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3'rf'i �. - y"�-� 1_�w-. . � — <br /> _ _ <br /> ' �.� ' __,_ _" — <br /> " <br /> �� - - . _ � .. . _ . -. _. ., — <br /> ,xn - . . . ' " . . .. i -. . <br /> •.. .. <br /> .� ..- - . . •. . _ ... <br /> . . :,, . 19g:��.0`ri�� . <br /> j?etiaif lhs Leudsr fequirts. Tta irtdpnnco cartier�"ov�Eing�M insuranw s1i11 bo cAostq Ey Bortowei eubJcct tp 1:er�rb ` <br /> � �P�(PYfl��Y�IOh shu��not 65 un�easonaDiy wiihhetd� �f eorrower folle�o nuimaln cover�ge deurlped ebovo,�,tnder inay,-p1 � �' <br /> ` .l.enderti'uqlon;oM�ncovet�getoproteqLtnderkrighieln�AeProp�RylnACCOtdancowlthpmmg�ph7� <br /> — AU Insur.nco po�icks4nd renowal�a1u11 bo nsceQiabio�u Lender aM ehall Inc� do q siuidafA matgoga ciause, l.ender <br /> di2lllliY01I101I$IIIIOIIOIAIAOrOIICIqPIf(Ifi11CN'8I9. IILCMIGI�CI�UIf�1�BOilOWC►6Kxllrrom�tiyglre{ol.endsrallrxeiq� <br /> ' ptpald preminmy ond rc�tiwTl natlaa. In IAe crcnt o!los�,Rortowcr sUali g(vo proti�pt noilce w�fi insuranco csrtier nnd <br /> l.snder. Lcnder may makC proof of 1o5a lf not mado promptly by Borrower, <br /> Unlese Lender anJ Bortower ahenvisa ogreo in ivddng,iiisurnnca proceed�shail lu applied ro rcsroraifon ot rcpal�of <br /> °"" � ' tho P(operiy dunaged, if ihe resloretlon or rtpaIr is cwnomiwily feaslbie and l.�ndcr5 sccurity Is not IessencA. If the <br /> rcstorethm or'«pair b r.d ewnpmkaily'feasible or(.endetN secudry.wouid bc IusenrA,the inxuranco proatAs shall bo c - f _ _ <br /> applied lo�he eume securcd by �hls Seeudty Instrumem,wheiher or not then due,with nny exttu pald Io Botro�vcr. If <br /> Oortox•er abandone�ho Propcny, or daes no�nnswcr widdn 30 days u natice from Lcnder�hm�ho Insumnco cxrrler ha+ <br /> offcrul ro seltlo a claim,lhcn I.cndcr may collea�ho insmm�co procccde. Lender may uso Ihe proaeds eo re�air or rosloro <br /> — tl�a Ptopctty or�o pay sumr suurcd by thls Secnriry Insimmem,�vhe�her or not Ihcn dna 71io 30�1ay p:dod�v 11 begin«•hen �� <br /> — �Ao noilm is givcn. <br /> �- = Unicss Lender nnd Oortovrcr otLerwisc agrw in wdtlng,any appIlcn�lon of pmcecds io pdncipnl shnll not extend or — <br /> postpono tha duo datc of tho monihiy paymems rokrrcd�o In parngmphs 1 and 2 or chnngo iho nmo�m�of the paymenle. (f <br /> nnder pamgraph 21 the {kop.�ty La acqvind by Lender,QorrowerS right w nny insur,mw pollclea nnd procecds resulflng <br /> from damogc ro iho 1'ropc�ty priar to the ax�qafsiiton shall pass a Lcndcr ro iLo cxiem oi ihc sums secnred by�hie Saudty <br /> fnslrumentimn:edlatelyFriorroHiea uisitim. <br /> 6. Oces:;yarrsr, �re��aihaa�BaSUa�ace nnd Profcclion of the Property� Rorrosrcr'B l.onn Appllcationl <br /> 4easeholdx Ba+ro�ser shall acupy,establi�6,and use the Propeny as Dnrrowerk principal rtsldenca within sixiy Anya eRer <br />.... _ ...� �exewtion of this Securiq Insaumrn� �ad stu11 rortinu��u�ccupy B•e I4opert ee liortowerS prineipal rcsFM.nco Por m __ <br /> �...