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.£jf o : _ <br /> � �_-:r T_ <br /> � _, 1(l'�'1 - - - � - - <br /> i , . . ' 93M _ �a . <br /> i petiod��tut I.endc/ttqulm,#`�9'fip inG�(��hii1 eahiEt provldtng the Insururca eTwll be c�wsen Ey��onpwer.aubJect ro tandnb <br /> i �ppmv�lwhkhahqiLnqt. U���`�I� h�`lyWhhheld, IfBortoavarfails�omaln�iJ6covengedeurtbcdobove.Lcndermay:at � .: <br /> I.enaeryopio�,.at,mtn.rn�S�Bata�cca:f I.r,nderl rlghro fntho ProPeny in��ance whh pnarµ�h 7: <br /> : All Insuranpa��S�w�la shall bc uceqa�10 to Lender and s I hxlude n siuiC+rd matgage ciauso. l.mde� <br /> �hU1t�+vochEdph6tqhnGl,IhB.p0lii,��t�ndrcnew+Is. ifLenderrcqulrew,Bqrtowersh�lipromqlygiretol.enduall}ae(pts <br /> of pild prcmiun�s. ndrsar,v/a}rim1reS..,tqlhn cvem of losa,Bortower shill gtva prampt notiw to tAe Insurance cartler and <br /> I.mder. Lenderm�yu�M�eppvafaf`�nri4m7.qT,5�p�omplyby Bamx•er. <br /> Unleael.endcremlBqncq�uerci�prvrL�i�a((p:0(�e'itiing,insur�nse proceedssh�144enppltedarcatomtionorrcpilrot <br /> ° ° °° �ha t1y daroagcQ It�llq iYaf9ydpqpr,�n,pilY is cconomtally fcuSble md Lcndcr)securiry la no� iesse%d. V�he <br /> •-:____..._. <br /> rcs�on�m a rcpritdt nq[teWt��tlqnlfy fvasibrq or Lender!secwl�y wnuld be Itssencd,tlx I�swance proceedf shall be <br /> opplted eo tlro sumn sccuMd by�.yln Secud�y 6tFWmen�.wlKtlxr or nw tlxn due,with eny cxccss paid eo Bamwcr. If <br /> Boqower nDandun9 thq.PYOpFny,or.,4nea nnJ anrw.qr wtih���30 days a notice from I.ender.�h�the tnsuranro eartier hu <br /> ofktr,dto saulo neinim,IbanLxndar.may..cdhtct try8 innunnec proeeeds. 4cnekr may usc th:proceeds�o ro�uir or rcstoro <br /> �ta Brooeny or to pAy emm�secuicd Uy��h19 Sttuiiiy inaroimpnt,ahether or not thcn dua 7A:30-0ay pedod will begin when . <br /> IhenOt(CC�A g{YCfI. <br /> � �-- Unles+i.ondcr and Ekvrower.atperwtu ngcee In writing,eny appikatton of praeeds to principil sh�ll no�exter.d or <br /> postpotw�ho dnu.dnta MNamamhJy p+ymenta referttd w(n paragraplis 1 and 2 or d�ange�he amounl of ihe p�ymenu. If <br /> under�tapraph:.21 �ha Fhy�r(y Ls acqnimd 4y�l.sndur,Fforroxrorb rigM to any Insurance policies end proacds resulAng <br /> from.dnmaQa�wd�e Ftc{+eny priar t�a U�a ar.gqiniqnn,a6nlhpn�.v ro Leader ro�he extem of the sums cewnd by this Security <br /> [nstrvmnn�Immr.diNrtlyp�lorta�Aaartqyieiqan. <br /> C� Oecuppm:l..FYeserreclna„ (��ffnlrtnnnr.e artrf F�rotaclion ot the Property; Eorrow-erb Appl}catlont <br /> LetuMiWn.'6orcauer shnlloceupy�Fsiehiinh,nnd.ur�e-�ho Property m dorrox•cr�p�incipil rcsidenco e�itt�in sixty days elter <br /> thn execuMrt.u6Wfa Securi�r U�a�r�mnntand.shnlLcominuo w accupy�he Propeny as Oorroxer4 pdncipal residana for ot <br /> �� - ����� loast�ona yeer aPorc �he dunt ef,accupnnoy� unlnss Lender ahenvise ngrces in wri�ing, whlch consent shall not be - <br /> -- unn:s�ann6ty wUhhald;w un6rav cxGtmmtina-cin:umstances ex{s��rhich nre beycnd 6ortox�crk convol. Borrou•u shvll not <br /> desim9,dnmapu or impaic U�r.Plcperly,eIL�W thr,Nopcay to drudora�c,or commit waste on�he Property. 