�� 'roosrHea wrrH�i;�ea.un�roYOr�h�d�ww o►n�n�ner er�c�a o�in����nr _ _. i93+�_��� —
<br /> .ndd��.,em7x,, nenu�ca,.ea
<br /> pxWra raw or heraRer � p�R,ot.�hp"p(o��ty. All rcpi�cemtnin utd rdd(tiona ehq11 ilw ba mvercA AY Ihle &cud1Y, . .
<br /> Inwiumen�.A1t ot iha foregaing is rcfcrrmt In.ii��{41A�urlly tnscNnkm aa ihe'Propeny," -
<br /> BORRqW1iR COV�NAN7S IhnLl3nrrmxCrLe I�wFu1ly aiscd ohho cbtatc hcreby conveyM and.has tho right to graN akt
<br /> rnnvry iha Pruperiy.nd�hu�hn�ro�sny 1+untnsu�qb�+ed�esapt fot akumDnnta of mrord� Ns�irn�4tr wxttAntR�nA wlll —
<br /> _ defendgener�llyllxQilorothaPro(r�nyngainsiplLclnitnxAOC�Jonnrda,su6Jecttoanyencumbnnceeol.roeatAa �
<br />-- TIItS SGCUAITY INSTRUh1ENT comhinc�unlfnmt.coYCiwnt�for nallon�l uu und non•unifnrm covcnzntn�i�1lh�fllnlltd _
<br /> viulu(eaa by Judsdldion to mns111nta a uNfumi secud�y InsWment rnved�8�ea�propeny. �-
<br /> UNIFORSf COV[iNANI'S.Borco�vor anA Lcndorrn�cnant¢nd ogrte oe foltowe:
<br /> `° l. P�ymtat of P�in¢Ip�l and tetsrcst; l4sppyment and 3.9h Cfurgd. bortuwcr chall promptly p�r wqgi�,dnn�hp� - .-
<br /> pdnclpal of and intetat on tho debt cvldenecC by�ho Noto unA nny prepaymcm end Imp chnrge�duo unAer�ha�atd�
<br /> 2.Flmds tor T�xts and Inwnnee.SubJGCt lo npplica6lo law or ro a wriuon waivqr by LenAer. Borrqmcradtfll�pey�tp.. -
<br /> Lcnder on ttw day monthly paymcnts en:dno unAar tha Naro,unttl Me Nota Is paid In full�o sum(�ELndv)for.(n).Ya+tipan�
<br /> nrt4 assessmenq which may auain pdnrhy over tlila Secudiy Inswnxm es a Iicn on Ihe Propeny��(4)ynriy�l4�a:shnld�PPymOntn
<br /> or grand reme on tik Propeny,If nny;(c)yrarly hmuni or propeny insurance pnnilnms;(d)yrarly I1nnA insumnax pn:mUmih
<br />- -�— If any;(c)ywdy nwngngo Insurance premL�m�, if any;and(0 any sums payablc Uy Ilormw�r ro LenAaa In,ecmM+ma�wlth
<br /> �ho provislon+of paragraph 8,In Iicu of tho paymem ot mnngago insurancc premh�me.Thpsa liems ara ca16q��Gccmw•Lcmn.'
<br /> I.ender may, el uny Umo, collec� enA hnid NnAs in on anaunt not �o exceed the maxfmum omnnni e IunAer(un e fi�damlly
<br /> relatM mortgago Iqen mxy nqidre Por Uorrower'e essrow uccount unAor thn fcdenl Real Fsmta Scplament Ptocodnnts AchoE
<br /> 1970.as amendcd 6vm timo tn tlmo, 12 U.S.C.Sealon 2b01 e�req. ('REBBA'), unlass anathar Imv thnt,oppliar m tha�unds
<br /> scts e Icsstr emount.If so. I.endcr mey, et any time. mliav und hnid FunAs in nn�ammmi nm m excecd i6n Ius�r emnunt.
<br />_,,..� l.ender niay esllmeto tho nmount of NnAs dna on thc bula of amm diim and rea5onahln estlmatcs of expCndllums of fnluru . . ____
<br /> Escrow Items or othmwisc in acco�dnnce wiq�eppliwblc law.
<br /> Thc [•lmds s4�ll bo he1J in an inrtituiinn wLnse deposlis en; inruad by a fcdcml egency, inruumcn�nli�y; or cnlity
<br /> (including Lendor.if lender is such nn inrliunian)nr tn pny Pederal Home Loan Dank.Lender shnlPnppty dia fund�:tn pay tl�o
<br /> Fsccoir Iteme.Lender may not clssm3o Qarrower fur Anldinp und appiying the Funds,nnmmlly anelyzinp�6a esamw:�ncount,or —
<br /> vei.:�iag tho Escrow Itcros,untes I�ndar pnys Darev�ver intercs�on�he Funds nnd npplfaa6lu Imv pertnim I.endnr tn�mnke such _—___
<br /> - ._ ry chn�ge. However,I.ender map re�Guue t3atrvmer�o pay o one�time charge for un IndepmAcm a�al�esunn Inr,mpnnG�p szrvice °"—`
<br />-- ��._i . - used by Lender in connection �siU� tAls lo:n, unlass appliceble lasv providee o�hertvirq. Unlucs an,aDnnment Is made or -----
<br /> _ . epplirablo law izc,�'vice intercit tabe paid,tender shnll not Ue rcqulroJ m�pay[tonox�er any imnnxt occamtnge on�hc Funds. �_-----
<br /> ._,; Rosower�nd l,ender may e�nrr in writing,hoacver,tlwt interest shnlbbc paid on�he FunAs.Lendm shall give to Dorrowcr, _
<br /> =-- - �n?wot charge, an annunb nceountinp oE Ihe Funds,showing crtdi�s anA debiis Io�he Funds anA �he purposc for which eacA -- -
<br /> debi[�o Ihe�unds wu mnAa.7'hn�unAx am plr.dged as ndditlonal securitu for ail sunv accund by this Secud�y Instrumem. -�� �
<br />_�;;�j ff the RunAa hcld-6y Lendnr oxettd Iim omnume pemi(ued to be heldby epplicable Inw,I.enAor sAnll eccounl to Burrowcr �� � __ �-�-� -
<br />��.;�,� for the exeess Funds laeccordnnce wiil�.[ho roquircments of npplicable law. I(�he emount of�ho Funds hotd by Lender oi any �-:+�_.
