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<br /> �:�,.::y( - . . :_ 4�.,so�S
<br /> , .�no!to'r.a�d tM m�WNxn�iioui�t�N�W�r la�NdMvJ r�iW mtln�Iw�mly tpuW la��l��fotar.�ooaM�1 unrl�rlF� , �
<br /> .. -hlNY J11d EkW MlNrnrN iYBO�diwi Rtt M 1i71 p Mn�ndM krn Mnn b Y+»,12.U.�.O,tNt M aq. l'�A'�;'unN��r14Yre Mw ,�
<br />— dyl.opw.io.m.Fuqa. �..i«�,.moum. n�a�«�ar m.y,n ry n,»,wrea«w i;aa F�mar ti�n:�now,�'�ro waia a.
<br /> � �� Ne,...mqun.. unaR rt»r«w;ru m..ma�nt a Nne.a.on m.euro a artu,� dx.ra fa.�onw�o.otlmN«a a�ndMa�'a.-..�
<br /> .� IuWn E�aow dan�or MMtnM�N�occidnM xllh�ppAO�DN Yw. � ,.
<br /> 1t��Fwbl 1M/W hW N r�h�MNbn YihoN d�P���w Mwnd by�IWKM�qnty�In�EUmnYNy�a�ndy p+N+4+p Lwbr�M . .
<br /> tv�d�M wch�n h�4Wlbn]a N rry F�dxY Hom�lan B�nk LrMn�IW�ppry M�FunO�ta pry tM E�aar R�. L«Ww my nal -
<br /> _..— c1wp�Bortawr k+ Aoldnq nd rppyMp IM FunM�nnwYY n�NO th�Maow �ocount,a rMMY�W M�Eierow H�na�w�NN UnGv
<br /> ...,,,� ' � MYi-Bar6xw NI�1 on tM iund�n0�prfc�hN Yw P��Und�r to mYa Wcfi� EMry�. HowNw�UnMr mq oquH BarowR to ..
<br />. .. . -.-.-�:�— p�y a aiai�ro dwpa W+cn Nd:�p:aCCnt rcct atata 4LV rapa.Nnp acnY.�u::�OY lmdu b cc:u�:abn nM,h Nla loon.unlne eppknEM Frn � . .
<br /> pMdn WAKxM�. U�MKS an Wn�n�nl I� m�d� a �PD� Yw rpWrM NlrNt lo W P�� L�nd�r �hM na W nqutrW b py : - --.
<br /> _- — Barow«-ury ht�t a wnMp�on t�e iunM.Bortowa u�d LrWV mq��N wdNy.howxr,UNt Btr�at eMll M p+ld on N�iunM.
<br /> UndM.�h��pk�b BOrtowM,wl�hout thupR�n rxiuY�000untinp W Ne FunM,thovMp ttWU�nd M6Xi lo th�Ftv�Ot�nd M�puipow
<br /> .� ---- 1a wNrh Nch tlWN lo ths Funde w��mxM. 7M iunM a�pbdp�C u�EtfllmN��curlly Iw N wma e�curM by Ihb B�ouAly M�Nnwnt —_—--
<br /> .--- . H IM Funds hNd Dy L�nar auW th�unwMi pwMnM to 6� h�M-by�ppicaDM Mw, UnEN eMl aawt to BnrtowR-lor tM _.—..
<br /> .--z'y`"`°' wcas Fundt q aecordnep vF,�Ne roquWmmte of�ppk�ble Nw. Il the�mounl ol�he Funde hdd bY lenEx�I u�y tNm b not wlkJrA =_.---..._ .
<br />--'"''�"���.; to pry tlN EtCGw flNni whm OY�, L�ndr mry w notlty BOrtOx'M M vrtlWp,�n0, N eueh a6�BortOw«tMl pry lo I.widM Ih�mqunl
<br /> -'`v"E"�`„�� --
<br />� +���-i.:'+,, nkwtry to m�k�up Ihe Aaficknq. 8aroww�M1 mYU up Ne MANeaq N no mors Um� M�Ne monthy q�nenta. �t landrr'�wN -- - -
<br /> S,1 r':,•.r,. . �.-�=�—
<br /> "�Js�1�i AKYMIpI. �.�. __-.
