i� �r> >C�• __ �z._ _..... Cn.r _ .
<br /> i -F . � _ _ _ _ . —.—... _ __ —
<br /> y � lf ; - .. . _ . = i i -- � - . .
<br /> , ��, � , � _ '$3��;t1'7"�t�t� '
<br /> � :6o�n����1u"!(Pto�+pdy.-a�ve l.en3er�4�itted notica o[ony n1�sUgatlpn,ciolm,dsmuM IaWSUR s!�#niat h t�Y
<br /> �o4�r�. a resulMOtye{rncy orp�(v�te pitY Inyolving IFq, ny tind u�y H�uMcw��Ybsluice or CnvlronMeot�1MW, -
<br /> b{whkh�forcow'tt Gea'Fctual k�qWledQe.If�AorTOwer(pin� ur ie notiiied by.pny go�einnkntal oM eeyuliiGry suthaNfji.;hst
<br /> n
<br /> , �np lc+�w971 or aher renxd{ilion of my Huardoue Substukd'dfee�ing tlq PrppDhy le qecessir'y,8oriuwer sMlt p�pmpfly i�ka
<br /> NI�suy rarkdta i�lone tn�000rde�O wlih gnvironmsnui l.uw. . t , , . ,,
<br /> Ai In�hispng r�20,;!Huudoue SubsGnas"uo chou suDsianoea Aellnal a+�oxiC or huardous�uMiancen by
<br /> � Env(rod�i1•Uw u�d�h9 foll6jving'�iubstancesi 8�11ne. kerosene, aher It�nu�ubfa ar roxlc pnroleum ptoducti;.)oxl� .
<br /> p�ic�da ud IKrbicida,vo�otlla solYt�ti,m�kriils mNeining asbeeto�or Pormnidehyde,anl rxliuxtive nuterlata.Ae us&1 ln
<br /> thls nph 20, 'Envlm�KnW !aW'.me+a+kdenl lawe and I�wa of ihe Judsdictlon�vAero the Property I e Iop�tA:Ou} �
<br /> rclAeto Lh,safay 6ie, rodmea�ai protlaiori;
<br /> _°°° NO •UN[TORhf CO�NANTS.Aortotirec.w�d LerACt further covenant and ngrte a�followe; --.... _ _-
<br /> , .2l:Accekc�tloni R; leei I.endee rb�ll 6ir6 oMkro lo Borsower prior lo�edaatbn tdbwiiy Bo�rowa'�Ixeaei� � .
<br /> of�Ay�co�'ewM or y�Stenxnt In Ihb&a+uttY tnqrument (bul not prbr to icctlerafbn umkr Wr►SnRh !7 un�w
<br /> pp�11aiWb uw vld(a otNCrnix)�'llro nolke e�qll sp�Ify� (U TAe dehulll N)the rdbn rcgulrcd to curc the deduit
<br /> (e)��diite�not�«.n.ao a.>s r��n�•�ro rhe notice Ls given ro Borroeer by whkh�he dK�ult must 4e cYrcd�r� ;
<br /> �d),ihd fdluro to alro q�e dcl�ult on or_betore Ihe date epeclptd In the not�co m�y rcwll ln���lon ot the 4Nmp
<br /> eep�red by lhis&aNly.Autromrn4 end Fale ot the Trop�rtY• '��tice shx I Nriher In[otm Botrower o�the riehi lo
<br /> - - ��In4qte nfter accelerqtlqn and�ho,rJ4ht to brtng p court acflon to nssert tho rwnwxistmce ot a del�ult or any Mhee _ . ____.___.
<br /> dehtue otloirower tu-apc�lai Ibn-shd sala U the defoult ta nnt curcd on or bePorc Ihe date spaltled In Ihe notia,
<br /> I,ender,�t IU oqbn,may,r{qnire immedipte pwyment tn IY�11 ot wll sums sccured 6y this Saudly Instrumsoi without
<br /> - ��irther&mnxl�nd miry InYake;ho��qwer ot snlo pnd ony other nmedles pemiltled bY�P�Icable law.Ltad�¢e eAa➢A be �
<br /> tnlllltd to edlEtt d1 expensta incurced Inp�rsUing iNe rcmedies provide�tn�UTis{wngroph 21�tncl:rtl�,6dA m:C timtf¢�J
<br /> ro,nawnxbk rttomeys`(as and costs ot titie+�titde,ke. .