<br />,_� lime Is not sufficient lo pay Iho Gcennr I�ums when dua Lender nuy so nmity Dorrmrer In writing,und,in such cue fiorrower �-3`+.�'iir-��%
<br /> shhii pay to Lender the mm�nni na-tsury tn.mxLo up �ha Jeficicncy. 6ormwer shall make up the deficiency in no nwro lhan ���Y�"
<br />�air twcive momhiy paymentn,a��4endcr's sahi di��cmtion, ''+���^,e�,��,� -
<br /> =�- .e.:...,q.,..—
<br />--;3� Upon paymcnl tn�fullioGall�nums aavrcd by�his Se.uri�y Insuunxne. Lender shull promptly rcfund to Borrowcr any +•'s.+{.x.�:=__-4=-,
<br /> �unde hcld by Lendcc IL nndcr pr.mgmph 21,Lendcr shall acqutrc or sell the Propeny.Lender,prior�o the ecqulsi�ion or snle t ,1?y � � .- " -
<br /> � of Ilie Propeny,shxll�epply anp funds Iteld by Lender m�he�ime of acquisition or sale as a cradit ngafnst tlio sums securtd by ����+�.�i -- -
<br /> -'A �hlESaudtyinstrumrni. � � �� -
<br /> -,� 3.Appllcapon oF t'uymenG�.Unlcss applicablc law provides ahenvise,all p�ym.n�c reccivcd by Lender under paragraphs . �xt ��
<br /> � and 2 shnli�be nppliaii fim�.[o a�iy prcpaymcnt chargcs duc undcr thc Note sttronJ,ro amom��s payeblc undcr parapraph 2; t� h4r.�1', �.-
<br /> Ihird,lo intennt dne:fourth,to principal due;and Im�,�o nny Ime ch:�rges due under the No�e. � � � x,�r
<br /> .,—� d.C hu�a; L lau. Uurtoiver s 6a 1 1 pay n l l wxcs,accessnmms,charges, fincs and im p mi�ions atiributablc w�ho Pro pcn y f �: T.1 + -'
<br /> which nmy eualn prioriry over�his Security Incwmem,and Ienxhold p�ymente or gromtd rems, if eny. [iorruwer Rlndl pay � i�51f r'�Yti�,� �
<br /> ;��� �hesc obligations in�hc manncr provided in pangraph I.or if not paid in�ha�numner.Unrro�rer s6a11 pay Wem on�ime dirtctly .y.��...�,X�.r _
<br /> � ;,;� to ihc person mved payntem. Oorroorr shall prompily furnish to Lendcr nll nmiccs of amoums�a be paid under�his paragreph. F --- �-: -;-
<br /> [f Dortower makes�hac paynmms Jirecdy.6nrrwrer shall prompdy furnish to l.ender rcceipis evidencing Uie payments. � ,= r F�?.✓;�.
<br /> C_t..._ . �.-"-
<br />� ;f�3 Qorro�rcr sh�dl prompily diuharge�my licn�vhich has priori�y oecr this Sccuriiy Instrumcnt unicss Uorrowcr.(a)agrecs in v >-- !�;" � _
<br /> '-'_,` wriiing ro the paymem of�he obliga�ion seaund b��ihe lien in a manner aceeptable w Lender.(b)comats in good fai�h the Iten � �ti -��'
<br /> ��,
<br /> by, er defends egni�m en(ummem of the lien in. tegal prMecdingx which in �he Lender's opinion apera�c fo prevent �he �- ,, �ty,�. �:
<br /> enforttmem of�hc licn:or(d seaurce Gom�hc holder nf U�c licn an agr.emem.ati�futory�n Lcndcr subordina�ing thc licn to ��'•--.
<br /> l5. . 1 s_'
<br /> `- ihfs Security Incuumem. If I.ender determine.�ha� any p:m af�he Properrv i�>uhjca io a licn�rhich may anain priori�y mer . i F .,-
<br /> -- ��� Ihis Security Imuumem. l.ender may give Bnrmorr a nntire iJemifi ing�he licn. 6arm�cer�hall.a�i,fy�he Ifen or�ake nne or t -- ,;."dK�7'-:
<br />- mom of�he nclionx ul fonh above wi�hin 10 Jay�.of d�e givmg of notice. - �'�..
<br /> '_:a' Form 3028 9190 "'ii•. .•. '�i z .
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