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;� .-t_- . . .. �_ . _ . � .�� .. - <br /> �� ' .�: rlf9il--- - i tso�r++�!!+..�..�.!.�..r.,...a.=..-�-=ac- -- _ --- --- ... <br /> . . ' • . _- `l4 _ _ ... . _. . <br /> � ..r._ <br /> . - . . .. /� .�i�.�-�f t��I.�/�' !l� <br /> . . . • :IMN~,�V.VM'a . <br /> . TWtl7NL'R WITN�I thp Improvementf now a�eruilter eraud on ihe propeny,�tcd 611 aumaiH,appun.nonca, <br /> � uW Oxrora now or heraRer p pu[of tho property. All ttpiccementa wnd addittoo;shall also bo covercA Ey thl�Security - — <br /> InsfNmem. AIIofUwtoregoinifettkrred�olnthlsSedudrytnswmentavtho"Propeny." � <br /> BORROW(iR COVIiNAM'9 the�BoROwcr le IawPoliy selud ot tha es�ato hcrcEy cnrrveyeA and Aas Uw right lo grent ' — <br /> and eomcy tlw Promny md ih��iho Propeny Is unencumbcrcd,exapt Por encumbranccs of recard. Qorrowet wuw�p pnd <br /> will defcnd generrJfy�h0 ttAo to�he Propeny egainst eil clsim�end dunand�,subjtct w nny encumbrencea of recocd. <br /> TFIt9 SECURI'�!X ITI�STAUM[3NT wmbinw uNfonn covenants (or na�Ion�l uso and non•unifo�� covcnunw wi�h � <br /> _..� <br /> Ilmitul vuloqone by Judsdiction�o wnsOtme a unifomi slwdty Inswment wredng rcal property. — <br /> UNIFORM COVBNA{J7'9. Sortower aM Lendu corenm�and agrto m tollowe: -- - ---�� <br /> .. _ <br /> 1. Paymenl ot Princip�l and Intercat�Ptt�i�ymtnt�nd L�It CAarga. Borcower chall promgtly p:y when due�he <br /> pdncipa1 ot end Interul on the debt evidenced by tho Noto and eny prepayment nnd lece chargw duo under tho Noto. <br /> 2. FUod�for7Yxea�ndlmuance. SubJcet�oappIlcablelnworeoawdttenwaiverbyLendetBortowershallpayto _ <br /> l.cnAer on�he day momhly paymema aro duo undcr�ho Noto,until tho Noio le pnid In fuil,a eum("Mnda")for.(e)yearly � <br /> texea N�d asursmrna which mey ettain pdodly over this Secuflty Ins�mment as n Iicn on Iha Propeny;(b)yearly leaufiold <br /> --- paymenls or ground rcnla on t�o Propeny, i(eny;(a) yenrly b.azard or property insumnce prcmlums; (d) eazty tlaod <br /> ___ <br /> insumnco premium�, If eny; (e) ycariy mongago insumnw pcemJnau,if any;end(q nny sume payabto by om�wer v� '- -- - <br /> —._� Lender,in eccordanw wNh�ho provisione ot paragreph 8,in liem of tlu:payuum of mortgego Insumnw pmmivmx 'f6r^..,e �_ <br />�:___ iteme aru called'[iscrow[tems." Lender may,et nny timo,coIIett end GdQ F4mJs in an emount not to exc�d tTa mati�:sem <br /> wmount n Iender for a fodemlly rciaied mongngo loan may nqvin;fa So.-iover5 escrow eccount unS:r d�fedeml Real <br /> -=—° Rs�ale Setllcmem 1'rocednrcs Act ot 1974 as emended from tia+�to Hmc,@ US.C.6 2601 e�.v:q.('R&SPA'),unles.+enoihcr <br />-"��""' law�hat applles to Ihe Nnds sets a Irser amount. If co,Lcr.r.'r.r enay,at any time,colla�arrl Ea[d Fw:ct;ie en emount na to <br />�_"-'�� exoxd tho Icsser emount.✓L:c may cstienate the amonr.t of I'�nds duc on tho buis of cvirec�da�a and reasonablc __ <br /> ' esflmates of expcnditurcs of fu!a�r Fsc�uv�I!�ro a e�F.erwlso in eccordanee wl�h appIicnb±:lxw, _ _...- _ - <br /> `Ti�`,� 'Iha Ivnds shall bo held in an ia.viroX�,on e�P.