r ' !. .
<br /> di'�'.1L.t� .'� !�'k,.i. _ . - _ . .
<br /> . :+'. ;i _�.v. ,�'-�w^7'M�'l+JC�3�r • .t : _ �,-.- . _— . _ . . ._. _. .
<br /> ,.�,� ` �' . . ..,.. ' �V I.R�Iq
<br /> -- � 3 Nwrd�eltperl7 twr�ra. Bottowrr�b�ll k�op�M Ic�provarrwnu w�Fixlaln{w Mn�1tK�w�d on tM P,rop�My .
<br /> ' Nrur:�ipi6w la�6y ftn�b�t,++da IrN1u1M MW�n tM tsrm'exi�ndd'cowr�e'�nd wy ah�r M+uird�� Ixludiaj Aoadi or -. , .,
<br /> . fbudiaf�for.+hkb Ladaer cequlm 6wnxe.'71Ji irwr�nn i6d1 be miiy�leed te un u,nunu.�rl for riw qrbd�ihr IAddn
<br /> nqulrM.�SM IONftetO GAftMf pf�DY{EIII�fIM IGY/�M1C�IA�II b0 C�WIiOIff L�iti0N6I MIb�OCI f0 I�dltf�/I�fF51Y�I MOICb�EIIII 00! .
<br /> b� ynrwoiubty wNhA�W.'il9oiro�er fdu to'wlddn cov�rye deKribed �Dove. Lender m:y. �t I.uder'i optbn, obuln
<br /> wverye to prqectl.wder'�rlj6li fn tbe Vropeity In nceordw.e Mkh prKnpb 7.
<br /> -----. ' AU Lvuru�ce pbUela ud rorww�U�MI16u r�ecephDle to l.endet ud tlull tnehule�rt�odrrd mortj�;o duue. Lcndoe�hail
<br /> h�ve Un rl{ht a hold ti�e polkia w!roeer�.V I.eoder require+,BorroMer du�ll promply Qive to l.eoder�11 rocplpu of p�Jd
<br /> - ptcmfume end rp�evd notieao.in�he eved of ta�,Borrower�6d1 61ve promet noUee to�Me leiuru�ce arrier ood Leodar.I.endm �.-.- .,. .. . . . .. _
<br /> - m�yvHkeFx�ootofla�I/ootmdepromplybyHoisower,
<br /> f UWen Lender wd Bortower aMmiw ayro b writlnt,Imur�aee p�aeed� ;6+11 ba npplled to rz+taratiao or ropxir of Un - �- -----�
<br /> �- propzity dun�sed,If t6e rutoruion oe repde f�aoaowtcxl�feuiblo�uJ Leader'�ucurity ie oa laueed.U�6e rcnorYlon or _
<br /> -- r�lr Lt aot ecoaomlully fcuble or I.eadaPe eeturiry wouN be lea�eaed�the iawpnce Procdjda�Mll be�pplled!o tbn,um+ ""-�'':.
