, .� n,: �r• . - 's
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<br /> perlods chctl.cnder requlm. 71n�nsunnce cartier prayfding tM Inwnqct shitl bo fhose(!by Bortbwer wbJat Io Ge�Sderk
<br /> . . . _.�i:�.....s_..,����i..,.�.u.,..�::..isn:rW��, �f=..,...�!u�:�._�'�!T.. --a '�"='�W '- rs`._.�' � '-.. - - - -- _ ._....
<br /> - -= LaMerti op7lon�o6lrlo caven�e to prmect 1.enderY dbM�In tha�ny In qoS�+�dma wl�h W�6�Mh 7 . . „�
<br /> All insuruice poilela und rcnew+te siull be xap�,ble ta[.s r aid sh�lLlnciude�sand�rd nwt�g�gp c�A� uu. Iknder .
<br /> eha111wvp�herla6t1oholdUwpolicksuidrcnew�b. IfLenderreyuira,BonoWe(sh�llpromptY.�ivat4,lknderdl�eaipu " .
<br /> � df p�ld p�,em, iPtns�aad re.xwa�no�iae. !n�he evcnl of loss,Baroa•n shall`givo promQt noitep to�ho insurance arrkr uid - _ -
<br /> 1.endtr,'fxndlrmoymdcOp�foflbs�IfnotmudepiomqlyD�Rarower. ; - . '.
<br /> �In�esS Lender and wbr alxnyiu agrce in wriqng. nsupnce s c6ali ba applfod lo rcsionUon a rcpolr c4
<br /> - ----� tiv+f��o�^rty dhn�aS�d,if�icstomtiort ar mpaU is cmn�mirally fus blo Pnd i tndrrb 5Mp!1ry Is nd Iesuned. I!ihe ---_-
<br /> -.— - . restoFu' ion or ttp�ir te:nW.ocmaml�atly feazible or A.ender§secur��y would�lw lessened,�lro Insut�ncop�r�3��I�""�-�;�'- - .
<br /> � �pplled ro�he sYfie Suu�ed by thB ScFarity Instmment,whNhor or not thcn due,witli uny exas�p�l td o Bortower.:(f -- �
<br /> Borcower obmdona tM 1'roperry,or dou rwt wswer wl{hin�3b day's n notico Ram I.ender�hat tiw insuranco ruNeP(109 .
<br /> � offcrcA io settle�c�etm,then Lender niay coltect�Iw insuranco procecde. Lender moy use�he protteds ro reprir o�ttstoro
<br /> . the ProDeny or�a pay sume secarcd by i61e Security Insimmom,tvhether or not�hen due. Tho 30.day peda�wil�bCB��Whcn _ _
<br /> - - tho not�ro 1�gtvtn: -
<br />-- ------- ' . Uni�s I.ender ead portower o�henrim�ee in writlng.any ap !•:z9cn ot proocede�o pdrxlS:!s"alI noi ez�end or
<br /> � � pos�ppae the c�po date of th�nwcith�y payi�ss rrfrer�d io in paragia�s 1 ard 2 a char�v,s tt�aucvn.a oi cRo paymenle. If
<br /> - under.pa�n8i�ph 21 �Rs Propeiqr is a�aind QY Lerckr,Bv�m�rerh '*l.zRt to eny insvruxr potis'v:s oxvl Fceceed�r�sulting
<br /> from dmm�gq ta iho Propeny pr�c�o a'a acquls�ion shan pns,io tazrsx�o ct�.eAcea�at me mms senu.d ey iN�Sr.cvrhy
<br /> _ Instmn�rntiminfAlatetypci.cvvaticoc.1u�isiilon. �
<br /> :>� 6," OirurphcX �ar�a�1inn, Maintenunca ond Protrt�inn aY ahe ff'roperig; 0�orroRer•e I.oan AppTrc.nt6ani
<br /> - 4tasthoids. Uortou�.v�!�s:l oirnpy,esrebilsh,end use Ilw Ptopeny As lk+ctan�rh p�irc9pal residence within sfx�y days olter
<br /> �he eauutlon oF�his Serpti�y Ins�mmem end shall wnHnw tn occupy iho Tm�en�ai Bo�too•sr�s principal rcsids�e for at
<br /> --�- Icast one ycar eRer.7.r date of uocupancy, unless Lender o�henvise agrees m writiae, ���hich oonsenl Rhall no� Iw -
<br /> — unrcasonabiy wiihheld,or uniess extenuating circumstwices axiu which arc bcyond 6ottv���cr1 cor�irol. Bortower shell not
