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<br /> � er.aa�w.xo�unuN tu.r�la� ttyud[, r►x,r�.e«v«�1bn«aeWd and�uadu
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<br /> }?nrdi� bop�h I7�Icou Si336r.tnd;'iYW LitA�A(MiNKi;j' i (NYioepl AtxciilWa�.s irusdl — + —_— - -
<br /> __ b�ntinj woel�tiou otpnlud�aA ex3Nind:PntJa tbe IN�'A�thn� dNd dtatw of Amak�(tM"�wGd'� --
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<br /> -_= mcodoaed.tLe pas omca�ddras af abloh In b Cae�o MMrb?as Cseta.3rd Fbo6 brooiJYn.Nen York - - •� -- -
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<br /> Wxt�e�f. �Le Coasp�ay biu betttofnro au�te4�pA�dnlilv,rod iu(kaml MmtO�a Iadeature�nd. -
<br /> Deed ot 1Yuu d�ud u af An�t 1�1l93(t�rt."HAoalun'T�;lp�11n 7twtee�for t6a�e:iulty of the boedrati ., —
<br /> — me CompRay tn be iww3�Aemmam(aa"BOnd�^y,ud - --
<br /> ChtFA�II�s�tLO Comp:ey dr,�to a�G1 a ara c�4E8onds lolr.�uM uada the Ies'�-ntu.K.to he � -------.
<br />,s„�r imo+vn u Mort�o 8oad�,7�6 Su6m dna 2423(�he"MaftqF4A 8ond+of tLe T!6 Baia'hand • �
<br /> Wxexa�s,the Comp�ay,in Wa exerc4e of tha ppex�m 6Pd�uWaity coatarod upou aaJ tacrved to p
<br /> unda the provLtonr olthe Iadmwre,iu�du19 r¢wlvoi�pd�daemilned to auicq uewte�ad&Ilver to tEe
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<br /> �M a m�Y[rom Hme to tbna wDject"Facepte3 P�vpeM1yo(u do9nat W�ha Indmtnre)w�Le lirn oFtLe Indeawrc
<br />--_. by exavtbrt of ooe oe moro wppiamantai lndan�u�f;�ad
<br />-KU-�s,� WHUties�tLe Compiay ddins W wQlnot w the UeaotWe lndeamro t4e Sxcspte�PropeRy daaihed � -
<br />+;�.�';°'-- on Fahiblt A W thla SupplemenW[adecWra;�nd
<br /> s;�':'�ti`; W�A�.+, �11 eondUbw ud requirameota axmuY�ur mdce t6b SupplemrnW indenture�r�1id,
<br />_ .�.,r; --
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<br /> �i;;.:•.'�?< 6ive ban in�ll rapocte duly autdorimd;� °
<br /> - ,.:�r>i;�3': —
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<br /> � �e�{h1 Oue ticltat to it dulY P►Id by 1he Twtke�e ar befure the msallas�nd deltvery oF thaa prue¢b.tEa rcadpt i i
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<br /> : ::.,�;y�;. vLensc!'L�haeby�cYLONlodged.hntabY covrnmu wd�eroa to�nd MtL the Tnutce�nd In nueceswn ia e;,'_—
<br /> s�.: t6e tru�csder t5a[udenniro,fur B�o 6eneG[of�hwe rEo she�]hold t6e Hond+u follo�rs: CYhta.��
<br /> ,} - - ���y GA�(h_F_YtY'."_.
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<br /> �::;�:F{��:�. 96cn0t+i.I'he Campany baeby crata�nav eedn of Bo¢d+to be Icno�va u"M�xt��ge Bond�,7% .i._;;ia,y,!._"-.
<br /> _�,�:!5�5;(�ti. 9eiiro duo 2023"'(Iier�ionfter rchrted to u the"Mortp{e Boeda ot Ibe 75'o Serla").The Monp{e Bond� ,�,:'yrrr.`,. ��:
<br /> �, ,�r��y� of tho 7�o Serta�luill bs exauted.�utLenquted�nd dellvaed in aceord�nca�vlth�de provLtlom of,�nd ;
<br /> 2,?,
<br /> +� ���„��{ sLnll�W cII mpecu be�ubJxt W.dl of tLe terw,condidooa wd eovmanu of�ha Indmtura n�upplemented fl�a�ry�� .
<br /> � '�����r` �nd�modi8e�. � G,� �_.Y V 6, ..�
<br /> s lf�43 Tke commrneement of tEa 8nt interat pedod for tEe Mort�6e Bonds ot tEe 7^k Seriea tL�ll bo August y��'y�',} r -
<br /> ' r- 17,I99J.The Mortg�e Honda ot the 7%Seria eLall meture August IS,2023,�ad e6eU bar fatttut et tLe 9zr<x„ � �
<br /> �, 'i' ruo of(7%)per�anum,pay�bte semi•aamully on tha Bfteea�h day of Febnury�nd tha fiRemt6 day ot ti : ��_ :
<br /> - -v 'fi't August in euL yw.'['6e perwn in wLaae vame�ny otthe Mortgeye Donds otthe 7ryo Seria ue ttjlitutd -. .� e
<br /> S �.i
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<br />'+��� � `t �6all be mtiHed to receive the Intetat peyabte on sueL Inttreat paymrnt date notwittsunding tha canallatioo ���� . _ -
<br /> �i
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