.:i'. . _.I_.'. _ .S�G:L`�___t.. ���i: _= . _
<br /> '_� ._.� w _ ..r, — _ . .
<br /> � _ �8= so�.�a _
<br /> candcr.:nuion m aheF�aktn�atAny ppr�aFihA PraP�i�y�ur forconvey�nce 1n Iku otca�deriyiutioo,ue hercEy tuulgnM ud
<br /> eM11beWMloGendef . , . .
<br /> ln thc ereM ot a�aul uk�np o,dpn ProptnY�t!w �ho1i bo �ppikd�o iAe aum+sxurcd by�hb Sccwtry
<br /> inpNmem,wixther,o�twt then dia,Wiih�ny exai�pai !0 8ortowcr, tn tha aveiu ot�putid laking ot iho Propcny In
<br /> whkh Qa hir muka value of�ho ptopeny ImmcdLtdy before it�e��king la tqwl to or grcaur ttun tAe onwunl of tFo sum� ., ,
<br /> ucurcd_by thM Secudty(nsimmant lmmedinteiy befae tM!?k�ng,unitse 6ortower ond Lender aherwiso�8rco in wridnd.
<br /> Uie sf�mA s�c}�rcd by�hb Securf�y Insirumen�shill(!�rcdur,td�Ly�hc onwunt of thepracecds muldpikd by the follmvltlp
<br /> fntrtqn;�:(1Xthe�a�l finount ot tha cumr securcd ImmWini41g tlefnrc ihe taking.divlded by @)�he f�ir muke�v�tun bP,�ha
<br /> - - • --� �,.t�y,itllntr,diatkly_belerc the�aking. My bilanro ehnll UC pdid to Rortowc�. In tla ovrn�of a putial�akin oP.ihn
<br /> ...._-_-: _. ..,,_-` -�.
<br /> �yr itl.�bl�A��An f:iir.mn�Act vataR,of+qnp�p�{���y Immediauly beforo�he tnieing b lus ih�n tla wiaum of t ro edme,
<br /> saurtd immCdimply:b6fara:thq tqkb�Q,,6niqa�L'aiiicwer and Lendet aherwise agrce in wriiing or unkss applicable law
<br /> - M1ICIWI60�OVIdC9„�hap�cdsehnikdoe�lir,¢t4:t:iosum�securedby�hieScsud�ylnstmmentwhaAerornathewmsurc
<br /> �heodue. - - - �
<br /> if the Ptupetty U abanAanaQ Dy�Pon,q�vRr,a if,afler notice by Lender to Burrox�er�ha�tho cademnor offero�o mnke
<br /> an�wud a suib a claim for dnibn0�n�BnrtOrvprlalis to rcspond�o Lender wi�htn 30 drys atler the due�M1e naice is given,
<br /> -- ----- Lcndsr ts amhodzed to mtiect an¢nppi9 Jflr..p�neceds,a�Irs option.ehhcr�o rcatorailon or rcp�ir ot the Propeny or to�ie �
<br /> wm�acured by ihis Sccuriry fns�Nmcnt;WhNhnr oe nnt�hcn duc.
<br /> Unles�Lender nnd BortowGroihr.rv.ie;up(ea imwrhing,nny a plicatbn of procecdf �o principnl shall nol extnnd�or
<br /> pea�ppnA-Ihaduedateofthainnnlhly�p YmnnlaraPoro�d��tnpvaprepKslnnd2orchu�getheemouniotsuchpaymenm.