<br /> � - �5,.•�q Upon p�ymrt�t In N� ot M wm� �aund by thb &curNy InaWmen4 Lmder tM� promply rePond to BMOwa�ny FunM MW by ��•{ _
<br /> h � raP�__��. , l�. M.undw Wn�pb 21,lmdw�hY aquln«tN ths RW�N�l�ndv�Rla lo N��eqW�tlon a uN G the A'IX�b,�MI ppy
<br /> h� _ �ry FunM R�10 Dy 4mdar�t Ue tiun�ol�cqWWlbn a ut�u�aedl�p�Nst Ne auma searM by Ihb&aAry Inawmx�t. �`[,�„ '
<br /> •�.;�...-.:,-,<�..� 9�AeJplkklon M P�ym�nb. UnMsa�pp�abh kx qovldee othwxtse,Y pqmenla nwWwl by Lmda unda qng�ph�1�nd ,F; :•.;. .
<br /> !- � 2�Iwl M tppkd. flrat,to �ny p+epq+r�em chupe� Mo unda Ne Notr, aecontl, to unouM�pq�bN undw pn�h 2:IhPa to hterost yi,
<br /> - � "S+` d,K lartlh,lo pAnclpal dur.�nd Ytt,lo�ny 4le chorpu due untler Ne Note. �� +
<br /> �_r : '. 4.Ch#rCOf: Ll���. Baroww tMl pry U Wcea� �ssessmaNe. dw0e�. fnn and Mpoallone �tlnbupM�to Ne Roperty wh1Ui �. �tll•�*��E.
<br /> ,.', � ... . mry�t1�N pAOtlry ova thle BamXy InaWm�nl,�nd IasMold qymeMe a proun0 rmte. N�ny. Barowx��Y p�Y lheaa obty�tlam h Ih� �",:�'�,,:- .�
<br /> i:,;`-%;�,•:::,v` mnn�r proWled N pnprMh 2, a X not pW N INl rtunnv� 8orzow�r ah�l p�y tham on INN �reay lo the pxson owaA WYm�nL '':�i',:rr�-'-�
<br />.�_.^,l;:ii,-.;DC .,. r:::-:
<br /> �� . Barowr shel pomp4y Nmlah 10 LenMr N nolloe� ol �mounte to 6e p�W unda Nla puiptph. H Bortow« m�kn lhas papn�ntt
<br /> ?r�i!R ir�" ��N��ravw ah�l promply Nmish ro Laidn recNpu MMndnp Ih�prymenU. �
<br /> � t; ,�.�r�', Bonoww�MI WorcyiW Aisehupa ury ien whkh Mn prloriry ovK thl�&arlry InsWment unksa Barower. (q ag�as h wdWp lo t�� �'' t Ya��'�:=��
<br /> � ����,�t pqnxnl ol the obip�lbn ¢ecured by�he I�n N �m�nner�cupW�N to Undr. (b)contecU In pood hnh the Im 6y. w dNmde�qNSI ' ' Y �r"-.� _
<br /> - �i n����fi enlnrcemant ol lh�Nan h..lepN proceedn9e whlch N Ne lmdda apWon apenle to prmcet Ihe mlorcanml ol Na ien;a(e)exura kom f�.. �i�+A � _ � ...
<br /> , �_ �. > —
<br /> i v�p�� i�- ina.hofdn oi ihe ien�n igoanml w4si�dory io Landei buuwi.n:iny G�a:w�i�iY�S aw�nf`„SVlii� Ii ii L'wn'm.i�w`:i7,ih:l�� -��.� f � .. -.