---..._. <br />��-- -- -- teast one year nfter the date of occup�ncy, unless Randwr u.lenviac agrces n writing, which conseu s�aA no1 be <br /> nnreasonably withheld,or ualess ex�enuating circumsnmrs exis�which nro beyond Dorrower�conuol. Hofmv�er shall not <br /> _—�;;-,� dcsiroy,damage or Impair ihe Propzny,allpw�hc Propeny w dc�edomte,or commit was�c on tGa Nqxny. Uorto�ver shall <br /> --- be In Aefnult if eny forfeituro aciion or prcw�aling,whether civil or criminal.Is begun�hat in LenQecl good fni�h judgmem �� <br />. =- could msult in foNeimre of the Ropzrcg ar aherwise maledally impair �he lien rnated by tlus Secud�y (nsuument or <br /> =��_^� landerS securiry imercsl. portower may�a�rc such n defuuli nnd relnsia�e,m provided In p�regrnph IA,by causing�he ectlon _�. <br /> � or proceeding�o bo dismisud with a ruling�hai,in LendcrS good faf�h delemilnufon,prccludes fcrfellmro of ihe OortowerS �_ <br /> -__ inrercst In the Roperty or other material impaGmem of ihe lien created by this Secud�y Instrument or Lender�sewri�y �'�„a�-=���- <br />-p,.;��� Intercsl. 6ortower shnll also tx in dafautt if Dorto�ver, dudng �he loan npplicaqon process, gave matedally Polse ur �.��,es� <br /> _"'�� � inaccurete infommiion or s�alen:ame to Lendar(or tnilcd to provide Lcnder wllh xny macerial infortna�fon)in connec�lon w6h — <br /> �' ,,.. ihe loan evidenced by the Note, InchiAing, 6m not limi�ed w, rcprcsenta�ions rnneeming Uonowetb occupancy of the _.,._.�.. . <br /> :r Ropcny av o principalrxsiAerae. If this Sewrity Inswmenl is un n I�uYhaA,Dortmver shall comply wi�h nll�he provislons _ <br /> �'' et�h^_Ic_^_. ![Der.o�:a•,�:^.,vc•&^ti!Ic ie ih^Pre�n., �F���,�nn�i���..n��(���n�t shall rzet nrrge unlc<_<��R_�cr e�•••�� - -._.— .. -. <br /> �+ io�hc mcrgcr in wri�ing. �... _ _..,.. e.-_ �t „ -. <br /> ` '{ -� 7. Protectfon of Y.ender's Rlghls In lhe PropeNy. If Bom�aer faits �o prrfomi �he covenams nnd ngrecnxms y , <br /> �F-' contnined in ihis Secur(ty ln+m�mem, or therc is n Iegnl pracceding tfi� mny sigmficamly atk.t Lendtrl righu in �he �����,+ • <br /> ?..s%!'� Propcny(such n<A procecAing in bankmpuy,probmc,for condemnndon or forfci�un or m enforcc Inxs or rcg�dal�onx),�hen a ��'T�.�✓ +.•- <br /> - ;� Lcnder mny do and pay fm�vhn�evcr Is nececs:uy �o pmtec��hc value of�he Ropeny and Lcndert righ�a In Ote Propehy. '�1t���}�`� � "' <br /> � - I.enderl ne�ione mny include paying any xnms securcd by a licn which ha.priorily m�er�his Securiiy Insuumem,appearing S � ,{ ���'� <br /> f �-' undcr Iii P1irasre h 7 Lmdttdocs noi hnvc o do�su��s�n�he Propcny�o makc r.pairs. Ahhough Lcndcr may takc nction �"1.+ ��;,'��,;:_ <br /> -.i -t P• F C � :. ,�P a .o .. <br /> � -,. Any nmonms disbuned by Lender under�his p�mgraph 7 shall F.come nddiiional de6�of Oonower secnrcd 6y this ��(,.�+4! <br /> � Secud�y Ins�mmcm. Unlcu Oartower nnd LenJcr ngrcc�o othcr icmu of pay�menL thcx mnounts shall Mar imercx�fmm�he . .,-;5�.. �'_�" <br /> �'` ''���;' dale of disbursemcnl m �he No�c mre anJ +hall bc poyabte,wii6 intcros�,upnn noiice from l.ender to 6orrowcr reynesiinS �-.•�;^�.'•�--sf���;(: _ <br /> ��-, "O paymeN. .;�'ir..�_.;�:.. <br /> '.,It`il."+ -..:iA., ... <br /> 8. Morigage Insurance. If Lender rcyuired mongage insnrance ex a conditinn of making the Innn seaued by�his :_,{:,�, ;�;;yj�:'s�`_. <br /> t �,: Sccurily Insuumcn4 6orrorvcr.h:J1 pay �hc prcmiuna nquircJ lo maiNain�hc mong:�gc insunnrt in cffecl. I!, for nny _j5�yy,a � 1 ; <br /> _-„ rcason, �hc mnngngc inxurancc cov.r�gc requind by Lender Inpsrx ur maces �o ix in e(fen. Unrmwer shall p.ry the - � ' <br /> E��- Ptcm(ums rcquircA �o o6lain covcmgc .uh<iamially Cquivaicnl In Ihc mungagc inaumnce in cffccl, nl o cosl )����;i l i�l'4n.,�. <br /> s°� subslnnliaily a�ufvnlcel In Ihc ros�lo ffnrro�ccr af Ihc motlgugc insumncc pre�iumly in c(fttl,from an nllcm:uc motlgagc 4a`��)!