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<br /> ,, . prtor a a�d iswwt pysw�e eup povW�4 eawv«�iau u.oa w we auat t�a caomp�or a�►u adwt�; �
<br /> _ N�bb prymspe M�+miaat ava on.woh.faurai p�ymeac a�ca wc8 ilst�utud in�awt�h�u ee p.ia y
<br /> _ �-� . F►�'1de6�F debtEvn 3,07tb)O�tAa fid�erora �
<br /> .- --- The term"raoocdd�t�"u w�d ia�34 S�etbn�vith wpxt to�ny intet�t pymeat dw ault maul the
<br /> - Febtwry 1 ot Au�utt 1�ei the we mry 6e�natt pieoedics tho Km4ranuallnteteN pymmt daD�,or�U
<br /> --------� -
<br /> _ -' �uch Pe1xa++Y 1 a Avawt 1 aWl ba�kpl6oildq or�d�y on.rbkh Mol�fa�IwUtutlow ia 1La 8arov�h
<br /> --- ot,M�ah�taa,Tbe CSty of Nev York Bulk ot Nnr Yoti4 va�uthort�sd by YM to e1ae,t6ea 16e aat - ' -
<br /> praudia�day rhkb�E�U na 6e�kpl hoLd►y or�d�y on NLb3�ucL Inuitutlaro�re a�utLorised w
<br /> ___ - eiae. , ___
<br /> -- Set77ot+1. 7'ha Mort�ye Hoad�of the 7Rr Saia�LaU ba Wuad ooly a rq4taed 8ond�rvithout
<br />. - -_-.-=--� coupow M tho deaomin�k°oa oP S1,000,or aay inu�tal multlpla of SI.OfiO,appropri�ttiy pumbatd.7La - -
<br />--'�� Mortp{e Boadi ot the 196 Saia wY 6e euhwjed,upon turtenda�hercof'��e the yeaaY of tha ComDMY
<br /> �+__�>:, in the 8orou�L cf Maah�tua,T6e C��y of Nnv York Sute of Ner York,for oee or moro env Monts�e -
<br /> �';')+,a::� Bonds of the 79a Seda oPot6u�uqwriced dmomlaaUons�Por tLe ume�se pdndpal�mout.�uhJeet '__
<br /> ' ,.ly;�.,:� to�be term��nd eondldoas�ee fonh la the Indwrorc. E�=:-
<br /> �,•',����,{✓'� Mottp�a Baad�ol tha 796 Saia may be exch�ed m tnasfamd r+ltbout ca to tLa -
<br /> F+.ax [e�tead r -__ -
<br /> OxAtt ILCKOT C7tCLpt IEIIt CCY flip O!OtbC!/OYCILIE�tSI CET16p 7C'jt.'SSC{I�0 L`C}Y.It)Njlh ftSQCC{f0 81C� �- - .._
<br /> -+'3t���r� trauterorexcLanje�LallNapddbytherc8lstaedo�caerr.+quaUnetuchtrw[uorexchanjau�condlttnn � '
<br /> �y�' pra:edrnt to the aaclx ef svcL pdvilqe. >',, -
<br /> -r.t�t, .. �.
<br /> .S .
<br /> _":'-���;;�j,?: SscnoN 3.7'he Mortaqa Bondi of t�e 79'o Serla�nd the 1tu:tab CerdAcaro ot AutkeaHc�flen�La:l �c;��:�.;
<br /> , _� ,:'' be�ubsunllallyfuthefolloMlnaformar�,peet�vety� � ��-
<br /> /��,,;r�,?�n'�, . :•;;;�T,r:uf��
<br /> ;�,���� • IEOlUIOPFAC80PMNDJ +r_.�.
<br /> �'fy���; NORTfIW&Sf�RN PUBLIC 9HRVIC£CO�ANY � : _
<br /> :�4,���,,y{'�ia+ (Ineorponted uada the Avt of tLa Smu of DeLrue) `` --
<br /> I iFVf�gli`;; - Mowm oaBo - � �
<br /> A__ t+D:7%Sp�tg.e DttE 2U23 - . e y _
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<br /> ` -��',- NOA7tiWusILYN PUBLIC SERVICB CbMfANY��cmponHno orgsolzed�ad existing u¢der the I�ar�of }-_S +ti},�i,�,-.-
<br /> � '�-• � the Sute oPIDdnware(the"Company",�hich urm sLdl include�ey�uccawr ooryonHoa u defrnrd in�he i;,,}�n:_..... ,
<br /> ;
<br /> � );-- ';;'�� Indenture 6tteinafttt«ftrttd to), for valua r:celved, hereby ptomisa W psy to ........ or r.,glucni ;ci._� `` � ,• -
<br />'.:"�.:::'l., wi�w,the prindpl�um of........dollue oo the 8tteentE day of Aujust 2023.in any wln or eurcency „. , ;";'
<br /> 3 , " of�he Unitcd Suta of Amsrip vhicb at tEa�ime of pyment b teEd tenda for publlo�nd pdvaro debq, ��::' ft`-
<br /> ` � �ad to p�y Interest tAtteoa in like win or curtrncy from Auaust IS, 1997,paY�Eia�eml•�nnually.oa �6a t�j
<br /> c- - `. fiRanth daya ot Febrwry�nd Auaust in wcL yeu,n�he nte of�evrn per aat(7%)pa�onum,unti!tha -
<br /> ;.,Jka��;." Comp�ny'e obUption with rapeco ro ite pymme of�uch priacip�l�6il1 be dissLused u provided in ihe t .',+: .,.�',rr�%
<br /> � �;'� Indenture hercinailer mmtioned.73e ietercst w p�yib]t on u�y Febnury 1 S or Auaust 1S MW,tubJcet to , • ' �`
<br /> cauin excepHone provlded in tEe SupplemmW Indmtun dtted August IS, I993,be peld ro�ho person In i` ' } S "
<br /> n � wLose nime t�ia bond� reais�ered at tLs c]osa of bm3nm oo tbe lmmediateiy prcceding Febwry t or �
<br /> .,,
<br /> � . �.'
<br /> r-S%�•;, August 1,ai the case may ba Both prtncipal 06�nd Inmrest on,this boed ue pey�ble�t tha Egancy of Ihe 1,;' ,,i -_,
<br />- - !��� - Comproy In Ihe DorouaL ot M�nhatuo,The C5ty of New Vork,Sute of New Vork. '."�.�'�;��:.��':' "�-
<br /> + �i«r .s. 1'h0 bond chdl not be eotWed to my benefit mda the lndmture or eny Indeatura supplemmW thercto, ,,'���"��,�`�i��'�.
<br /> w+�3�� ;,c or baome valld or obligatory tor nny puryose,until the foim of certiLate mdomrd hereon ahall h�ve bern '-��k�`4�i i .-
<br /> � - s; dgatd by or oo beh�lt of 1'he Chase Maebatun Bank (Natlonil Auoc�don), the Twta unda tLe !,:itli� ha� ::
<br />..'� ' � -• �� Indrnwre,or+�wwasor Wsta tEttea uader the Indmturq or by w nuthrntlating agent duty npyolnted l-�.�,ti��e�t�_ �
<br /> :•�:�:�,;�;�• bY�Le Trustee in saordance wlt6 the tuma of t6e lndmture. _ ,�fi„e!;:`�__-��
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