<br /> `i:t ��� pN ot tho Pfqx+ry b sub�ed lo�im whlch m�y tluYi p+loriry ovtt Na SewfXy InsWmm6 Lmder mry pNe fbnowtr�notla WentiyN9 'f.:� �!,r� _:
<br /> �%�-'3�'� Iha Nen. qarowa ah V wllsly Iho 1en or 1�ke one or moro ol the acNOna eH lalh ebove x#hh f0 Gya ol tho QMng o1 nollcs. �'1�:`.,!!<,..Y. -= -
<br /> ,...�,�:.:.-�_%. ._r:,.'.;'!�';;i7:.='=,
<br /> 6. Huard or Prop�rty Insunnc�. earox�a an�1 kecp�ee �mp�memmts nax e,asfng w herrerter eradea on tno Propary r� ,�+?j�
<br /> * � � NsurM�ynhsl bsa by he, h�ru0a Indudad wfthN Ne Ittm 'Wmded coverage• end �ny olhe h�7�rda. InWdn9(uotle a Ibodnq,fa �3}� tt, ��s-c�
<br /> ey`-"" whleh LmAe�rtquhea Inaunrica Th�s Inswanco nheB ba milnleFiM i�the�mounle�nd fo�Ne pModa IIiN lmder requYes. 7Tie Inauronee �,.��f � ,
<br /> '� _ ���� � unbr provldn9 Ne Naunnce ahJ be choam by Uortower aubJed lo LmAer'e �pprovd xTlch shd not 6e unrasonably wilhhtld. N � ���v r �--�� -
<br /> � _
<br /> ���}.�jqI. Bortower qIS lo maNWn eorerege tlesabM ebove, LmOer mny.et Lmder'e optlon, ob1uN ooverege lo prolect Lmder'e dghte h Ihe �j;'. i -,. ."�Q
<br /> .-^7!;S.;'. �MY In�eoo�Gnce wilh peragnDh 7. j't.��_ 5:,. : re. .
<br /> - ` ��":`---- M Ineurance DoGda�nd rmexala eNE be accep�bk to Lcndv md ehel IncNd.e slanderd matqage ckuse. Lenda ah�1 h�re Ihe �� - -�;`f'.--..
<br /> ...L='ri�i�;- _ � .e..l;. .:.:.:
<br /> �;n, . , rlpht ro hold tha polldea.nd rmewNe. 11 Lendcr rEquYn.Oortmrer she0 promplty qNe to Lmdar e7 rccPqls ol palA prertJ�ma�nd rcnewd 't �� � -
<br /> i . [
<br /> �r.3Y�!• nolleoe. In tho evml of losa. Bortower ah�➢pke prompl notice b the Msu�anae wder end Lendv. Lmdx mey meke proof o11os�N not �� ' �� -•_ �,_„
<br /> < �.��i',;, m�da prompty by Bortower. '' i ��.j
<br /> � ��{�{�9 t`. Unbu Lenda end Oovower o1�mNSe �proo b mithq. Insumnoe proeeede aha9 be eppOCd lo mtora9an or repelr of the PropMy - _ 1r �-
<br /> ' -_Srnhi:��1� Gm�geA, tl Ihe restmntton or rep�'r 4s econorNCa7y IensDlo enA Lmtlere sewrity la nol lessened. II Iho reatwefbn or repW le nol ' � '���
<br /> },"}��l-��- economtply IeasUla or LmOer'a seautlry wouW bo lessoned.tho Insurence prauede shatl Ua eDVEed to t�e sums aea�red by Ihb SeafXy ^ � �P '�` -.
<br /> 3 7 `a„ d �
<br /> ,p �4�;z�y,,; InsWmmL whalher or nof Ihen due.wilh eny excose Dald to Bortowzr. II Bortower ebandone the PropcAy,or doee nol mswn vMhN 90 � t ::
<br />-`��:�i f;.{fiI'_..;i':_"_t-�.
<br /> �,�,.�.-�5���,;„l. d�ya e notice 1rom Lmder thal tho Insurnnce cartler hae oNned to seWe e GaM,thm lcntl�may colleq lha Insuranee procttds. Lmde �.ry,,, ,,.-
<br /> ' ,i%y{ ,.;'�, m�y uae tha pro�eetls to repelr or restue tha PropeM/or to pay aume aewred by thls 9eariry Iretrumm6 whnlher or not thm tlue. 1Te �-�' - e� �
<br /> �`� 90�tlay PMIOd wL 6eg4�when lhe no0ae le 9Men. �ry`••i'`.��,�,��.