<br /> eewred b tW�Securi Ia+t inent, whetMr-or not t6w dua, wiW oxces� to Ibnoivee. If 8orrower AMndom t6e �` �.-:
<br /> _ r a n! �r r!� �a -
<br /> '�� -� -Pr6phty;or daa na nwwer ivitEin 30 d�{y,a e notlu from Lentlar tlut tLa insurncee cnttier hu offaroA ro cUUe a c4ilm,theo Nik .= - -�—�.-�°'
<br /> � ..(pn(I6T[0.f�'CO�IdM�tAO.jpNiNICE�iOCtCQf.LCOder m�y we tta prcceedt to rcpW or rasiora tFe PmpeRy or to py,um��ecured
<br /> . �Dy tGls Suuriry InstnwcM,wLethnr or aol�hen due.7Ta 30.dxy period wW beEio wYeo Ita eotiw b Blveo. �- -
<br /> - -__= Uden Lendu aod Borrowor a6erwi�e�greo In wri�ing,ray appllution of prxeed�to prtoeipl ihdl not extend or po�tpone �y�_N�---
<br />-'-.-�,�� �he due d�te of ihe momNy p�ymeNe roterced lo In pu�anph�1 u�d 2 or cbaae t6a�moud of tM p�yroed+.if under pntnp6 --
<br /> --�-,'"'� 21 the Propeny p �equUed by Lender, Borcower'� ri{h� to ury insunnee polltla ud praeede rorulttnj from dmute to�he =--
<br /> -- — Proparty ptlo��o t6e aary4ldon�MII pu�to Lender a tM exroM of�M rumr iaurod by thb Baurity ImtNrtwN inmediuely -�
<br /> y -� pdora�hoaeyubition. � - .�=..-
<br /> 6.Occup�ecy,PresenMbn,MNaten�nce w�!Prolectbn of tke Property� 6ortower'e Ww+ ApplkMba�I.epelaW+. �,��r�i_�
<br /> -��`�`��'� Borrower�Mil oocuDY,ertabli�h,wd we�he FropeM1y u Eforrower'�princlpl ro�Wenee withln dxty day��Iler the exceulbn of -�'
<br /> .. � - �'�'-.�
<br /> _ �',' �.q.: IN�Swurhy tNtNmod ud iMll eodlnue�o cecapy ihe Propeny a�Borrower'�principl re�ldanca forµleul om yMr�fter�he „ •�'r,:,..,�
<br /> --';-..+_, , dYe o/acupuicy. unla� I.eder dAerwite yter� In wthinj, which coneM drll nd be unraw�ubly rhhhaW. or unbu ;�.';y:�---
<br />- � exlenu�lln�cl�tumtl�ncei exl�l whleh�ro beyond Borrower'�toMrol.Botrower�luUl nd datroy,danLje or Mplr�he Propeny. �:'"':s:��
<br />-� . dbw �he PropeRy to detedorue, or commi� wuie on�M Propurty. Borrower �MII 6o N defwlt If ury fodefWro �ction or . _
<br /> .�::,`�.',. poceedln/,wAaher clvll or odmhul.b ba{un�Mt In Lsnder��ood f�hh JuEyned cwW ruuit In fodehuro of�he Propeny or L;�."4'•'-.;r:
<br /> �.`- . :'" dharwi�e m��eri�lly Imptr the Ilen era�ed by�hb Saudty Imtrument or I.endeP�acuriry interul. Dorrower may u�ro iuoh• ' 'F-.�?�1�
<br /> ' � . deGull ud rohuute, u provided In pua�nph 18, by avalag the�etion or procecdinp w be dbm�ued wi�h a tu�ing th�t. In `;�.y�+r'-��:.
<br /> -- ' Lender'�600d tII�h determi�ution,praluda forfelluro of�he Borrower'�Werat In tLe PropeNy or other ovuetiil Iwpdtment of ';_�,5 � .�°:::
<br /> � � .�e,� _ eM(jM Lryue..f A tFl�SM�vi� IwmmeN o�lesdnr4�rity interes�.Borrower ihall�lm be In defuilt V Borrower.dutleR t6e '•`•-=` !����'°
<br /> � Y'-- -'Y- ..,_—
<br /> - ' %� lan�pplluqon procea�,gave nwedally fdro or 4ucar�to Wormation or iutemeNa to I.eader(or fdled�o provide Ltnder wi�h � �,: ����'.°
<br /> � ' � m�ler(d Infomutton) in wnnation with the lonn evidenced b tEe Note, Includin bu� no1 linilted to, r rweohtlom
<br /> -� -. �ny Y 8� W {' '��.'.
<br /> r�r S'' eoxerning Borcower'�acupuwy of�he Prope�ty ee a pruwipl rcaidence.If th'v Sewriry Inserumeot I�on�leue6old,Borrower �ti`lr;� ��,;
<br /> '. -; �MII wmply wl:.l all ihe provlelom of Ihe luue. If Oorrowar eary[ra fee tida to the Propeny.tM leasetwld ud�he fee�hla�tuJl t'!fF�� . ,�•,
<br /> `•.;t:�-2! not mer e udu�Lendnr a rut ro�ho mer cr in writln . 't�!v`��r> . _"' .
<br /> . , B d 8 8 ' n 'r�!^�� � ;({ •.
