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<br /> prymentr m�y no lon�er bc rcquired,a thc nptiun af Lendcr, iF murt�upe inxurancc covcr�ugF(in the amnunt wid fbr thc periad
<br /> �:� th�t Lender roquira)provt�ied by pn inaurcr appmvod by Lender aQelrt becomcs aveiloblc and ie obtainod. &►rrower sl�all pay
<br /> _ _�� ____— ihe Qremtum„ro4uirod to mii�uain mon¢a�te iniu�nce in efPxt.ar to provldc a lo��reurve,until th¢requirament for mort��e
<br /> -.-- - Inaunnce�nda in acoot+dancc wlth any written a�roement betwcen Dorrower wuf l.ender ur upplicablc law.
<br /> _�.`� --- 9.la�poclloo.L.endcr or its ag�mt �my rtwke rcasonuble entries upnn wxl inspactiona�>f ihc Propeny. LeMcr�Iwll�ive
<br /> p Bonower natice at the timo of or prfor�o an in�pectian�pecifyin�rcawnablc cwuxe i'ar the inapxlian.
<br /> _ 10. Condemtu�ilon.The procoal� af any award or cluim far dwtwgea. diroct or cimreyuential, in connectian with any
<br /> _..�°-�--------
<br /> --- condem�wlion ar ather twlcinQ of any pnrt of the Proparty,nr far�bnvayonce in lieu of conJemnwiuu.ur�I�errby aisi�ned �`
<br /> olwll bc paid ta Lender.
<br /> In the event of a total taking uf the Praperty,the praceeds ahall be applied to the sums r+ecurcd by this Secu�iry ttwtrument.
<br /> -- _==j,� whether or not Ihen due,with uny excess paid to&irrower. In the event af u pArtial �aking uf the Propeny in which the f�r
<br /> _..� nwrket valuc of the Property immediately before the taking is equal ta or greater than the wnuunt af the sums secured by thia
<br /> _ „ � .__r_�.� Socudty Instrument imrne�ietely before the taking,unless Borrower wul Lender otherwise agree in w�ltin8.the sums securad by
<br /> ==��Y^.� thiR S�xurity Instrument shall be reduced by the amouot of the pmceeds multiplied by the fbllowing fractfon: (a) the total
<br /> umount of the sums secured immediotely befare the tuking. divided by(b) Ihe fuir market value oP the Property immediately
<br /> -- ' before the taking. Any balance shnll be paid to Borrower. In the cvent of a paniul taking of the Property in which the fei�
<br /> '-"`�"�� market value of the Property immediately 6efore the taking is less then the amount of the sums r�ecured immesliately before the _
<br /> _�_�_� .� taking. unless Borrower and l.ender dherwiae agree in wrlting or unless applicable lew otherwise provides,the proceeds shall
<br /> *` be applied to thc sums secured by this Secudty Instn�ment whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> -. . �__ __- _ If the Property is a6andoned by Borrower,or if,after noticc by[.ender to Barrower that the wndemnor offer�to make an
<br /> ��.�:�. ..
<br /> ;�a�,K award or settle a claim for damnges,Borrower fails to respond to I.ender within 30 days after the date the notice is given,
<br /> .�p�-�"u�' " Lender is authorized w collect and apply the proceeda.at its aption,either to restoratian or►epair af the Property or to thc sums =
<br /> � �� ' secured by thia Secudry Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> �?q°.�'.:-'�lr,�:;",''".'•:
<br /> -" ''�'"""--"`"- Unless I.ender and 8orrower otherwise agmx in writing, uny applkatian of procexds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> �� ;'w,�� postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change�he amount of such payments.
<br /> - � ;::;".' 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver.Extension of the�ime for payment or madificatian
<br /> �.�'^.