<br /> .. eJ:_.,- �,
<br /> � Unlesa len0er en0 Bortowa olhemise egraa In wriUn9. arry eppicatlon ol proceeds lo{ulncmal nha7 nol etlend w poatpone Ihe due
<br /> � date ot tho moMhy paymenls retertetl to N puagmphe 1 entl 2 or chenge I�o amounl of Iho paymmis. 11 under paregrnph 21 I�e Rcpery � �
<br /> ' b acq�YOd by Lmder,BonowKe dgM to any Nsuronce povdes and qcceetle resulWig trom tlartuge ro lho RoDCrry Ddor to tha ecGulsXlon •�� - . . � "
<br /> , ' ahall pass to Lmder to tho eMmt ol tho aums aecumd Dy Ihle Sewriy Inswmml Immedlalety pAw lo Iho eequBPoOn. - � .
<br /> � � - B. Occupancy, Preservatlon, Malntoncnco ond Protectlon ot the PropeAy; Borrowar'e Lwn �" - . .
<br /> �} '`� AP�111C.^llDil; L0060hO1d6.Borto�ver she7 ocwpy. eSteDYSh. and use tho Ropeily oe BortmreYS prindp�l res�tlenco wllhln a6Ry days �t:; , , , ��
<br /> �-.. ' ,�+^ � � nRM tho auwtlrn ot lhls Securtry Insln�mml antl 6he7 conGnue lo awpy fho R'o0erty as Uortavera pdn6pal resldence tor el teasl one �' " - � ,
<br /> - •��'��+'�y�=:�� y�r e�ei Ihu date ol occupwry, unlase �e�Ct+ o�hemiso eqreea N�rriling, whlch consmt sheA nC be unteasonObty w0hheld. ar unlets {'' -
<br /> : `..�,_ � . .
<br /> . �._ ;%qF��,;t; cNenumng dramstancea edsf whlcA ere Ocyontl Bortower'a wntrol. Oonower sna7 not desVOy.d�mego or Impelr Iho Propery. oDOw t�o +- ,
<br />- .��'tFt"r ' Roperty to tlMalo�uto.or rnmMl rraste on Ihe Roperty. Bortaxer shall be In tlefautf N eiry IorlN.ure ecllon M prcceeCing,whether dr�or
<br /> . '`.'�� � aln:nal Is 6eg�n Ihal h LrntlG's qootl latt�Jutlgment ceu�d result In lodedure ol lhe PropeM�othem1se molefaly lmpa4 the 6m aealetl � -
<br /> � � -� by Ihls Sewwrity Inetrument or LQ1ACl1 SEWIIIy If11Cff5L Bortower may wro such e tlafautt end relnstato. ns provlded In pamgmph 1B.by
<br /> -' _ mushp the apion ar pmeeedv�g ro be E7smssM wnh e mEng fhat. N Lmdera good lallh OetermaaUon. predutles fodetluro of the _
<br /> ____ __ __.___ 13ortowcre Nlerest N Ihe Propery or olhtt metGtal impakmml of tha Gen aea�M Oy thla Securly Inswmml or lendera accu:dy Intc+osl.
<br /> � � � " Oofrower shal elso be N dcfautl il 8ortower,durfn9 the loan eDDfi��Process.gaxe malMaPy false or Nacarate Ml�rmsUon or stalMnenla �
<br /> � . lo Lmder (or lefed lo provlde Lmtler wilh my ma�e�W Inlortnation) N connectlon mlA t�e loen erlAencetl 6y the Noto. Indudmg. DN not '
<br /> - fmNed to. reprcsmtnliona mneemNg Oortowers oaupanq ol tho PropMy ea o pR�dpal resltle+rn. II IhU Securiry Inswmenl la on e
<br /> .'1�� �. leeseholtl, Oortaver ehn0 eompy wilh e0 Iho prodslom of Iha leaso. 11 �ortowtt ecqulres Ice N:e b Iho Propc�y,Ihe leasehold end Ihe
<br /> ' , - feo GUe ahul nol me:qo unle3s Ihe LenEtt egrcea to!he mttgM N wnl'ng.
<br /> , /�1
<br /> .`,- (
<br /> . � ..--. -- r.,a<a o�e Fam SJ]B 9no (,�
<br />_•'(: -
<br /> . ' Ftp�pU.tOIW)1 ���
<br /> . - . u�m��.�e I
<br /> 1
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<br /> _ .. .__._----
<br />