<br /> [t the wer ot s�le Is Invoked,7ttutee shpll rcoorQ ra mrt3ce o?dn6'x�+�i7 5:�err�a a�aty in rJ�hSca��rvr4 c8 M✓e
<br /> _ _� Qrop�rty L+�oated�nd shatl mai��?pies ot svch ndice in�'hr an7ncee�vas�v6'ba11 my r.p�rable Iaw to ButtuKav wa to
<br /> the othaepe�sonv preae�ibed.6p aP.P�'a�le tow.ARer the tim�aai�uirctl z�y-fi::fa Bxn,i�usta shap give�wN3C vr.Ak'�c .-.. . - --
<br /> of sde to tM:lz+Son9 a�+d 5n CTe mnnner yresc�ibed by pppl�caDte law. i¢,xii��t demand on Borrower,sTu11 sdl ���
<br /> �Ae proyM'y an pdEtSirbva8nti to tfie hlghW b�dder at the Iime andp�acc en17 Pnder fhe terms dalgnntcd In fhe nWla of �-
<br /> sple in ohe tti e,rae�nrc�ls�nd dn aUy order Trustce detemilnes.7'rustce mpy poripone wle of all or pny parcel of the .z y- .
<br /> pcppaty py h11c iu�nm�m.rmr.nY�nt tha ttme and piace of any prcvlousiy scheduied asle. Lender or Ils designa may �tiL� �.
<br /> _ PIIIChASL'1�l�ptl4YbtP11Y�11�A . �p,}q'—
<br /> -- Upoo exalpl ot pqymrn).is��he price bid, 7Yustoc d`r+ll deli�er lo the purchn�er 1Yuitee'e dcesl conveying the _
<br /> Property.7Ae recltaf;in lhe'iY+�tee'�deed afin0 be priina facle evldence of�he truth ot the statements made therctn. jCy� -
<br /> — Trte,�ee shall�pply tne�nxeeds oi Ihe mte 744he tullowing orden(n)to all cosle and expenses oT exerrlsing Ihe pox'er ot .
<br /> sak,ouod the sale,lns7nding the payT�m1 otRie 9lnsla'e tees ucmnliy Incurrcd,not to exceedttie�of 550.00 ov �6 ��'��A`IC�si;._
<br /> ot tfirc�r.unclpai amount ot th� e(tate at the dimqe n4�he declaration oi default,und rcasoneble attorneys'ttts la.s, pemiltted ��:s ;�
<br /> — DY IYR�(T)�0 PII 6WIL�6CCUfC{1�f Qy1�5 SFi'�17a�,i'QIIS(NII1CIfli nnl��C�PII�'C%MS9�0 IIIC�P7S011 Oi�IC75011.9 ICr.�Iy fMl1IE1I IO ��r""--:'
<br /> —
<br /> .,,e.;—..r,
<br /> _. ` 16 ' - .; .. . '. , �t�a 1 _.. _�-
<br /> �° 27. Retomz,��noe.,Upon pnymcn� of all snms saurcd by Ihis Sec�rily InsttumcnL l.crn7:r shnll r.qU2s-7Yus�te ro "�:--- �
<br /> __-.— rt:convey �M1e Propeiay snd shall sumnder this Security Insnument and ell ratas evidendng debt seared by �his Secudty � ��
<br /> __ Insttunu�n to Tmstee•iYUSiw shall reconvey the Propcny withom wartanry end withom chargc to the perwa ar penoas legully � ,�y:,,,��;�:,
<br /> —�-'- emitled�o q.Such ptisori or persons shall pay eny recordatlon costs. ,���. :���
<br /> -ss�'��' 23.SobstltnlC Tnutee. Lender, nt its option, may from tfine to Ume rcmove 7Yus�ee and oppoint o suceessor trusice�o ,�,�ii�,'�:?,
<br /> eny 7tusia eppointed hercunder by m�instrumcnt rccorded In�ho county in which�his Saurit�fnsuvment is rccorded.\Vitham };��;{ ti �;����
<br /> -'°"'.'� rnnve anee of tho Pro en ,tlie successor trustee shall succecd ro all the ti�lo,power end dut a rnnferrcd upon�Tmstee hercin v,�--:�, -
<br /> _i:�+::•.,v endbyeppIlcablclaw.a y �'�'�"�^����'
<br /> .„-'":r€�'°+l 24.Requat for Notices. Oortnwcr requcsts tha�copies of the notices af default end sate be sent to Dortower's nddrese -;;:Z;<?�`°�T'T' -
<br /> -- r�, whicl�is thc Propcny Address. '�``���s���_'•
<br /> �c-°'�9�y; 29,Rldere lo INis Secudty Iiutrument.If one or moro dAers nre executed by 6orrower and ravrded togeiher wi�h Ihls �-:1.s ;�,f=
<br /> -�1�v.�,' Securi�y Insltutnent.thc rnvenants end ugrcements of each such rider sitall be Inmryoraled imo nnd shall omend ond supplemenl -'-�s f $ _..
