�hY W�MUeM by th�umi�nl
<br /> ,r�L�� ,i�„-' ol tho proceeda mu111pfeU 6y the folloxinp h+dbn:(a)tha to�el emounl ol tha aume eearM hvn!de[ety bNOre Ihe teld�q.ffAdeA by(C)the
<br /> fp6 ma�Ce1 vWe ol tha Prope�ly Yrtrtx^6aley belae Ihe Ia1�Q.My bWnce sMl b�p�W to Bortowa. In Ihe�wnt of�pvtMl Wdnp of N� ��_` -
<br /> :Y" —
<br /> _.;.�� (hoppy in wAkh the Hir mukel vWe ol ths Propary ImmxF�ley DNw�the Wdvp b fesa th�n ths unanl ol�h�sume aeeured Ymxd�IMr ! ,�;'r.-
<br /> '' �"���� "- beiae Ihe Wdng,uniesa Bortowa�nd Lender olhe.wls��yee N x�NNp a unbsa�ahla Nw othenlae proNdea,Ihe proc�M� NM1 be . -
<br /> �'�,;t�; apGaeA lo the sums aewred by Ihie Becuriry IneWmmt w1�Nha a not the avme ve thm dua �������� -
<br />�'��:�::��,::.. 17 tra PropMy b�bandoned by Bo�rxe,or H,�Iler notlea by Lender lo Bonower�hat t�e condertna otlae to mk�an rx�rd a adb � '��"V�
<br /> e clalm to+dune6us,Barrqwer laia to respond to Lender x71hN 90 drye�Ila Ihe dtle the nmka b gkm,lender U culha+l�allo eoleet and
<br /> �-�; BDp�Y in0 prOt!!00.01 ttf opllon. eilllx[o feStoqVan a rt�'r oi Ine Ftopcny or iu in'v d'uina eswiod Yry ii:6°ui.nh��j:�v.T:.'1:.�:R _.. �-�- -..
<br /> {� � , or no1 then due. �...� � —
<br /> UN.esa lender�nd Bortower olhawise�grea h�Mting, eny epD���n ol proceotls to ptndptl ntu11 not mnenA or poslpona t�e dua _` £�*�„� -.,,
<br /> , j data o1 fAe monlhy p�ymcita rderrod lo in pua9�ephf 1 vid 2 or chan9e Ne�mount ol eueh pe�nmte. . �r� _ -
<br /> ' - 91. Borrowsr Not R�!easod: Forbaarance By LenAor Not� W+iv�r. �QUion ot me ume tor p►ymmt a �;�,7�; > �. ; -�
<br /> ` -� moEHalbn ol unoNuUon of tho aun sewred by Ihie BecmlN Inst�umml yontnd by Lentlx to any suaesaw In Nlxnt oT flaraxer ahU ��, '���.
<br /> .s..�- not opente to �elease the f�biTiry ol Ne odyind Bonower or Bortowefe 6YCG06501!IO YI1M851. LCf1AC1 6A�1 110�b!fCQVYM(D CCIfiMf10B `-`' ; v
<br /> " � . ..-F•!?.'.
<br /> --�;;j '�.�' Wa�9��BW��Ny auaessor M Nteresl or reNse ta exlmd Wne lor pymont or otAemise modrty unotlhation ot Ihe auriu aecumA W ,�o �_�•�5::;>+'ilc
<br /> tlJe BewMy InaWmml by«ason of eny demenA mede by Ihe odpind Bortower or Oonowere auccaeswe N Nteres4 My IoNannce Dy �;S''."�;:�;�i'•;`'`"`
<br /> ,. �'�:
<br /> lmda in exerdslnB Ny�9ht or remuQ�ahel not 6e�waNer o�or precNde Nu exadso of eny dght or remed/. ' ��-`r .i. ,
<br /> - t2. Succsasore md Aasigns Bound; JoIM �nd Bevenl IAbIINy; Co�Ugnan. me eorenonu ano �pra«nmta o1 '�`^`�,:'!;j:,;-.-;--
<br /> Ihb 6ewdy InsWmmi shel bind snd benefil l�e succesaore snO �asigne ol Londa end Bortava, wbJecl b lho provislm�s ot pu�flreph �� :?�i:_�•Ti',_
<br /> 17. BortoweYe wvenante end �9����a ahall Ee �oNt enA severN. My Oarowa who w�s�9na thla SeafRy InsWrr.ml bul Eoea nol ! .� ' .•.