�;:deposlls erc InsureJ by e federei ngrncy,ireuumenudUy,or cnt(ty . <br /> -'°°"�� (Including Lender,if Lender is such an inrtin:;ia�l o:in nny Pederel Homo Lwn 6enk. Ler.3:r shall appty�Le FLnd�to pay ��� <br />��.����'z{ Iho[iscrow Ilems Lender ma �ch e Bo:eu�er fw hcSJin end a I n ihe Punds,asnuall nnal zm �he escrow <br />;!"_ .J�� � Y yB B PP N 8 Y Y� S <br />.�-.,.,:� it eccovr.,or vedfying tAe L>scrow I:rms, unless Len'zr Fuys Bortower �nterest on tho Funds and epplicable law peaniu ��.'��s�"� <br /> o-_'=5�*� I.end;r eo make suc1�a cherge. Ho�vever,Ler.der m�y n�::irc Bortower to pay a one•timo charge for an independen�r�.�l <br />�"""-�' �r esteto laa re ni s:rvice used b Lcnder in m.a:crion with thix loan,unlcss n Ilcablc Inw rovides o:F.:�wisc. Unlrss an t�q:,.e <br />';•�s_a�. P� RR Y PP P �`` -f. <br />°''�';�t- egrcement is mada or npplicable law rcquires irtemsno bo paid,I.cnder shnll not ho rcquircd io pay parowtK eny intemst or —=_�. <br /> '- .s�' carnings on the Punds. Bortowcr end Lendcr may agrec in writing,howevcr,�ha�(ntcrest ahell bc pald on oha f�nds. Lcnder 1['+.�_�:.=� <br /> ,'T., shall give m Oortowcr,�vfthow chargc,an nnnual naouming af�hc I�nds,showing crcdiis and dcbits to ihc I�nds end thc h --- �; <br /> t'!+ �l puryose for which each debit to the F'unds wm made. 7Le I�nds aro piedged as ndditional secudty tor oll sums secumd by �}^__ <br /> thisSecud� Insuumem. � <br /> r- .; Y r ��u=`— <br />..._,�;,,. , If the I�nAs held 6y Lender exceed �he nmounts permiucd to be held by upplicable Inw, Lender shnll eccounl to ��1i.. <br /> v �.'� Burtuwci(ui Ihe czipo Fmidi in n�iuldniiii:i�iih tim Pujukcni2idi 4(uyNii�6Glu law. 1(ihc n�i0uli oi ihc R�nSi Ycld by -: . '. .' . . <br /> ��s -tiV.� Lender ni eny Ume le nol sufliclent�o pay the Gscrow I�ems when due,Lender mry so notify 6ortower in wd�ing,and,in �pi� --. <br /> � + such cnxe Dortower shall pay Io Lender the nmomm�ecessnry �o make up the deficicncy. Bortower shall make up �he ;;�',��: ---- <br /> '�Ff�� delieiency(n no moro�han Iwelve momhly pnyments,et 4endert sole discrc�lon. �='; <br /> J�'-r��3 Upon paymenl In(ull of ull sums securcd by thl:Secnriry Insirumem, Lender ahall promp�ly rcPonJ lo ESOrtower eny Y ��- '��°_�- <br />,_,���'`}?r, I+unds held hy LenAec IL under paregmph 21,I.ender shnll ncquiro or sell �he Roperly,Lender,priar io�he acqulsition or i_t't�jCy"_�:�. <br /> �6+istt'_ salo of the Prop.ny,shall npply nny 1'unds hcld by Lender nt�he timo o(ncqaisiqon or sale ns n credh ngalnsl�he aums � �c � ._� <br /> ��'�l4 securedby�hisSecuri�ylnstrument. .� ,--_ : �/s;�_=. <br /> ���'r=�'��{` �• �DP�����on ot Pnymenfs. Unless npplicable Imv provides o�hernise, ull pnymenis received by Lender under ��[� •�•�J.±f <br /> r ��s- - [.I-- <br /> �+}�' p�S�P��S 1 nnd 2 shnll be npplied:�rs6�o any�mpayment chvgex due under�he No�e;second,to nmounts payeble under - �yi��h�fr -S <br /> -.