<br /> `�=� des�roy,damage or impnir thc Propeny,allow thc Propeny lo deiedore�0.or rnmmi�wast�n�tha FYopeMy. Borrowcr shall
<br /> �� Ix(n deinult if any foRCi[ure ection or procecding,whe�her eivil or criminal,fs hegun thai in 6.e�r.Ss!gad fei�h Judgment ��
<br /> eouid rauh in (odeinrto of�he Propeny or mhe`wiso materially impafr ihe lien emated by u�i.s Sec+Rny Instrument or
<br /> - = Lender§acearily imercst. 6ortower may curo euch e defnult ond rcinstate,as provfded in paragrapT 18,byanuing�he octton
<br /> or proveeding lo bo dismissc4 with e mling that,in l.enderS good feith deMnnfna�ion,prccludes(oRcimrc of the 6orio�verk
<br /> _._,;:��� inlcnsi in �ha Propeny or oiher material Impaimient of thc licn cmated by this Securily Ins�mment or Lenderk secudiy
<br /> - — interesl. Botrower shall elso be in dcfaull it Rnrro�ver, Auring �he loan applicallon process, gave maledally folu or
<br /> ----° inaccumio infommtion or Ftatemems ro Lender(or fniled io provide Lender wiih nny ma�erial InformadoN in connection wtih
<br /> -'-'=??� the lo:u� evideneed 6y the Noie, Including, bni no� Iimited to, rcprcsemmions conceming Qorrowerh occu�ancy of�he
<br /> -----= {koperty as o principnl rcsidenco. If this Saud�y In�trumem is on u Ieeschold,Rnrtowcr shall camply wi�h nll t�e provisions
<br /> -� �i�h�i��. ��norrower ncqutms tee ti�te�o�he Propeny.�he Ieasehoid nnd�he fee iiUe shntl not merge unless Lender�grecs
<br /> .�-. ,� to�hc mcr6cr in writing. �r .... .
<br /> ��;o-5^•, 7. Proleclion o!Lender'e Rlghla In Ihe P�uperty. It Iforro�ver fnils �o perfomi the covennnu and agrecments �� -
<br /> >`-`�.++'7SSti+r comained in �hfs Securi�y Insuumem,or ihero is n Icgal procceding�hnl may significnnlly nBec� LenderS righ�s In �ho �v:,,
<br /> --��gv ��;
<br /> .,'�.;, Propeny(sucll ns n proceeding in bankn�plcy,prabaee,for condcmnation or fodelmm or m enforce lowx ar regulmions),�hen
<br /> � ! . Lender mny do and p,y(or�vlm�wer is necescnry iu protal �he vnlue of ihe Propeny nnd Lendeh rights in tho{7openy. �,
<br /> A� -- � : Lenderh nc�fons may Include payfng ony+umx r.ecured 6y n lien which has priori�y over�his Secufiy Inswmem,appearing s ��.�
<br /> ¢krS'!'�"�`� in mun,paying rcasonnbic nuomcyx fces nnd entcring on�hc Prnpeny io make rcpatrx.Nthough Lender may mke nc�lon `^��i, ,��,_-
<br /> �;���a'�. undcr this pamgmph 7.Lendcr dacs noi hnvc to do so. -- -
<br /> - -�+�*�' An nmounls disbnn.al 6 l.cnder under this in m h 7 shnll becamc addiiionnl de6�of 6arto�rer uwrcd by�his �;:h'_;�'�bi`:"�t���
<br /> --'''`'T Sewrily lnsirumenL Unloss�rmwer nnd Lendcr ugmc 10 olher Icmis of paymeN.�hcse nmuumx xhall lxar iNCrcsl from lhe ::r.'.��7's�e%;"�'`y�'
<br /> .,ri-:.._ .- > mniya
<br /> _�,:_.., da�a of disburscment nt ihc Nac ra�c and shall bc payablc,wi�h imeresL upon notire from I.ender io Oorto�vcr rcqueuing ��- .v�r� Y.