<br /> �
<br /> -': execulo the Nole: (tp u w¢IgnNq I�b Scariry InsWnml ony to motlpegv,gr¢nl,and anvey�hat Oortav�c+'61rtHeol h iho Rcpetty unda ., -.. e -ts• :-
<br /> - �,�i' Ihn tmne ol thle Becmity InsWmxnt:@)la nol penonaDy o611geted to pay Ihe surtu necureO by Ihia Seariry InsWrrtmt end (e)aprroa th�l �`';'•- y !�(�,:,
<br /> • . = � � Lendtt�nA eny otha 8onower mny agree lo ex�cnd, modAy,to�bear ar make any eccommo0aticm wnh repar0 to tams ol thla SecuAty �•:-�:., -F� �s.,,_;:-�
<br /> InsWmmt or t�e Nolo wilhout tnat Bcrtowa'e consml. �;�; ,x -
<br />- - � 73. Lo�n Charge�. n me ioen aewred by this Sewrily InsWrt:mt la suDJzcl to e Ww vihic� sele mo�num ban cha�pes,and thei '
<br /> �-� uw la (u�eP/ Mtttpreled ao Ihet Ihe hleres! or olhtt Iwn c�argoa cadeUed or b ba co3alM N conneclian wllh Ihe lotn oxwed Iho - 3-�..= ,-
<br /> -• - � pmnH�ed�unMe.Ihm; (a) eny sueh loen cher os sha7 ba reduced fAe emauM necessary lo rMuoe lhe cher a to Ihe D����m31: end � �='.4_`"`���
<br /> .�' 4 _ g W 9 .s;i+!:.-::'.';�;�;
<br />_y - @) eny sume Weady w7leUed Irom Uortower whioh exceetleO D��etl EM�e wi�ba reNntlM to Uortawer. Lrnder moy choose lo meke ' ��,;r: +,
<br /> � - IhB retuntl by redudnB the prinU,qrJ ovreA under tho Nota or Oy meking n drecl D�Ym�� �a Bortower. II e �eNnd retlucea ptlndDal. the .. ` - �--�`
<br /> retludlcn w9 6o ireated aa e parlial e e mt vMhoul en repeymeN Chat o undcr lhe N01o. ' ' `J,�' `•� �����
<br /> P�P Ym Y P B .-':i'�r':
<br /> � 14. NOIICBe. My notke to Oortower proHdM lor in Ihie Securiry InsWmml ehali be gken Dy delrvedng tt a 6y mn�g 0 by fisl . -• ' ��y%--
<br /> .� � � dass me9 unles�eDDtiwblo lavr requtres uso ol enolher melho0. T�a nofice ahull be tlirecled lo tho Properry Adtlross or eny oNer eOtlrose
<br /> - � Docrowa dosiqnetea by noGct to Lmder. My nolice 10 Lentler ehaY be ghm by Nsl dass mn0 �o Lentler'e eddresa stateJ httein or eny . ..
<br /> � oQ:v adE�ess lcntlix dosignatp by no0ce lo Uonower. My uo[ce prorlOeO(or N INS Securiry Inslrumant 5ha0 be tic_med lo haro bcm �_� - - ,_ �
<br /> � � qhen to 8ortower or Lentlx wl�m gNm ea proddetl in thia para5ap�. - ,
<br /> � 7b. �OVB�n[ng low; SOVBffi6111ty. This 6ecuriry InsWmenl 5he0 be govemed by lede�el law entl iho law ot lha NrtSQCUon N ' .
<br /> � - whkh Iha Property is located. In Ihe e+enllhet eny provisbn or tlauso ol lhis Secutlry Inswment or lhe Note canlliaa wAh epplicabla law.
<br /> - _ such eonlGCt 6haE not allecl oth¢r proWSbns ot IMS Seariry Inslmmrnl m Iha Nole which cen be Bken eMcl n8hout iha conllicfing .
<br /> � - p�oWslon. To Ihis enE l�e prchsions of lNa Securily Instrument end t�e Nole aro dedareE Io be swereblo. .
<br /> � - 18. OOtfOWBt'B Copy. Bortower ahnll bo ghm one conlwmM copy of tre Note�nd ol lhfs Security Instnimmt. �
<br /> - 17. Transfitr of tho Proporty or a Bonoticlal Intomst In Borro�voa n su or e�y van ot�ee ProPnry or eny mtere��n
<br /> . tl b 6oid or Vansfutxtl (w X e benefidal intxest in Dortwm is sold or Irvislertetl enJ 8crtmrcr is not e wluml pttson) wnhoul lrntler'S
<br /> " pfWr writtc� eansmL lendtt may, el ns opuon, repu4a immeda�e paymmt N full ol ell SUf(9 SCWfQE GJ�hf9 SttUtllY IOSW10tt1i. HOWINM.
<br /> -- � ' thb optlon aha7 nol�e exadsttl by LmOcr X exertlse Is prohDilM by fcOttal lew ee of tho date ol tnis Seariti Inswment. -
<br /> -u - � II Lmtler axadsea lAU oplion. LmdM eha9 gko Oortowtt notice ol eaMMeGOn. llla notice sha0 proNde e pedotl ol nol le5s Ihan 30
<br /> . ' . . daye /rom Iha tlato iho nolice la de4rtted or me1M w�hin whlch I�e BarowM must pey eC suma aewred by Ihie Securiry InsWmmt. 11
<br /> - " UortowM le7e lo pny IAC50 sums ptlw Io l�a expYOtlon ol tMe perloE. Lc�Ca may hvoke ony remeQee pemNleC Dy IMe Sea^ty �nsWmrnl
<br /> �- � . wIIhoul NMn noiitt a dm'anE on Dortowx.
<br /> - o,�e)N! �a'+ V7e 9,m �- _
<br /> F�029.VA0(�A]) �
<br /> ' - . uuw�.+e �
<br />