(y�,:` paregmph 2:�hird,to interes�due;foun6,�o princ pal due;and lac6�o ony la�c charges due under�he Note. ;-- ,;_ i . � <br /> �-• 4. Chnrges; I.Ic�ts. Fiortower shnli pay nll mxes, assessmems, charges, fines end imposilions euribmeble lo �he _ ;� <br /> "�- ^ Ropeny which muy uunin priori�y over this Secnri�y Inswmen4 nnd Ieaceiwld paymems or ground rcnis,If eny. 6ottower -+��• ,�'���P"'"��`.�- <br /> shell a lhesc obll a�ions In�hc manncr mvided in aro m h 2,or if not a�d in�ha�manner,Uortowcr shall a them on � '-1 �' "' �-�'��� <br /> ?'�,:.t,: P Y. 8 P P' S N P � P Y , �.,.-.��:'.F,;�' <br /> - ; time directly�o�he person owed payment. Oortowershull pramptly fumish w Lender all notices of nmounts io be paid under .. ��• " <br />. M1y : � P S P • P Y Y. P P Y P 6 � .` `,`,4S • <br /> � this am ra h If Uortower makes�hese a menis directl Oortawer shall rom �I fumish�o Lender recel Is evidencin r ''- <br /> . �t..d. thc payments. ` �: 5 ,�' . <br /> � - r�� Oormwer shall promptly discharge nny licn which has priurity u�er 16i+S�curily Lutrntucul unles�6unuwer.(x)ugmea , <br /> t �,;; in writlng to the paymenl of�he obiiga�ion securcd 6y ihe lien in a manner occep�able�o Lender,(b)comesis In good lalth the ��,�°� r„ :-:- <br /> /�.��c�-, lien hy,or defends ngainst enforcement of the lien in.legul procmdings which in�he Lendert opinian opemte m prerent the � ;_s� , <br /> >�ff���. enlorcement of the licn;or(c)securcs Gom the holder uf�he lien nn ngreeinem smis(acmry io Lender subordina�ing�I�e tien '�"s'+,f <br /> ti y ,� lo lhis Security InswmeN. If Lendcr dcicnnincs�ha�any pan of lhe Propeny ic subjert�o o licn which may nUnin priorily -_ -tr��` i� <br /> . +et�tS�•sE ovu lhis Security Inswmen6 Lender mny give 6oRO�rer a notice idemifying th.c lien. Bortm��cr shall sa�isfy the lien or�eke �j �` <br /> }-�;�. ane or morc of Ihc actions sel fonh nlwee within 10 days of�he giving of no�ic.. - �,Y��}�,t ��' <br /> + � S. Hnmrd or Properly Insurmice. 6nnmver shall kccp�he improrcmrms now rxiuing on c�rcaftcr crec�ed on�hc _ y,;' <br /> � Propeny insured egnins�loss by fira ha�ards ir.Nndrd wi�hin ihe tenn'extended cm�erage'and any o�her h.v�rds,inclnding - <br /> 17oods or Oooding, for�vhich Lender rcquirex inxutatrce. 'ihic insurance shall be maimained in Ihe amounls nnd (or Ihe - <br /> -c�,Y� fbrmlOtB 9/90 lMF�Sn/6M[n/ _. . . � .. <br /> .;_., {,:' . <br />. <ir,.'. �:i�°�;�:1•7! . <br /> � �� .�_ "__ . r.-. '"". ___ . <br /> -,�.: r,-� .�c .':.- -r . ,_, . � ; - . .:.. yrl �- _ rr -, ._ .,�r�'�Vt{�sSri'�'}'�,�./1° _ _� - �<' -.��-- },. <br /> ix - � . : . .�.. . . f <br /> <<:, ..: � . ,, ,� il <br /> .� ,_ <br /> - v .,7 - _ . . . . , 1. <br /> �_�� t : . , . ?fr'.,= :ti .�, <br /> -`- - _ - - - . , <br /> _ - -- --- - � <br /> . ---._ ,. -- •- '.,— _-- <br /> � -- . . � - - - <br /> ' . ;r . ' . . " , . - - . . . ..: . . . 1:'.. .; . _ . <br /> .. - � . . : .. .. - . . . _ . . n_- . - - . <br /> :-��'� - .., r� ,,t ' � . - � _ , � _ �' - . ' . . - . <br /> r . . - :.. . _ . <br /> �.. ... . , . _ <br /> .• <br /> � . ._ . .. ' : .. _ <br /> .. � ., u tt'_ r _ ' ' ' � <br /> 5. � <br /> . _ <br /> . ,d -.; :.: - _. . ,_ - . . . ' _ _. . - <br /> . . .. i - . . . .,..�. i ..-_ _�_ _.__' . .___ - _. . __ .. _. _ ._ . <br />