<br /> •� 7.Rotection of Lemkr's Rigtts tn 16e Proputr. Ii Qorrowor f�il� ta perform the covefunt+md ngrttroenta containod In t'd (% '1!C �t'.
<br /> -'. tWe Suuriry Instrument. or�hero le e legal praeceding�hat mvy eignificantty nffcu I.cader'e dghb in�he Propeey (sue6 u a -' t+ c, ,�+ �:S�=.`.
<br /> i y� . - f% praecding In benkmptry,probnte,for w�demnulon or forfeituro or to enforce Iaw�or regu4�hon+),�Lon Leoder mny do md pey 1 < < +7
<br /> j ; � �f����.
<br /> � ' �f � for whatever b neces:ery ro protect t6o vnlue of�ho Propuriy end Lender'e righta In�6a Property.l.endet'e�eNom nay inelude �F�I,��� , � _
<br /> ' � ._ �. pnying any sunv �aured by n lien wNch hu prbrity over Uils Sanrity Imtrument, eppenring in eoun. pnYing reuorvible kr�7`?.`tit��t����
<br /> J t �. uromeyi fees and entoring on tho Propeny�o mJce repnln.Although Londer�my Inke eUion undm tN� pengnph 7. Lendcr �,�ey�r��pr„��q ; �_
<br /> � i's} doea not Mvo to do oo. t�f Y f� h�0.t�
<br /> � ,--� My nmounn diabuned Ay Lender under tWe pvrngrnpU 7�MII become�ddiHoml debt of Oorrowor�ecurcd by�N�Securiry l,�}'�1�r�J'�wis�"^ .=.
<br /> i - , InsWment. Udu� Borrower nnd Lenler egrea to other temu of pnymem,�heso emoume sMll beer inrorut from�he dxta of (r?�J4,1 ;�f _���{;y �_.
<br /> .-� ` disburument at lhe Note tatc v.d�hsll bo peyn6lc,�vith INercst,upon,roliee Gom l.e+dar io 6orrower requesling pnyment. . i�.�i%St s " �":
<br /> ` .,.., ".r._
<br /> ' 8.MOrtg9gt Irttu�ena. If Lender required mo�tgago i�uuronco ns e condiqon af rtxking Ihe lonn eaured by INa Saurily �{��� � � ��r
<br /> r yt�� � -.. '
<br /> 16HN�nr.�l, Oorrower duJl p�y tho pmanium+ requir.d to maintain tire mongnge iosuraMa in e(fecr. IG for my rcuon, tho J�� ,{ vi,,,. - _
<br /> � --� moRgago Inmrmce covemge ru�uired by Ler.der lapsea or ceasea to bo in ef(ect, [iorrowet slull pay Iho prcmiunu requlred lo i i�t�� ,,`�..- rr+ "�
<br /> t -- � obteln covemge substmtially u�uivnient to�he motlgage insuunco prcviou�ly in effat, nl n cost subslmtinily equirelent to Ihe Z*+_�t�r `� � - t?,
<br /> 1-q �osl lo Oorrower of�ho mongnge iranrnnce previously in eRect, from nn nhomnto motlgago wuror npprovrd by Lender. If �t��� �y . �r`
<br /> - d��. aubslmti:Jly equivnlent mo�gngo Insunmce covengo ie not nveilnble,Dorroaror ehnll pny lo Lender ench month e wm arynl to �ti,�j �� r ���:�,.,.V '-
<br /> .',r.,.- :� oor.twa@h of the yuady morigagt Insurnxo prunium being p�id by 1lorrower when lho insurmco coverege lepsod or eeased to n,.�{� [:�:�-.:. ,- ._,�.
<br /> �"` -_�,t�;i be in effect. Lender �vill eocept, uso nnd relain lheso paynxnta m e los� ruervo in li<u of motlgngo insurance. Lose ruerve . itjR�;`���:` - �.
<br /> .rtn
<br /> .('J�.. .
<br /> . . -._ ,�,,�. .
<br /> iom�10}8 9�9(1 '?rn:;%` '
<br /> � �dR(NEln�ni PR)N! W�4 .. .. . . .
<br /> e
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<br /> _ _ YI
<br /> ' _..:. ___ � ._�.. .—"_ __._ _• . . . _ _ _ . ' .
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