` �N ,' -,. - � . - �.. ... �}'s. _ .. _ .,` �7�r.RFI il.I.i.�,',. , y ( f .
<br /> ..... . .. �• �- . .. _ . . ... - .. ._ , .
<br /> � °; "IYltiti7flHR WR)1.A1 the IMP+ovemetip tqw ur AeretBS►eraud on Ua Pto�eriY.and�ll`wamenl� app{�nen+ecbr .
<br />._ �- �nd ftchp�anow Of herc�hetA:P�tt.otth9 DroPEItY,_Ap rcpiKel�entl.�qd�dd10on7 eh+ll�IW be CoVeted 6Y ti�U.S�G��Y.; , ... �._, .. .
<br /> � - t�tunMiH�r.MI ofp.ww Sae{oln�ll nr�tfo4.lo�A Nu aocuncy iMwmen�ea ua-eroperty.^ . . . ..��- .. - .. ' - �
<br /> BORNOWItK`COVfiNANf9 thit Dotjarver i�lowfully alud of tho osuro I�ercby convoyed�nd IiW Ua right to Yr�n� '
<br /> _ �1 cosi�ey U�67�ln�y nnd th�t ihd Prap�ny I�unencumbercd,exaq tor encambnnces of record. Borrower w�rnnl�uid
<br /> wII1QeM.M�ei�proly.IhOtl11o1P�PmQrtty�B+InstaQclalmeanddemanA�,sub�xt�opnyencumbmnceeotrecord. —
<br /> 'I}IIS 94CURITY 1N9T�tU�IP.tTP comMna unifptin covnunu for n��ond uie �nd.�wn•unitom�mven+na wi�h
<br /> .,._,,,,_, Ilmludvari��on�byJurisdictlon�oconsq�utoauNformseCUdiytnswmrnlcovedngrcalpropeny.
<br /> - - . UNiFORM COYLNA�. 8�wer orvi I.ew r wver�n{enG�grw ef fvilowi: p when duo tAe _-• -- .
<br /> i."�Y'Iyrnitnt oI Prioci �ed IMercq�Pre Y��{�nd I,�Ie.CpRr�a. Bottower shil( romp�lypay
<br /> pdnclphl oF�nd in�aest on�he debl evlQ:nceJ by tM Nolo and any propayment and lue chugea duo under ihe Nae.
<br /> 2�, Fdnd�forlkxauWfaaroncr. SubJecttoappIlcnblolpwortorwdnenwaiverbyLender,UottoWershallpayto
<br /> I.cnAct ap Ila day monihty paymeme ue duo under dro No�a,unql�ha Note le peld in full,a sum('Nnd�")for.(o)ywiy
<br /> -- lexoa ii�d asussmen�e whlch may eneln pdodty ove��hif 8ceudly Inst�ument a+e Ilen on Ihe Properiy�N)yoy�y����d -
<br /> — syAUnu or ground renla on tlio i'ropeny. if eny; (c) ycarly hezard or�^^�rty in;u�ance promluma; (d) yesfly iiaod
<br /> Pnsun�nca prCplpUnP,if eny;(o)yeady matlgago insunnw prcmiume, If ony: and (p eny sums payqble by BortoKar w
<br /> l.ender,in�rdanoo wilh tho�rovlslon�of perngreph 8,in Ilw of�hapayment of mortgnga insmm�ce prcmium�. 'Itiesa
<br /> item�oro ciJled"Nserow ficma. I.endcr mny,at eny timo,copcct end Ia1d Ponds la ea a�.t not to oxceed�tw mex�mum
<br /> emount a lender for e fedemlly rclntcd mong�go Iann may requiro for Oortowtrh exrow a.ro:snt under�ho ftdc+el Real
<br /> Cstaee Se�tleme.nt Procedurcs Act of 1974 es nmended from Umo ro time,l2 U.S.C.¢26".11 a req.('RL'SP.1').unlaa enoNet
<br /> I�w thal appliea to Ne fiind�sela a Icsser anwum. If so,tander may,et eny�ime,collect nn9 M1o:d f�ands In en amoum noi�o
<br /> - excced Ua Iesser emount. l.ender may esUm,ite tA:amount ot Wnds due on �ha basfs of cuerent da�a and reasonaDlo
<br /> '-��- - ° atima�esofexpenditurcsofNturoCscrowl;emswaebea�iseinoaordencewi�hepplicnblatau. _--� -� -
<br /> 7tw Nnds shall bo held in en Ins�itu8on�vhos�dr,Qnsiu an; insured by e fedeml ogency, Instrumentality,or eNity
<br /> (including Lender,If Lender fs such an institutton)or i�.ny Federel Home Loan Baak. Lender ehall apply ttw Ponds lo pay
<br />-----�-�'- �ho Gs'crow Ilems. Lender muy not charge Oortower for hoiding and nppiying�he f�mds,annuaily enaiyzing tho acrow =
<br /> xcoun6 or verifying the Cscrow Items,unle�+ Lender pays Bortower interest on tho FLnds md appliwblo law pemilu
<br /> _ ' Lender lo make such a cherge. Hmve��re Lender may rcquirc�orro�crr to pay e ono-Ume charge for an independem rcal =
<br /> ---''' esmte�u rcponing servlcn uaW by LenAr im m�necUon with this loan,anless appliwble law p:ovides othe�wise. Uniess on =,-.