<br /> - i"�' �ho covenams end agrcemcros of lhis Sttvnry Insuument es if tho dder(s)wcrc'a parl of this Secudty Insuument. -��' 1c _
<br /> t���'- �Chcck epplicablc box(csp � . -
<br /> ~� 4�'r -
<br /> �� ' �Condominfum Ridcr y � : �'/.n����,v -
<br /> ,y��� _ AdjusteblcRa�eRidcr 01-4Pamil Ridcr �
<br /> , c�a�e��r�y�,�m aiatr n Pl�n:rcd Unf�Developmem Rider L��iweelcly Payment Rider ,�SSs r'�`�-
<br /> 0.11aon Ridcr �Ratc Improvcmcm Rider �Secend Home Rider `.+ ` �°r ' " '�'r-•�
<br /> k - V.A.Rider �Other(s)�spccify� ACKNOWLHDCEt4iNT OF POW6R OF SAi.E '"'-,± v"`�` �,��, _
<br /> F `- '• ItONR BQUITY ACCS5S LINS RIDBR ` 19
<br /> .k.. 1:.�t ��.�_::..
<br /> 4 .� � � _ y� _".
<br /> .y - DY SIGNI�G�L•60W. Qonower accep�s nnJ agrees�n the�emu and ca�enams comained in�his Securi�y Insuument nid - �>i'� , ,,a�? �.
<br /> . - ' in any rider(s)eaecu�ed by 6orrooer and rernrded wiih it. ~�'T �-`,�;.,.
<br /> �. .
<br /> � . 1Vilncsses: , _l� � 0 �f+�i��A�q} t � �- -
<br /> - r S r .; V���I„��_ (ScaU `i���� y� t .'
<br /> '•J>.�:s �, DAVID � F. IBRII.T �9o�m..er �F.,.fyr.1�:. . -
<br /> . .. ,i�; . i, .
<br /> t. /
<br /> r. .
<br /> � 2�-�lFC�l—��<�.��/.Li !'/ --lScaU ��� J .
<br /> .:i:
<br /> _— — SUSAN L 176TFiP.RIi.T -0.,v.�.c� � �
<br /> '.��.' � "Ira: ' -�J.
<br /> _. , . ,.S�.y . . .
<br /> .l$Wb _ — _ISudl .
<br /> d�
<br /> '1y}'. �...�.._.. ____. _ __..�. .
<br />.- :�'i� .. .
<br />. �"�'„'�'.� S7A9E OF NE6RASKA. H�yL County ss: ' _ . .
<br />� _ .- 7Tc foregoing irolnmxm was�cknowlcdgal bcforc rtua�his �,d day uf j�p � 1993 • • _ _ .
<br /> S "- bY DAIVD J fiSTiIERIi.T ANU &USNi L H2TtiL+2IL IiUS�A1�D 17I+8 � .. - � - �
<br /> Wimess my hand wM nmsrial scal a� ��p Ig�..ro � ��d Counl da�c afurc+aiJ.
<br /> � � ' �—_
<br /> �ty Commission Gxpirce: 06/06/94 � . . - . �
<br /> _ - :;;�.r nwapwe�n , . �
<br /> '�:t3"s'. 1 �i�YMGAI.S�Y11YfYh „ .
<br /> �'�?c°:�� '� �ONNI6QOq1A!(tOt1 , , .
<br /> {yCqfaUplqiG�7H v.�.�a� Fo�m30I8 O190
<br /> � � • ;, .. _. ___�
<br />