<br /> `t- "� P,Y��Bn� Morlgnge Insnrnnee. I(LcnJer rcyvircd mongnge imurnncc as n conAi�ion of making�he loan sccurcd by ihix i�. /�'�'�sr -_-
<br /> {�- - ,., Securiry inswment. 6orcower sh;dl pay �he prcmiums rcynircd m mnimain�he mongnge insmm�ce In effea. IL tot any 1_':�� s � ;_
<br /> :�IS� rc.�son, �he mongage insumnte crnemge rcquired by Lender Inpces or eeaces �o Ix in effcc4 �ortower shall pay �he ( �f �r}�r,�t,��a t�'•:-
<br /> prcminms reyuired m ob�ain coverage subsmmially eyuivatem w �he mongage inxurance prcvfonsly in effec�.at n cost F. �,:• �MFic,� ='-.
<br /> -". subsmminlly arytvnlcm to�hc cos��o Omm�rcr ot thc mongngc in.urancc prcviouxly in c(fcc�,Gom nn al�emmc mongngc P ,�v_, t+5�y5 �^`-.
<br /> T � (nxurcr appmveJ by Lender. If tiuM1vanlially equivalem mongnge insunnce cover,ige i.mm�vniluble.Hortower shall pay to ,s!�,�i rrt�p�� - y-�.
<br /> -t' Lender each momh a sum a�ual w nne•��celf�h nf ihe ycady mnngage inxurance pnmium Fcing paid 6y Oormu�er when d�e � _.:���$9 �r �_,t:..
<br /> - `-%' insurance coveragt Inp}ed or censeJ lo be in c(fect. Lender will accep�,use and re�ain the�a paymems as a loxs mserve in lieu .: y ,�y,,,
<br /> 2 - `--� of mongnge ine�::ance. Locc rescrve paymems may no longer be rcynircd,m ihe op�ian of Lender,if mongage inxur,mee -�?'fi^�a�,
<br /> coverage(in thr i�mnnnt nnd for Ihe period ihm Lendcr rcyuires)pmviJeJ 6y:m inxurcr upprovcd by Lendcr again bcrnmcs , ° -`;;5,`,{,t;.-
<br /> �f� i-;�. mailable and is n'.+uiiueA.Borcower+hall p�y�he pre�uimns myuircd tu mnintaim m�ngagc in.umnce in c17ect.or�o provide n �._-�i� �E _.�.'-
<br /> f : loss rexrvq uNif thr rtqulrcmtm(or morlgage imuranm endti in:�ccordnnce wilh an)•ariuen agrcemenl6clwecn Uorrouer y i i,,S,'r,�l ` . :
<br /> �� �' � nnd Lendcror applirnble Imv. �7. %�,� � --..��
<br /> „r�� _�--,_� 9. Inspecllon. Lend.r or a.agem m.�y make ma�miahle emric.u�wn:mJ im�ctimu of�he Prupeny. Lender shall . .
<br /> give Dorro�rer nolicr at Ihe lin:e of or priot lo an in•pec�ion+pcedyinp rca.nn.ihle can.e for Ihe in}peclinn. ` ..
<br /> ..,. '� 10. ConUemna�lon. 'Ihe pnxeeA.oL�m a•rard nr ciaim for damagrs.dirccl ur cun+eyuenliil.io connttlinn wi�h any. "•,'� �
<br /> 7"� -
<br /> SfngleFart:it�-kannirt7arT}tdAleNael'VFOHNI�S'iftl\IF.�T..In1.n(.,.ame. S90 rywirJ..InN,���
<br /> u.n I�tn Wru Fr•s e - . .
<br /> h�YefiC1EWSP9]9]CPUrt��Y+�]� . ,. -
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