, ; . , :
<br /> . :..,'r�� -gx ,
<br /> ....- . ., . . __ ._ .
<br /> �_: � . �. .,. . :_..
<br /> - __ - ... . ._ .___":' . - - - .. .—.. .
<br /> :—_._,-. _' _ ��.,.�,r_-----�—_� . . .. _
<br /> 9��� �.0"/13�i
<br /> '' S, HwM or PcopOrty Inwraax. Qortower Ehetl kap the ImprovomenU rtow enisting or herwRer erea on ihe
<br /> Prop.ny �nsurcd�gdnit Ioss bY Ote, haarda Incfuded within tAe�erm'extcnded wverage' and any dher hozarde,includin;
<br /> ilood�ar Rooding,for whlcA Ltnder requires Insurana.7LIe Insurenca sMll Ix moimalned In iho unwume and for�ha period� _
<br /> that t.endee mg4lra.71w insuranco carrier provlding the fnsuranca shall bo choscn by Borrower eubJcct to l.emier's approv�l
<br /> which shell na16o unrcasonably wi�hhcid. If Hortowcr faile to muimnin mvcrago dcscribed ahovc. Lender msy,ot I.endcr's
<br /> optlon,oAta(n rnverago to protcct I.cnder'�r)ghu In the Propcny In aaordanw wiih paregraph 7.
<br /> AII insuronro polici�and r�newab shnil bo acecpiabte to Lender and shnll Inciude e standard mongnye etauu. Lender
<br /> shall havo tha ri;ht m hr,tA tho poticiw end renewnie.lf Lendcr rcquirca,Borrowcr shall prompliy sivo io Lendcr ell retclpta of
<br />- paid prcminme nnA tcr.ewal no�tr-.Ir.:!r e�em of lou,Bortower shall giva prompt notice to U�c insuronw carrlcr end Lendca c _f _ _
<br /> l.ender muy makc praof of�os�if not tn�de prompiiy by Borro:ver.
<br /> Unleas Lender end I3orrower otherwiso agrco in wdl[np,I��.surance proceeds shall be applied to rcstors�lon or repair of tho `
<br /> Ptopet�y damnged.If tho resroretlon or rcpTir la economlcnlly feaziblo end I.ender'e security is not lessened.If�he ns�omtton or
<br /> reppU le not coonnmicaUy kasible or Lender's security would be ieasened,tho Insurence procecde sliall bo opplicd to the sums
<br /> eecured by Ihis Security insuumen4 whuher or not then due, wl�h ¢ny eacess paid lo Qonower. If Borrower nbandons ihe
<br /> Propcnp, or docs not anxwcr�vithfn 30 days e notice from Lendcr 16at thc insurance cartler h�ottcrcd to senlc a clafm.thcn
<br /> I�nQer may mllect �ho insurancc proaode. Lcnder nu�y uu eM procads �a repafr or rutore �ho Propeny or�o pay sums
<br /> secnrcel by lhis Securicy Gutrument.wEUher or no[then duo.77ia 3Pday pertod wlll begfn when the no�ice is given.
<br /> Unless Lendcr enA [tortower otherwise egrcc(n wriifng, any applicatlon of praads �o principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone thc duo date of�he n:omhly paymems referted�o in paregrephe I and 2 or change�he amount of the paymenu. If
<br /> under p�ngraph 21 lAO Property B acqutrtd by Lender, Oorrower'e dght to any insurance policies and proccods resulting from
<br /> dnnmgo ro tho Property pdor ro@o nequfsl�ion shull pacc to Lender�o the extent of tho sums secvred by�his Secudry In+trument --
<br /> immedfalcly prlor m the ecquisidon. _-- - -�-
<br /> 6.Occuptncy,Preservation,M1fainlenance and Protcellon of the Properly�Borroxer's►.opn Appilcatloni I.easeholds. -.-=-
<br /> Oorrox�er shall occupy,csiablish,end uu�he Propeity es Bortower's prindpal residence within sixty daye eflcr the exxudan of �_
<br /> �hie Secudty Instrument and shall mntinue to occupy�he Prapeny as Borrower's princip�l residenca for et Ieast one year efter �,���
<br /> �he date ot a+wpaney,unless Luder otAernise egma In wdtinp. �vhich wnsent shall na be uiucaconably wiihheld,or unlcss - _ __
<br /> extenuating drcunuianee� exisi which arc beyond Dorrower's control. Dorrower shatl not destroy, dan�age or impair the __°__
<br /> Propeny, allow thc Property to deteriorote, or cvmmit wuee on tho Pmpcny. Oorrower shall M in defaul� if eny forfeimro ryY 3T
<br /> actian or proc+ecding, whGher civil or cdminal,is begun that In Lender's good feith Judgment could raul�in Porfeiwro of the �:='_-,�s�_
<br /> Propttly or otherwise mauflally in�ir tM.e Ilen creamd by Ihis Secudty Instmmem or Lender's srcuriry lnteres�.Darrower nmy �'���,,,_�-
<br /> eure such n dcfeult end rcinsmtc,as provided in pa�egraph 18,by causing�hc nction or procoaling�o be dismiued wiih n ruling ursaonor�=
<br /> �hnt, in I.ender'a good te0h dGemiinaiion, prxhdes fortcimre af�M1e 6ortowcr's intcrcst in the•Propeny or other mnicdal �=�:•�_
<br /> -.-a..-,:-
<br /> b��aai�r.aa�t of tFx 1�.:^.rat� b�:his G^ar?!; !^s!r_r.�r.! er Leader•s n�'!�ri!y intems�. Bnnowef xhall el�o be In defeult i( =.=d�-�=
<br /> Oorrou�er,duflng Ihe Iwn opplication prarss,gnve mmednlly felse or Inaccur.�ie Infomwtion or stetcmtms to Lender(or falled ��• �
<br /> �o provide Lender wilb nny maredal infortnnilon)in connectian wi�h Ihe ban evideneed by the Note, incluAing,but not Ilmiied '�'����
<br /> ro,representations roneeming Dorrower s occupancy of�he Propeny av a pdneipal residence. If�his Seturity Insuument is on e a�.;?�G.:��i°
<br /> leasehold, Bortower shnll comply with ell the provisioas of �he Iease. If Dorrower acqnires fce �i�ie �o �he Proper[y. �he ,+:{��;py��`;.
