' , � � ,i . -., ti -.-.� , . ; . : '.
<br /> . . , :�3" �,y,,.
<br /> 'L'OIi�THER W17'H�fl tho ImprpJqna�e naw ot hefinRa em�te6 on�he prqpitiy.md�YI�i�w�.�ita�M�ba�� , � :
<br /> •fix�um now nr twre+ftgt_� pr.rt uf itx propehp (�i{.rephcsmeM�.uN �dAltian�fh�l dw be''ioVttep t� thH�€e5yriry .. ,.
<br /> ,�nc uu�(�x' �t A n a F�h e forc g o l n e l i�f o m d t o l n�A l s 9 c c u d ry t n s w m e n t u�h�+'P r o�s e A y, '
<br /> � `'BOHROWF?I�CQVRNANT$1hMt NneraWCr It�4w(ully eeluJ 4f tiro al�lo hr•re6y oonyEYP�N�d 1uf IAe MgAt!o` rid :
<br /> �.� --�--iaBYd�"ii�i Yiv�[ri�"-iud iMt tfie�P(qifity ii U�Xiit1111iRd;F�cA'yl,fq►ilfc�ISWfiiwY3 Gf t{20it�:a0filW0�Wi7iiiiiY-�WifY.` .- _�.-;=._-.
<br /> � detenA genentiy�F.e�tde to the Properly�geinst dl cialmi�nd 4emainln,subJect ro�ny eiKUmbrSnns oP record. .
<br /> THIS SLCUA►TY iNSiPUMBNT comblod unl(ami mven�nle fotni�land uu and non•unifom�wYeruols with Iim�tcd
<br /> vulnllqnf by judsdinton to con:tiwro s unifattu eecpdfy feitnlmeiii covtting rc�F propeny.
<br /> 11NIPORM1ICOV¢NANTS.Roicowar er�l Lcntcr covcnant und agrca m Collo�vq: -
<br /> -- f.Aiyaa�t uf Princlp�i�iiil�IntenNt Ahep�yment�nd 1,+cte.Ch�r�ee. Berrower�hRll prompllY p�Y when dua UM' .
<br /> _ princippl�tnnA inlertsl c+n ila dsbt evidenaxl by itxw Note�nA eny prepaymcau oM I�te char�a dua unrter iha Nom.
<br /> -- - 2:[+undx tor.T�xa aitid fuwrnnes� SuDJai ro eppliwDio law or�o o wdtten walvcr by LeMer,Uortowcr shall pay ro .
<br /> l.ender on Fho day nwmhiy paynxme aro Juo under�ha Nole,untll!he Nolo is paid In PoII,e smn('�unda')far:(e)ycarly toxes
<br /> u�d assesgnenta which may npnln pdodty over�hie Secud�y Instmmcnt oe n Ilen on the Propeny:(b)ycarly►euehold paymems
<br /> -� or groupd rcnts an tha Proporty,If any:(c)yalrly haz�rd or propeny insuranco premiums:(d)ycazly flaod Insarancv prcmium.r,
<br /> If ony:(e)ywiy nmrtgaga inwnnco pamhima,if eny;and(0 eny sume payobio by Borrowcr to Lender.In aosordu�w with
<br /> �hu proviaions of paragreph 8,fn Iicu of�he peyment of mortgngc tnsurance promlums.7Lese itcros arc cailed"tisc�ow fiem�.'
<br /> - I.ender nwy,et any tD�w,coilect and hoid Punds in an amount not to exce�the maximnm umnunt a tender fqr e fedenlly
<br /> rclated mortgago lanm m�y requlrc for Borrower'e exrow account undcr iho fedcrol Rral Iistaro Scalemcnt Procodurcs Aa of
<br /> 1974 os enxnQed from qma lo Iinw. IR U.S.C.Stttt�ion 260t ei scq. ('R&SPA'),unless ono�hcr�nw tha�applia to tho Funde
<br /> � seU n Icsser emnunt. If w, i.endrtr may,at ony tlmo, collat end hold Funda in an emoum not ro exceod tho le.uer w�wunt.
<br /> --— Lendcr nuy estimaro No smount ot punds duo on U�o basla of currem da�a nnd rcawnablc atimates of cx�dituru of Polurc -
<br /> i'.scrow items or othcrwiso tn ncoordana wi�h applicabla Iew.
<br /> Tho Funds sAall be lield In an ins�iwdon whose deposits ure insurcd by e fedcrol agcncy, instrumentnliry, or enti�y
<br /> (ineludin8 Lencler.If Londer is such an instimtlon)or in my Federel Homo Loan Qxnk. l.endcr shall appty�he Rinds lo pay iho
<br /> pscrow Itcau Lender may not chargo Borrowr,r for holding ond epplying tM1e Funds,enmially analyzing�ho escrow eccount,or
<br /> vcrifying tho Pscrow Itcros,unlcse Lendcr pays Oorrowcr intcrcst nn�hc Funds and applicabla law pertniia Lcndcr�o makc such
<br /> a charga However.I.ender may rcquire Dorro�var to pay e onatima charge Por nn Indepcidrnt real amto tex reponing servim
<br /> used by Lc�dcr Im m�nectlon wf�h thi� loan, unius applicable law providra otl�erwise. Unless an egrcemem is made or
<br /> eppflcablo law rcquires(ntercst to 6e pild,I.endcr sball not be required�o pay Borrowcr any intercst or caminge on�he FLnde.
