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Jy .. «::. = <br /> J) 'JI .�S _ – _ La: _ _ _ � . l �'!L — .. <br /> l � ' <br /> �J� - '• - � 1 ' .i .. . '� f I ' ... // _ . ' � T��� ��; � = <br /> xu g eW(v�la�dxtA��.q,lnwran¢a wv e le na�vetl�ble Borrowtr dlull pY w iRiMa adi tnunth�� ,` <br /> p' "wdRA d�he yady �90 lnwru�ce P��um h!n�p�Id by�8orrowt+�1�M Ua Inwnnoe wVafdq I��e �, <br /> ,i �elaNkct:.��ll1�A�auidrbdn�haep�YmdNla �los� tqave1n !ku o� mweWe I�ai �, <br /> t 4�9��1u�rwlM�ttiii"uit�d��Otheoptlonoil.ader�l6moRt+telnwrmtemve�t{�(!n! udforJwpt�rriud _" <br /> i.. ,. t�� �ul�q)Proyld�by� n Uuurcr�pprovea byJ.e�ckr Mdn bt�/v�11�61e�nd U��BMrow4e!1wP11 py <br /> tlie pmn{um�n+qu�l�d to rn�iMNn�d�d4;tnwt�fKb 1'n tf(ya.or 14 D�'�'��n�ave�until t¢e�ftt�h�t ta�+ye <br /> .. I � slni�oro�d+ncewith wriltu��i�01h'��`��1T01�rmdL.adororrpplic�6lel�q, , <br /> ON <br /> � loa.�r or it��ent•(1�y IMke rt�tqW e a�(r{ds upon�nd Iropecdon ot tho Propc%y [.tnlet�h�ll�ive ., <br /> � Uo�toHt nMIW�t the time ot ot pr�or w 1h Ipspeqi9n spectfYing r!#spn+bt6 quse fot the Incpaalon, , <br /> ... .. }0�Cdnd�isr�tiql� TAa prosaed�o!�ny-�w�M or cldm for d�nuYa,dirtct or conuquenddi In��with any <br /> cordomn�tlbn or a��kJcing o(�ny part of�ho.PropMy,or for mmeyu�se In Iitu af mMemMtloni iro IkrtDy uti{nod�nd . <br /> -, siwll Wp�Id to l.c . a ' - - - <br /> In�ho evrnt ot�tdat aking oflhe Prope�tY•the prooude ahill be ppllat ro�he wrtu eocuied by'.jfih Sowit�y InNrvment, ,•. � � - <br /> wheWer or not e�n due,:v,i�h�W exoes5p�W to Borrowu.Tn�Ae oven(ot o putiol ukinB oF�ho Propeny'In whlch the tdr •� <br /> martet vaivaot the Ptoperty I�iaf�y bitore�ho t�king i�equaf So or grcater Q��n ihe 9muunt of Iho sum�eecurcd 6y thi� <br /> Saurlry InstNment immtdie{ely tietdra tlw Idci�g,unlau Bortower up Lqlder atxrwisa oyra in writfng,ttw sum��ewted bY . <br /> ;�-:� _ lhl3 SCNtity IM1SIfi!t1iC71t 6h711 60 teducod by{h�e eqaum of tho P�s m�lU litd Dy-t h a f o l l o w ing t ro c t i o n: (a) �h e tq d-: . <br /> enaum of tAe wms:&<vred Immodlately befoto iip uking,dlvidcd 6y(b)ttn�Fir mukd vrluo ot tho P�opetty immcdi�tdp <br /> _ __ .__ bcForo thc tal:ing. Any'Wlanoc shell be paid ro 9oridHer. In�M a�'cni of a paniRM4king ot�ha Prop:ny In whlch:the fdr <br /> nutkN vxlue of tla Property Inmiediuteiy Ixforo the�+Icing is le��tiin tho amourn ot tin�sumti securod immedhtdy betdrollie <br /> ' taking,unlfss Borrower snd Lcndcr otherniso agrco in-wrt�ing or unless appllcabio Uw wh:nvise providq,ttw proaalf stiall- . . <br /> bo opptied to the sums secured by�his Sccud�y I�lswnxnt whethu or oN the sums ara tAcn duo. - <br /> If tho Propeny is ebandoned by Borrox•u,or if,afler notitd by Lender to Flortox�r that tho condemnor offero to m�ko rn <br /> award or setqo a cla�m for d�magcs, Bu�ranw talls ro respand to LcMer xl�hin 30 days eRu �ho dato �he notico Is given, <br /> I.tnder ie euthorizcd lo collal