<br /> Icasehold nnd Iha(w�Iqe shall not merge unless Lendcr agrces lo tl�e mcrger in writing. T'?`-:,..:''�`�:3"
<br /> -:h.'� ".5313'.
<br /> 7.I'rotecllon of LendePe Rlghts In Ihe Propetly.If 13orrowcr fails�o perfomi Uie mvenams nnd egreemems mmalned in r;}.,t?,�;ty;;�-:-
<br /> .y.�..., � 1
<br /> thfa Secudty Insimmem, or�herc is e legal proceeding thut may signifirnmly a(fttt Lender's dphis In iha Propeny(such ac n •.J��;+1:�.�!•";����,�
<br /> proceedinp In bankmp�cy,probata tor mndemna�ion or forfciture or�o enforce laws or rcgulntions), ihen Lender may do end '_v't:"[� "�;.
<br /> a for wluaever is necessa �o rotcn the valuc ot�he Pro rt and I.endcr's ri h�s in Ihe Pro n l.ender's uclions m� �- ���s� �'-�
<br /> P Y �Y P P� Y 8 P� Y� Y .:�'_'.:i-:.ilt;:'-.'�-.=>-_:.
<br /> include p.rying eny sumc secur� by a lien �rhich hac prioriq� over this Sewriry Imwmen6 nppenring in caun, paying ��--` -
<br /> rcawnablo nttomcys'fces and emcring on ihe Propeny to makc rcpairs.Although I.endcr may�ake ndion undcr�hfs pxregrsph -�'�- �i;�`;°��[-
<br /> 7.I.cndcr dacs not havc�o do m. ":-��'�„'�S�``.�'�'.�...
<br /> �.,:'�:° ..
<br /> Any omoun�s disbursed 6y Lendcr under this paragraph 7 xh:01 lxconr ndJi�ional debl of Dortowcr securcd by this '.i?=,�?�'""+� i�.
<br /> ,- i:•.;ii�. _: n'::
<br /> Sxuri�y (numment. Unlas Oorrowcr end LcnJcr agrce�o o�her terms nt paymem, these amoums shall Ixar iNCrcs�from the .���. -�+;d�,:%-;�,<'-..
<br /> dale o(disl+ursenM�n nt �he No�e rote and shall be p�ya6le. �vi�h imeres�, upon notice Gom Lender Io Oorrou�er reque�iing ! _ _
<br />- paynxm. +s:" `� ,:`.
<br /> 8.111orlgagc Incurnnm. If Lendcr rcyuirtd mnngagc insurancc as a mndi�inn of nuking thc loan sccund by�his Sceurity _; �, ':.��
<br /> Insuumen6 Iiorrower shall pay the pnmiums required tn mainwin the mongage imurance in e(fect. If, for nny reacon, the `'' ' �S- r� `
<br /> mohgage insurnnce coverage required by Leider lapses nr cca:.s�o be in effec�. Onrrmrer shall pay �he premiums rcquired to � ' �t� � -';�
<br />� obmin cave�age subs�antially equivalem m�he mongage iawrance previously in efftt�,at a co��sub+taminlly equivalem m ihe :�}ii�%�;,:-'� `-
<br />- cost m Borro�eer of the mongage insuance prcviously in eRect. fmm an aluma�e mongage insurcr approced by Lendca If " �.}.',p';�:_.;%,��:
<br /> subs�antially equivalenl mongage inwrance co��eraFr i.not arailable. �ormwcr>hall pa��to I.cnder carh mnnih a autn cyual la -
<br /> ono-m•clfih at the ycarly mm�gage iiuu�nir prcmium bcing paid by 6orrourr w�hen�he inwrancc coreragc lapsed ur ceascd�o
<br /> bc in e(kct.Isnder will aaep�.u.e ani rc�ain�he.e paymems a. n Inss murce in licu of mnngage insunnce. Lnz. rexrce :.r.,�_?j;,_;�•,.�� `�
<br /> Form 3028 9�90 ���� � . . ' -
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