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.,�; ___ ____ __ ____ _ _ <br /> �,��+tRt�'r'�-�; � �;�f , ,- , '�°� <br /> �\F......a.. .�,.::w � �. — + „�. <br /> -��--�,�-- .T.---�:.__.. <br /> '��I, . . -,-.� � �.,. _ _– — --- – �.- _–� _ <br /> �:. ^ : � ._ _ <br /> --. ,,.._ . � .J ��.11� , ..n. � — <br /> =_" vi 1V171� 1 <br /> - 17.Traarter ot t�e Prope�ty or 4 Beneficlol Intera�t in Barrower.IP ell ar any put of thc Pmpeny or any interest in it <br /> - -� is sold or transferred(or if a beneficfal intere9t in Bc�rrower is sold or transfened ond Borrowar is nat s naturrJ perion)wilhout <br /> �-�• Lender'c prior w�itten conscnt. l.ender may, a[ its option. require immediute payment in full of oll aumr�ecurod by thi� <br /> --- - 5ecurity insirumem.fiowever.this opcion riwii nut be osen:irw'by Lender ii e�crcisc�r pruiii bit a l i;y t c.i era t liv�::a f i l s c d a l� <br /> --�°.��— of this Sccurity instrumcnt. <br /> :� !f I.ender eaercisea thia optian,Lender shall give Bormwer natice of accelerutiun. The notice ahull provide A pe�iod of not <br /> - � lesa than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered ar tnuiled wi�hin which Borr�wer mutit puy all surn�scxured by this — <br /> ..�� Security lnstrument. If HoROwer fails to pay these sums prior ta the expiration of thi�period,Lender may invoke ony remedira� <br /> -�° �-� permitted by thib Sccu�ity Instrument withuut funher nutice or demund on Borrower. � <br /> � 18. Borrower's Rtght tu Re1nrlAte. lf Borrower meeta cerwin conditions, Borrawer shell hava the right to have <br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at nny time prior to the eurlier of: (a1 S days(�r such other perlad us <br /> _ �,_� applicable Inw may specify for reinstetement) before sale af the Property pur�uunt to s�ny power of sale contoined in this <br /> Security Inslniment;or(b)antry of e judgment enfarcing thia Securfty Inatrument.Those cond{tiona arc that Borrower:(a)pnys <br /> X� L.ender all sums which then wauld be due under this Secu�lry Instrument and the Note as if nu acceleration had occuned; (b) <br /> _ _�-=_'��_,Q� cures any deFault of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expensea incurred in enforcing thia Security Inslrument, ` <br /> including, but not limited to. reasonable attame�s' fees;and (d)wkes such actian as l.ender mny reu�nably require to assure <br /> _—__ - - that the lien of this Securlty Instrument. I.ender s rights in the Property und Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by <br /> �;�R�-:'�`.�c' this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon rein4tatement by Horrawer, thic Security Insuument and the <br /> -�'x��'�'_.� obligations secured hereby ahall remain fully effective ac iF no acceleration had occurred. However. this right to reinstate shall <br /> not apply in the case of acceieration under parag►aph 17. <br /> _ __�,�;:•.?�� 19. Sale of Note; Chonge of Lonn Servicer. The Notc or u partiel interest in thc Natc (together wlth this Security __ <br /> _ - Instnimenc)may be sold one or more times without prior notice ta Borrower.A sale may result in a chenge fn the entity(known <br /> �—• " as the"Loan Servicer")that collerts monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There ulso may be one �._ <br /> � - �•�_�.�•`T or more changes of the Laan Servicer unrelr;teil w a sule uf the Nute.If there is a change of the l.aan Servicer.Borrower w1Q be -�-- <br /> -__ �:�a . given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicuble law.The notice will state the narr�e and = <br /> �" ��`"f �� address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shauld be mude. The notice will also contnin any other <br />_v�.�fi�•''j.r� � �� infarnuttian required by applicablc law. <br /> �„��';,;': '": 20. Nazardous Substonces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, srorage. ar release of any -� <br /> '�"'" ' Hezardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shull not do, nor allow anyone else ta do, anything affecting the -- <br /> -°�:�`�`••� -n�-• � Pmperty that is in violetion of any Environmen�al Luw. The prcceding twn sentcnces shall not upply to ihe presence, use, or =__ <br /> � "'�.'' --s�°� • storage on the Property of small quantities of Nazardous Substances that are generally recognized to 6e uppropriate to normal �� <br /> =w= n "- residential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny, <br /> �'���` •„ Borruwer shall p�umptly gtve Lender writtcn notice of nny investigation,claim, demnr�l. lewsuit or other action by any - <br /> °�`z ° "-�. overnmental or re ulato a enc or rivate an involvin the Pr rt and an Haurcdous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> - � i�'r':� . -.1 � � �'Y � Y P P Y B W� Y Y - <br /> .,s;��, d' ,. of which Borrower has actual knawledge. If Bonower IeArns, or is noti f i e d by sny governmen ta l or res u l a to ry a u t h o r i ry, t h a t - <br /> - ���"�s`R' .' an removal or other remediation of un Hawrdous Subs�unce uffectin the Pro n is neces�u Borrower shall om d take — <br /> ��.:.. ,�- -- <br /> _=. _ .,�,x�,,. Y Y 8 P� Y rY• <br /> � �i�}��;�:���'= aii necessary remediai actions in acconiance wi[h 6nvironmenlai Luw. <br /> 'v�� As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" ure thuse xubs�ances definal us t��xic or huanrdous xubstunces by <br /> �'`'���� . � Envi�onmentul anci the following substances: ga,oline, keroxene, �►�her Oummuble or toxic petroleum products, taxic <br /> -=:_�z�;� . <br /> =,.,o�. � t� " pesdcidex and herbicidcw,volutile solvents. materiuls c��ntaining utit►e.t�►x ur farmuldehyJe.unJ radiouctive muterialy. Ar used in <br />. �� �•� this puragroph 20, "Envinmmentul l.uw" nkum federul luwti unJ luwti ul'the JurixJiction whcrc the Pr�ip�:ny i.r Icicated that <br />- r� relute tu heulth,vsdety�ir environmcnwl protccti�►n. <br /> ',�'t' � " NON-UNIFORM CAVENANTS. &irrower und l.cndcr furthcr cuvenunt unJ ngrcc ati I��Ilow.: °_-- <br />���,��- •. ��,.:.+,..�;� ; 21. AccelerAUont Remedle�. IAmder xhall Rlve noticc lo Burrower prlor to ucccleruNon fi�IlnwinR B�x�rower'r�brcuch <br /> -_ ' ' ot wny covenant or uRrctimcnt In thl� ticeurlly Instrument Ibut n�N prin�to uccclernNon under purs�groph 17 unl�cs � <br />- �8;�� � � �ppllcable Iow provldc.r otherwlKl.The notire«hall sp�tilPy: lul the�eP�ult; Ib11he uctlon n�ulred to cure the dePault; __ . <br /> ,,� " (r1 p dpte. not I��.v Ihun 30 duys from thc dute the n�Alrc I�ufvcn to IMrrnwer. by which the defAUlt must he cured;und - <br /> -_ � � " (d1 tiwt fpilure tu cure the detouU on or IxPore the dute xp�rificd In Ihe nntice may re�ult in urrelerulbn of the tiums - <br /> �� ; �.;f''}:° '' ' ` r�ecured b� this tiecurlty Instrument and +ule oP the Propert�•. The nnticc shall further Inform Bnrrower oP the righl to - <br /> :.'y1:�, � n, reln.yfate aftcr accelcraUon and the riuht m b�inK a couM ucN�M to uysert the nnn�exictencc oP a default or any Mher <br /> � defen.r•e of Borrower to uccelerutlon and wlc. IP the defauU ir, nnt curcd ��n or Ixfore Ihe date Kpecitled in the noNce. �.�-_ <br />_- ,., Lender. at its uption. mAy requirc imm�,�dlate paymcnt in full of all sum.r•urared by this Security Instrument wlthout �_ <br /> " ''J ''�' fuHher demand and m�y invokc thc pnw�r of�ule und any othcr remcdiev permltted by upplicable lew.l.ender shall be _ <br /> "� ' ' endtled to collect all expensev incurrcd in pu�:+uinu thc rem�diev prnvld��d in thi�pnruKruph 21.including,but not limited _ <br /> �°"� to�re�.sotu�ble attorneyx'Pe�and costs of dtle evidence. <br /> -��;.'� IP thepo wer of sale is Invoked. Trustir�hall record a notice oP default in each county in whlcl�any part of the � <br /> � � . Property Is I�cated and shall mail copi�of'such nnUce in the munner prexribrd by uppUcable IxK•to Borrower and to �". <br /> -:•_C,".s <br /> - ' ' � the other per�ng prescrifxd by applicable law•.Aitcr the time r��yufred bv upplicablc la�r,Trust�r tifwll �qlve pub8c notire �= <br /> �tiT,. , - <br /> ~ � of sele to the perwns and in the munner pn�urlbed by upplicablc luw.Truzlee, without demend on Borrnwer. shall sell -- <br />_ .d���.,. • ° " �° the Property at publir nuction to the hiRh�wt bidder ut the time und pluce and under the termx de�i�qnated in the notke oP <br /> ' rale in nne or more parcels and in any order Trutit��determin�y. Truxt�r may poup�me sule of all ur any parccl of the <br /> � ' ' Property by pubNc unnounremenl at the time and plere of an�• previiwhl��scheduk�d wlc. l.cndcr ur i1s d�iRnee may � <br /> ' purchese the Property at pny sale. <br /> ' � : <br /> " Form 30Z8 9/90 k. <br /> � ^ P•pe 6 u�b �` <br /> t ,.. .. � . <br /> .� �i .. • ��. <br /> " _ '.r._.'•'. �...' ' - ' .. ., , i � . . . ....,_.. ._.r-�-�.,__.. _ . . _...M;R._ �:+,i «•'/.ti>y�Y <br /> � a <br /> i ` <br /> .. ' . .�. <br /> - ' ... . . �.. � - � � <br /> � <br /> i. � - '- <br />