<br /> •��� �+'i"�.�' • of amortization of the sums secure�l by this Secu�ity Instn�ment granted by Lender to Any successar in interest of Horrower shall
<br /> �� ts '� not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. I.ender shall not be required to �
<br /> y=K��'� ���' commence proceeciings agninst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvige modify atnortizetion
<br />;�,��%:: ` � �• of the sums secured by tMs Securiry Instrument by reason of any demand mude by the original Borrower or Borrawer's -
<br /> • " _ `%}.'"�..:,_,___ succrssors in intcresl. Any forbearance by L.ender in exercising any right or remrdy shall not be a weivcr of or preclude the
<br /> _ - , '"� ;` -. exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> - as:�•.a
<br /> �;,; �; . 12. Suceccsors and Assi�ns Bound;Joint and Several LiabNity: Casigners. The covenants and agreement� of this
<br /> 3' �• Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and ussigns of L.ender und Borrower, subJect to the provisions of
<br /> , • kT,.� h '° . paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants und agreement4 shnll be joint nnd �evernl. Any Borrower wha co-,igns this Security �
<br /> . . ,, � Instrument but dces not execute the Note;(u) is ca-signing this Security Instrument only to m�mgwge,grnne and convey that
<br />_ � ° Borrower's interest in the Property under�he tennx of thix Sccuriry Instrument;(b1 is nnt peru►nully obliguted to puy thc tiums
<br /> t � ».'��w. secured by thi�Securiry Ins�rumenr,anJ (cl�grees thut L.ender unJ uny o�her BoROwer moy ugree to ex�cnd,modify, forbear or
<br /> � � ' � � make Any uccammndations with regard to�hc tcrmx��f thin Ser.urily Inxtrumcm or the N�xc witlxiut that&�rrower'+consent.
<br /> "!'�C ' . ���". 13. Lown Chorges.If the lo�n secureJ by thi�Security Instn�ment i.r.ruMj�+�t d►a luw which setw muximum loun churges,
<br /> ° unJ�hut law iti finally imerpretal .n ihat ihc intcrc�t ur uthcr loun charge�r�llected��r a�hc collected in conneciiun with the
<br /> • '� ��'"�� Ic►an exeeed the permitted limits, then:lu)uny�uch loun chargr,hall hr reJuceJ by dic umnunt n�we+wr�•to ruluce the charge
<br /> _ �,;�� .. to the permitted limi4 +uxi Ib)any�um+ ulrcudy c�illect�Kl fa►m &irrowcr which cxrcalcd permittcd limits will bc rcfundal to
<br /> , Borrower. Lender may chcx�se tu msike �his refund by rr�lucing thc principrl ow��l under �he Nole or by mvking u direct -
<br /> . �;�� paymcnt to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reductinn will t►e treated us u purtiul prepuymem without uny '
<br /> • ^?+� . � prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> •w.+- 14.Notices. Any notice to BoROwcr provided for in thi�Sctiurity Instrument shull be given by Jelivering it or by mailing _
<br /> .'x�" . • -
<br /> ,.,,, _ it by first cl�.4s mnil unless npplicuble Inw reyuires uae ol'unother methal. The noticc shall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> ��a:,.;.; ��.
<br /> ,, or any other nddress Borcower designutes hy notice tu Lender. Any notice to Lender shull be given by first clu�s mail to -
<br /> ''"`""' • Lender's address statcd herein ar an othcr aJdress l.cncier dexi natcs b nnticc tc►Borc�wcr. An notice mvided for in this -
<br /> . ,r•;:-- Y F Y Y P
<br /> .;��� �� Security Instrument shull 6e deemed to have Neen givcn to BoROwcr�ir Lender when given a�provided in this paragr�ph.
<br /> ° ' ' ;•�� ' ." � 13.Governing LAw; Severabillty. This Security Imtrument tihall be governcd hy federul law und thc luw ot the
<br /> '`' ' urisdiction in which the Pro rt is IacateJ. In the event that uny provision or cluuse ot'thi;Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> ..�� '. '' J P� Y
<br /> � ronflicts with applicAble luw, such conllict shall not uffect other provi,ions�if thi�Security In�trument��r�he Note which cun t►e
<br /> ,� � � given effect without the conflirting provitiian. To this eixl�he provi,i�ms i►f this Securily Instrument und the Nnte ure Jeclared _
<br /> .. „ . �t� to be sevcrable.
<br /> " ., � ��* l6.Borrower's Copy. Bormwer shall be given one conii�rnx�l copy uf�he N�xe nnJ uf thi.�tiurity Instrument. �
<br /> Fam 3028 9I90 �
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