end appiy th:procoude,et he op�lon,eiiheno rpstonUon or rcpatr of tiw Propeny or to tho aunn. <br /> sxurcd by tAis Security Inswmem,whether or nM ehen dua . � <br /> -=—— . Udw Lender a�d Horrouer tNhuwix egra� In wrhing, nny a�lltatlon of prooads to princiwl shall na extend ot <br /> � — postpone Iho due date of tho nnmhly paymenu refertod to in puagreaM end 2 or change tho omoun�of such paymenp: <br /> _ �-- 11.BorroRer Nd RNtasedl For6eannte By I.ender NM a Wolru.[ixtenslon ot tAe timo fot payment or mod�ficatlon <br />�,?�''��";}�'� of enwniretton of tho svms secured by this Secudry Inacument gronteA by Lender m any suceessor In Initrest of Bottower shall <br /> �� not ope+ete�o rclease the Ifabtlity of thc original Bortowcr or Borrower'�suoceswrs In Imerest. Lender utwll not be rcquircd ro <br />;,;�:.;�� mm:rr.m procccdings egains�eny sucocssor in intcrest or rcfuse ro extend�imo for paynxnt or othcrxise modify anwrtizatfon <br /> of�h: sums secured by ihls Security Instru�xm by reawn ot eny demnnd made by �he original Ffortowu or BorzowePs <br />=�;5�`�: sucresson in interes�. Any fo�carenw by Lcridu in exudsing any right or rcnxdy shnli not bc a waWer of or precludo tlw <br /> is;;1;�tit;,- exercise of any dght or renxdy. <br /> ��.-, , 12. Sucttswrs xnd Assigiu Bound;Jolnt aml Sevenl Llabllitp Casigncre. 71a wvcnams end egreemcnts of thls <br /> ;;;,;,r;r;;-, Securiry Instrunxnt shall bind and henePo the successoro nrA �usigm of I.ender and Dortower, subJeet to �he provisionc of <br /> rt�i �, paregraph 17. I3ortower's mvcnants end egrecmcros shall be joint and scve'al. Any Uorcower who m•sign+ �hi� Security <br /> � ,s3, Instrument but does not execu�e�he Note: (o) is m•stgning ihis S�curity Insuument only to mongage,grsnt and convey tM1at <br /> - ,,. r'` Ifortower s imeresi in ine Propcdy u�d<i iiro ie���s vf ihis:x:wri.y InsimM�,rt:(C)!a ra:��.eaaliy rkllo!^a t^�;!�s_�m! -. . . .. ._. .. <br /> �E"��- !. SpCU(iG DY lIlIS StCilfll�'IIISWII1C01�nnd(c)ngrees that Lender and xny aher Oortawer may ogru:lo cx�end,nwdi y,Porbcar or _ <br /> ��-c�±.�� make eny eccommoda�mns�vith r.gxrd�o�he temu of tlds Security Inswment or�he Note wi�hout ihat 6orrower's mnsent. _ _ <br /> ��'`� � "` ' 13.Loan Chargp.if�he loan secured 6y�hi:Securi�y Incuunxm is sub'at to a law which sGa nwuimum loan charges, _- �� <br /> � � a"�� endthxl law is linally InieryrctM m�ha��he imerest or oiher loan charges m�leaed or to be mllected Im m�nection with�ho <br />-:. .:Yt.:� �. <br /> ��l`.'..;.: <br />-'5��...,.t . Iwn exn�ed the pemiftted Iimlls,�hen:(n)eny Ruch loan charge shall be reduced 6y the emoum ncccsssry�o reduce�he charge <br />���`-::�-i�� to ihe pemiltted Iimir,und(b)any sunu nlready mliected from�orro�rer which excecded pemillted Iimils wlll be refnnded ro i��=--- <br /> ;; -;�:" Oorrower. Lcnder may choosc �u makc thix rcfund by rcducing �hc principal owcd under the Notc ar by making a Jireq ��w,:+-°°�-- - <br /> �-""'`,�� � a ment lo I3orro+��cr. If a rcfund nduces principal, �he rcduc�lon �vlll be trwtcd at e parlinl prepayment without any - <br /> t -�- PY �nui� - <br /> i - prcpaymenl chargc undcr�Bc No�c. rS�1�.