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�S._f .� . ,. -.1 _. . . . . .., . _ � * <br /> " � - /� -) - . •� � <br /> ':. ,' I .. i� .: . .q . . Y� � y t <br /> '. ' ��1� ' �qr 'r. <br /> � . _ . � ��VY "]. . . <br /> F. S. HiwN x lnlw►,4����orrawa �li�ll kR�P,�he 1mP�w'anuK��pq�exiairy or hxaMr arackd aa qa: <br /> Propeny lnwrod.�+l �lins bY�1m��hr'ua�t�ctudea N��in.tpe irnn exla�aaa covc�.;a'uM�ny W,er hu.��,(a��7w� <br /> Qoodsoeltaudlnq,Por,xfilt�i4enden�1 iitl�j�wrinoe.7rii�i�vr�nro�M�lbem�inl�inp8lnlhe.amounuahdfutihapsrla44E� <br /> -- _ -�IICC'u'�c�icqaiics�T`r,a-irirnm�'cc�i�;p�pividin�i�?insu�.i�p-shatF�ch6.',cn6y`SatNaYFaarya�Aj���d��s�+v�.ine - <br /> ,. � which sA�lk not 4e unrdsson►fily,wl�hht;kl+tltiik�rrower f�lli a mdr,ailn cnvftltp desMbad�Mivo.LenAcf:m�y�•k l.rnda•�' , <br /> opiimi.otitaln covera�gg ln Pfntpa 1.cndtT��j173f1e li���dy.In�epotdaboS wlth 7. • , <br /> , All insurxnoo• ll�ln9 niW renkw,�lq s�iR�f•be t w Lendee And ah�IL�1��4�iP:�s��nd�rd mo�Eye c.lw�e F�' <br /> - . - __- shalthavc�IwdgM�ofinld.tha pallri�,a�;l;`farowd�i'(fLen3t�roquires�8artowexahnikproniqlyg:ve�oLenda�alirecei}wnt:- - <br /> p►Id piemiums uM i�'+I�nminr�.��wha i��n o1 tas�,eorcowa aryi�ii�ve Prom�nalce ibihe inwru�oe arnae�!M�r.- .. __ <br /> . IzedesmymAkap[adEaf•�:mxdupminptly DyBorrower..::. ..:. . � � � .s- � � _ <br /> — Unlesslxn:lcr;aud-aarrotiverothG+wlsqi,��ro)nwdqng.insutu�cap�ocotdashpiLpoapplicdtorcstorod6dnY,rcp6lfpf�ha'- <br /> Propenydu�ugeddlfliharatomqan.oerepFtq)tiaonornlaltpfeasiblauML:ndar•asccutttylanatiasened.`if�hn:restnMtlonor, . <br /> repair ls nu�eoonpmlcatly;Icuthla onLCndbr.'�'�f:�11`Ily WpUIO EC IlSSC11Cd1:IhA�I0S1ilillfq p�qCOCd9 61M111J0 iPj1IICSfPlllp 6YIqi - . <br /> --�- B^,cured-by this:Sdcu�itk,tnsm�mrnL:.wUr�hr.r.•.onnpkthan due..wiU=:any;exccss pnld tpDor[owar..U�ilortowdr xt�xMlans�tha..., __ <br /> Property,o�;Anro.nm�snswoc w3ehim30:dirys a�qntlo�[rom Cender.ilwt�Mi.lasur+nce cartter huc ofFarM co sada a ci«fm,Jhan o . <br /> Lender maY.�.izS11�t U�a�{nsumnca-Pfn�+dal.;i,�ollt.may use tha pFOCCeda�to repAl�,onrestore tha,Rvperty:pp�• <br /> sccured Ay this Sacu¢IyLtstmmr.nti•whFqi�epepAtrl6en due.7'ho 3Ddagpptial will begin wLrn N�a nnticp iygtgtn... - <br /> Unlasf 1:e�ei-kti�t;�8otrowcr olhCnqisC;�}m:4p.Writing,.enY�oppjl�ntlon a(ProceM.s•to ptlnciP�l shnli-:hot exknd or. .. <br /> , - posipono.11�6.diio'dete:of 4La q�pnthly�pgyymrnln nifcrtM to in p�r�graphs-1�and 2 ar,chnngo�ha anwunt ot tEa'p�ymenre.I! ' <br /> underparagr�St�2i.��''�!yq,psitydseoqqiia%J:b�+•Uenclpr,Borrower'srlghtto.unyinsuronupolicicsandprocadS�kesuii(ng.hom <br /> -- - damagc to the�'ecpeh����or tq.thp aeqt�l:itiqn:stictl:pw to Lersder to t�extent of thc surru uarcd 6y this Saurlljr,In;tr�ma�t <br /> lmh��la�elYPd'o�lu{ho4A.�,!�'tlnm.