<br /> 411.Unrro�er.Nol Rsleoszd7 �eDcu��ce By Lendi�r.Nol � WAlcer, �xtrn:lon of �he tlme for p�ymenh or
<br /> modifinalldn,aFamqni7n0an oi�liq sums securcd by thia Saurity Instnimeni gramed 6y I.cnder ro nny successor in(marost-
<br /> ot Bormtvtt shnl6nntopcnta-lo rclease tho Iin4111ty ot�he original Bortox�er or Bortowerk sucttsson in Interut.Lender
<br /> ahill not be rcqi�ihryl:in,commentt pnxccdinps apainst any�ucecssor in intercs�or rcPose w exurd tlmo for payment or
<br /> ---�-�'`° otAerwtso modiry mm�nbadnu,of�ho sums ucumd by�hia Securiiy Instn�men�by reason of eny dxmand mada Ay�he odgtnal -------- - --
<br /> Bortowai a Bortuwer9 suecesa:m In.fnterest. Any forbear�nee by I.ender in exercising any righ�a rcmedy shali noi bo e
<br /> -- wilrerofaprecludethoexcrofxeofnnyrightorrcmedy.
<br /> ---_��== I2. Succesuxe and As.vi�Nn Unnads Joinl and Several Uabllityi Co-signero. 'fhe covenants end�grccmems of tA6 - -___
<br /> Secutfiy InstrunKnt sMll bind md Genefit Ihc sumsson md assigna of Lender und Dortoxtir,subject to�ho provislons of
<br /> par¢graph 17. Ourrowub covenanes end agrcenxnu shall bc jo3m and several.Any 6ortox�er who msipne�hie Seeurl�y
<br /> Inswment bul dces not execute�ha Nae: (a)is co-signirtg�hi�Securily Insuument only�o mortgage,grant and ronvey thal
<br /> Barowcr4 intcrcst in thc Propeey under�hc tertm of�hie Security InstmmenC @)ia not p:rsonalty obligaied[o pay thn snmF —..—
<br /> — secun:d by�h(s Security Insuumem:end(c)egrces�hat I,ender and xny oiher Uortower may aga•e to extend,modi(y,fnd�eu
<br /> — or md:e anv eccommndaqorts with regud to the certns of this Secudty Ins[mment or the Note �vi�Aout tAnt Bortnwerh -- .
<br /> conxnt. _ _�
<br /> — !3. Laan C6at�+es. It Ihe loan securcd by �hts Security Inswment ie sub�el to a I�w which sets muimnm Inan __ __ _
<br /> --— chveee.ond Nu law is 6oallv inrcmmted so�ha��he interesl or other Iwn charges collated a�o bo mllected in mmiecflon - - -.
<br /> = with ihe loan exceed the pemiined limits,then: (a)uny wch laan charge shall be rcduced by Ne amouN nece.ssery eo reCUCe _ ----� �--.
<br /> ---'?:.,, IM1e cha�7�e lo�Le pemiiued limit:and @)nny sum+already colkcted from Uonower wlilch eaoeakd pertnitted IimiLt xiq Ue ____ _"
<br /> ��..�ar;��y� re(unded to Oonow¢r. I.ender may chaaae ro make this refund by mducing the princtpal o�ced unAer the Kote or by making o _-��__.
<br /> . =�c:;!„)� dircct payment to 6orrower. If a refund reduces princtpal,the reduction will be�rcated a+n partial prcpay�ment x�iNout nny ____ _ _ �
<br /> -'-,-'�,� prcp�ymcnichargcundcrtheNolc. ,. ,,. — _;
<br /> �,�pti� l4. Nodcea. Any notice�o Dortooxr pfovided for in�his Secumy Inzwmem shill h�giren by dciicering it or by �I� i_=--
<br /> ;�s;*°� malling i�by fint class mail unless applicable law mquiru use of anaher nx�hod.'ILe naice sh911 be directed�o the Pmputy ,�_.�° _._ —.
<br /> Addrucv or nny other nddrcss Bortower designates by no�ice io Lendee Any no�ice to Lcada shali be given by firs�class ' - ��'°'
<br /> {J mail ro 4ender§addrsss s�aicd hcrefn or any ahcr addrcss Lendcr designates by notice lo Bortower. Any notice provid�d fur �f', - -
<br /> --�:.� In�is Sewri�y Instrumnn shall be dcemed �o hr.��e been giren to 6ortowcr or Lender whcn giren os provided in �his ��„ ? - -
<br />