�'�� �-- <br /> '' - '' l4.Noilces.Any notfce�a Oarro�rer provided for in�his Securi�y Instrvmem shall be given 6y Jdivering i�or by nmfling � � ='- <br /> . I�by first clus mail unlas applicable law requircs use af another nmtliad.7'he no�ice shall be direned ro the Prupetty Addrcss �E ir . <br /> � or nny o�her uddress 6orro�rer designates by nuiice �o Lender. Any notim �o I.c�er shall be given by firs� class matl to _ +ffy.��`% "`�-- <br /> - �-'!. Lendci s address s�zitd hereln or any o�her adAress Lender Jexigna�es by no�ice iu 13orro��er. Any nntim mvided for In this 1� �;x� �A'� <br /> '�'n;-.,, Sccurity Inswnxm shall bc decmed�o haec l+.en giren ro Oarrourr or l.ender when gi�•cn ac provided in ihPt par�graph. ;.�.,--"r�'•�yY;='�-,.. <br /> I5.Gorernin� Lewi Serernbili�y. This Securi�y I�uwmem shall M gnrenurl by kderal law and ihe law of the � - - ' n-- <br /> � �r jurisdk�ion in which�he Prop:r�y is Inca�ed. In�he erem thai any provisinn ar clause nf�his Securi�y Instrumem or the No�e ����, �1 N�' <br /> ,. _ _.__.� ronNe�e with npplicable law.such mnllict shall nm affm o�her provisions of this Savrity Instrumem or�he No�e which ean be y,fr�j�l<< ,-� ; <br /> - grvcn eftcc�wilhout the mn(liding prm-ieion.Tu thi.ciui ihe provumio u(Ihi.S�tivuty 6t,imnum and Ihe Nolc ar,dalarcd r��r,f --�. <br /> . to 6c uverablc. -':� � r ; <br />_ .;�{.;,--��: 16.Do�roi�er's Copy.6orro�cer+hall he gi��rn onc a�nfomud copp of�hc Nutc and u(this Securiiy Insuumcnt. � r� _ �--� <br /> - 17.Trensfer of lhe Properq�ur n Uene0ainl Intcrcst in ISorrm�er. If all ur any pan of�hc Propeny or any intcrest in it - � '°,._ ,� ,; <br /> :�` is sold or uansferred(nr if n Mneficinl imeresi in Uorro�rer i.x�ld nr�r�nsferrcd anJ�ortoo�cr is not a namml pnoN�vithom ��i-< <'`� <br />:��,r',.: .':� r�.-.�;�, . ,z;,_t.::. <br /> .�?, �. •� Lender's prior wriucm m�scm. LenJer may, a� in np�iun, rcyuirc immcdiatc paymcnt in full of all wms s�urM by �his 4 a` ,,. <br /> -'�"� , . � Security Inswmenl.Ho�cever.Ihi.op�inn.hall not be exercixd b)�lxnder if exerciu i.pmhihileJ by federal lan�ac of tl�c dale ;.�'%;::�'F' 4y>?:.:- <br /> �'} of this Sccurity Imuumem. ��(�{'-..Z ` '''. <br /> "(^S. <br /> If Lender exercises�hic ap�inn. I.enJer.hall gi�r fiorro��er no�icz n(aactention.The notice.hall proride a period of ra� � "; 1 i.:��1::�.;� <br /> ��:;�� Ie.0 ihan 30 dayt fmm�he Ja�c ihe ualice is dcli�envl or mail•d wiihin ��hirh 6orraw�cr mm� pay all s��,t�,��m ny� m„ `.;'r'-�`' -;;;7�y... <br /> . Sccurity InslNmcnl.If 6nrzo�ccr Liils�o pay Ihc.c sum.pnnr la�hc cxpiraiinn of O�i.peri.xl. I.cndcr may imvkt anr renxdi�s -'�1"-� ��;�:q. � <br /> �� permincd by Ihix S.rurily In+lrtmunt���ilhoul furihcr nolia or Jcmand on Uorro�ctr. _ <br /> Jf!c......::.