- . � � ..: _ . . . - . <br /> - 6:Occup�nry;Prevkiniimn��llfntnlF:annce rnd Rotedion ot1Ae Propertyi Borrowa'e Lwn Applkaft�;J.uxTwlds.- . ' <br /> Bortowcr shnll:qucupy,pstnXid�,.nnA uro t6e Propcny as Borrowcr's pdnelpnl maidenw w(�hin sixry daye aRCr�Iia ezeatlon of � _ <br /> this Securily IustiumPhbenA shdll:oontimio ta oavpy�he Propeny as Bortowct's pdncipai raidenee.for LL Iwu ono yqr afier� . <br /> : tho dato of aivpanry;unl�ss LenA�m otliern8se egrces In writing, wLich conscnt shell not ba unrtawnably wlthheld,or unlese� _ <br /> extenuatfns clrcumipmtxs oxtet�r.ia 0.ryond I3ortower'e wntrol. Eortower shell not destroy, damage or fmp�R tta <br /> — Froperty, ellow Um Ptnp�ny�-tn.dittrtlotute, or commit was�e on �ha Property. Borrower shall bo in defauit it any fodeimro - � <br /> -- - nction or proc�eding,,whdhrr clvll�on crtounal,ia begun that In Lender's good faith Judgment rnuld'result io forCeiture of Ua <br /> - -_- Propeny or oUuaWiae mrzc�inllN�lmp¢inthe Gen created by�his Security instrument or Lender'�secudty Interest.Iiortowt��tay . <br /> _ cure such e dr:�r:�rAnd�tolntttAU,aspmvidcd In paregraph I6,by causing t6a ecqon or prooceding to 6o diamisscd wiih a mling <br /> - .ehN� �n ta�r?{as�n,�ilh�(1ltiiryltl�ntinn� pr�ledna r�.e.��1m„r the !Mnewer'_lntere:t !�4:e Pre�.^.;ar�th.0 m^!^�+z� _ -..-..,_. . <br /> !�! �imysirtnem of the IIrn�Mr.t.v!by thle Secudty Instmmem or Lenderk secudry Intercst. Bortower shnll also bo in defaulb(f <br /> "�" -_-= Borrower,during the loan appliqNon prooes�,geve materinlly false or inaccurate infortna�lon or xtatemeNS tn Lender(or fafted <br /> -°_�°.�� to provido LenAer a�ith any materinl Informa�ion)In rnnnection with�he loan evldenad by tho Nota,tncluding,but�tlot IImICeA - � � . <br />�--=_=15;' to,repmsemrRions wnceming Dorrower's aceupancy of the Propeny m n principal residenco.If this Securitylnctrument is on p <br /> _-_&-_� leazchold, Iiorro�rcr shnll mmply �vLh all the provisions of the Icasa If IJOrtower ecqutrca Cec ti�te �o thc Propeny, the <br /> 'x":?'-�-_ Icnsehold end thc Re�ipc shall not mcrge unleu Lender agrces�o�ho mcrgcr in�vdting. <br /> C:. <br />,.`u�',.`�j!r 7.ProtceUon ot Lcnder's Righta in�hc Properly.lf�orco�ver fails ro perform ihe rnvenants and egrecmente comained in _ <br /> ��:- '^R'`x � this Secudly Inswmem, or�henrt Is a Iegal proceeding tlinl may signifieanlly nffect Lender's righ�s in�he Pmpeny(sueh at e <br /> - "�`- rocccdin in bankm tc g � y <br /> ��-:��. P 6 p y,probalc, for mndemnnllon or forfeiturc or�o enforcc laws or rc ula�lons ,then Lcndcr n�a do end <br /> �����^.��-`� � for whntevcr is n io ro�ca �he veluc of�hc Pro rt end Lcnder's d hts in�hc Pro n Lc�rlcr's anlons ma <br />- '����`� n ludo a in en sum�s s�ecurcA b e lien �vhich hus noP i Yovcr ihis Securit Incwmen4 ec Y nn In coun, a lo <br />�-��'tx�.;;�.