6orto��rr stull -- <br /> � be in dahultif.any fedviuin ar.�inn.r.v prccecding.whe�her ciril or cdminal.Is begun that in Lenderk good fai�h Judgnent <br /> ea�IM1 cQ.W�� R�y�r.ny or oth.ernise macerislly impair �he Iien crca�ed by thie Saudry Inswmem or <br /> — L.endnr9 secnr'rJ intnrcs4 P.:mawer ruay curt such a defauh and rctnstate,az provided in paragmph I8,by causing the action — <br /> � or proaediup oabe av.Oh:n ruling that,in l.ender�good fai�h decemiination,pmclud�s forkimrc of�he Dorrowerk --- <br /> inlrtmsi in�hc Ptcpurt/a.ahr.r mnterial impainnem of�he lien cma�ed by �his Sccurity lnswment or Lcnder�s secudty _._ <br /> Imm�rst. Bortower shnl6:nhun hc in defaul� {f 6ortou�cr, during the Iwn application proccss, gare matedally false or � ;,�;- <br /> �; 9'—_' innccunm informuionor niaNmnnm mLender(or hiled to provide Lendenvith my m3terial infortnation)In connecdai wi�h ����.- <br /> r� �hc Wnn by�hc NWU. inr.ludinp. 6ut no� limi�cd �o, rcprescntations mnccming Dortouw� occupancy of Ihc �� <br /> i "�'�s Property es n pRnr.ipnl:tesfdenca 1€th(n Security Insttumem Is on a Ieaschold,dortower shal l comply with all�he provisions <br /> _� �fl.4e N2�!. !_f+R.ym�pr�nsG4p??E{ee!�tic!!•1he�+MNy.!he Icace6old end�hc fce�itle shall mt meree unless Lendcr ogrres = <br /> �:.- rothomcrgorin�wr.'ilnp. �n��� <br /> S,y't 7. Pra�qcUnn of�l.cndnr's RigAl� In lhe Property. If 6orroW�er fails io pedortn the rnvrnanu end ngrcements -- _.-. <br /> {� V� contulqed in thle Security instrumem,or iherc is a Iegal proceeding tM1at may sibnificamty a(fec� Lenderk rights in �he �AY�"�!'_'- <br /> Property(snch�av p praeeding in b.inkruptcy,proWtq for condemnaiion or forkimrc or ro enlorce laws or rcgulatlons),�hen �'" ���• <br />��5�7�,='�r� LenQer may duand pay for wha�ever is necessary to protea�he valuc of the Ropeny and LenderS rights in�he Propeny. -.,, � �'-� <br /> �:'�,�`' LenderS actinne mny include paying any sums secur�d by a licn N�hich has priority over this Security Inswment,appeadng ,�;�j;,��' '���� <br /> �'.'3 f....t'_,.::---=°�y;: <br /> - ` - In rnun,payfnD uasonablc auomcys'fees and emcring on�hc Property�o make rcpairs.Although Lcnder m3�•taAe n:tion �;�ta.'�#'�`6 <br /> -.-� '-: underthisparagraph7,Lenderdcesnothave�odoso. - "'�'�i�-s 1- <br /> '�""� Any amoums disbursed by Lender under�his par,igraph 7 slmll become addi�ional deW of Oortower xecureA by this - '°•b ����� " <br /> � � Saud�y Instrument. Unless 6ortoo�cr and Lcndcr agne to o�hcr temis of paymem.�hcsc amoun�s shall bear imersst from the ��- , ����_� <br /> -��. �`.� date of disbursement a�the Note r�te :md xh�ll bc paya6lc,a�i�h intemSL upon nmice frnm I.cnder io Borroxer reqLesting �: - r" . .._. - <br /> ;. -. payment. „r-y,."�r�v4-A-...,� <br />.�.;Si"rF'�1i1 {fr'._"::':tit.:c. ,_ <br /> �t}4�-; B. Morlguge Insurunee. If l.ender rcquircd mongoge inwrance as o condi�ion of making ihe loan secured by�his . � _ <br /> .