�� 7�ff�j�'��2T.� <br /> . .� Lcnder caclrom nl��m��Mry:d�m�onc•Iwel(�lyuf Ihc�ycnrly uu nF�.�inwrancc prF nimu�M1ciuglpaid M1y�6orrower�vl cnihe `�'�ikA�y �t F�,S�xv`.;�.. <br /> �°%: % Insurnnce covera e la sed oreeauJ�o lu in e(k��. Lender will acn i,me anJ rc�:�in�heae a n loss rcxerve in lieu °'i?����'"��-�!� "'- <br />_ .. f P P P'Y - �' ��ia:i,- <br />�'",',��`(::p'_, of mongage in�u�ance. Losx re+erve p�yiurn�a may no lunger be rcyuireJ,ai �he opiion of Lender,if mongage insurance ",,+„'-.i�?-::���."=. <br /> v,G <br /> - coverage tin the�moum and for ihe period dia�Lender rcquircx)prneided hy:m imurer apprared 6y I.ender again 6ccomec �•:ra;•-�;-.-x; <br /> ..�:r.-"" m�ailaMt ond is oMained.6ormwcr xhall pay Ihc prcinium+tryuircd m maintain mongage in.urvue in lo providc n �.,�,��..--,1�V�::=;:,:: <br /> "-..'` locc rcserve.umil ihe mquinmrm(or mongage inwrancr end�in anordance n iih anp«riucn agrcemem ben��een Uorro���er '. y� j �,.+.,`- �+� <br /> n F-t" _� 1`�� . . .; <br /> ,. ar.dLcnJerorapplicablelaw. �. � ' � �. -�., <br /> 9. Inspecfion. I.enJcr nr in agent m:rc makc rr.i<miaht.enlric>upnn anJ inyx.�ion,of�he Ikopeny. Lender.h:dl �f;'£��': <br /> . `.',. givcUorrowcrnolicc.11hclimrnforp�inr:nanin.pcclion.�ri(yinEma.omblcrauufi�r�hcin,,r:�inn. ..�. ' "���Pi�:n, <br /> -��'-�.;��>.::, 10. Condemnnllon. 'Ihr pru�r.d,ni aa��awarJ nr rlaim for d:nnagc..dirccl ar cnnncc�imi uilh an�� ,,.�u.��.5'.�i:�i;:::.Yi <br /> '..,11.r.._: ._ (P�Yar ..S � <br /> , �� ���r„mc,..��.�„�. 9.w ,�,..r..�„n,.�.� 2�,�`S���tit��}�q''. <br /> - ' "i:: Sin•IrF�md Fannit\tar'i}eddie\IacCSIPONNI\tifRf\6:\'1. :r:;:;,).5 f�1 �.. . <br />� ... t'aa�tv..r..r<.nw.r.. ■ .,t.��.,•)yd.f,�i'i�i�';.: <br /> . Ta�N�UlIF�oS'A930CFAll16IBI.IIl1 }�{�'��.F�NS���� ,:'J:. <br /> '._I1,:1.S:l'!_ <br /> - .i,plf'.. .:e�.,�?.' <br /> 1 � � l . <br /> � )t` .iG. <br /> u� — . ':2:: ���- ,._""' " ',4T.r:�.:rn n nc.�!Gr�r. v.- .- -�.-+�rt_'" . . . <br /> ptitt . . . . , - . J.� . . � . . ' <br /> Pr`Hlf��! .,� ' _ . _,. . - - . . - -� . - . - � � � .� . . � <br /> .. . . _ .�.-.- : ._ "�. <br /> �t6y.._. .;. - . . . .. <br /> q r�y) r _ . __ ._ - ..-__ . — _—r— —_ — -. . <br /> ` <x� �.15i+� . . . . + _ . _ . • . . - <br /> . �,y"1 1_. .� . ' - . .. ' � - . <br /> ..'- . .. �. ..'. (`. ; � . . . . <br /> '. � �..',! d�. .. _ . . ' � . .. . " "� _ ' .. ..� . .. . <br /> � <br /> - f � _., �' - .. --. . . .. .. • � . ... .� . � . . .. . . . <br /> . , . <br /> .: .. � . .." . ... . . ,_ .. r <br /> . .f � n .. - . � .. . .. .. . - ... <br />. .S.� - . .�� � . . - . . . . . . . . <br /> i }i � " � • . - u .� � • <br /> `.� . . . .. . � .. . � � . ' _ � , <br /> 3 � _ � �� • y . . <br /> t, l <br /> ty� , , -. . ,_, <br /> ,. . � ;< ` , <br /> .. �: _ - .:� <br /> � j � . <br /> ! ., � <br /> -..t� ' . . ." ' S _ . :.- - � . ...: . - il . ��.--��. . ... . ..�,__�_ _ - .�. •,.. . . <br />