<br /> -� Borrower end Lender may egrce In wri�tng, however, that inmrcs�shell bo paid on tlie Funds. Lender shnll give a Borrox•ar, s
<br /> -.�;�?� wiihout diarge, en onnuel eecouming of tho Funds,showing credi�s nnd debiu m�he Pund�ond tho purpose for a�hlch eaeh
<br />` --�'= debit ro tna'runcls was mncio.Tno Funda xm plvogcd es addiiinnni accuriiy fur aii suma sc�vrul oy tiiia oavriif Irutiui�ir�i. -°- ��� �°�
<br /> --- [f Ilto Punds M1eld by Lender exceed�he amounts pemiflteA�o be lidd by npplicable law,Lender shall eccoum to Qorto�ver
<br /> �';5� for�he excess�unds In naordance wi�h�ho requircments of applicablo law. If Ihe amoun�of Uio�unds hcld by l.ender n�any
<br />._ "� Nme fs not snnclent to pay tha Escrow Items when dua Lender n+ay so notify Dorrower in�vriting,end,In such enu Qonoutr = -
<br /> ���,���� shall pay lo Lender the nmount necessnry to make up �he deficicncy. Borrower shnll mnke up �hc deficlency in no more iAan �
<br />--�ai'` ��---.
<br /> =—,�k� Iweivo momhly payments,el l.ender's sole discre�ion.
<br /> �"�'���--= Upon payment In full of nll sums secured by�his Security Inswmem, Lender s6x11 promp�ly refund �o Uorrower eny �;�;j;�-
<br />�`'� Runds held by Lender.I(,under pangreph 21. Lender shall ncquirc or sell thc Propcny.Lender,prior to the ecquisi�lon or sale ��}`C1����•
<br /> n-�=� of lho Propc�y,shall epply any Funds held hy Lendcr nt tl�e Ume of acquisi�ian or ula az a crcdi�againsl Ihe sunu sccurc4 by ��,�1�'���
<br /> �°"" thlsSecuritylus�mment. �'� ��
<br /> r- .� 3.Appllcatlon ot Popments.Unlas nppliwblc law provides oihcrnise,nll paymenis rcccired by Lender under paragrephs t"�t': �-
<br /> i�� 1 and 2 shell be applied: firs4 to any prcpaymcnt eharges dut under tl�c Nule; uwnd, to amounts payable under paragmph 2; �� - - ,
<br /> Ihfrd,tn imercsl Juc:Pounh,m principal duc;nnd las6 �o any la�e chnrges due under�he Note. i
<br /> f -+!� 4.Chnrges; Llens. Dorro�ver shnll p�y nll uues, assessmenu,charges, fines and impositions anribmnble�o�he Propchy ���j' Yt%'�
<br /> '��� which m� �rtain riorit orer�his Securi� Insimmen6 und Ieasehold a mems ur round rems, If an . 6orrowcr shall a Q��_�'i"� -
<br />.n,_,.��i; Y • P Y Y � PY B Y PY .`:.l.n7��;ir'.
<br /> �,�. �hese obliga�iona in the manncr proviJM in pan5nph_,or iC not pvid in that mxnncr.[3orrm�rr shall pay them en tinh Jirertly .-
<br /> .,t�{€t„�, �o�he peixon owed paymem. Qonower shall promptly fumish to Lender all no�ices af amnums to be paid under�hisµ�ragreph. '� ,�'�
<br /> °�� If Oorro�ver makes these paymems dircaly.Durm�cer.h:Jl promptly furnish to LenJer receipis evidencing�he paymentx. t`` �:'�
<br /> .�:� Dorrower shall promptly discharge nny licn u�hich haa prioriq�o�-cr this Securiiy Instrument unless 6orrmver. (N xgrtts in �5,•-S-.,`�-
<br />-�h"'?<f7•.',.. x�riling�o Ihe paymenl of Ihe abligalion secured by Ihc licn In o mnnner aaeplable m Lender.(b)comes�s in goad faifi Ihe lien �•"`1:
<br /> :';;?<i'C`� by, or defends a�ainst enforcemem n(ihc lien iu. Iegal proccedings which in �he Lender's opinion opera�e Io prevem Ihe ;,,:.;'.
<br /> = enforccmcm nf Ihe licn; nr(q sttures fmm�I:c AnlJer o(thc licn m�uFrccmcnt 5atisfactory to Lcndtt subordina�ing ihr lien to ��['�,s;.;�'.
<br /> -:'';� ILis Security Insirumem. If I.ender detemiines ihai any�n of�he Properry� i..uhjM ta a lien uhich m:ry•auain prioriq•mer
<br /> .j,_`.�;;(_; �his Security Ins�rument. Lender nuy gire Uormurr a nrnice iJemi(yine �he lien.Rnrrox�cr+h:dl xni�f� Ihe lien nr Iake nne or
<br />_ more o(�he ecuans set(onh alwve wi�hin 10 Ja��sof ihe giving of nmice. .
<br /> Fo�m 3020 B190 ,.'��",-.
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