<br /> -- agreemem b mado or epplicoblo Inw rcqufrcs intcrcs�to be paid,Lcndcr ahNl not be rcquired lo pay Bortowcr wry Inleresl ot
<br /> *��_ eaminga on ttw W nda. Oortowcr nnd I.endcr may egrx In writing,howevcr.�hat intcrest shall bc p�id on�hc�nnd+. Lcndcr j+-�
<br /> _�..., shall glvo ro Bortowcr,wi�hout chnrgo,an nnnual eccounting of�ho FLnds,chowing credits end deblis to iho Mnds and�ho �`,rs,-��
<br /> ��Y� purpose for whlch eaeh debi��o�ha I'unds wu made. Tha Punds nre pledged os additional ucurity for eIl suma ucurcd by -
<br /> z.�. UtleSecudtylnsWmenL " �.�°
<br /> If tho Rmds held by Lender excecd �hz omounu permhte4 �o be hcld by eppliceble law, Lcnder sliall eccoun�w � ,�,,,,,,,�`
<br /> ��.� Uortower for the excesa l�nde in eccordance with�A.mquircments of epplicable law. If ine amoum of ine rnnd�held'oy �, __ -- --
<br /> Lendcr et eny iime is not sufticient to pay the Burow liem�when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in���riting,and,in ,
<br /> �;,� such esu Bortower shall pay to Lender�he emoum neussary to make up Ihe defictmc . Dorro�ver shall make up�he S��agy _:;
<br /> ,�:{,='�� dcflcleney in no moro�han twclvc monthly p�yments,at I.endcrS sole diurction. Y ��t{���S
<br /> '�r .•� Upon payment In PoII of uil sums secured by�hls Sceurity Inswment,Lender shall prompily refund to 6ortower any rf�+��t r�rs- =
<br /> r C fl�� (�nde hcld by L.cndcr. If,undcr pamgnph 21,Lcndcr shall ecquirc or sell�hc Propeny,I.cndcr,pnor to d�e ecquishion or � � ;' �� �+�-?--
<br /> u +,`°� sale of Ihe R.,peny,shail appiy nny FLnds held by Lender at the�ime of acquisi�ion or sale as a endii a8alnst Ihe sums � - '�, , ,�
<br /> r accurcd by�hie Sccud�y Insmimenl. ��'�ii++ �4j'"�-�
<br /> � �j�`" 3. Applicat�an of Pxyments. Unless oppticable la�v providee oihenvise, eil paynxnts rccelved by Lender undcr .__� �� -_
<br /> -y��,�.? paragrephs I end 2 shall be npplied:firs6�o eny�rcpayment charges due under�he No�e;accond�o amounts payable under � ���k iC���
<br /> �Jt�af paragraph 2;�hlyd,to Inierest due fourth,io princ pal due;nnd lact,to any lete ehargee due under�he Noro. _ " ���.
<br /> j F� 4. Charges; Ucns. Bortower shall pay ell texes, acscumenis, cherges, fincs and imposi�ions eltdbuteblc l0 1hc �t �i, , �
<br /> I'co h which me enntn nori ovM U�Is Securi� Insm�men4 md Ieasehold a menls or round rcnts,If any. Oortower � ' -�
<br /> �� �i1. � Y Y P� �Y Y PY 8 � -: � , _--
<br /> 1 sha I pay Nesepbligettone in the manner provided in�avF�aph 2,or If nat pald In�h:c rtanncr,6ortower ahall pny ihem on � , L �� .
<br /> f��t �ime dircctly to the person owed paymcm. Dovowcr ahal)prompily(umtsh to Lendcr�dl noiims of omounu to be paid under sY� y! � �s �
<br /> ,�}�r s{`� this paragreph. If Dortower makes�hex par�menu dimtly,6ortower shall prompily Pomish to Lender mcelpis ev�dencing ;n _ c +�;_
<br /> .1,{�SaJ�I thepaymcnu. ---i t � �'.�.
<br /> +s *� 6ortower shall promp�ly diuhargc anp lien which has priomy orcr this Secud�y lncwn:cm unkss 6ortuwcr.(a)agrees - y _,,:-
<br /> ;���� In writing ro the paymem of the obligmlon secured by�he lim in n manner ucceplablr�n Lendrr,(N)wntesis in good feith�he ,/�y��"' }- ;.i;
<br /> � Ilen by,or defends agains�enforccmmt of�hc licn in,Icgal praccdinge which in�he LenderY opinion opem�e�o prevent�he ��,�x��.�;..!L.�L�y�,.=r.r.
<br /> �� enforcement of t6e lirn:ar(e)securcs(rom tlic holder of the lien an ngrcement an�is(aaory�o Lender suhordina�ing�ie lien 5 tr ,�� .1� � s-c-
<br /> `{7',.-:�;v to this Security Inswment. If Lender detemiines�hat any p:ut of�he f'roPeny is subjen lo o lien�rhich may auain priori�}• P����.{r�+`�7 y�f+�5��?.
<br /> ��: over�his Setariry Instrument,Lender may pivc Donoo•cr o no�ite id.ntifymg�hc lien. Uonower shali aa�isfy the lien or ta4c 5 iff.'�r`i, ��f k�,� :.N
<br /> - _'�' one oSmo,{p�d or�P�roperty IasuranreV�'IIovo�i c r shall�k ep�hc improvenicNS now exiiling or hereahrr erec�ed on the �'�f-�sir�i���SE��v�, i:;
<br />�-'' '-��-•'�� d'ropeny Insurcd egainst loss by fire,huards includrd ui�hin�hc lemi'extendcJ mrciage"and nny alher haza«ls,including `.i.A�e,`(�";,�:-.�+� ��;,��:
<br /> �- i� Ooods or Ilooding, for which Lender rrquires inxuror.ce. This insurzncc shall be ir�ainmined in �he nmoun�s and tor�hc t � - - ��t i �:
<br /> :�
<br /> ,�� . �. � ��{/.
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