-7:�- P Y S Y Y P� Y Y PP�� 6 P Y 8 <br /> .,�k��(r-"•-_`-' rcasonnble euomeys'fees and emcring on the Propeny to makc rcpnirs.Alt6ough Lender may take actlon undet�his puogreph =_ ____. <br /> r.-r�> 7,I.r.ndcr Juca uul hurc ro do so. - <br /> +,,.,t; ,�. _ <br />���;%:��ji��.i'�; Any amoums disbursed by Lender under iids pamgroph 7 shall btrnme nddiiional debt of 8orrower sccured by thfs _ .__ <br /> ���`•- ii�" Securi�y Insimmem. Unless Rorrower and Lender ugree to other temu of paymeni,�hese amounts shall bear Inleres� from�he <br /> � '- — _ <br /> „ -` �'j date of disburscmeni at �he hmc mte nnd shail be payable, wnh imcrcs�, upan noucc from Lender m Donower rcqucsting ..:=- <br /> -�- paymem. � --� <br /> }� ' �� 8.�tortgage I�uurance, if Lender required inongage insurance aa n condilion uf making Ihe la�n secund hy Ihis Securily � >y^ <br /> �� gi Insttumem. Itmrower shall pay the prcmiums required to maimain �he mongage insurance in effec�. If, for any reason, the a��'���rt'.�. _. <br /> ��+'- mongage inaunnm mverage rcquircd by Lender lapses or ccaus�o be in ef@ri. 13orro�rer shall pay ihe premiums requircd ro ��.('11,+ - <br /> _,, :, ob�ain mverage subs�amially equivaleN lo lhe mangage inmmnce pre��inusly in e(R�7,a�a cos� subs�anlially aryivalem to Ihe �:��?_�:,-.;��- <br /> rnst lo �orro�ccr of ihc nangagc insurancc prcviously in cffat, from:m ahcrnate mm�gagc insurcr approved by Lcnder. If ,��'t;N"� ' <br /> _ subslaNially equivalem mongage inwr,mcc rnrerege ia no�availuhle. fMrmuer slull pay lo I.ender each momh a xum equal ro ����s"'�'�������`- <br />. ... onrtw�elNi of the yeady mnngnge inwranm prcmium hcing paiJ hy 6orrmcer xhen�he ineur�nee mverage lapsed or ceased to ��"t�-- ' <br />- - bc in c((tti. l.cndcr will anr 1,uti and rel:iin ihne a�menie ac a los� rcsen�c in licu of mnn�a c insuranm. Loc+ rexcrvt ' -`' ���"-�'�-' <br /> P P > b f `�.�.-:•'�:. <br /> ;: . <br /> � �- iorm 3018 8180 � <br /> °�ye]r�6 �'l:. <br />��..t:i�� .. .. - S" . .. .... <br /> �. 1' .` <br /> r� <br /> fr��n -.-�--s�fi_-,__..--�..�.___.�___.__�.-- -- � -- ------. . --- . .- . .---T— <br /> .•V . . . � . <br /> � . <br /> . .. .. <br /> -��l . ' . �"_ _ _--..__— _�- . __-__' .— __"�'.- . . . <br /> ..- .� •n <br /> _ _ ____ ___ __ _____ __._ ' ._ <br /> ' �___�L___. <br /> �- .- � - . . . _ _ — ___-__. . . .� _-. "-.:-- . <br /> �1.' . _ . .. _. . . . _.. ... . _ : . .i ' . . . <br /> lIY�I: � .. . . . . . " " . . 1 - . . <br /> . l�r . . " ,• _ . . .. . . .��J� <br /> � .- <br />_ _ . r � _ . . . _ , . <br /> .. . . /+.. . " . . " . .. . .. .. . <br /> � :.f i .. � _ .. • . . . . . . , " . . . . .. <br /> . . . _ n e . . . . <br /> -r . . . • � . � � <br />_ � . . - . - . . . ` . . <br /> t�r �\'' _ .. �. � . . _ . . - � <br /> .a, ".l � .. ... . .. . ' • • � • • .• ' ' " , <br /> ti." �,` . .. : - .. - � , _� � . ... " .. - n L . ' <br /> • ' <br /> � �- . <br /> . <br /> .. . <br /> �u <br />