� .c 18. Oorto��er's RIFh� tn Rchumle. If 6nm,wer mch �ennm ayndilion.. W+rruncr .hall hacc Ih: r.;.`.t to hair � , <br /> � en(urtCmcm nf Ihi.Sccuriq In�trumcnl dix�•rri,aucJ +• z>> nmc pru»[.. �Sc carlicr oL lal S J��+ �o� +urh u:5.r µri<d a. . _ <br /> aPDlicable laa- nr.n spe.ifr Inr rcin.�.nem:u �xf,rc .de �,i tnr C'roF.::. pur+uanl In an} p�,u:r ot .o:r am��irn1 in thu • . . <br /> k'�13 . Scturiq� ih)emn�of ajudgn;•au mi,.amif m�.S.cunn L-..<:-�crt Ttox condm��r.....�c::�t Bartoucr.lal(u., �. .t' <br /> Lende� sll xnnn��hfch Ihen��nutd be dur���der�ti�•5•v,�•. Irt�mm.rt a:d ��: �-:r�d r.o a�r::raLOn h�l ca.urrad: Ibl � , <br /> . . Nlfi 211)'dC�d11I1 O�311) o�hrr aorcnann or�tn.u,,.,v_ �:• F�..�'l r��rc,1. �"ti°:.: r cnF+rc�ng mi> Scavnn laswmwn. � - <br /> - � intluding, bul nol limi��d �o. rcaumablc anam.:r: fx, r.! � „'c`:��:�:; ;. ::'�ir nu} rraonahh rrymrt lo a.wcc �• � . <br /> . . lhal thc licn o(�his S�.vril� In.lrumcm. ItroL:r'..e:�n�.��r•.e Fr.�per. .r.! F.r�o�o:: ,nFhcau-»n,pa� �hc wm<<ceutcA h. - . <br /> " - Ihis Securiiy Insuumenl shall caminur und�angal Cp,• r.•,•.+i,-.�::'� ^. B�, Ihi. Saunq- Imwment and �I•.; <br /> _• <br /> o6ligaiions xcurcJ hcrcb)�.h:dl rcmain full� cil�nn<.i,it nn s:tr::u�.�o i:_J.�:c..Ta1. klouc�cr. Ih�.righ��o rcm.lalc.ha�l �:.���'�.. . <br /> _. _ _ _ " �' '... . . . <br /> .. - `roi apply in Ihc cau ol acccicraunn um�cr(uragnpn i� i� <br /> � I9. Sale of Note: ChanFe af I.oan Scrr(ccr. llic �nlc nr a (unfai miarc.� m thr \otr m�grther �.id� d�i. S�rum� : . <br /> .. - InsuumcnU may M wIJ nnc or mnm�imc.xiiLou�pnor nou�r�n W.rrnntr.A.alc nu� rc+ul�in a dungc in ihc cnlil��dnnwn � <br /> ' � as Ihe'Loan Scn�ioer'1�hal mllal.momhl�pa�mrnl+Jut under Ihc\ole anJ �hb Sacunq�InNrumem.Thrrt al.n ma� M1e one i <br /> Of 1110�C CItJ11�fS D(Iill`IA�JII SCf�I�T!UOR'I]It�10 J YIIC O�IIIC NOIC. I�IIICIti la 0 CII;IOFC PI II1C lwvn S.n�mr. Ik+rra��cr oill M ` <br /> . -" given�crilien nMfce of�he change in ar.orttanee�cflh paragreph IJ aixne ar.J.ippliraMo lao.The ix,�i.t��fll .ta�:Ihe namc aixl . <br /> . . addrus of�hc nt�� lwun Sen�inr and thc aJJrn.In ohich�xqmcm..houW lx maJc. -fh. nnUS udl atv�mmafn am u�hcr � . <br /> .� .: - infotnu�iun nquircJ hy appiicaM1le lao�. <br /> 20. Homrdous tiuiulnnces. Wirrowcr �hall no� .au.r or {krmi�thc prc..n... u.c. Ji.p�.ai. .mr.ig.. nr mlw.c o(an� ( <br /> � � flazaNws Su6sta�ars nn or in thc Pmpeny. Ikrtrnwcr .hall nnt J�+. nor allo�� amanc cl�c ln Jn. amlhmg allattmg �hr 1 <br /> � Propctty Ihat i�in vinlalion of an)� Gm�iromnemal Ir��. Thc praiding b�o.cmcn.r..hall nol appl� In Ili.prc�tn.r.u,c.��r � <br /> ;���i, atorage on thc Yn+pcny u(.null yuami�ics nf Hv�nlou.Sub.lan.r. Iha� :1R j1CPff8II\ ra�Y�gninvl�u h appn.pnaic lo nomial <br /> residential uxs aixl lo maimcnance uf Ihc Pmpcn). <br /> - .w�,�� Fpm3028 9/80 � _ . . <br /> t <br />