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�. .� .._ .�.. ..S <br /> /l��__L! . �SwA - <br /> � �I /1 -1� �iL'4�4WYk�1�6GWtlMilw�4"_ - ._. ] . - � _ . . <br /> y�s o , .. . .... .. - . - � .. ,_ <br /> t <br /> -� _ . 93» �.�'�� � <br /> - Pqy���d1W Iw tooi�*,b h4�e M Qr oploo of 1.�eder�I/asoi�Wy�lown�oce avan�e M UM.�orrui!�od(oriLe pprio�- . - <br /> ��A�t�IMda ta{uln�)�imid�d by�e IeuM�pproved bY-I�ead�r Wiln.basoma+�v�W61e�od b eEpleed.Bottbrn�5d1 pa�!M • .,• <br /> V��N�d�1o.M��1n mbn�e loiut�nnn In effat�ar ro prov{de� Iw�rnerve�uotil the tr,llmneat for meltp/e <br /> Tawn�we epd�IA'iuoMnwe�4Std wX t+rNten�tre�ment 6aNeea Borrowx�od[.aeder or applleobA kN. . <br /> -- - - l.ImpettWp, Le�der or�Ni�eot mry wake rouo�wAle edRa vpon�aA Impatlom of�be PropMy. Leoder�hell Sive - . <br /> _ �� Bortowar nottce id�be ltme of or prlor�o u�(p�peellon�pecttj�ing ieasoast'�:�vse foT t6e lo�pxt[on. ' <br /> - - - � . . 10.Coadw»tmlloo. 7f»proceed� of�ny �wud or cl�lm for dam�a, d4at or wnwqueMld, lo comeqlon wiN �ny - - <br /> - - coademoYbn or dlat Wctny of�ny put of the Property,or for wnveyuwe In Ilw ot ecndano�tloo.iue Mercby wil{xd�od ' . <br /> . _ etiellbepiWto[.ende6 --.-�. , .. :,-.._-_ _ <br /> ' ',. <br /> �ie�Aa,eye,p{of��totat t�kLy ot the Property,�he Frb:{a�a e}�i1J.4p apppa!ro Ua�uw wcurcd by�hb Securiq imtNaxnt, <br /> -- _'� wfiadet pr ntd-t5enc4iw.wlb1�Y,'.$xesa3�13 to IIm�uw+� tpaa.wa of a putial taking of 15o Property:a whkb tGa P31r ra��F:s � °=�_ -.:.:. .__ . <br /> wlue of;the PropeAy immitlMtp�v;brfora fSe uklag�equd to'or graitrr th:o tlu wwuM of tM suw wwrod by IW�Saud�y <br /> Inrtmmaift imtptc7�its(y,-b,fore the tdcfng, unla�Borrower ud�Ler.�?m aLervilee egree In arr.iag, tM nim� �aurod by t}3� <br /> Secudty insin�ntent ihal!be rcduad by tho uiwunt of tl»procad�multlpllod by tM Pollowing haaion:(e)t6e taal rmovot ot <br /> .---`��"' .t6e tum�securod Immedluely beforo the tJclna, dlvWad 6Y(b)�he fnlr marka v�e of�ho PropeAy Immediuety beforo tfa �- - <br /> —_ ..- �- -------.. <br /> -- -- <br /> Wdna.M7t Mtrnce�h4116e paW to Bortower.In Uie evect of�putlnl taking of the Property In whto6 tta hlr mvlca v�lue oP U» - .-.. <br /> -- Property tnwieCWely bePoro tM dkNg li lu� tlun �he udount of pro rurtu ixured Immedtueiy bePoro the We4ij, untu� <br /> �-- 8orrowar ud l.oader IXhernbe uree In writtnj ar unla��ppllcable I�w aherwlw provlda.�he prooeed��MU be Rpplla!to tEe <br /> _ _ �um��aurod by tN�Securi�y GutNment Mhether or nol�M�um�aro then due. -- <br /> --- <br />