� Secwiiy Incnumen4 Uortourr+hall pry the nnmium�rc�p�imA�n m�imain �hc mongage insurance In etkci. If, far nny �-- . _= x _- . <br /> �cawn, ihc mungage inmranee coverage nyuircd by Lender lapxes or ceaxes to be in efkc6 Donower shall pay the '... :f y.���'^;�i'�°— <br />�.-;,'>,=�`�"� miums rc uircd eo obtain covera e su6s�antiall• e uivalmt io �he mon a e insnrance rcvtou+l m Mfect, at a cost L-.!^�IS'�)'.ySCY,>j�r'1{�: <br /> Prc 9 F Y 4 @ f P Y � ac.,;s,.,,.i,.':r'_,.i.--- <br /> . � subs�antially equivalem to�he ms��0 13ortower of�he mongage insmm�ce pnviously in e(fec6 Gom an aliemate moNgage __ tY,ts� e��.: <br /> i-G,.' inwmi upproced bp Lcndcr. It subst,miatly c�ryiralem mon¢agc in.urancr co�ingc ic nol availablc,Uorrox�cr shall pay lo ,� ` ,-':__ <br /> ` _y l.ender each momh a smn eyual�o onan�eif�h of ihr��early mongage inxurantt prcmium hing paid by Dorto�rer whm ihe . jh � s�y':=' <br /> ,•.�� insuranee covefage lapud orccauJ ro be in e(fec�. I.ender will:mcepl,uce:uW relain�hesr paymenu ae u loss reserve in lieu -r.'t" ,y <br /> -'- of morlgagc insuranCe. Loss rcscrvc paymcnts may no longcr bc rcyufnd,al Ihc option of Lcndc6 if morigagc insurancc Y:_," �L" �n-2 <br /> .. ";f, rnverage(in�he umaunt and for�he periad th:��I.ender reyuirct)pmviJed by m�insurcr approeed b��Lender again Uccomes ..„ �'_. }�.�.��_�y!g �- <br /> '� "-�� aveilable and is oblained.dortower sholl pa� the prcmiumx rcyuired�o maintain mongage in.ur.mcr in e(fecl.or to provide a �,.._�-s?"i_'�;'V'� <br />'�-)�si'::J. ' ': .__ <br /> • .,�,,: loss rcserve,umil�he requircment for mongasr insur.mee ends in acennlunee��ilh nny ariuen agrcemem Ml�vaen Rartower -�- �- <br /> e _ <br /> �_:y�'�.� and Lendcrorapplicablc la�v. -! �3 ' -��' - <br /> }.,--; 9. InspeeUon. Lendcr or itc agem mo��make rca.onaMe emriea u�m anJ iropeciiom o(�he Propert}•. Lender shall � . <br /> � givc Uorzowcr nolicc at the limc of or priar Io an in�pcclion spccifyin¢rea�ona6lc caux for�hc inspcction. ` <br /> -,..,.� I0. Condrmnallan. Thc prnrecdc of:m� :nvard or claim(or damagt�.dimct nr conncclion ai�h an�� +` . <br /> ., . , <br /> •.""i:"' SinFleFamilr-f'annkl7enT}tUdfe\lacl\I!'111iVIVT:tCVf:\T��CnnmmC...emm� 990 i�vcri.•Jeryem �"� . ',•• .• . ••� �:- . <br /> - :�'�� ru�Lln%<tmfvaLC 0 . . ',;•,�� • . <br /> IoTbfiO4SOSID9AdOfU61iH1-1111 'a •:"^'�� . . <br /> � :�, t� <br /> `� f�„E2iic <br /> ki�;rM1'-�--. ���rc�.-r.^•'--•Y�� (t::r-�-: . - . .__ _:"�' "_ '"r•��F �P+'i,4�. S._ _s-�- . .�•,,.�, ! .��.Y,t iFi _ _ <br /> ( �� �l . i.. r}atl. . , - ��`:1� r-! �:%4!. . S�� � <br /> . <br /> , , <br /> , � <br /> .- . � r <br /> e <br /> . � li1 . , ., ._. . . ?r: . <br /> ,_ : � .. , . .. -: <br /> � .. _ <br /> �� — — �_ — <br /> . ., —. . - -- <br /> rc . � ' . , • . ... . . � 'i . .. ' ' �- . . , <br /> . .�. . . . _ .. � . _ _ ' . �� - ., . . . <br /> .:. . 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